Standing pretty old

Chapter 733 The Story Destroys 3 Views, Different Awareness

Chapter 733

"Kevin, stop being sullen, be happy, it's just a regular season.

A few of us are no longer rookies in the first grade. Who hasn't lost dozens of regular season games? "Ruan Erniu in the box persuaded.

Durant laughed and said, "But in your rookie season, you were already the leader of a 60-win team. Last year, you even led the team to win the championship with an unprecedented 73 wins. Russell and I haven't led the team yet. Got 50 wins!"

Westbrook said: "I don't care if we get 50 wins or not, but we will definitely enter the playoffs this season."

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "Of course, maybe we can still meet in the finals!"

Durant and Westbrook gave Er Niu a blank stare at the same time. This guy is too hypocritical. Is this kind of talk interesting?

Professional players are also human beings, so besides basketball, there are naturally other topics.

They talked about the weather, movies, Hollywood gossip, bowling, golf, American football, and Comrade Oku Kankai's professional achievements over the past year, as well as his Nobel Peace Prize in November last year.

Well, because of this incident, most Chinese people have completely questioned the fairness of the Nobel Prize, even though the well-known people have said time and time again that Guan Hai is a good comrade, and he has put forward ideas on the reduction of nuclear weapons.

Yes, an idea is worth the Nobel Peace Prize.

In this way, all the elders of that dynasty should be awarded, because they did not let the more than one billion Chinese people cause trouble to the people of the world.

After Er Niu expressed his point of view, both Du Shao and Wei Shao applauded Er Niu. It has to be said that Kafu Ruan is indeed talented in terms of eloquence.

Things like chatting have never been directionless.

After talking about other people's affairs for a long time, the topic gradually returned to himself.

"Why do we still have to play when others can take a vacation the day after tomorrow?" Westbrook complained with a smile.

Ruan Erniu squinted and said: "January 1 is the 'Martin Luther King Day' for you Americans, and it has nothing to do with our international players."

Durant said: "It's better not to rest, because there are only two situations where we can rest: either injured or suspended."

Westbrook said quietly: "Although I am very grateful to Martin Luther King for bringing a day off to the people of the United States, I am not cold to him himself. By the way, we are now in Martin Luther King's lair ?"

In terms of history, Durant is definitely a scumbag, and Westbrook is inconvenient to talk, so the explanation work has to be done by Er Niu, a child shoe who also came from the history department.

Under normal circumstances, the Chinese people's impression of Martin Luther King is nothing more than the leader of the black movement and his famous y speech "I-have-a-dream".

International students and tourists who have a little knowledge of the United States are more familiar with the legal national holiday "Martin Luther King Day" in the United States, and there are many streets named after Martin Luther King that can be seen in many American cities and the road.

As one of only three legal national holidays named after people in the history of the United States (the other two are Columbus and Washington), the historical status of Martin Luther King, the assassinated civil rights leader, seems to have long been Freeze on the glorious and great side.

However, in real history, is this Martin Luther King really so stalwart?

The answer is most likely no.

In fact, Martin Luther King's personal morality was indeed at fault. As a pastor, he committed suicide and whoring; as a Ph.D., he plagiarized and plagiarized.

Going back to the original scene of history, under the background of national liberation after World War II, the blacks in the southern United States became more and more unable to tolerate the long-term "apartheid" system, so the civil rights movement was surging.

In 1955, the black woman Rosa-Parks was arrested for occupying the "white seat" on the bus. In order to resist the evil law, the black pastor Martin Luther King launched a strike movement, and he has since become a leader in the civil rights movement.

Kim has therefore become the subject of surveillance by the FBI.

Edgar Hoover has been the director of the FBI since 1924.

This legendary bureau chief will be more awesome than Martin Luther King on various forums in the future.

How awesome is it?
It is said that he has a photo of Eleanor Roosevelt, the former first lady of the United States.

Originally, Hoover sent someone to wiretap Martin Luther King Jr., thinking that he might have connections with the Red Party and Mao Xiongguo, but he accidentally discovered the other side of this human rights fighter.

On February 1964, 2, in a hotel in Los Angeles, King and his colleagues talked about the televised funeral of President Kennedy.

At that time, Kennedy's widow leaned over and kissed the middle of the coffin, and King said with a smile: "That's what she misses the most!"

This extremely mean and vicious sentence comes from a pastor who preaches the benevolence of Christ in his sermons all day long, which undoubtedly proves the hypocrisy of the speaker.

Not only that, but the FBI discovered that Martin Luther King’s lecture tour was a prostitution tour, he recruited both white prostitutes and black prostitutes, and sometimes recruited more than 2 prostitutes at the same time, messing up J; drunken multi-person SEX parties, Even for days.

The obscenity and moaning during sex were all recorded on FBI tapes.

Even when King went to Stockholm to collect his Nobel Prize, his only interest in the evening was prostitution.

This is also the reason why Er Niu firmly believes in the spark to save the soul of a woman who has lost her footing.

That's right, it must be true, because Huo Hua has faith, no different from Jin who is a pastor.

Afterwards, the tapes of Martin Luther King's suicide were sent to American media, sponsors of the civil rights movement, and King's wife.

The intent was obvious: to ruin Kim's marriage, if not to stink him.

So, on January 1965, 1, Mrs. Jin received the sex tape recording her husband's infidelity and had a big fight with Jin.

However, the media in the U.S. surprisingly and unanimously refused to publish these materials, believing that the sex scandal had nothing to do with the cause of black civil rights led by King.

On the contrary, it was Hoover's wiretapping and the like, which made people feel even more hateful.

Another of King's scandals was plagiarism.

When left-wing organizations sorted out King's posthumous works, they found that there were a lot of plagiarism problems in his doctoral dissertation at that time.

Afterwards, serious disagreements arose among American scholars. Whether to publicly accuse King of plagiarism is undoubtedly "politically incorrect."

In the end, the corrupt state media, who were not too involved, broke through this layer of paper in 1989, and public opinion was in an uproar for a while.

Looking at Martin Luther King's life, maybe he died at the right time. If the so-called "March on Washington" civil rights movement must be carried through to the end, who knows what his future will be like?

Leaving aside, think about how Mandela, the sage of the world, after taking power, dragged South Africa, which even drove away the corrupt people, into the abyss?

The so-called civil rights leader has really allowed him to take power. If he himself does not have the basic attributes of a politician who doesn't count his words, then his so-called nation and the country he is in may fall into hell.

Er Niu naturally wouldn't tell Durant too many foreign stories, but just talking about Martin Luther King's life is enough to make KD think deeply.

"So, the process and means are not important, the goal and the result are the existence that tests whether a person is valuable?" Durant concluded.

Er Niu was noncommittal, but Westbrook, a Scorpio, said bluntly: "So I don't like him. While a man is loyal to his career, he should also be loyal to his family."

Obviously, the tortoise didn't understand the meaning of Du Shao's words.

Er Niu suddenly discovered that even if some people stay together by fate, they will not really become confidantes of each other.

(End of this chapter)

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