Standing pretty old

Chapter 720 Is Unstoppable and One Step Ahead

Chapter 720 Is Unstoppable and One Step Ahead

"Kraft, I don't think James is in shape tonight."

During the intermission, in the locker room of the home team, Salmon was sitting not far from Er Niu. He suddenly turned his head and said this to Ruan Er Niu.

Er Niu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said to Salmons: "Isn't this a good thing? Beat him, 囧, you are a person who pursues progress, and this is a good opportunity to prove yourself."

Salmons is also in a contract year this season, and he is still working hard quietly.

In the team, his average score exceeded 15+ lunar eclipse, ranking third in the team after Ruan Erniu and Jiongsen, even higher than the Hawks sixth man Crawford .

With Bibby gradually receding into the background and sharing playing time with Claw Machine, Salmon has de facto become the Hawks' third leading scorer.

Of course, Er Niu also understands that if he successfully defends his title this year, it may be difficult for Salmons, who holds two rings, to stay in the Eagles.

It is impossible for a player who is 30 years old and can continue to work hard and maintain self-motivation to have no expectations for his career.

Going to a weak team to pursue a big contract may be the most correct choice for Salmon.

However, tonight, Salmons felt that James was out of shape, not because of the coffin guy himself.

The real reason lies in what the two bulls said before the match.

Obviously, James was shaken!
This is also normal. James' psychological quality always seems to be a little bit less interesting in front of a group of superstars.

What's even more interesting is that James' zodiac sign is Capricorn, and Capricorn men are always the type who never give up until they reach their goals.

From this point of view, James is an atypical Capricorn. He always has the indecision of a Cancer, but for his pursuit of honor and hard training, he seems to be in line with the character of a Capricorn who does not admit defeat.

James has gradually understood the truth that time does not wait for others, so he will inevitably make a decision next summer, but how to choose, for James at this time, this is also an unknown adventure.

When Er Niu expressed that he wanted to talk to him in private, it was actually quite normal for James to have psychological fluctuations.

Although the Big Three of Green Kai set a precedent for grouping together at the top of the league, these three people were gathered together by trading after all, and they are all over 30+.

But James, the son of heaven, is different. Once he seeks a group, his age will become the biggest original sin. What a joke, 30+ veterans can be forgiven for grouping together. Why do you, a 20-year-old guy, be on an equal footing with the league veterans?

In this era of judging by face and qualifications, James is certainly the future star touted by the league, but this can also be said to be a shackle for him.

The chosen one should be like Jordan, waiting quietly, waiting for Pippen, who is destined to come to his side, so as to achieve supremacy.

However, James is not Jordan, and a second-in-command like Pippen is also rare.

This is also where Er Niu is luckier than James.

At the beginning of their careers, the Celestials can meet a complete set of winning teams such as Jiongsen, and the Eagles, who are seeking innovation and change, dare to support rookies as leaders.

Such an opportunity made James, who was staying in Kecheng, feel all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Think about what happened to James in his rookie season?
A mental patient who tried to make him carry his bag and shoot at his basket for a triple-double-Ricky Davis.

Fortunately, the riding steward did not get dizzy, and quickly traded Davis away, otherwise, James' career may even encounter great confusion.

If there is no gathering of the three giants of Lukay and the sudden rise of the Eagles, maybe James can continue to wait alone in Kecheng, but in this turbulent and impetuous era, who can guarantee that he can abandon his desire and be forever One person, one city?
Kobe was once close to the Bulls, Duncan did not think about leaving the Holy City, and only Cuban, who only favors Nowitzki, has never broken up with the old German driver.

But Cuban's cold-bloodedness towards Steve Nash still let everyone see clearly the face of the management.

James is eager to prove himself with honor, so his choice is not difficult to guess.

The second half of the game began, and the two sides entered a brutal defensive battle in the third quarter, and the sound of iron strikes began to resound throughout the Philips Arena.

Er Niu is one of the few players with stable performance in this quarter.

O'Neal is still lazily hiding under the basket and waiting for an opportunity, while Ruan Erniu, who is between 14 feet and 17 feet, is always in a relaxed environment that is almost unguarded.

After going through the blacksmith course in the first half of the third quarter, the Eagles found their touch in the second half of the quarter, and Ruan Erniu fired frequently, gradually opening up the score for the team.

And James continued his sluggish performance, making only 7 of 2 shots in a single quarter, including 2 of 0 three-pointers and 1 of 1 free throw. He only scored 5 points, 3 assists, and 1 rebound in a single quarter.

At 19:28, the Hawks took a 9-point lead in a single quarter, plus the point difference in the first half. Before the final quarter started, the Hawks gained a double-digit advantage.

Barkley said: "The Cavaliers are not doing badly on the defensive end, it's just that a fat man on the court can't move his legs."

Kenny Smith laughed: "Maybe he will join us soon, Charles, you should be kind to your new colleagues."

Barkley said boldly: "No, some self-righteous fat man has not yet understood the fact that he is old. Even if he came to TNT, he should carry my bag for a year."

Kenny Smith retorted: "I've never heard of a dynasty leader carrying a bag for a guy without a ring."

Miller on the side couldn't listen anymore, and he immediately said to Smith with the same hatred: "If I were by Olajuwon's side, maybe the Rockets would have completed the Triple Crown!"

This means that it is obvious that Kenny Smith, as a role player, does not seem to be qualified to evaluate the historical status of Barkley, the MVP winner.

The narrators were messing about with each other and didn't mean to stop. On the one hand, it was for entertainment, and on the other hand, it also helped to consume the time of the inter-section break.

At the same time, on the Cavaliers' bench, Mike Brown gave instructions to continue to strengthen defense in the final quarter.

Black Bread gambled that the physical fitness of both sides collapsed. After the shooting dropped, the Cavaliers could take advantage of the chaos to tie or even overtake the score.

But tonight's rotation is excellent, and the restful Atlanta people obviously don't want to give the Cleveland people this chance.

Ruan Erniu ushered in his own explosion in the last quarter of the game.

After a short rest period on the bench, as soon as he returned to the court, he hit two consecutive three-pointers from beyond the three-point line. In a very short period of time, he gave a fatal blow to the defensive Cavaliers. hit.

On the defensive end, the Cavaliers have firmly completed Brown's defensive goals from beginning to end.

But after the Eagles replaced Erniu, their ability to switch offense and defense was fully stimulated.

Jon Jonson didn't feel good in the second half, but Salmons, who was in charge of defending James, felt overwhelmed, and made many chasing balls in offensive and defensive transitions.

With the help of Erniu, he opened the score in the next wave and completely established the foundation for the Eagles to win.

At 95:110, the Eagles finally won the Christmas game with a 15-point difference.

James only scored 14 points, 10 assists, and 8 rebounds tonight, and missed a triple-double.

Ruan Erniu scored 33 points, 22 rebounds, and 11 assists in a magical triple-double. After Oscar Robertson, John Havlicek, and Billy Cunningham, he became the fourth player in NBA history. The first player to complete a triple-double performance in the Christmas game.

Even a big triple-double like James has not completed such a performance in the Christmas game so far. From this point of view, Er Niu is one step ahead of James.

(End of this chapter)

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