Standing pretty old

Chapter 712 When Winning Becomes Inertia

Chapter 712 When Winning Becomes Inertia

It's hard to say who can stop the Eagles, but the Hawks' remaining two away opponents in November are obviously not favored.

On November 2009, 11, US time, the Hawks flew to Philadelphia to fight the 27ers.

The troubled 76ers couldn't even line up a reliable starter to play against the Hawks. The 8ers, who played with 76 players, were suppressed by the Hawks.

Er Niu's UCLA alumnus Zhu Holiday, as a first-year rookie, successfully went undercover. He made 8 of 1 shots and only scored 2 points.

And the inside line of the twin towers composed of Jason Smith and Samuel Dalembert was also completely blown away by Er Niu and Lunar Eclipse.

Iguodala made only 18 of 7 shots as a team, and also failed to take the lead.

After a massacre, the Eagles won 16 consecutive victories.

Two days later, the Hawks flew to the Motor City, and their last opponent in November was the Detroit Pistons.

The rebuilding Pistons team is also full of injuries. Hamilton, Prince, and Ben Gordon are all absent due to injuries at the same time, and the starting lineup they sent is even more wonderful:

C Ben Wallace

PF Jason Maxhill
SF Jonas Jerebko
SG Rodney Starkey

PG Chucky Atkins

Searching all over the league, you probably won't be able to find a second such miraculous frontcourt combination.

Back then, the Hawks, which consisted of Er Niu, Marvin, and Lunar Eclipse, were once complained by the media. It was not until the Eagles won the championship that the controversy was put to rest.

I didn't expect the Pistons to go too far this season. I have to say that Pistons coach John Kuster is really creative.

However, what is unexpected is that the performance of the Pistons in this game is better than most people imagined.

Ben Wallace, who returned to the Piston system and the center position, seemed to have found his second spring again. On the head of Ruan Erniu, the audience got 16 rebounds, including 11 backcourt rebounds and 5 frontcourt rebounds. Rebounds, scoring 10 points and a double-double of 16 rebounds.

As a rookie in 09, the Swede Jerebko at the third position also played better than most people imagined, scoring a double-double of 10 points and 11 rebounds.

In addition to the rebounding contributions of Mark Hill, Kwame Brown and others, after a game, the Hawks lost to their opponents in rebounds, which is rare.

Fortunately, the Eagles, who emphasize offensive and defensive transitions, made better use of fast breaks and long-range shots to destroy the Pistons' defense.

Salmons and Crawford were the biggest contributors to this game. They scored 20+ points each, helping the Hawks provide enough outside firepower. After falling behind slightly in the first half, the third quarter A wave overtook the score.

The Pistons players who tried their best to give the Hawks a little color finally failed to create miracles.

At 102:94, the Eagles won by 8 points, thus completing the November game with a complete victory.

The Eagles completed an impressive 17-game winning streak, and there is still no team that can stand up and stop them.

What's even more frightening is that Ruan Erniu himself also played the strongest single-month performance of his career during this series of victories.

Throughout November, Ruan Erniu averaged 11 points, 43.6 rebounds, 22 assists, 4.8+ in 5 consecutive games (50 of which were in October), and a shocking performance of 2 points in a single game. The first injects stronger data support.

And Kobe Bryant, as the super scorer that the league once praised, is lying down again, because his highest single-month scoring average is 43.4 points, and the Black Mamba is once again surpassed by the Bulls.

Hey, why say it again?

More importantly, at the same time as Er Niu's superb performance, the Hawks achieved a record of unbeaten victories for the month, which must be unprecedented.

Ruan Erniu's miraculous performance is the first time that people no longer feel disgusted with the matter of stats. Nonsense, the team has been winning, so what if the super giants stats?

The Eastern POM in November fell into Er Niu's hands without any dispute.

In fact, LeBron James, who averaged 29.2 points, 6.7 rebounds, and 8.0 assists per game, led the team to 12 wins and 5 losses, also performed well enough, but he lost to the one who performed better.

In November, the Western POM was awarded to Carmelo Anthony. Although he was beaten by a bull in the game, Social Melon still averaged 11 points, 31 rebounds, 6.0 assists, and 3.5 wins and 12 losses. Team record, was elected best of the month.

After the announcement of the best of the month in the East and West, TNT's Barkley said bluntly in the program: "The league should resume the practice of only awarding the best of the month in January, or simply put the best of the month on top of the East and West. , to award one more league player of the month, I think the names of the winners also need not be repeated."

The hard-core bully in the United States-Jaylen Rose affirmed the performance of the two bulls on the one hand, and pointed out a clear way for the challengers of the Hawks on the other hand: "The Eagles are not invincible. Look at their game against the Pistons. Rebounding and defensively suppress the Eagles, and they will show their failures.

The team that can stop Atlanta must be the team that achieves the ultimate in these two aspects. "

The truth is easy to sum up, but whether it can be done is actually another matter.

The game in December of the 09-10 season continued.

The Hawks continued to sit at home and faced challenges from the Raptors and the Knicks.

It's a pity that the Raptors' team leader Chris Bosh is not in the state. The team actually needs the ninth overall pick DeRozan in 09 to lead them, so they were easily slaughtered by the Hawks in the end.

Although the Knicks played an ideal running and bombing attack, David Lee also scored a super data of 18+17, but in the face of Ruan Erniu who scored another 30+30, the Knicks still failed to escape.

The Eagles completed their 19-game winning streak at the start of the season, and they are still invincible!
At this time, the league's schedule seems to have created a little trouble for the Eagles. After playing the Knicks, the Eagles embarked on an away trip again. They will go back to back to Texas to play against the Dallas Mavericks.

In the ultimate offensive and defensive battle, Ruan Erniu felt average tonight, but still scored a large double-double of 20+20.

However, Jijisen and Nowitzki played against each other. Both of them scored 30+, forming a mutual explosion.

At 80:75, the Eagles narrowly beat their opponents away.

If it wasn't for Er Niu's critical moment to block Terry's shot at the last moment, if it wasn't for Salmons' steal in the last minute of the game, maybe the game would have been another result.

But no matter what, the Atlanta people still retreated in the Lone Star State, and by the way, they won their 20th win of the season, undefeated since the beginning of the season!
When will they win?
Will they directly break the Lakers' 33-game winning streak?

They won't forget the feeling of losing, and they won all 82 games in the season, right?

When the Eagles really won 20 consecutive victories in the opening season, the entire league panicked. They were too rogue, and they still let people live?

There is no way, the strong are born surrounded by people.

The Hawks, who returned to Atlanta, got another four days or so of rest, and their 21st opponent was the Chicago Bulls.

The Hawks' assistant coach last season, Larry Drew, will lead the team back to Atlanta, and what awaits him will not be a gentle response.

This is a dynasty-level team where people block and kill, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha. Wanting to win a victory in Atlanta is really the most difficult task this season.

(End of this chapter)

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