Standing pretty old

Chapter 710 Breaking the record again

Chapter 710 Breaking the record again
The collective loss of the Hawks in the third quarter is not just on the offensive end. The ability to allow the Magic to score 37 points in a single quarter also fully proves that the Hawks did not focus enough on the defensive end.

But Woodson, an old-school coach, seemed to be playing tricks to the end tonight. He didn't say any harsh words during the intermission, and he didn't even arrange the tactics in detail. Instead, he gave most of the time to the players themselves.

Ruan Erniu stood up as the leader of the team, and said in a positive tone: "I still have to shoot! Make sure to shoot! If you don't make a shot, give me the ball. I will take full responsibility. You must be urgent on the defensive end. Forget about damn it For the third quarter, forget about the damn points, let's play the last quarter as if it were the first!"

Dominique Wilkins on the sidelines was also very embarrassed. He never expected that Orlando could really catch up in the third quarter, "Bob, I really don't understand what happened in the third quarter. To be honest, Even if I play now, I guess I can help the team score a few more goals."

Rathburn smiled and said, "Come on, Nick, you old guy will also become a defensive loophole and be attacked by opponents."

The last quarter of the game began. After a brief substitute contest, the main players of both sides returned to the field ahead of schedule, and the decisive battle began!

After Ruan Erniu attracted the defense in the low post, he still chose to trust his teammates and distributed the ball.

囧囧sen received the ball from outside the three-point line, made a fake shot, and deceived Pietrus, who was defending, and entered the penalty area with the ball. The Sparks and Lewis were already blocked by Erniu and Lunar Eclipse. 囧囧sen Facing empty basket throws.


Unexpectedly missed!

Er Niu took the offensive rebound, and after the sparks flew out of the fake move at the basket, he dunked and scored 2+1.

The Eagle King was completely hopeless, and he missed all of his throws, so he really had to rely on himself tonight.

On the offensive end of the Magic, Carter used the sparks to cover, broke through Salmons with the ball, and distributed the ball to the sparks on the wing.

With the eclipse defense in place, start a duel with your high school friends in the air.


The two sides collided passionately and the ball missed.


The referee's whistle sounded, and the eclipse blocked the foul.

Even though the eclipse fouled, Er Niu was very happy, which meant that the Eagles' defensive strength had improved.

What makes Er Niu even more happy is that Spark finally recovered his normal level at the free throw line!

"Bang!", "Bang!"

The crisp sound of hammering iron is pleasant, and the sound of Er Niu Tou missing a free throw for the first time is also so beautiful.

Ruan Erniu got the rebound from the backcourt and immediately pushed the ball into the frontcourt.

After making a wall match with Salmons, Er Niu went to the basket and made a successful dunk with the Tomahawk.

The speed of the sparks is not slow, but Erniu is faster. When Howard flew into the air to intercept, Erniu had already dunked the ball into the basket first.

But the tenacity of Orlando tonight is beyond everyone's imagination.

Star Van Gundy also played a good card intentionally or unintentionally. When he dispatched the main players on the field, he left a substitute on the field. .

The 35-year-old league wanderer has been to the Atlanta Hawks more than once, and has been traded away more than once. Tonight, the veteran showed his strength again.

As the Hawks re-established their lead, he stepped up.

On the offensive end of the Magic, Carter passed the ball to Howard, and Howard passed the ball to Pietrus. Gaul Jordan was closely guarded by Jon Jonson, so he had to throw the ball to Anthony Johnson.

Seeing that 24 seconds were approaching, Anthony Johnson made a long three-pointer against Bibby's defense.


Lights on, goal in!
The game got complicated again.

Howard completely gave up the low-post singles and appeared in front of the two bulls completely as a challenger. Veteran Anthony Johnson became the X factor of the Magic in the last quarter of the game, but the Eagles were still unable to find the touch.

As the team leader, Er Niu resolutely made his own choice.

The Eagles had the ball, and Bibby held the ball to observe, and then handed the ball to Lunar Eclipse, who did not make a strong attack, but distributed the ball to Ruan Erniu on the outside.

Knees, jumps, shoots!

Er Niu did not disappoint his excellent touch tonight, he just wanted to use long shots to solve the battle.

Before and during the game, Er Niu expressed the justice of the center's three-point shooting, and he did the same in the game!

Sparks are embarrassed!
Can he pull it out?

Of course it can be saved!

Facing an opponent like Kafu Ruan, he had to pounce, otherwise he was just waiting to die.

But is it useful to throw it out?

The rhythm of the shot, the height of the jump, the arc of the shot, even a defensive genius like Spark, after saving, there is no way to completely block the shot path of the Celestials.

On the offensive end of the Magic, Carter received a pass from Pietrus and missed a long shot!

Er Niu took the backboard and sent a long pass.

Salmons played 1VS2 in the frontcourt. When he found that the opportunity was not good, he was not in a hurry, but waited for the players in the backcourt to follow up.

Just after halftime, Ruan Erniu received a pass from Salmon two steps away from the three-point line.

Get started! ?
He cast crazy!


That's right!
Howard looked at the basketball jumping on the floor with a dejected expression, let go of the self-esteem of a super center, willing to become a blue-collar cover follower, and took the initiative to retreat in the low post on the offensive end, just to find a chance to defeat the Celestials.

But at this moment, in front of Ruan Erniu's ruthless Sanfenyu, everything was in vain.

At the same time, Ruan Erniu, who has scored 7 three-pointers in the first three quarters, is infinitely approaching a personal record-the number of three-pointers made in a single game.

With the last 4 minutes left in the game, Erniu had scored 11 three-pointers tonight, which was only one goal away from the 12 three-pointers in a single game shared by Kobe and Marshall.

At 84:90, the Hawks lead by just 6 points, and for two teams that are good at three-point shooting, this difference is not enough to make anyone lose hope.

The two sides fought each other and did not give in to each other. With the last 2 and a half minutes left in the game, Ruan Erniu once again received a breakthrough goal from Ji Jisen in the top arc area.

Three points again!

Er Niu's 12th three-pointer tonight!

"Go! He made! 12 three-pointers! Kraft Nguyen! He's the third single-game three-pointer after Kobe Bryant and Donyell Marshall, and the game isn't over yet , he still has a chance to break this record." The live DJ shouted.





This is the way the Eagles fans celebrate in the Philips Arena. Kraft Nguyen, a man from the Celestial Dynasty, is the hero of this city.

The sparks are going crazy, and the score is gradually widening. He really can't accept the way of losing both the ball and the people.

It is not terrible for the Magic to lose to the Hawks, but Kraft Nguyen's long-range shot will kill the sparks, which is really hard for the latter to accept.

What center should stand up and output?
Sparks didn't take advantage of the low post, nor did the game prove that his style of play was more valuable.

With one minute left in the game, Ruan Erniu encountered a three-man double-team from the Magic team from beyond the three-point line. This meant that he didn't plan to win the game at all, and he didn't give the Celestials a chance to break the record!


Under the double-teaming of three people, Er Niu forced a fallback jumper...

The basketball is still in the air, the whistle has sounded, and the Magic fouled!

"Bang!", "Swipe!"

The ball is in!
It is dubbed by the fans as a frontal three-pointer with nine shots out of ten.

But this is not important, the key is that Er Niu broke the record again.

 Thank you Master Sheng for your reward!Old book friends always give care to a certain show time and time again. Your support is the greatest affirmation to me.

  Thank you Immortal Immortal Eternal Immortal reward!
(End of this chapter)

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