Standing pretty old

Chapter 711 New Club Member

Chapter 711 New Club Member




The entire Philips Arena was full of cheers, and the Atlanta fans used their greatest enthusiasm to give their city heroes the highest praise.

Eagles fans should be very used to this kind of praise. Since Ruan Erniu joined the Eagles in the 07-08 season, he has gradually won the love of the city with his strong performance.

With 13 three-pointers in a single game, Ruan Erniu stepped on the records of Kobe Bryant and Donyell Marshall in the first battle, but this is not all.

With 20 seconds left in the game, Ruan Erniu, who scored 70 points in the game, walked to the free throw line again, and he got two free throw opportunities.

"Brush!", "Brush!"

Er Niu fell with a knife in his hand and added 2 points for the home team.

With the lead stretched to double digits and time running out, the Hawks were bound to win this one.

But does it really matter?
Comparing Ruan Erniu's performance tonight, even if the Eagles lost the game, the fans at the scene would not criticize anything, because Kraft broke the record again.

This time, what he broke was his personal single-game scoring record. He made 30 of 25 shots, 16 of 13 three-pointers, and 12 of 9 free throws. He scored 72 points, 24 rebounds, and 2 assists. Er Niu broke his own record of 65 points in a single game in one fell swoop.

In the list of scoring records in a single game in NBA history, Ruan Erniu tied with Chamberlain for the top seven with 72 points.


Under the battle of the two bulls, he raised his historical ranking to seventh place, putting the two behemoths Alkin Baylor (71 points) and David Robinson (71 points) under him.


Well, His Majesty's highest scoring record in a single game is only 69 points, and he has been suppressed to No.12 at present, and it was Kobe's 81 points that single-handedly sent Jordan out of the top ten.

Just judging from the current situation, the positions of David Thompson and Kobe are not stable. After all, the two bulls are only 9 points away from the second place in history.

This is only the performance of the Celestials in their third season. No one can say what will happen in the future!
After Woodson hit two free throws in a row, he replaced him early.

Ruan Erniu, who was off the field, was wildly cheered by the fans. As a city hero, he created glorious career records for Atlanta and even the entire state of Georgia while creating career peaks time and time again.

Tonight's game finally came to an end after Jason Williams dribbled the ball across half court and gave Mike Bibby a straight high-five before giving up the final shot.

At 103:113, the Hawks won the opponent by 10 points at home.

This game went through the process of being tightly suppressed in the first half, being beaten all over the ground by the opponent in the third quarter, and then Ruan Erniu stood up like a bumpman to save the world.

However, no one cares about the result now. All eyes are on Ruan Erniu, who broke the NBA single-game three-point record and became a new member of the 70+ club at the same time.

As strong as Erniu, they were almost overthrown by the reporters on the ground. There was no way, these people were so enthusiastic that they almost put the microphone directly into Erniu's mouth.

Atlanta's security guards did a good job in escorting, and they once again pulled the team leader out of the crowd.

As long as the Celestials are still in the Eagles, they must have the skills of special forces to rescue hostages. Fortunately, this is not the first time they have done this job.

There will be a press conference after the game, but now Er Niu can take a shower first.

A teammate secretly took a card and wrote the number 72 on it. He wanted to take a photo with Er Niu as a souvenir, but Er Niu politely refused.

He smiled and said, "It's not that I got 100 points, there's nothing to be proud of!"

As the loser, Star Van Gundy appeared at the post-match press conference first, and the head coach of the Magic said, "We didn't lose to the Hawks, we lost to Kraft Nguyen alone. What more can I say when a player can make 13 83-pointers in a game and shoot over [-] percent from the field?"

At present, the statistics of true shooting percentage are finally popular, otherwise Van Gundy will find that Er Niu's true shooting percentage has reached a terrifying 102%. (True shooting percentage = score/2*(number of shots+0.44*number of free throws))

"So what do you think about Howard and Kraft Nguyen's battle for the future of the center before the game?" A reporter asked.

"Anyone has a right to an opinion, but Dwight is still the best center in the league in my opinion.

Is Kraft Nguyen a center forward?Calling him the Hawks' second point guard, I'm afraid not many people would object.

Tianchao Ren is a superstar, but he is certainly not a center in the traditional sense, and his position is very vague. "

Star Van Gundy's words are avoiding the important and the light. In fact, he is unwilling to compare the Sparks with the second bull at the fifth position, because once this comparison is established, Howard will be completely blown out immediately.

After Van Gundy withdrew, Woodson and Ruan Erniu attended tonight's press conference together.

Woodson first said: "I am very dissatisfied with the team's defense in the third quarter tonight, but we got away with winning this game because we have the best player in service-Cav Nguyen, every time I see His performance made me subvert the inherent concept of basketball, and you have to admit that sometimes, the game belongs to one person."

When a reporter asked about the situation that Woodson did nothing before the last quarter and threw the whole team to Ruan Erniu, Woodson smiled and said:

"I need my players to think and read the game with their own heads, and they did a better defense in the final quarter than in the third quarter, and that's it."

After that, the press conference completely entered Er Niu's special session.

A reporter asked: "Kraft, are you proving with practical actions that a center should shoot a three-pointer?"

"So shouldn't guards go to the basket and score? Since there are no rules that restrict guards from scoring in the paint, then the rules also do not restrict centers from shooting outside the three-point line.

Of course, I didn't deliberately do anything tonight. The reason I was able to do it was first of all because I wanted to do it. "

Another reporter asked: "Kraft, you scored 72 points tonight, and you have become a member of the 70+ club. Will you attack higher goals in the future? For example, Kobe's 81 points?"

Ruan Erniu said: "This is not something I can decide on my own, but I think the team's victory is the most important thing at any time. On the premise of winning, if there is a chance to break the record, I don't think I will." Will let it go."


Finally, another reporter asked: "Kraft, the Eagles have won 15 consecutive victories in the opening season. When will you extend the winning streak?"

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "You should ask our opponents about this. After all, asking us to lose is equivalent to asking them to beat us. We will not deliberately pursue winning streaks, but we will never give up the game casually."

As the de facto active No.1, Ruan Erniu said this with full confidence. For a team that aims to build a dynasty, look around and the entire league is their opponent.

After a night of 72 points, Ruan Erniu and the Atlanta Hawks were once again pushed to the forefront.

Who can stop them?

Who can come up with a viable set of tactics to suppress this era-leading team?

Who can stand up and snipe this basketball dynasty that is about to be established with the yellow race at its core?
All of the above eventually became enduring topics in the entire American basketball circle, and even the world basketball circle.

(End of this chapter)

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