Standing pretty old

Chapter 726 Piracy and Reference

Chapter 726 Piracy and Reference
"So good, take us to the movies?"

"Do you have another date?"

"Of course not, Dad, um, wait for me, I'll go change my clothes."

Eddie jumped up and hugged Ruan Erniu who was sitting on the chair from behind, kissed him hard, and then quickly changed his clothes.

Since it was a sweet home trip, it was impossible for Er Niu to ignore his family. After finally having a little free time, he still wanted to spend a pleasant time with Dr. Han and Eddie.

"So, what are you going to see? I haven't been to the cinema for a long time." Eddie had already changed his clothes and appeared in front of Erniu and Han Meimei.

"We'll talk about it when we get to the place, but on our way there, we can read movie reviews online first. Are there any good movies recently?" Ruan Erniu said.

Han Meimei smiled and said, "Since the middle of last year, there have been news about truck drivers all over the world. Yes, it's the one about the big boat."

"Oh, James Cameron's new movie is released, what's the name of that movie?" Er Niu turned around to communicate with the two ladies as they walked out.

""Avatar", I heard that the effect in the theater is very good, what kind of technology does it seem to use?" Eddie seems to have wanted to see it for a long time.

"IMAX!" Ruan Erniu revealed a new trick for truck drivers while checking on his mobile phone.

According to the practice of this studio tyrant, he must have used the most advanced technology to tell a very old-fashioned story about love.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the technology is good enough, Cameron's commercialization will be successful.

In fact, truck drivers know exactly what they are good at.

Sure enough, the story of "Avatar" did not break away from those classic patterns that can be called clichés, but James Cameron won again.

Although it is very crude compared with the IMAX technology in the future, new technology is new technology.

When the brand-new visual sense hits the audience's eyeballs, this most expensive movie in history is bound to achieve huge commercial success.

To be honest, in Er Niu’s opinion, these Avatars who are over 3 meters tall are actually no different from the Smurfs. Gargamel is still a human being, and Smurf Smurf has changed from a female to a male, and finally joined the Smurfs. camp.

Trucker really should have paid the rights to the Smurfs, well, he won't admit it.

Eddie watched the movie happily and discussed the plot along the way.

For example, will Jack wake up and rule the Avatar planet with Neytiri?For example, will the greedy Earth developers attack again and destroy the beautiful world of Avatar?


Ruan and Han laughed and talked about the follow-up plot with their daughter. If James Cameron is more diligent, they will be able to see "Avatar 10" in about 2 years.

Back home, Ruan Erniu sighed helplessly while thinking about "Avatar".

After Dr. Han saw it, he asked with a smile, "What basketball inspiration did you get from the movie?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "No, I'm just sighing. If we build IMAX theaters in China now, we will definitely make money in the future. It's a pity that the business opportunity is in front of me, but I don't have the ability to seize it."

Doctor Han said with a smile: "You are not engaged in theaters, so naturally you lack resources in this area, so this is not your opportunity."

Ruan Erniu nodded and said, "You're right! But there's one more thing I think is really thought-provoking."


"MAY, how do you think Avatars mate?" While speaking, Er Niu had thrown Dr. Han onto the bed.

Well, it's okay for James Cameron to cut out some of the plot, because fans will automatically make up certain moments.

"Hmm... from the perspective of the hospital... analysis, the tail of the avatar... is very suspicious!"

"Okay!... Don't talk about Avatar..., let's talk... about the... future of mankind!"

Sometimes, it is not good to talk too much, and some things can be narrated through body language.


On January 2010, 1, American time, the Eagles continued to sit at the Philips Center, and they ushered in the second challenger for the five-game winning streak - the Phoenix Suns.

It's the best small ball team in play versus the best small ball team ever.

Before the start of the game, Suns center Amare Stoudemire said in front of the media: "The Hawks are indeed the hottest team in the league, but that doesn't mean they can beat the Suns. Run and gun, we have the confidence to beat any opponent."

Does Stoudemire have the right to say that?

In the past two seasons, the Hawks have drawn a 2-2 tie with the Suns in the regular season.

When Stoudemire was healthy, the Eagles' record was 1:2. That is to say, as long as Xi Di (Stoudemire = S) was on the court, the Eagles' winning percentage was only about 33.33%.

It must be admitted that part of the Hawks' current tactics were indeed born out of the Phoenix Suns.

As a former member of the Suns, Jiongsen often discussed with Erniu about the use of run-and-gun tactics, which had a crucial impact on the formation of the 73-win Eagles.

But Zhang Sanfeng came from Shaolin Temple, but he finally created his own Taijiquan and made Wudang another great martial art holy place in the world.

When the Suns were at their strongest, they failed to break through to the Western Conference Finals, but the Hawks had already won two consecutive championships. Objectively speaking, the Hawks had already emerged from the blue and surpassed the blue.

But the new king must step on the throne of the old king.

Without O'Neal, the Suns have returned to that fast and mobile basketball team, playing their most usual offensive methods.

Head coach Alvin Gentry, who just took office this season, did nothing but help the team restore their run-and-gun tactics.

Suns general manager Steve Kerr finally put things right!
Facts have proved that forcing O'Neill to be embedded in the Sun's system is simply a mess.

When Terry Porter and O'Neal left last season one by one, the Suns seemed to be dreaming back to the 05-06 season.

Everything became so smooth, the classic and fascinating 7-second attack returned to Phoenix.

Nash's superb passing skills continue to lead the running Phoenix people to put the basketball into the basket again and again.

The Suns' record this season is currently 24 wins and 15 losses, temporarily ranking fourth in the Western Conference.

From the team that failed to enter the playoffs last season to this season's rebirth from the ashes, the Phoenix Suns are impressive.

Steve Kerr did make mistakes in the position of general manager, but his ability to learn and correct mistakes is very strong, and he is already trying to awaken the team's running and bombing gene.

For tonight's game, the Suns' starting lineup is:
C Amare Stoudemire

PF Channing Frye
SF Grant Hill
SG Jason Richardson
PG Steve Nash
On the bench of the Suns, there are still Samba Lightning Barbosa, Robin Lopez, Jared Dudley and others.

The most interesting thing is that the Hawks saw their "own man" on the Sun's bench, a man named Jason Collins.

Er Niu made this mistake in the first season, so he immediately stood up and clarified: "It wasn't Jason, but his brother—Jielong."

The Hawks’ starting lineup remains unchanged. Dragic will continue to play the starting position at No. [-]. In Woodson’s view, facing Zondas running all over the field, the effect of using claw machines should be better than moving. Slow Bibby.

(End of this chapter)

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