Chapter 721

"Kraft, this is your first time participating in the Christmas game, so tell me, how do you feel now?" Greg Sager in a floral suit stopped Ruan Erniu at the first time after the game again, and harassed him. interview.

"Although in a sense, the Christmas game is just a part of the regular season, but it is indeed different from the general regular season. In terms of the intensity of the game, it has even reached the level of the playoffs.

If you have to ask me how I feel, I just want to say that winning always makes people happy. "

"Evaluate your opponent? What do you think of James and the Cavaliers' performance tonight?" Sager asked again.

"As I said before the game, you can never take a team with James lightly. James didn't perform at his best level tonight, but he still gave us a lot of pressure on both ends of the offense and defense.

The game was not established until the middle of the final quarter. We did a good job and seized several opportunities for offensive and defensive transitions, so we opened the score. Ruan Erniu replied while wiping his sweat.

At this moment, the bastard Lunar Eclipse suddenly came in from behind, and after making an arrogant expression in front of the camera, he immediately fled away from Er Niu's surroundings. Fortunately, this spoof episode did not affect Ruan Er Niu's interview .

Sager asked with a smile: "This season, you played an astonishing 27 wins in the opening season. Will this push you to move towards a higher record goal?"

Ruan Erniu asked back, "What exactly are you referring to?"

"Break the record for 73 wins in a season or the league's longest winning streak."

Ruan Erniu rolled his eyes and made a final note for this interview: "Greg, go sober up, you must be drunk!"

In the press conference after the game, Mike Brown, as the head coach of the Cavaliers, briefly summed up the game.

Black Bread has not been criticized too much, anyway, in the eyes of most people, he is the puppet of LeBron James.

If there is no Eagles, Black Bread is likely to win the honor of the best coach based on the Cavaliers' record last year, but with the 73-win Eagles, Black Bread's presence suddenly drops a lot.

The competition at the top is always cruel, and only a few people can stand at the top of the pyramid and overlook all living beings.

Black Bread made a final statement with a slightly sour taste: "The Eagles have a stable team and player configuration, and you can't believe that Ruan Erniu, who is the MVP, is actually a third-year student with a rookie salary.

Hey!What I mean is, should the league introduce a policy to change this unequal competition? In the future, if another super rookie wins the MVP, then he should directly receive the maximum salary in the second season. This is a more reasonable approach . "

Black Bread is right. It is not so much that in the past three seasons, the teams in the league have been fighting against the super Atlanta Hawks.

When the historical-level Kraft Nguyen is still leading a low rookie-level salary, this is the most unfavorable situation for other teams.

The active No.1 is still receiving a rookie salary, so in the league, except for those players with a basic salary, there is one other, and all of them have become representatives of high salary and low ability.

More importantly, after the Eagles have a big killer like Kraft Nguyen, they can also have a huge salary space for reinforcement. This is the real fatal blow to other teams in the league.

It doesn't matter if the Celestials are strong, if he holds the supermax salary, it will naturally reduce the Hawks' salary space for players in other positions, causing the Atlantans to lack combat power in other positions, thereby weakening the Hawks.

Therefore, Mike Brown's words, in a sense, represent the aspirations of a large part of the league's teams.

If the league can force the Eagles to raise the salaries of the two bulls and dismantle the Hawks' existing terrorist lineup, then they may be able to compete with the Eagles.

Otherwise, they have to pray to God, let the Hawks into injury.

Woodson appeared in the news conference after Brown as Hawks head coach.

Over the past two years, Egghead, as a winner in life, has become more and more confident. When he is proud, he can even walk with wind. If he walks faster, he can probably fly directly into the sky.

Do not believe?

Think about Lin Zicong in "Shaolin Soccer", things like light work have nothing to do with body shape.

In addition to tonight's game itself, Woodson was also asked whether he would lead the team to go one step further, to break the season's 73 wins and other topics.

Woodson said with a smile: "This season, we only think about defending the championship and establishing a dynasty belonging to the Hawks.

As for the rest, it's too early to tell.

I haven't discussed it with the players personally, but personally, those records don't change the team in a positive sense compared to actual championships. "


At the same time as the press conference was held, the two protagonists of the Christmas battle had already finished their showers and quietly left the Philips Center Arena without anyone noticing.

"Lao Gu, go to the lobster restaurant!"

Er Niu got on his knight XV, and in the dark night, he was driven by his personal bodyguard Gu Shengjian to the restaurant he reserved.

Before Erniu took a seat in the restaurant box, James also came here not long after.

Erniu stepped forward and hugged James: "Welcome! KING-JAMES!"

James smiled and patted Er Niu's chest, and said, "Come on, MVP, you are the current real power in the league. I, the king, are just in name only."

Ruan Erniu said: "Serve the food first! Let's talk slowly!"


James is a bit pretentious, but his character is not bad.

More importantly, Erniu has always been very clear that when it comes to superstars at the level of himself and James, in the current NBA, there is no simple confrontational and competitive relationship at all.

As a business alliance and a competitive arena, a group of people are always needed to perform in front of the stage, and the top ten, or even the top five super giants are naturally well-deserved protagonists.

From the perspective of the nature of work, although they are full of competition with each other, it does not mean that the two parties cannot have a relatively stable personal relationship.

Ruan Erniu and James have shared the same agent so far. Even if some media insists that the two of them hate each other to the point of incompatibility, people with a little sense will understand that this is just another hype.

The mood of the league has changed a long time ago!
Even Isiah Thomas and Michael Jordan have to put on an appearance of letting go of their suspicions in front of the public, not to mention these new-age players who entered the league after the 21st century and take improving their commercial value as their first principle. up.

After drinking for three rounds, the lobster feast is also full.

Ruan Erniu took the initiative to bring up the topic and said: "D. Wade and Chris (Bosh) have communicated with me, but you haven't formally talked with me, buddy, let's have an open and honest talk, you Understand, in the general direction, we have always been on one side.”

James shook his head and said: "Bosh is not my contact, D. Wade is his contact.

Kraft, to be honest, I expected that you would come to see me. In fact, even if you didn't come to see me, after two days, the Hawks will go to Cleveland, and I will definitely meet you. "

Ruan Erniu laughed and said, "Bosh is on D. Wade's side? Hehe, you guys are making great progress. It seems that this summer is destined to be troubled!"

James replied: "Isn't it caused by you, a damned Chinese?"

 Thank you Immortal Immortal Eternal Immortal reward!

(End of this chapter)

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