Standing pretty old

Chapter 715 This Can Get Headlines

Chapter 715 This Can Get Headlines

As with a great team, winning must become a habit.

The Atlanta Hawks, which have won 25 consecutive victories in the opening season, have already broken the record for the best opening season of the four major professional leagues in North America.

The previous record was the 1884-game winning streak in the opening season set in 20 by the MLB St. Louis Exiles.

What's even more frightening is that even if they enter the consecutive away games again, the Eagles are still favored by people, and no one can guess when they will win.

After defeating the Utah Jazz at home, the Hawks are on the plane again, and they will challenge the Chicago Bulls back-to-back on the road.

Of course, the Bulls, who wanted to regain face with the defending champions, were defeated by the Eagles not long ago. This time they waited for work and sat at home in Windy City, but the final result of the game still depends on their performance on the spot.

On December 12, US time, the Eagles arrived at the United Center.

Every time I come to this arena, the bronze statue of Jordan and the wall of honor of the Bull Dynasty are things that the Hawks generals cannot avoid.

From the rookie season to the third season of his career, Erniu himself also has a lot of feelings.

"Joe, when I was a rookie, I said we were going to make our mark like the Chicago Bulls, what do you think?"

Joe Johnson said: "Aren't we on the road? What are we thinking about so much, let's talk about winning the third championship trophy first!"

The lunar eclipse on the side interjected: "When we become a dynasty team, we will have what the Bulls have."

Mike Bibby said: "Win today's game first, and now we are making history every step forward."

Zaza Pachulia urged: "Don't wait here, it's time for us to play!"

If the Hawks win another championship this season, the above five will become part of history together, because they will all hold three consecutive championship rings at the same time.

The game started quickly. In the first quarter, the Eagles showed the momentum of a super team, 36:16 in a single quarter, leading their opponents by 20 points.

囧囧sen and Er Niu both scored in double figures in a single quarter at the same time, giving the Bulls a head-on blow at home.

In the second quarter of the game, the Hawks' feel slipped a bit. The best sixth man, Jamal Crawford, performed poorly, making only 4 of 1 shots in a single quarter, but the Bulls recovered some points under the leadership of Rose.

After halftime, the two sides played a suffocating defensive battle in the third quarter. The two sides kept fighting, and the scene was once drowsy. Rose and Er Niu were probably the few efficient guys on the field.

They all made 6 of 4 shots in a single quarter. Rose scored 8 points in this quarter, while Ruan Erniu scored in double figures again through inside kills.

The Eagles still entered the final quarter with a score advantage of 15+. The Bulls' backcourt broke out at the same time. Hinrich and Rose scored in double figures in a single quarter respectively, and once chased the score of the two teams to only about 5 points.

At the critical moment, Salmons stood up and made 4 of 4 three-pointers in a single quarter. In just 2 and a half minutes, a wave took the game away.

At 111:101, the Eagles did not easily win a victory in back-to-back away games.

This season, the Hawks still have two regular-season games to play against the Bulls, but now they lead their opponents with a big score of 2:0.

Derrick Rose made 24 of 14 shots, 1 of 0 three-pointer and 6 of 4 free throws. He scored 32 points, 6 assists and 4 rebounds.

Ruan Erniu made 22 of 16 shots, 2 of 1 three-pointers and 10 of 7 free throws. He scored 40 points, 24 rebounds and 4 assists.

Adidas twin stars shine in the audience, but there is only one winner of the game.

The Hawks won 26 consecutive victories in the opening season, and their first opponent in four consecutive aways failed to stop this super team that was in the wind.

The topic of hot discussion in the whole meter has still not been answered, because there is still no team that can stop the Eagles.

The Eagles generals also seem to enjoy this feeling of being under the spotlight. Many of their players have been questioned or simply unknown, but now they have become a member of the best team in the entire league.

