Standing pretty old

Chapter 732 Suppression on the field, wining off the field

Chapter 732 Suppression on the field, wining off the field

2007 has always been the year of the draft in the media, and the 07 rookie is naturally the future of the league with high expectations.

Two seasons have passed. Although Greg Oden has not been able to play due to injuries, the overall strength of the 07 class is still convincing.

In particular, the existence of a rare talent like Ruan Erniu has raised the overall reputation of the class of 07 by a notch.

It is everyone's consensus that Kraft Ruan is the only one, but the strength of the remaining 07 rookies is not evenly distributed, because among them, there is Kevin Durant, who is below one and above dozens.

It can be said that KD is the No.07 in the 1 session other than Er Niu, or directly the well-deserved second player in the 07 session.

But the second person is not No.1 after all, not to mention the No.07 in 1 is so shining, it is the active No.1 in the league.

People in the arena involuntarily.

In the field of fame and fortune, everyone is the object of evaluation and comparison.

When Durant entered the league, he gave up Adi's high-paying signing and chose NIKE, which has a closer relationship. On the one hand, this certainly proves that Du Shao trusts the latter more, but on the other hand, it also becomes his lack of competition. .1 Proof of arrogance.

In stark contrast to this is Ruan Erniu, the rising star of the Celestial Dynasty and the winner of the MOP. Before he entered the league, he won a high-priced contract extension of 6 million yuan from Adidas for 8000 years. In one fell swoop, James and Du Rand fell under him.

At the beginning, people thought Adidas was crazy and Leon Rose was simply a top agent.

But more than two seasons have passed. Although the overall strategy of Adidas is weak, but in the sneaker market, it really has not ushered in failure. Instead, it is even more crazy to build an exclusive brand for the two cattle - "Wangyi".

By the way, in the latest issue of sneaker sales, Tianchao Chaoju has surpassed Kobe and achieved the number one sales of sneakers in North America.

You know, this is only in the North American region. In the Greater China region, the sales of Erniu's sneakers are often sold out. Even areas such as Nihong and Nanbang, because of Erniu's identity as Erniu, have contributed a lot. Huge share of sales.

The law of center forwards not selling shoes has no effect on Ruan Erniu.

To put it bluntly, if you can't even sell the sneakers of the 73-win leader, scoring champion, D-POY, and dunk contest champion, who else can sell the sneakers.

What's more, Er Niu, a center, does as much work as a defender. From time to time, he has to control the ball to cross the half court, and even organize offenses between offense and defense. Such a player simply performs highlights as a daily performance. sought after?

It's the same old saying - no comparison, no harm.

No.07 of the 1 session is so brilliant, who can remember the second one?

If the fledgling Durant didn't have many ideas in the first two seasons, as KD's skills and game experience continue to increase, he is bound to have ideas about his career.

Who wants to be dominated and ruled by others for a lifetime?
For a player with vigor and strength, no one does not want to be able to complete a career that is admired by younger generations in a short career.

Er Niu's temporary idea made Durant suddenly realize that his opportunity has come!

This is not only a challenge, but also a good opportunity to make him famous!

Sink your shoulders, feint, swing your arms.

It's empty!
But it doesn't matter, Durant can raise his hand and complete the shot directly...


Ruan Erniu stretched his arm forward suddenly, and accurately cut the basketball with his palm.

Durant continued to raise his arms in the air, but Er Niu had already picked up the basketball and rushed forward.

Ruan Erniu rushed into the frontcourt without any defenders in front of him. The Chinese held the ball with both hands, rotated 180 degrees on the spot, and folded and buckled with his back.

Er Niu ran back all the way, and smiled at Durant who ran back to serve the baseline, as if he had done a trivial thing.

Durant's mentality has changed again!

As soon as Westbrook had possession of the ball for half court, KD immediately asked Westbrook for the ball.

At this time, Westbrook was not qualified to grab Durant's possession of the ball, so he immediately passed the ball to Durant.

Facing Er Niu's defense, Durant just scored a three-pointer.


Hard work!
KD was too anxious to make a shot, and Er Niu's defensive oppression was also extremely strong.

Birdman successfully protected the backcourt rebound, and actually sent a long touchdown pass like Er Niu, but this time, the wide receiver on the basketball court became Er Niu himself.

Durant struggled to catch up, but Er Niu had a lower center of gravity and started faster.

