Standing pretty old

Chapter 734 Halfway through the schedule, the record exploded

Chapter 734 Halfway through the schedule, the record exploded

After talking all over the place for a long time, the topic once again returned to basketball itself.

Ruan Erniu lowered his voice and said, "Speaking of which, even if we can't meet in the finals, we may play against you in the summer. Well, I'm not talking about the NBA, but the World Championships."

Westbrook said disdainfully: "Come on, we are all helpless now.

Meng Badu was killed by the Celestial Team led by you, how can our newcomers have a chance to succeed? "

Durant is much more sensitive than Westbrook in this aspect. As soon as Er Niu finished speaking, he quickly realized and asked: "They don't like the World Championships?"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "Maybe they have more important things to do this summer."

Durant nodded, but Westbrook hesitated to speak. He just wasn't sharp enough, but it didn't mean he was stupid.

Speaking of this point, if the turtle does not understand, he will not be able to become a future NBA super giant.

After thinking for a while, Durant asked again: "So we should prepare early?"

Ruan Erniu shrugged and asked, "Are you asking me? I'm not from the United States."


A group of three people came here with a lot of fun, and returned with a lot of fun. No one has certain information about the future, but as long as today continues, we must work hard for the future.

After defeating the Thunder, the Eagles ushered in the Kings and Bobcats in the next two home games.

Ushering in the Kings on Martin Luther King Jr. Day is an easy task for the Eagles.

Marvin Williams missed the game due to injury, but Yi Jianlian still did not get the chance to start. In the power forward position, he was even squeezed out by Dante Green, who averaged 3.8 points and 1.6 rebounds per game last season. remaining playing time.

This season's new head coach Paul Westphal still doesn't trust Allen, and Allen's own injuries do always make him lack a little luck in the competition at critical moments.

The game itself has nothing to say, even though Brandon Jennings scored the second highest single-game score in his rookie season in November - 11 points (the first highest was Ruan Erniu's 55 points in a single game), But Tyreke Evans still ranked No.59 candidate for the best rookie by virtue of his stable performance.

But even so, the overall strength of the Kings is still not enough to cause any trouble for the Hawks.

Evans and Martin's double guns were not enough to shoot down the mighty eagle.

At 97:131, a game lacking suspense and excitement, the Eagles successfully harvested 13 consecutive victories.

After the Erniu game, A Lian and Sun Yue were invited to have dinner together as usual, and enlightened the compatriots by the way, but that was all.

There are some things that you can only get out of by yourself.

There are even mean trolls on the Internet who steal Alian's picture and write words to express their views:

Kong Kongyi: "I'm really envious of Sun Yue now. Anyway, his playing time is getting less and less. Following Er Niu at least has a chance to get a ring. It's really a pity that I didn't hug this thigh."

A Lian is also a player with a heart, and he hasn't degenerated to the level of a mixed ring yet.

But I have to say that Yi Jianlian, who was once favored by Chinese people, did not meet people's expectations.

In other words, Dayao raised the starting point too high, and Er Niu in the same period climbed directly to Mount Everest, which immediately made a player like A Lian who was struggling near the survival line very embarrassing.

To some extent, Alian at this time is not even as comfortable as Sun Yue. After all, Sun Yue's draft pick is far lower than Alian, so he will not suffer more criticism.

After completing the season double play against the Kings, the Eagles finally ushered in the last opponent of the sweet five consecutive owners-the Charlotte Bobcats.

This game also lacks heavyweight highlights. Perhaps the old Eagles player Ronald Murray's return to the Philips Center to receive the championship ring is the only warm link.

In fact, Murray himself regretted it a long time ago. If it wasn't for the incompetent agent's instigation, he could at least get a mini-middle class by staying in the Hawks, which was much more cost-effective than getting a basic salary in the Bobcats.

The capital market is always so cruel. Players can neither underestimate their own value nor be too optimistic about the market.

Generous management is not without it, but a player who is responsible for himself will not easily push himself into a corner.

The Charlotte Bobcats have improved significantly this season and are currently ranked seventh in the East with 21 wins and 19 losses.

That is, Tyson Chandler has been absent for a long time due to injury, otherwise their performance may be able to go up to a higher level, and they may even have the opportunity to wrestle with the top four teams in the East.

But in the face of the defending champion, the Atlanta Hawks, who started with 27 consecutive victories, the Bobcats, who have a disorganized lineup, are really not the opponents.

In the first quarter of the game, Jon Jonsen was the first to stand up, making 7 of 5 shots in a single quarter, 1 of 1 free throw, scored 11 points, 2 assists, and 1 rebound, leading the Hawks to 17:36 and 19 points in a single quarter advantage over the opponent.

In the second quarter of the game, the former Elvis - Gerald Wallace and the current Elvis - "Martial Saint" Stephen Jackson stood up together and rushed to the basket desperately, recovering a little point for the Bobcats.

Obviously, during the intermission, Larry Brown's blower power drove the Bobcats into a complete madness.

However, things like chicken blood cannot replace strength after all.

The second half of the game started quickly, and the Eagles were in full bloom in the third quarter. Er Niu, Jiong Jisen, Lunar Eclipse, and Salmons broke out at the same time. Although each of them did not take many shots, they alone The hit rate in each quarter all exceeded his own average level per game.

The Eagles extended the score to more than 25 points, which directly declared that the final quarter of the game became garbage time.

The main players of Er Niu and others clocked out of get off work in the third quarter, and did not get any chance to play in the final quarter.

Larry Brown looked like he would not admit defeat, and continued to send the team's main players to play in the fourth quarter, but the Eagles, who held a huge advantage, completed the sling against the Bobcats only by relying on the bench.

89:123, the outcome of this game is still irrelevant, but the overall strength of the Eagles is still surprising.

Under the leadership of Larry Brown, the Bobcats made almost no fatal mistakes tonight, but they just couldn't stop the Hawks' offense on the defensive end.

This may be more desperate for the Bobcats than the loss to the Hawks itself.

After taking down the Bobcats, the Eagles finally ended their sweet five-game winning streak at home. While gaining 14 consecutive victories, they also improved their record to 41 wins and 1 loss.

As of this game, the Hawks' 09-10 regular season schedule is just over halfway, and they were able to lose only one game and continue their legendary performance.

If at the beginning of the game, some people still thought that there was a team that could defeat the Eagles, now a large wave of black fans have started to kneel on the ground and sing about conquering.

When the opponent's strength reaches a certain level, it will make people feel natural from despair.

You can't win anyway, what are you doing!

The generals of the Eagles were asked again about the possibility of hitting a higher record in the regular season. The generals of the Eagles kept their low profile and did not brag about it in front of the media.

They don't have many chances to show off. Immediately afterwards, the Atlanta people will fly to Texas to play away games with the Rockets and Spurs in the Texas Iron Triangle.

On January 1, US time, the Eagles first arrived at the Toyota Center in Houston.

(End of this chapter)

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