Chapter 722

There was a sour breath in James' mouth, and Er Niu just wanted to laugh.

But the MVP is also a master who doesn't want to suffer, and immediately replied: "But there are people who are recognized by the whole rice as the 'chosen son' as early as in high school. When I was in high school, I was still a nobody!

Besides, can I be blamed for the alliance starting the 'big deal era'?

The Eagles only exchanged for Mike Bibby who had just suffered a serious injury the year before last. Compared with the Celtics' Big Three and the Lakers who directly robbed Gasol, our reinforcements are nothing! "

James said bitterly: "That's right, these damn old guys!"

Afterwards, Ah KING stared at Er Niu and said, "Kraft, I've made it clear, if I stay in Cleveland, I will always be a candidate.

There were old guys like the Celtics and Lakers before, and a new generation like you can't wait to come out and seize power. There are not many opportunities left for me.

So I must seize my own destiny! "

Er Niu looked at James in front of him without pricking his eyes, but a classic film and television image gradually emerged in his mind——Dong Tianbao in "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng", when Tian Bao was forced to come by Jun Bao, he shouted The classic line: "My life is up to me!"

At this moment, Er Niu finally realized that he and James were still different.

In the same pursuit of fame and fortune, James is more skillful and radical. In fact, this is the choice that is most in line with American values. It is an idea of ​​following the trend in the thinking of the Celestial Dynasty.

James is destined to become a great reformer, but in Erniu's view, his career will inevitably be mixed from the moment he makes up his mind.

Maybe without James, there will be another promoter of league innovation in this world, but the reality is that there is no if.

After the Big Three of the Green Cays joined forces with the league's acquiescence, and after the Lakers successfully robbed Gasol and started the championship mode, James, a man who felt the pulse of the times, finally started his own journey to change his life.

Although Dong Tianbao was domineering for a while, he was eventually killed by Zhang Junbao who had the aura of the protagonist!

In reality, a character like Tianbao may not be as extreme as blackened, so it is easier to succeed.

So here comes the question, who will be the "Zhang Junbao" who stops James' dominance?

Er Niu thought rather narcissistically: "LeBron, if you don't join forces with me, I don't mind being a sloppy Zhang."

The topic between the two gradually deepened, and James also said frankly: "Kraft, I believe your words, I have never said this in the team.

If the Cavaliers still fail to take a step forward this season, I will definitely leave Cleveland in the summer, and the Heat is the most likely place for me to go. "

James is able to talk about this, because he really regards Er Niu as a friend.

Of course, you can't think of James so superficially.

After all, the two share the same agent. As far as James is concerned, who knows whether Kraft Nguyen will hear the news from Leon Rose?
The alliance is so big, some news will be unstoppable sooner or later!
What's more, if you want to leave the team, it is impossible to talk to the team and teammates during the season.

Ruan Erniu asked back: "Will Chris (Bosh) go?"

James shook his head regretfully and said, "I haven't contacted Bosh yet, and I'm not sure whether he can come!"

"It still depends on the operation of the management?"

"Nonsense! You think I don't want to control everything, but it's not the time yet.

Alright, let's talk about you.Ready to stay with the Hawks? "

Ruan Erniu nodded and said: "Of course! If there is no major change, I will not..."

Kraft, you and I are the same kind of people. Don't make yourself too noble. I can even say that Kobe and Tim are the same kind of people as us. The team is a tool for us to achieve our goals, not a performance. Loyal object.

Besides, if you are really loyal, why did you make such an ambiguous expression when Dolan said that? "

"Ambiguous?" Ruan Erniu asked with a smile.

James didn't answer him, but gave the Celestial Man a contemptuous look.

Ruan Erniu said: "You have to put some pressure on the management, otherwise they will take advantage of your 'loyalty'!"

James nodded and said: "So we are all the same, it's just that my luck is worse now, just wait, I will definitely win everything that belongs to me."

Ruan Erniu said: "Don't worry, I won't let you take the top position so easily. Look, even if you form a super strong team, I won't let you win so easily."

James rarely refuted, but said in a joking tone: "OK! If the Eagles successfully defend their title this year, you will be the dynasty builder, and everything you say is correct."

The two high-level figures in the league continued their small talk, talking freely about teams and people who might pose a threat to them in the future. Of course, there were many hidden dialogues, but generally speaking, the two sides can still sit together and communicate like friends .

This "double king meeting" did not appear in the subsequent autobiographies of Ruan and Zhan. It seems that there has never been such a dialogue in history, but this dialogue will have far less influence on the NBA in the next 10 years. Beyond the imagination of the parties involved.

Is fate determines people, or people choose fate, and those who live in the present can only choose to be themselves.

After the end of the Christmas game, the Eagles got another two days of rest, and after that, they will embark on an away trip again.

The Atlanta Hawks' last two games at the end of December were away games.

In the first stop, the Hawks came to Indianapolis to face the Pacers.

The Pacers star Danny Granger was absent due to injury. Facing the Pacers without the main player, the Hawks established a double-digit lead in the first quarter.

In the second quarter of the game, the Pacers stepped up their efforts on the defensive end. In the ugly defensive battle, the Pacers took advantage of their home court and recovered a little point with more free throws.

But this score is really a drop in the bucket for the home team.

Sure enough, as soon as the second half started, the game once again entered the attacking rhythm of the Hawks.

After a wave of unreasonable offensive frenzy, the Eagles once again scored more than 20 points.

This is the Atlanta Hawks. They are not soft against strong teams, and they feel untouchable against underdogs.

In the final quarter, the game entered the garbage time ahead of time, and Er Niu and other main players were replaced one after another.

As for the Pacers, former Rockets player Luther Hyde made a sudden effort. He showed the level of "a product produced by the Rockets and must be a boutique".

Woodson called two timeouts in a row, almost wanting to send the main force back to the field, but in the end Steve Novak and Crawford broke out one after another, hitting difficult long-range shots in succession, helping the team regain the momentum. The score gap is widened. javascript:
At 115:98, the Eagles won a victory without any risk, and their next stop will be Cleveland.

The defending champion didn't have time to complain about the league's poor match schedule. Anyway, after the Christmas game, the Eagles had another matchup with the Cavaliers in Kecheng.

James, who had untied his knot, showed his arrogance in this game. He made 23 of 15 shots, including 6 of 4 three-pointers and 16 of 14 free throws. He scored 48 points, 10 rebounds, and 6 assists.

But "Eagle King" Ruan Erniu's performance was even more explosive. He made 24 of 19 shots, including three-pointers, 8 of 6 shots, free throws, and 12 of 11 free throws. He scored 55 points, 25 rebounds, and 4 assists. Also hit a key decisive kill.

At 110:106, the Eagles have completed the season double play against the Cavaliers and ended all their games in December.

At this time, the Eagles had a record of 30 wins and 1 loss, still firmly occupying the top position in the league.

(End of this chapter)

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