Standing pretty old

Chapter 719 Qualifications of President Hill

Chapter 719 Qualifications of President Hill
Even if the dragon is trapped in the shallows, it will be played by fish and shrimp, not to mention that the old shark is now overturned on the field by the Bull Demon King.

O'Neal, who performed tragically, was replaced by Mike Brown in the middle of the first quarter. Black Bread knew very well that even if O'Neal continued to stay on the court, he would be bullied to death by the Chinese. It would be better to let this fat-headed fish with degenerated teeth Play well on the bench and create a little trouble for the Hawks' bench insiders.

Of course, this is definitely not an impromptu response by the black bread, but a tactical rehearsal that the Cavaliers coaching staff has already arranged, because the Celestials beat Shaq, almost everyone expected it.

In fact, for most of the second half of the first quarter, Ilgauskas was fighting against the second bull.

Although in terms of speed, Big Z has never been able to keep up with Er Niu, but Big Z has a skill, and even the Er Niu has no way to guard against the mid-range shot.

With a height of 220+CM, Ilgauskas is actually more powerful than O'Neal in his later years in the matchup with the Chinese.

The second quarter started quickly, and the Hawks sent off substitutes, while the Cavaliers sent O'Neal and Mo Williams, who were substituted in the middle of the first quarter, respectively.

The Cavaliers' rotation is significantly less than that of the Hawks, and Mike Brown has always been known for being conservative in team rotation.

The Hawks had the ball, and Bibby held the ball in the front court and handed the ball to Jamal Crawford. According to the tactical arrangement, it is time for Ke 6's individual singles.


Strike it!

Ke 6 worshiped Buddha, but missed the mid-range shot, but Birdman grabbed the offensive rebound in the crowd, passed the ball back to Bibby, Bibby caught the ball, and still missed...

But this time the basketball flew far, and Sun Yue got the offensive rebound and then passed the ball to Crawford.

The fearless Ke 6 faced Delonte West's defense and made a difficult backward shot from outside the three-point line.


This is Jamal Crawford. If the last ball is missed, it must be caused by too good shot selection and too low difficulty of shooting.

On the offensive end of the Cavaliers, O'Neal showed his power in the low position, and Zaza Pachulia was already considered a first-class league tank, but he was still forced back by the occasional outbreak of sharks. Birdman rushed forward immediately and chose to pinch the sharks.

O'Neal split the ball, and after receiving the ball from outside the three-point line, Xiao Mo also made a bowing action. After passing Bibby with one step, he made a 17-foot emergency stop jumper.

If the defensive end can't handle the opponent, it is better to find a breakthrough on the offensive end now.

More and more league teams are also reflecting and summarizing.

In the past, the tactical strategy of trying to use defense to get the Hawks failed time and time again, which means that the key to defeating the Hawks is not only on the defensive end, so the ability to make a difference on the offensive end is undoubtedly the key to defeating the Hawks.

Again, the team that can win the championship must have both offense and defense.

In the subsequent second quarter, it entered the rhythm of Ke 6 singled out the Cavaliers team.

For the Eagles, Crawford went into a runaway state alone. Even if Er Niu and Jiong Jisen returned to the court, the crazy Ke 6 had no intention of passing the ball at all.

Ruan Erniu, who couldn't get the ball on the offensive end, even had to go all out to grab offensive rebounds and get a chance to make a shot. This was a dilemma he had never encountered in his rookie season.

As for the Cavaliers, Mo, Shark, Delonte West, Big Z and others broke out more, which contributed to the Cavaliers leading the home team in the second quarter.

What's interesting is that Er Niu and James became spectators for most of this quarter. The charm of the Christmas game is so strong that even the team leader will have a crisis of being robbed of the spotlight.

At 33:29, the Cavaliers led by 4 points in a single quarter, thanks to the collective efforts of the whole team.

As for the Hawks, apart from Crawford, who made 10 of 7 shots in a single quarter and 3 of 3 three-pointers, and scored 17 points, no other player scored in double figures.

Salmons scored 8 points in a single quarter, which is already the second highest scoring player of the Eagles in this quarter.

At 56:60, the end of the first half, the Eagles only led their opponents by 4 points.

Let's take a look at the data comparison of the leaders of the two teams:
James made 8 of 3 shots, 2 of 1 free throws, scored 7 points, 6 assists, and 5 rebounds in the half. Three pairs.

Ruan Erniu made 9 of 6 shots in the half, including 1 of 1 three-pointers and 4 of 4 free throws. He scored 17 points, 10 rebounds and 3 assists in the half.

Judging from the data alone, it is natural that the two bulls are better, but the Hawks did not occupy the absolute top of the scene.

Although the number of Zhanhei will never be in the minority, it must be admitted that James is indeed the kind of leader who can drive the whole team with his own strength.

Imagine the teammates around him: Mo Williams with unstable shooting, Delonte West with depression, Varejao with better diving than shooting, Ilgauskas who basically jumps , I only know JJ* Hickson who keeps jumping, and the old O'Neill.

With such a group of people, James can still bring the Cavaliers to the top three positions in the Eastern Conference. It is a bit too much to question James' superstar quality and leadership ability.

The reason why the Chosen Son is called the Chosen Son is certainly due to the deliberate touts of the American media, but James' own amazing talent must be admitted.

Changing places, Ruan Erniu didn't dare to guarantee that he would be able to do better than James.

However, now in the evaluation of the entire league, Erniu has widened the gap with James. He obviously entered the league four seasons later than LBJ, but Ruan Erniu, who took the lead in winning the MVP and championship, is more superstar than James. qualifications.

Competitive sports have always been where winners and losers come in.

Anyone who has a little knowledge of the history of the United States knows that in South Dakota, there is a Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park. In more popular terms, it is President Mountain.

As one of the most famous tourist attractions in the United States, there are four presidents who determined the history of the United States carved on the mountain: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

Judging from the current state, even as a foreigner, Ruan Erniu, who holds two championships and is chasing the third championship, is more qualified than James to be selected for the NBA's President Hill.

What President Shan said is not only an affirmation of the individual players, but also an affirmation of a basketball era. From a certain perspective, Ruan Erniu, as the pioneer and definer of the future center, is far more exemplary than James .

After all, James is inferior to Jordan in terms of scoring, and inferior to Magician in terms of passing.

In fact, this is the embarrassment of KING. He is an all-round fighter, but he really wants to pick something from him that can be remembered in history, but finds that he has almost no historical changes and creative performances.

In this regard, he is far from the magician, Jordan, and Ruan Erniu.

Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang.

James met Ruan Erniu during the rising period of his career, which can be said to be the biggest tragedy of his career.

People will only remember the strongest and best one in history, as for the second best one, hehe, who cares who he is.

During the intermission, the head coaches of both sides were intensively analyzing and arranging tactics. No one wanted to leave regrets for such a big scene as the Christmas game.

(End of this chapter)

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