Standing pretty old

Chapter 723 New Year's New Data

Chapter 723 New Year's New Data

Ruan Erniu once again won the East POM (best of the month) in December without any doubt.

Borrowing Charles Barkley's speech on the TNT basketball program last month, the league should issue a separate POM to the Chinese, because regardless of team record or personal data, Kraft Nguyen is the only one in the league.

The winner of the POM in the West is Kobe Bryant. Throughout December, the Lakers' team record was 12 wins and 12 losses, while Kobe's personal data averaged 3 points, 31.3 rebounds, and 6.1 assists per game.

The Los Angeles Lakers have returned to No. 30 in the West, and Kobe has scored a monthly average of 5+5+[-] per game, so this POM is well deserved.

It didn't take long for Ruan Erniu, who won another POM trophy, to be happy for a long time, and he will devote himself to the regular season in January.

For a super giant like Ruan Erniu, taking POM is almost a habit, and he really doesn't have the excitement when he first entered the league.

The Hawks returned to their home court in the first game in early January, and their opponent was the New York Knicks.

After a crazy running and bombing battle, the Hawks finally beat their opponents by 112 points 148:36.

Ruan Erniu made 31 of 26 shots, including 8 of 5 three-pointers and 10 of 7 free throws. He scored 64 points and 32 rebounds. The inhuman data once again shocked everyone's attention.

However, against a team like the Knicks with no defense at all, it would be abnormal if Er Niu couldn't get super data.

Faced with such crazy data, even the hardcore bulls are almost black.

Even if the Knicks are defending with eyes all over the court, if they want to win such statistics in an NBA-level game, they can still prove Ruan Erniu's terror dominance.

It's not the first time that the Knicks have been the background board of the second bull. The unprecedented 40+30+20 data of the Chinese people last time was also brushed on them.

However, the New Yorkers have nothing to complain about, the loss is the loss, and New York's substitute players have not lost their statistics.

For example, Nate Robinson on the bench, he made 24 of 18 shots, including 5 of 3 three-pointers and 5 of 2 free throws. He scored 41 points, 6 rebounds, and 8 assists. A few minutes of playing time, maybe he can complete a historic 40+ triple-double data.

Even Little Tudou's stats are like this, which shows how many opportunities the Hawks gave the Knicks on the defensive end.

Under such circumstances, the Knicks still failed to seize the opportunity to win, and they can only blame themselves for not being strong enough.

Of course, the most injured was David Lee, who was directly facing Er Niu.


In a confrontational battle, this can almost be regarded as the data of marginal players.

After the First World War, David Lee went from a promising future star to a big parallel importer of data, because Ruan Erniu, as a top superstar, can be used as a yardstick to identify players.

At the press conference after the game, Mike D'Antoni, head coach of the Knicks and an advocate of run-and-gun tactics, said: "Although I am very unwilling, I have to admit that Kraft Nguyen is the most perfect small ball tactic. inside players.

He is a unique existence, and the Hawks have built a group of excellent shooters around the Celestials to help him open the space. I can't imagine any team in the league that can stop the Hawks' offense. "

As an opponent in the game, D'Antoni's ability to say such a thing can basically be regarded as surrendering.

However, the New York fans were not dissatisfied with D'Antoni's words. On the contrary, they seemed to be keen to praise Ruan Erniu. After all, James Dolan spoke again, and he must bring LBJ and CR88 back to the Knicks.

As the brightest star of the night, Ruan Erniu also attended the press conference after the game.

Although this man breaks people's cognitive boundaries time and time again, whenever people feel that they overestimate him, the Celestial Dynasty people will always inadvertently tell everyone that he is underestimated again.

"We won! It's really simple. I don't care about the statistics at all. The important thing is the victory.

I have long passed the stage of collecting statistics. Now I only care about basketball and championships. "

This pretense is too blunt!

But there is no way, a capable person is qualified to express his attitude. For Ruan Erniu, who is in full swing, he just jumped out to say that the earth is actually square. I am afraid there will be die-hard fans who will consider whether it is true or not. .

Anyway, as the first game in 2010, Ruan Erniu once again used his terrifying performance to present a gluttonous feast for Atlanta fans.

It can almost be said that, except for Erniu himself, it will be difficult for anyone to touch historical data such as 64+32 for a long time to come.

After the Hawks won the Knicks, they got about three days of rest time. Next, they will go to the away game again, and their opponent is the Miami Heat.

The Heat's current record of winning this season is just over half. It may be difficult for the Heat to win a playoff spot in the West with a record of 16 wins and 15 losses, but in the East, this result is enough for the Heat to win the top 6 rankings.

Sent away O'Neal, traded Marion, and now the Heat have completely become D. Wade's one-man team.

Jermaine O'Neal, who was traded from the Raptors, was injured again. The little O'Neal with a baby face is no longer young, and his injury has made him a glass man. There is no way for the Heat to continue. make a contribution.

In fact, the reason why Pat Riley, the general manager of the Heat, wants to trade for O'Neal is, to a large extent, to save salary space so that he can make a big move this summer.

As for Michael Beasley, the No. 08 pick in [-], apart from being constantly entangled in D-mass, this guy has never fulfilled his basketball talent at all. If this continues, Riley will pack him up and send him away sooner or later.

However, basketball is round, and even if the strength gap between the two sides is obvious, the winning side may not necessarily be the stronger one.

In the second game of the 2010 Western calendar, the Eagles encountered a tenacious resistance from the Miamis.

In the first quarter of the game, all members of the Eagles played iron and fell behind the Heat at home by a big score of 14:30.

In the second quarter of the game, the two sides continued to be deadlocked, but neither side's shooting percentage improved significantly.

In this way, halftime passed, and the Eagles fell behind their opponents by a huge point difference of 15+.

In the critical third quarter, Ruan Erniu finally led the team to show momentum. The Celestials shot from inside and outside and scored consecutively. Before the start of the final quarter, he helped the team to catch up to within 5.

The brutal fourth quarter fight began.

D. Wade, who was walking on the lost track, stood up first, broke through the basket consecutively and caused kills, and once again opened the score between the two teams.

Jon Jonsen's hand feeling is not good tonight, and he can only help the team by making fouls and free throws, but at this moment, this is far from enough for the entire Hawks team.

Fortunately, the overall strength of the Eagles is indeed strong.

After a half-time silence, Salmons suddenly ushered in an explosion. He first made consecutive assaults to the basket and scored 2+1.

At the critical moment, Salmon's three-pointer also opened.

Especially in the last attack, the Hawks were still two points behind at 92:94.

Ruan Erniu got the rebound from the backcourt and pushed the ball directly to the frontcourt. When he hit the basket, he was attacked by Joel Anthony and Beasley.

Er Niu did not choose to force the impact, but turned sideways in the air and distributed the ball to Salmons in the bottom corner.

With only the last 5 seconds left, Salmons decisively faced Wade, who came from a misplaced defense, and shot back...



With the last shot missed by the Heat, Salmons was surrounded by the Eagles generals, and he got the final kill tonight!

Ruan Erniu was just about to go forward to celebrate with his teammates, but Wade walked behind Erniu and said, "I'll treat you to a meal later, you must come!"

(End of this chapter)

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