Chapter 656
Looking back at the first quarter, Er Niu and Dayao's mutual rivalry must be the biggest attraction.

But in the corner where no one pays attention, the battle of wits between Jiong Jisen, Salmon, Artest and Battier is also an existence that cannot be ignored.

Artest deserves to be the top swingman killer. Under his care, Jon Jonson made 4 of 1 shots and 2 of 1 free throws in the first quarter. He only scored 3 points, 1 rebound, and 4 assists.

On the one hand, Jon Jonson's own desire to attack is not strong enough. On the other hand, it is enough to show Artest's aggressiveness on the defensive end. After all, he is the man who broke Jordan's ribs and caused the Auburn Hills Palace incident.

The Rockets guarded Jon Jisen, but let a salmon slip away.

Sean Battier's defense ability is definitely the top in the league. Anyway, all kinds of timely replacements and offensive fouls caused by opponents, "Batman" (Battier's nickname, and another nickname is the president) is worthy of the Rockets The perimeter defensive tandem.

But on the other hand, Battier's single defense ability is actually overestimated.

When facing the league's top points or small forwards, Battier's eye-blocking defense is actually limited.

Don't say anything about preventing opponents from killing, the top scorers in the league cannot be completely prevented from dying.

Even so, Battier also failed to reach the so-called effective limit the opponent's efficiency.

Just looking at the seven games between the Lakers and the Rockets, Artest's defensive efficiency against Kobe alone is much higher than that of Battier. However, what impressed people the most was the scene of Battier's bloody battlefield.

In contrast, under the overall offensive system of the Hawks, Salmons' offensive ability is actually underestimated!

Salmon's average of 12+ points per game is not low, but his shooting percentage of more than 50% can still show that his offensive ability has been suppressed to a certain extent.

If you go to a weak team with more shots, Salmons' average points per game can definitely exceed 15+, or even more.

But in Atlanta, his offensive options are often ranked behind Ruan Erniu and Jon Jonson, just on par with Eclipse and Bibby.

In the first quarter, Salmons made 4 of 3 shots, including 3 of 2 three-pointers. He scored 8 points and 2 rebounds.

The three-point fish in the convulsive state is so unstoppable.

However, the Rockets are not without someone standing up. The Argentine dance king, Luis Scala, is in the low position.

Coupled with the fact that Brooks continued to take advantage of the speed at the No. 1 position to beat Bibby, the Rockets were only [-] point behind the home team in the first quarter. It was by no means a coincidence or a fluke.

Ruan Erniu was on the bench, and before Woodson could speak, he said first: "We must speed up, don't fight the Rockets, it's too dangerous, think about the Lakers, how did they get killed?

We need to strengthen the speed of offensive and defensive transitions. The opponent still has an advantage in positional warfare, but as long as we run, they will definitely not be able to keep up with our speed. "

After Er Niu finished speaking, Woodson knelt down and said to the Eagles generals: "Do as Kraft wants, don't forget to defend.

Remember, this is the finals, every game is a life-and-death battle, don't have any slack and lack of concentration, if anyone doesn't want to play, I will immediately let him sit on the bench for the whole game. "

This is a stage for the whole world, and no one wants to sit on the bench and think about life.

The second quarter started soon, with Jon Jonsen starting the game, while Er Niu got a short rest off the court.

Woodson's coaching philosophy is to be super giant in key games, so the rest time for the two bulls will not be too long.

As for the Rockets, Artest, who had almost no rest in the first quarter, also continued to play. Compared with the dead players, Rick Adelman, the great dictator, certainly would not lose to others.

Yes, Adelman's nickname was Hitler.

Regarding this nickname, there are good fans of China who have made a comparison chart. Not to mention, the young Adelman really has the accent of a head of state.

However, there is also another saying that it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity from the false.

The story also starts with the 02 battle between the Kings and the Lakers. Facing Rick Adelman, then the head coach of the Kings, in the case of 2:3 behind, the then Lakers head coach Phil Jackson roared angrily: "What kind of kings are they, they are queens, that Hitler (referring to Adelman) can only blitz!"

Well, whether the story is true or not, anyway, the name of the head of state has become one of Adelman's pronouns.

Does Princeton count as a blitz?

This is not important. What is important is that the Kings, who performed the ball pass and cut to the extreme, did have a profound impact on the subsequent NBA.

This influence did not gradually fade until the emergence of "running and bombing".

The Eagles still failed to speed up in the second quarter. They struggled with the Rockets to wear down their positions, and they continued to consume physical energy in the muscle strangulation.

It should be pointed out that the Eagles who rested for a few more days not only have no advantage in physical performance, but may also be affected by the long rest time.

"Kafe, get on the field!"

Woodson didn't talk nonsense, just closed the door, and released Er Niu, a big killer.

When the situation cannot be opened, it is natural to play the strongest trump card.

But Woodson's rotation is also very targeted, not a constant existence, because he did not use Bibby.

When Aaron Brooks was on the court, Woodson used Dragic, who was not slow, more often, and when Kyle Lowry was on the court, the egg head put Mike Bibby more on the court.

This defensive strategy is also the result of discussions between Er Niu and the coaching staff.

Brooks, whose historical status has been promoted, has brought the attention of the Eagles. After Bibby suffered a serious injury, his speed has not been as good as before. Ji Qi, fight fast.

Dragic is extremely lucky. As a second-round pick, he was able to enter the finals in his rookie season and become the first substitute in the team's No. [-] position, facing the opponent's main point guard. As far as it is concerned, it is both a test and an opportunity.

As long as he can complete the task well, then his road to superstar is likely to start here.

As soon as Ruan Erniu came on the field, he met the veteran Dikembe Mutombo.

The true age of "African Mountain" is difficult to verify, but the four-time best defensive player has indeed reached the twilight years of his career.

Er Niu, who held the ball in a high position, did not hesitate, and passed Uncle Mu with one acceleration.

The bird Landry came over from the flank, trying to make up for it...


Ruan Erniu jumped up and completed a two-handed dunk across Landry, directly knocking the divine bird into a stupid bird.

In fact, even if he can super-evolve into Angry Birds, it's useless, because the ownership of this game is now under the name of Erniu's company.


Dan Crawford's whistle was late, but he still blew an extra penalty.


It's a pity that Er Niu, who was too excited, missed this free throw, but the momentum of the Eagles has already risen.

On the offensive end of the Rockets, Brooks missed a shot under the interference of Dragic. Er Niu took the backcourt rebound and immediately started the "Bull Sprint" mode.

The frontcourt was 4vs5, and Uncle Mu was left in the half court. He had just crossed the three-point line with one foot, but the two bulls had already started in the middle circle, and they went straight to the basket in a straight line.


No one can be violent, the rockets go up and down, and no one even has time to fly to block the cannon.

Brutal, strong, terrifying!
Er Niu's feet are the latest black and gold sneakers from his personal brand "Hang Yi".

The camera lens sitting under the basket captures a pair of big feet that dominate the world.

(End of this chapter)

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