Chapter 714

After defeating the Raptors and winning 22 consecutive victories in the opening season, the Hawks still did not stop their footsteps.

On December 2009, 12, US time, the Eagles returned to Atlanta, where they will continue their three consecutive home games.

Their first opponent is the New Jersey Nets.

This is a team that gave up on itself and wanted to pursue the No. [-] pick.

Since the summer of dealing with Vince Carter and Richard Jefferson at a low price, it means that they have no future at all this season.

Devin Harris and Brook Lopez are the only hope for this team, but they alone are obviously not enough to resist the imposing Atlanta Hawks.

Ruan Erniu gave Lopez a good lesson in the second grade, telling him the importance of a good center to shoot well.

Even if there is no three-point long-range shot, a stable mid-range shot is an important part of verifying the basic skills of a center. Like Dwight Howard, he only knows how to tap his physical talent and ignores the training of basic skills. The American center has no future at all. .

After taking down the Nets, the Hawks ushered in the Memphis Grizzlies three days later.

Tennessee, where Memphis is located, actually belongs to the east. Although the Grizzlies in the hometown of Elvis Presley are a western team, it is quite convenient for them to come to Atlanta to play. It is even easier than their going to the west. The test of flight.

The Memphisians this season did two big things over the summer:
[-]. The Grizzlies uniform team traded power forward Zach Randolph from the Clippers with Quentin Richardson, who had just joined freely. Together with the original Marc Gasol, the famous league was established. A combination of black and white bears.

Later, due to a well-known Chinese animation, the ranking of Xiong Da and Xiong Er once aroused heated discussions among Tianchao fans, but at present, the position of Xiong Da should still belong to the black bear-Zach Randolph.

After being traded many times, the former Portland drug dealer seems to have repentance. Since the beginning of the 09-10 season, he has also used his actions to prove that he is indeed an excellent inside player.

1. In the summer, the Grizzlies management recruited Allen Iverson from the free market with a one-year contract of 350 million yuan.

However, under the current tactical system of the Grizzlies, Iverson is only a team substitute, and his tactical status is still behind OJ* Mayo and Mike* Conley, which undoubtedly makes the four-time scoring champion feel unacceptable .

Therefore, he only played 3 regular season games for the Grizzlies. In the case of averaging 22.3 minutes per game, AI contributed 12.3 points and 3.7 assists for the team, and his shooting percentage reached 57.7%.

However, the Grizzlies' record of 1 win and 5 losses at the beginning of the season still disappointed everyone.

A few days later, the Grizzlies management finally announced:
After terminating the one-year contract with Iverson, AI became a free agent again.

The proud Iverson still wants to prove himself again, but the teams in the league have long been discouraged by his cancerous attributes.
You know, he is no longer the superstar who singled out the 76ers and led the team to the finals.

On November 2009, 11, Allen Iverson issued an open letter announcing his retirement, but only one day later, he withdrew his decision to retire.

Perhaps because he was unwilling to bid farewell to the highest stage, or because he felt that he could still work for a few more years, Iverson finally decided to put his head down. Even if he was a substitute, he had to prove his worth.

This time, it was his eternal home team, the Philadelphia 76ers, who offered him an olive branch.

The 76ers uniform team gave the desperate AI a non-guaranteed one-year contract. For Iverson at this time, this is undoubtedly a timely help.

At the press conference, AI burst into tears on the spot, and vowed that he and Iguodala would lead the 76ers to the playoffs.

This happened in early December. Erniu talked about it with Jiongsen and other teammates the next day after seeing the video of the press conference.

Ruan Erniu said bluntly: "I don't know what Allen thinks, but I'm sure Iguodala definitely doesn't think so!"

Er Niu's words immediately made the Hawks players burst into laughter.

From a certain point of view, the team leader must be the one who understands the psychology of the team leader best, Er Niu is qualified to say this.

Well, how Yige and AI staged a big drama has nothing to do with the Eagles. Tonight they still have to focus on the game itself.

In the preseason, the black and white bears put a lot of pressure on the Eagles, but in the regular season, the seasoned defending champion quickly took advantage of the defensive maneuvers to take away the game.

The Grizzlies' defensive system has not really been established. Before that, they were obviously not qualified enough to achieve an equal status with the Hawks.

After killing the Grizzlies, the Eagles ushered in the last opponent of three consecutive home games - the Utah Jazz.

As long as there is "iron nose" Jerry Sloan, the Jazz is a team that can never be underestimated.

The Jazz's starting lineup for this game is:

C Mehmet Okur
PF Carlos Boozer

SF Ronnie Brewer

SG Wesley Matthews

PG Deron Williams
On the Jazz's bench, there are outstanding players such as Kirilenko, Millsap, CJ* Mills, Korver and this year's No. 17 pick, Jeff Teague.

It can be said that just looking at the strength of the accounts, this is a team that can go head-to-head with any team in the league.

However, the problem with this team is equally serious, they are too slow.

Whether it is Okur or Boozer, when they faced Ruan Erniu, Josh Smith and even Chris Anderson, they seemed to be slow to defend. Restore the courage of the past.

In the first quarter of the game, the Atlanta people who were about to fight a defensive battle with their opponents found that they were able to hit the basket again and again.

Especially Erniu, Ruan Erniu who held the ball in a high position had the advantage in the duel with Okur, and all kinds of attacks with the ball in front of the basket killed the Turks helplessly.

At the same time, Lunar Eclipse's air cut also gave Boozer the greatest defensive pressure. Lunar Eclipse made 4 of 3 shots in a single quarter and was the team's second scoring point after Ruan Erniu.

In the last few games, Jon Jonson, Salmons and others are always slow to warm up. On the contrary, Er Niu and Lunar Eclipse, at the beginning of the game, they attacked the inside line in various ways and directly caused damage to their opponents.

In the second quarter of the game, Er Niu and Jiong Jisen firmly controlled the scene and continued to expand the score advantage.

In the third quarter, the Hawks thought they would usher in the Jazz's fiercest counterattack, but they were wrong again.

After the start of the second half, the Jazz seemed to be sleepwalking. They couldn't find their touch on the defensive end at all. They were defeated by the Hawks and never found a chance to turn around tonight.

83:114, if you don't write the name of the visiting team, I'm afraid few people would think that this is Sloan's team playing.

Jerry Sloan, who was born in 1942, is also old. No one can tell how long he can continue to fight in the league.

But judging from the current fighting will of the Jazz, it is not so easy for them to hit the championship.

The Eagles, who won 25 consecutive victories in the opening season, ended their three consecutive home games, and they were greeted by four consecutive away games.

Interestingly, though, none of the media thinks the Hawks, who have won 25 games in a row, are under pressure.

Instead, they sweated for the Eagles' four away opponents, because they are likely to become one of the background boards of legendary history after losing to the defending champion.

 Thanks honey baby!reward!

  Thank you Immortal Immortal Eternal Immortal reward!
(End of this chapter)

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