Chapter 724

95:94, the Eagles won a difficult victory.

The Heat's inside height is similar to that of the Hawks, but their focus on the defensive end is far better than those so-called teams with tall centers.

If something like height is separated from the actual confrontation in the game, it is actually meaningless as a number alone.

After the game, Spoelstra objectively admitted the gap between the two teams, and he will lead the Heat to continue to work hard, hoping to beat the Atlanta Hawks in the future.

This is also the general idea of ​​the teams in the middle of the league.

Compared with those teams that want to compete for the championship, the attitude of the Heat seems to be not competitive enough, but if you tune out the game and take a closer look, it is not difficult to find that this group of teams that win when they lose less and fight for every goal , On the contrary, it is closer to creating a "miracle".

As for the Eagles, their hero of the night - John Salmons and Woodson attended the press conference together.

Usually, most of the positions of salmon belong to Ruan Erniu, and a small part belongs to Jiongsen. In the rest, Lunar Eclipse ranks ahead of him.

In fact, salmon has always been a seriously underestimated type. As a 30-year-old player who can continue to improve his shooting percentage, Ruan Erniu finds it incredible.

Er Niu guessed that if the coffin guy appeared in a weak team, he could even directly become the team leader.

Talent can't be suppressed, and as the Hawks' third-leading scorer, Salmons will almost certainly be able to pursue a big contract this summer.

Faced with the pressure to renew the contracts of Jiong Jisen and Ruan Erniu successively, the Eagles have almost no hope of retaining the hero who won the championship.

Of course, Ruan Erniu wasn't worried about these things at the moment.

It's not surprising that D. Wade invites himself to dinner, but leaving aside Jiong Jisen, it's very smart to invite himself alone.

After arriving at the restaurant, Ruan Erniu was even more convinced of this idea, because in addition to the cheeks, he also met another important person, the general manager of the Heat-Pat Riley.

"Welcome, Kraft!"

Riley is an old guy who has been famous for a long time. Er Niu doesn't have much contact with him, but just by the ring on his finger and the treacherous back of his head, one can imagine that this guy is definitely not someone who is easy to give.

It's not the cheeks who want to invite myself to dinner tonight, the real host is the fortune teller!
"Hello! Mr. Riley!"

Ruan Erniu stepped forward to shake hands with Riley, but kept his sense of proportion, appearing neither humble nor overbearing.

This is not only a reflection of Erniu's current alliance status, but also the actual needs of the people of the Celestial Dynasty.

With Ruan Erniu's wisdom, if he still can't guess the reason why Riley entertained him today, then he is really a fool.

However, Er Niu now wants to know whether James, who is far away in Kecheng, knows all this.

"Kraft, one third of the 09-10 season has passed, do you think the Eagles will encounter any troubles defending their title this year?"

The opening chapter of the magic operator slightly exceeded Er Niu's expectations, but it's no wonder that anyone who relies on his brain for food will not let people easily grasp his pulse.

"Teams in the league that can cause us trouble will definitely not spend too much energy in the regular season. However, we are confident that we can beat any opponent, including the Miami Heat."

Riley was not angry at all, but smiled and said: "This is the confidence that a superstar should have. So please tell me, what kind of character do you want to be?"

Ruan Erniu also smiled and said, "Ideals and goals? These things will always change. If it was two years ago, I would definitely say that I want to survive in the league.

But now!

I don't think anyone can stop the Eagles' dynasty!

future?I think I should at least be at the same level as Bird, Magic, and O'Neal..."

"Too humble, Kraft! Your future should at least be on par with Jordan, or even surpass him!" Riley interrupted Er Niu without hesitation, and expressed his opinion.

Then, Riley said: "So, if you continue to lead the Eagles, is it possible to achieve such a goal?"

Ruan Erniu was prepared for this, but when he really heard Pat Riley's bewitching, Ruan Erniu's heart still beat violently.

That's right, the limitations of the Eagles are clear at a glance. After Er Niu finished his rookie period, it is difficult for the Eagles to keep other players with high salaries. uncertainty.

But it was only for a moment, and Ruan Erniu, who calmed down quickly, smiled and said: "Mr. Riley, frankly speaking, I don't think I will be the first choice of the Heat. You have better candidates this summer. "

Riley waved his hand and said, "James? Although he has a good personal relationship with D. Wade, I don't think he can be compared with you at all. Kraft, you are the best player in the league."

The words of the fortune teller are resounding, but if Er Niu really takes these scenes seriously, then he is really committing a crime.

Ruan Erniu glanced at his cheeks calmly, and asked back: "This is D. Wade's team. At present, I am not willing to be inferior to others."

Sauway showed his charming smile and said in a positive tone: "You come to the Heat, and you and I will be the leaders here."

Ruan Erniu asked again: "Are you really not afraid that I will take your leadership position?"

Wade said directly: "I'm even more afraid that you won't come to the Heat!"

Speaking of which, if Ruan Erniu continues to pretend to be stupid, it will be boring.

Er Niu laughed and said: "It seems that some people's requirements are not generally high, but my contract for next year has not yet expired, and the right to renew the contract is also in the hands of the Eagles. I don't think the Eagles will let me go!"

Riley nodded and said: "Then we will wait for you until the summer of 11, or in other words, I hope you will not make a decision so quickly this summer and complete the contract extension with the Eagles ahead of schedule."


Overall, it was a dinner party that everyone enjoyed, but the meaning was deep enough.

After finishing the dinner, Ruan Erniu immediately summed up the meal.

Riley, the old fox, definitely didn't tell him the truth, but this is not the key point. The key point is that, judging from the existing information, James' attitude is very ambiguous. Hold your breath.

Rather than saying that Riley is lobbying himself tonight, it is better to say that Riley is looking for a spare tire for James, even if the performance of Er Niu's spare tire is worse than the original one planned.

As for D. Wade's words, I can't believe it. When it comes to the Heat, it is not that simple for the two bulls to fight for the boss.

Anyway, no matter what Er Niu thinks, the Eagles have no reason to give up their contract extension. For the time being, the Eagles have not completely given up the possibility of future reinforcements.

Regardless of the turmoil in the outside world, Ruan Erniu actually prefers to stay in Atlanta, after all, he has his honor and glory here.

But as Er Niu himself said, the goal of a person is to become!

If the Hawks keep standing still, and a team like the Heat, with Riley who is good at operating, has the ambition to hit the championship, and continues to increase its strength, who can guarantee that the two bulls will not do anything to their future? New plan?
Players are also people, and people always have living ideas.

In the commercial league of the NBA, only interests are eternal, and only talking about loyalty to individuals is clearly capital playing hooligans.

Fortunately, James is still waiting and watching, and Ruan Erniu doesn't have too radical ideas.

In the box of the restaurant, Riley and D. Wade still did not leave.

Cheeks couldn't help sighing: "The people of the Celestial Dynasty are the same, they are all smart people!"

Riley said with a smile: "But today is not without gains, big deals are not something that happens overnight, let alone a man like a man holding a ring in his hand?

James is never our only choice, D. Wade, remember, the championship is! "

Cheek scratched his head with a smile. Anyway, he decided to stay in Miami.

 Thank you Sha Po Lang 444 for your reward!
  Thanks to yezhongyi1, Ximen Dazishui, and mike2030 for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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