Standing pretty old

Chapter 725 Chapter 726 Just Can't Stop

Chapter 725 Chapter 726 Just Can't Stop
The regular season is still going on, but at least in the current league, there is no player who can directly command the management.

So no matter how active the superstars are in private connection, in the end, the team's management still has to make the decision.

After bidding farewell to Miami, the Eagles returned to their home court again. They defeated the Nets and Celtics who came to challenge respectively.

The Nets really can't stop the Eagles, and the Celtics seem to give up strategically. I don't know whether Green Kai is going to find his way back in the regular season, or simply let the veteran retain his strength in order to fight in the season. The final game gave the Atlanta people a fatal blow.

The Atlanta people who have just played two home games embarked on a back-to-back journey again. This time the road is not far away. They will go to Orlando the next day to play against the Magic again.

Another bloody battle!
Vince Carter's absence due to injury not only did not weaken the combat effectiveness of the Magic, but instead made the Orlando people burst into unprecedented momentum.

Jameer Nelson returned from injury, and both JJ Redick and Matt Barnes were placed in the starting lineup by Stan Van Gundy.

I never expected that such a starting lineup would produce a magical chemical reaction.

Da Fan, who had always wanted Vince Carter to replace Turkoglu, suddenly discovered that although the demigod is selfless, he is not a good organizer after all.

Directly using Bird Sen (Nelson) and White Chocolate (Jason Williams) on the bench to take charge of the organization actually made the team play more smoothly.

If only this is the case, it is still impossible for the Magic to cause enough trouble for the Eagles. After all, Ruan Erniu is holding back the sparks, and the Magic wants to shake the sky. How can it be such a simple matter.

The real X factor appeared in the defensive champion-Matt Barnes.

This man who can take the initiative to cut his salary for the sake of the championship does have two brushes on the defensive end, and on the offensive end tonight, he just went berserk.

Barnes made 11 of 8 shots, including 2 of 2 three-pointers and 1 of 0 free throw. As a role player, he scored 18 points and 7 rebounds.

Barnes helped the team maintain the lead almost all night, and whenever the Hawks were about to catch up, he could stand up and score efficiently.

In the final quarter of the game, the Eagles finally caught up with the score under Ruan Erniu's strong performance.

In the last 2 minutes, Jon Jonson and Salmons stood up together and scored fatal three-pointers in a row, finally helping the Eagles win the game in a thrilling manner.

117:113, looking at the score alone, perhaps no one would have thought that in the three and a half quarters of the game, the Eagles were struggling to chase points.

If there is no superstar explosion in the last half of the game, the winner tonight must belong to the Magic.

Losing is losing. After all, the Magic failed to seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become the second team to beat the Atlanta Hawks this season. While they lost to their opponents at home, they also let their opponents record reach 35 points and 1 loss.

In the history of the league, there has never been such a terrifying record. Every time the Atlanta Hawks win a game, they will leave a strong mark in the history of the NBA.


The performance of the Eagles is indeed unprecedented. Even in ancient times, it may be difficult to find such a team with super dominance.

After the game, Woodson, as the team's head coach, was asked again whether he would go beyond the season's 73 wins created by themselves.

Mike Woodson probably finished his discussion with Er Niu and Jon Jonson, and asked the reporter: "If the Eagles really succeed in breaking through 73 wins, will you vote for me for the COY of the 09-10 season?"

This is of course a joke!

In fact, Woodson understands very well that unless the Eagles can win 80 wins this season, it is impossible for him, a guy who has won the best coach in a row, to win the COY for the third time.

This is actually one of the unspoken rules of the league.

No matter how awesome Woodson is, the team you lead is also a championship-level team. It should be invincible, and there is nothing special about it.

In comparison, the head coach of the team who had a bad record last season but has suddenly risen this season is more likely to be favored by the league and reporters.

The joke is a joke, but from Woodson's words, it is not difficult to see that the Eagles are not against the matter of hitting the best record in league history again.

It is also a very meaningful thing to create an unprecedented record while Jiongsen and Erniu have not yet completed the maximum salary renewal, and when the salary structure of the Eagles is still relatively balanced.

Ruan Erniu, as the leader of the Eagles, naturally cannot escape. Seeing that the season is nearly halfway through, it is time to decide whether to play a high-profile role or to maintain a low-key character.

"I have discussed with my teammates and the coaching staff. We will strive to win every game without affecting the physical distribution. If there is a chance to break the record, I don't think we will miss it.

We are willing to try everything possible without affecting the defending title. "

Having said that, I am admitting my ambition for a new record with the best record in history!
What's interesting is that none of the media said Ruan Erniu's arrogance. It seems that the Atlanta Hawks, who have won 27 consecutive victories in the first season, should have the right and confidence to make bold statements.

Hey, bullies will never disappear.

They just hid and waited for the day when the Hawks suffered defeat.

As long as the Eagles do not break through the best record in history, or even fail to defend their title this season, they will immediately jump out and criticize everything as a winner, thereby enjoying that morbid sense of superiority.

After a tough battle with the Magic, the Eagles got a two-day break, and their next stop was Boston's North Shore Garden Arena.

The league's schedule is really incomprehensible, but for the Atlanta people who are determined to make history, they don't care about playing against a strong team like the Green Kai again.

It was another game that lacked suspense. At 112:96, the Eagles completed an away pass against the Green Kai and completed the season's three-game winning streak.

Now it can be confirmed that Lukai and the old guys really have to start paddling in the regular season!

They don't care about the gains and losses of one city and one place, they just want to kill the paralyzed Atlanta people in one fell swoop in the playoffs.

But is there really such a simple thing in the world?
Ruan Erniu gave Lu Kai a thumbs down in his heart, trying to steal the playoff victory by showing weakness?


After taking down the Celtics for the third time this season, the Hawks can finally go home again!

They will usher in the sweetest schedule of their 09-10 season, but also the longest home trip of the season.

The Eagles will compete for five consecutive regular season games at the Philips Center, and their first opponent is the Wizards who have just experienced the "gun gate" incident.

How can such a team that is full of confusion about its future pose a threat to the Eagles?

84:132, the Eagles ushered in a good start for five consecutive home games. With a 48-point victory, they started their sweet journey with the best start of 5 plus sweetness.

While defeating the Washington Wizards, the Hawks also ushered in a 10-game winning streak after losing to the Nuggets.

With 37 wins and 1 loss, the legendary journey of the Atlanta Hawks is still going all the way.

 Thanks to the book friends for reminding that some problems in chapters 724 and 725 have been revised!

  Also explain the reason why Chapter 722 said that Ruan and Zhan Xianghui are the two kings. Er Niu won the championship twice, so he can be called the king. James High School is called "The Chosen Son". Too many questions, taken from the British and American conventions of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, hey, why did the pretty figure of my king suddenly pop up in my mind?

(End of this chapter)

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