The regular season is still going on, Rose is playing host in Chicago, treat Er Niu to a light meal, and the Eagles are on the flight to the next stop after resting on the spot for two days.

However, not long after they got on the plane, the league's most famous scandal of the season broke out.

As soon as the Atlanta people got off the plane, before they could adapt to the local temperature in Minnesota, they were surprised to find that their headlines were robbed!

It wasn't the game itself that grabbed their headlines, but the appearance in the locker room. The media quickly gave this scandal a domineering name - the gun door!

The protagonists of the story are Gilbert Arenas and Gavallis Crittenton of the Washington Wizards.

Later, according to Arenas’ own recollection, the story should go like this:

Wizards center JaVale McGee won Crittenton $1100 in a poker game.

Before that, Earl Boykins lent McGee $200.

After winning the money, McGee did not immediately return the money to Boykins, so a quarrel broke out. Crittenton angrily reprimanded McGee for not paying back the money quickly. Arenas said that he did not participate in the gambling game at the time.

"Give him back the damn money. You've taken my entire fortune," Crittenton yelled at McGee.

So Arenas stood up and said, "Why do you talk to your teammates like that? We are a family."

Then, Crittenton walked towards Arenas, and he cursed, "Just because you have money, so what?"

Then they started arguing!

When asked how it came to be about guns, Arenas paused, sighed, and recalled:

Someone said they were going to shoot, so Agent 0 heard it and said, "Come on, I want to see this happen, I want to see you shoot me!"

Arenas ultimately refused to name the man, but he laid out the rest of the story:

Arenas brought four guns, and said to the man, "Choose one, let me know if you want to shoot me one day, and I will be ready to get shot."

Everyone knew that the man was Crittenton, that was obvious.

And is Arenas' statement true?

From his teammate Caron Butler's future autobiography "Strong Juice: From the Street to the NBA", it can be roughly seen that the story is generally true.

If Butler did not deliberately show his heroic side, then it was Caron Butler himself who finally stood up to act as a peacemaker, because he wrote in his autobiography:
"Hey, come and choose one," Arenas pointed at the pistol, and challenged Crittenton, "I'll blow your head off with one of them."

"Oh no, you don't need to hit me with one of those," Crittenton said, and he turned slowly. "I happen to have one too."

Crittenton raised a loaded gun and pointed it directly at Arenas.

At this time, other Wizards players came to the locker room one after another. They were joking with each other, but when they saw this scene, the laughter stopped suddenly, and it took a few seconds for them to react.They looked at each other in surprise, and then both ran away.

I didn't panic, because I've been through shootouts, and I reminded Crittenton: "If you pull the trigger, your career could be ruined, and your entire life could be ruined."

Then I looked back at Arenas, who was silent and slowly left the scene.

Crittenton also slowly put down the gun in his hand.

Talking about it later, Butler said with a smile: "When I was only a teenager, I saw a lot of such scenes, so I wasn't nervous at all."

Assuming both Arenas and Butler are telling the truth, the general outlines of the story are pretty clear, but that's not the point.

The point of the story should be that for the first time in the history of the league, players in the NBA faced each other with their guns drawn.

One day you can point a gun at your teammates, tomorrow you can shoot directly, and the day after tomorrow everyone will be in danger, knowing that the entire alliance will collapse.

To a certain extent, the degree of damage to the alliance caused by gunmen is no worse than the incident at the Palace of Auburn Hills.

Later, league commissioner David Stern announced the penalty for the gunman.

Arenas and Cory Tanton, the two protagonists with guns, were each given a heavy fine. They will be banned from participating in all remaining games of the season, as well as corresponding fines and social activities.

However, not everyone is satisfied with the penalty. Some small media wrote:
Artest was suspended for 73 games;
Sprewell, who nearly strangled his coach, was suspended for 68 games;
Arenas, who played against Kobe, was only suspended for 50 games.

I seem to understand something...

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  that is it!
(End of this chapter)

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