Standing pretty old

Chapter 713 Continuous Winning Streak and Turbulent Situation

Chapter 713 Continuous Winning Streak and Turbulent Situation

Larry Drew returned to Atlanta, and he was greeted with applause from the fans and hugs from the Eagles generals.

His old partner Mike Woodson gave a 15-minute speech before the game, recalling and thanking Drew for his work and contributions to the Eagles over the years.

It can be said that the emergence of the current Super Eagles also has the contribution and credit of Larry Drew.

Later, Ruan Erniu also came forward to praise Drew. As the shooting coach of Erniu's rookie season, Larry Drew not only gave Erniu guidance in daily training, but also helped the Chinese people integrate into the team and life in Atlanta. Helped in every way.

Subsequently, the general manager of the team, Billy Knight, went into battle in person. As a representative of the Eagles, he presented Larry Drew with the 08-09 season championship ring and made a high point for his work in the past five seasons. In summary and praise, Knight said: Atlanta will always be Drew's home.

It was warm before the opening, but after the opening, the Eagles did not give the visiting team too much face.

The Bulls cut Vinny DeNagro and introduced Larry Drew in order to replicate the Hawks' successful model and rebuild the team's winning culture, but for Drew personally, the current Bulls lineup is really not Way to compare with the Hawks.

Can he still count on Brad Miller or Joakim Noah grabbing a rebound and immediately delivering a long touchdown pass?Or let them dribble the ball across the half court and disrupt the opponent's defensive formation with super-fast offensive and defensive transitions in an instant?
Many rebuilding teams in the league want to replicate Atlanta's success. However, looking up, the Eagles are the only ones that can meet the two rigid indicators of swingman shooting clusters and super-era centers.

Facing the inside of the Bulls twin towers composed of Brad Miller and Joakim Noah, Ruan Erniu and Yue Eclipse formed an impact arrow, and the two stood at the horns on one side, hitting the basket with the ball again and again basket.

In just a few minutes, they let Miller and Noah carry 2 fouls at the same time and had to be replaced early.

Of course, this is also related to the whistle-blowing scale in the regular season. If it is in the playoffs, I believe the referee will not blow off Miller and Noah so easily.

The Bulls who lost their inside barriers were even more miserable. Even though Derrick Rose and Ruel Deng on the outside were eye-catching, with one shot and one shot, they fought hard for the visiting team, but the huge inside disadvantage still made it difficult for the Bulls.

If the Chicagoans could resist a little in the first quarter, then in the second quarter, when the three shooting machines of Jon Johnson, Salmons, and Crawford broke out together, the scene immediately got out of control.

In the first half of the game, the Eagles took a 15+ lead. It can be said that the outcome of the game is no longer in suspense.

In the third quarter, Ruan Erniu and Yue Eclipse showed their two assault abilities again.

Facing the slow-moving Brad Miller and Joakim Noah, who is active in defense but has a bad temper and hands and feet, the Hawks' inside duo, dubbed the "February Combination" by Chinese fans, still use various methods. Get the ball into the basket.

There seems to be no doubt that the two bulls defeated Miller. The magic is that the lunar eclipse can get whatever it wants in front of Noah tonight.

Mid-range shots, air cuts, dunks, when most people focused on Ruan Erniu against Rose, Josh Smith used his wonderful performance to make Noah find his rhythm all night.

At 15:31, the Eagles took the game away in a wave. The final quarter has not yet started, and the point difference between the two sides has reached 30+. The entire fourth quarter will undoubtedly become garbage time.

Larry Drew gave a wry smile. Of course he understood the gap between them, so he simply raised his hand to admit defeat, and did not send the team's main force in the last quarter of the game.

Seeing that his old partner was so straightforward, Woodson naturally wouldn't do anything to kill them all. The last quarter also hid Er Niu and Jiongsen.

At 83:124, the Hawks slaughtered the Bulls at home and won their 21st win in the opening season.

After the game against the Bulls, the Hawks boarded a flight to Toronto the next day.

This time, the dragon king who returned to his old nest was still unable to cheer up, and the Raptors scored the most points in the game turned out to be the No. [-] pick in Italy - Bargnani.

Well, the Tyrannosaurus directly degenerated into a Roller, and the Badora was about to evolve into a Phoenix. It would be strange if there was any suspense in such a match.

The Hawks lead the season 2-0 with... oh no, the Raptors, but the Toronto native still has a chance to prove himself.

The two teams belonging to the Eastern Conference still have two regular season games to be played in March and April. As long as they seize one opportunity, they can avoid the embarrassment of being swept away by the season.

Interestingly, after the game, Ruan Erniu received a call from "Dragon King" Bosh when he was waiting at the airport.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Bosh also talked about the plan of forming a team intentionally or unintentionally. Er Niu once again expressed his view of letting nature take its course, and the dialogue between the two sides was just to the point.

Ruan Erniu called Leon Rose after deliberately avoiding his teammates, and he got the answer he wanted from his agent.

Sure enough, some things have been brewing, just waiting to lift the lid one day.

"Kraft, what are your real thoughts?" Leon Rose asked as an agent.

If, in the past few years, James was still Rose's biggest client, then with the rise of Ruan Erniu, the Chinese super giant has become Leon Rose's biggest trump card, and he must pay the most attention to the existence of Rose.

"If possible, of course I still want to stay in Atlanta. Moreover, James and the others probably won't let me join them. I'm talking about the contract period." Ruan Er Niu told the truth for the first time.

That's right, Er Niu doesn't believe in James and others, but this is not because of personal relationships or character reasons, but purely from the conclusions drawn from the players' contract years.

Especially after getting the phone call from Bosh, Erniu can already guess the future development direction.

The contracts of James, Wade, and Bosh are about to expire, and although the two bulls can renew their contracts in advance, they still have at least one year of rookie contracts to implement.

Leon couldn't help giving Er Niu a thumbs up on the other end of the phone. This man from the Celestial Dynasty is so smart that he guessed the general idea just by relying on some ambiguous information.

Leon Rose said with a smile: "It's not that simple. After all, the three of them want to get together, and it's not something that happens overnight."

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "But the leader must be James, unfortunately, LeBron is still trying to hide it, and even wants to stabilize me.

In his plan, there should never be the option of Kraft Ruan. As a rookie in the 07 class, I should always be suppressed, not the object of being wooed. "

Leon Rose laughed: "You already have two championship rings and an MVP trophy, James is still empty-handed in this regard!
However, there is one thing I can tell you with certainty.

You are wrong, Kraft!

You have always been one of James' options. If the first option next summer does not work out, James is likely to go to New York and wait for your arrival. "

Er Niu laughed and said, "You're trying to sow discord, or you're deliberately instigating it!"

Leon Rose said: "You can understand it as the latter, no matter from CAA or my personal point of view, once an earthquake-level transaction or operation is completed, it will become a milestone in my career, just like you won the MVP trophy , for me, this is the MVP that belongs to the agent!"

Ruan Erniu nodded convincingly, and before hanging up the phone, he said: "I believe in your professional ethics and standards, but Leon, remember, no matter what team you go to, I must be dominant That person, even if I cooperate with LBJ, I will teach him how to win the championship!"

Some words are obviously very pretentious, but they are always forced to be convinced when they come from someone's mouth.

On the way to force the king of the king, Ruan Erniu continued his overlord dance.

(End of this chapter)

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