Ruan Erniu, who got the ball one step outside the three-second zone, turned his head and glanced behind him, and Durant, who was chasing after him, rushed over.

Shoot fake!
The big tarantula flew 3 meters away with its fangs and claws. Er Niu jumped up on the spot, swung his arms in a big circle, and slammed the ball into the basket.

Durant stabilized his figure in embarrassment. Looking at Ruan Erniu who jumped off the basket, he suddenly realized that he had become the background board again.

Even though he became the league's top scorer, he still lost in the direct matchup with Er Niu.

Thunder coach Scott Brooks directly requested a long timeout. KD, as the leader of the Thunder, was instantly suppressed by Kraft Nguyen.

The super overall strength of the Eagles often conceals Er Niu's personal super talent.

More and more people regard Erniu as a beneficiary of a system, but just forget the fact that Erniu itself is the builder of the Eagles system.

A man who dared to play from the fifth position to the first position in the finals in the rookie season, and occasionally played the third position in the game, what is it?
At present, no one would have thought that Er Niu's brilliant conspiracy would have an impact in a longer period of time.

Scott Brooks doesn't do it any better.

Durant is the Thunder's strongest offensive point. It is possible to replace him in a short period of time, but in the long run, no one in the team can replace him.

So in the face of Ruan Erniu's defense, Durant can only adapt on his own.

Brooks simply continued to put Durant on the court in the second quarter, allowing him to solve the problem by himself and find the offensive rhythm in the game.

After all, Durant was a little tender, and he seemed extremely uncomfortable in the face of the pressure from Er Niu.

Playing in the playoffs and not playing in the playoffs are two completely different concepts.

When Ruan Erniu instantly increased his defensive strength, Durant finally understood his gap.

"Bang!", "Bang!"

In the game after the second quarter, Durant made two more shots, all of which were ironed. In the second quarter, he took a total of 4 shots, all of which ended in failure.

No points in a single quarter, which is in stark contrast to KD's performance of scoring 12 points in the first quarter.

Fans have recalled Ruan Erniu's rhetoric at the beginning of the season that he would win MVP+D-POY at the same time.

Of course there is no need to say more about the MVP. Seeing the data of Er Niu and the record of the Eagles, I am afraid that the biggest award of the 09-10 season is no longer much suspense.

Judging from tonight's second quarter game, Er Niu's three consecutive D-POYs are also stable. In any case, the average rebounds per game of 20+, the number of blocks ranked in the top three, and the number of blocks from No. [-] to No. [-] The defensive performance of the number position, if such a person does not get D-POY, who can get it?
Some people's pretentiousness can be regarded as big talk, while others' pretentiousness is more like a way of expressing self-confidence. Ruan Erniu obviously belongs to the latter.

In the second half of the game, Er Niu returned to the 5th position again, but Durant's touch never recovered in the second half.

Salmons graduated with 6 fouls tonight, 5 of which were committed by Durant, and he directly gave the opponent 10 free throws. If this is not the case, the Thunder's data may be even more ugly.

94:114, the two sides are actually not outstanding on the offensive end tonight, but with stronger defense and rebound control, the Hawks still won [-] consecutive victories.

After the game, Dewey's second son was finally forced to go to dinner by Er Niu. Because of the weather, their flight had been rescheduled to the 19th, that is to say, they didn't have to leave Atlanta that night.

In the parking lot of the Philips Center, Westbrook sat on the second-best Cavalier XV, and said to Durant behind him: "Let him treat guests, eat as much as he wants, anyway, he is not short of this money."

Westbrook and Erniu, people from the Celestial Dynasty, have been in touch for a long time, and they have long forgotten the traditional virtues of the AA system among friends in the United States. When they said this, they took out the lip balm they carried with them from their pockets and wiped them calmly stand up.

"Stop talking nonsense, get in the car quickly, apply lip balm slowly along the way, look at your stinking face!" Ruan Erniu pretended to be angry and pushed Wei Shao, and invited Du Shao into the car, Then he went in and closed the door.

Er Niu's bodyguard Gu Shengjian started the car and drove out slowly.

 Please take a leave in advance. In August, due to some personal matters, we may have to stop updating for two to three days. Since September last year, for nearly a year, a certain show has not stopped updating. This time there is no way. Forgive me, of course. , it's best that things can end smoothly, and I don't have to stop updating, um, that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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