Chapter 655
I don't know if it was a deliberate arrangement by ESPN, or if Van Gundy and Jackson had an unintentional quarrel. Anyway, for a period of time, Mike Brin, who was also a member of the commentary, didn't even have a chance to speak.

Fortunately, after the pad performance and the opening ceremony, the G1 race was about to start, and Mike Breen finally seized the opportunity to say: "Okay, let's enter the game time."

The two Chinese superstars who entered the arena without any greetings stood in the middle circle, where they will make this significant jump ball.

The on-duty referee is still Dan Crawford. Generally speaking, apart from admiring D. Wade, the winning rate of all Heat games he whistled for was over 70%. In other respects, Crawford It's fairly fair.

Although in G3 with the Cavaliers, he caused a lot of trouble for the Hawks in the opening stage, but the scale returned to normal after all.

Not every Crawford is bald, not every Crawford's full name is Joseph Joy Crawford, so no matter how Dayao and Erniu laugh, they shouldn't be directly blown sent off.

The basketball was thrown high, and two strong men took off one after another. Dan Crawford in the middle subconsciously shrank back to prevent being caught in the meat by the giant man of the Celestial Dynasty.

Yao Ming actually dialed the ball first. Er Niu's jumping ability was far higher than that of Yao, but the latter still took the ball to the position of the Rockets by virtue of his height advantage.

Artest took the basketball and handed the ball to Brooks. Brooks immediately dribbled the ball forward. Bibby was slow.

Xiao Heidou rushed to the inside without stopping, as if directly attacking the basket, Ruan Erniu jumped up from behind, and slapped the ball on the backboard.

Scola slapped the bounced rebound to the high position before the eclipse, Yao Ming received the basketball at 19 feet, and then made a mid-range shot without hesitation.



The Rockets hit the first ball after the opening.

Bibby dribbled the ball across the half court and passed the ball to Jon Jonson. Facing Artest's defense, Jon Jonson didn't choose to force a shot. He hit the ground and passed the ball to the second bull.

Ruan Erniu held the ball with his back, took a step back, and passed the ball to Salmons in the bottom corner. Salmon made a fake shot and broke through Battier's defense along the bottom line.

Scola made up the defense in time, and Salmons also did not choose to force it, but returned the ball to Ruan Erniu, who was in a high position.

Catch, kneel, pull up, shoot!

The iconic mid-range straight-arm jumper, Er Niu also hit the first goal for the Eagles.

The home fans immediately cheered, which is the usual attacking rhythm.

In the Rockets' offensive round, Dayao made another 17-foot mid-range shot and hit it!
On the offensive end of the Eagles, Er Niu Niujiao's planar basket was pulled out and hit again!

The leaders of the two sides clashed from the beginning of the game, which undoubtedly made the first game of the NBA Finals boil in an instant.

The audience watched happily, and Er Niu's psychology was really a bit contradictory.

The "anti-aircraft gun" Yao Ming in front of him was "created" because of his own proposal...

Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?

Since the Imperial Capital Olympic Games, Dayao has listened to Er Niu's advice and actively negotiated with the team, wanting to lose weight, change his style of play, and prolong his professional life.

Yao Ming originally thought this was a selfish approach. After all, this objectively weakened the Rockets' low-post attacking ability and might damage the Rockets' immediate combat power.

What he didn't expect was that from the top to the bottom of the Rockets, no one raised objections.

At the beginning, everyone was not used to Yao's shooting from high positions, and Yao Ming's shooting percentage and offensive efficiency were indeed not as good as last season.

But gradually, when Yao Ming's mid-range shooting percentage continued to increase, the Rockets became accustomed to the big center pulling the inside line, allowing Scola, Landry and other power forwards to attack with the ball in the low post. When the high position is restrained and the Rockets guard gets more opportunities to hit the basket, the Rockets' situation suddenly comes alive.

Especially after Tracy McGrady announced that he would be reimbursed due to injury and had the surgery directly without discussing with the management.

On the surface, the Rockets lost a general, but their offensive efficiency has actually improved.

Because Yao Ming took over the right to shoot McGrady, and Brooks was liberated in advance, and obtained the right to shoot almost like a giant.

Even more fortunately, after the Rockets entered the playoffs, Brooks faced point guards who were not good at defending speed point guards, and he immediately revitalized the Rockets' overall offense.

Time, fate, luck!

The championship does require a little luck.

The head coach of the Celtics, Doug Rivers, is actually not completely unreasonable. If the Celtics hadn't been entangled for too long in the first two rounds last year, they would have consumed too much energy.

They will not be taken away by the young Eagles so easily in the Eastern Conference Finals last season.

If you think about it, this year's Rockets are not like this. They encountered a young and inexperienced Blazers in the first round, and the result was 4:1 to teach their opponents to be human.

In the second round, the Lakers met the Lakers, but the opponent was full of aristocratic temperament. They didn't pay attention to the opponents like Texas Xiaoqiang at all. As a result, they were dragged to the tiebreaker, and the Lakers made continuous mistakes. Finally, they were decided by the Rockets. Kill out.

The Nuggets met in the Western Conference Finals, but they were restrained by the Houstonians in various ways. Therefore, the Rockets reached the Finals after 14 years.

Fate, this kind of thing, is really elusive.

Strictly speaking, the two fifth positions on the field are indeed the best inside players in the league, because they have solid basketball skills-shooting.

Why do Americans always say that the traditional center has declined?
It's very simple, because the current big center can't shoot!
Think about it carefully, of the four major centers, apart from O'Neal, which of the other three has a bad shot?

While the Sharks established the Lakers dynasty, they also ruined the atmosphere, making people think that super centers can eat with their bodies alone, and shooting seems to be dispensable.

Of course, O'Neill said that he can't carry this pot, because this is a loophole in the training system of the United States, not his problem alone, and his own back-up skills are also the top in history.

Shooting is something that you can never stop practicing. You must continue to work hard to succeed.

Look at spark, that's the best counterexample.

Why is he so criticized?
In the end, it's fine if you can't practice with your back up, but if you can't shoot, his decline period is just a matter of time.

At this point, O'Neill was not spared, let alone sparks.

The general audience will only see Ruan Erniu abusing the basket in various ways in the highlights, or occasionally hitting a fatal three-pointer from the top arc.

But he forgot that most of the time, he will solve the battle with a stable and efficient mid-range shot in the middle distance.

In fact, most of the All-Star insiders do this. Barkley's big P stock has opened up space, but it doesn't mean that he has to rush to cut down every time to complete dunks. "Rain Man" dunks again. Cruel, his main scoring method is still the CIC.

Insiders should learn to shoot. Whether it is the increasingly fast offensive and defensive rhythm or the widespread use of zone defenses, they are forcing the insiders to shoot as many shots as possible.

Don't want to practice shooting?

Unless you are Shaquille O'Neal who can stay in his prime forever, even if you are as strong as Howard, you will be eliminated by the times sooner or later.

(Spark after a few years: There were countless opportunities in front of me, but I didn't cherish them. If God can give me another chance, I just want to say four words-'Practice shooting well'!)

In the first quarter of the game, the two sides scored 28:29, and the Hawks only won by one point. It can be said that the two sides were just a draw.

This exceeded the expectations of many experts before the game. Simply put, the Rockets were underestimated!

 I hope that Sparks can develop a stable mid-range shot in the rest of his basketball career, and is willing to do pick-and-rolls with people to hit me in the face.

  To be honest, the man who only changed James back then was still very sentimental, the more black he got, you know!

(End of this chapter)

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