Chapter 736

Woodson was wrong. Popovich's words were of course intended to paralyze the Eagles, but what the Spurs coach said may not be all lies.

How can a team that can win 73 wins in the season and 27 consecutive victories in the opening season have nothing to learn from?
Even Popovich, who currently holds four championship rings, is not omniscient and omnipotent. He also needs to learn and improve.

After all, what is the Spurs' tradition?
It is not a long-term selfless dedication, and the personal score is not allowed to exceed 30+;

It’s not about leading the opponent by a big score, but also having a (full) face (member) cold (face) pale (paralyzed) on the bench;
It's not that the core players don't take basketball as their main business, all kinds of people who enrich themselves:
Admiral is a saxophone player; Daidai is an auto repair shop owner; Yaodao is a fishing expert; Gaul Roadster is a rapper and fast food restaurant owner.

The Spurs have only one tradition, and that is to win!
As long as they can win, this group of mercenary-like international columns will dare to try any tactics.

The Atlanta Hawks, who are in full swing, are not just as simple as their opponents for the San Antonio Spurs.

AT&T Center Arena, after the Spurs closed practice before the game, everyone gathered to discuss countermeasures.

After some analysis by Popovich, the following conversation took place:

"Coach, it's useless to talk so much, so how are you going to tell us to deal with the Atlanta people?" Daidai asked, as expected of a top student in psychology, pointing to the core.

Popovich rolled his eyes, pointed at Deng blankly and said, "Go aside, run 5 baselines for me and then come back."

So, he went to run obediently, and Popovich continued: "To be honest, I didn't think of a particularly good tactic to contain the Eagles. They are indeed an epoch-making team, especially a certain No. 21 who can't prevent them. core players."

Deng Daidai, who was still in the penalty run, happened to pass by Popovich's side, turned his head and shouted: "But I'm a power forward, and it's not my job to deal with Kraft Nguyen."

"Shut up! Or run a few more times!" Popovich turned his head and roared.

Looking back, Antonio McDyess, who signed with the Spurs in free agency this season, asked bluntly: "Do I need to use a little bit of outside play?"

Popovich shook his head: "It's just a regular season, there's no need to cause trouble.

The Celestials are now the guarantee of the league's box office. There is no need to sacrifice yourself. We need you to stay on the court and contribute more. "

McDyess was instantly moved by the old fox's words.

However, Daidai, who ran by, came out again to spoil the atmosphere: "Neo (McDyess), leave him alone, help me block the Celestial Man, I'm not as unmotivated as some people."

Popovich turned around and kicked Deng Dudai, who quickly dodged, but the old and the young still scuffled together very quickly.

Then the Spurs players with collective facial paralysis hid aside one after another, and the Argentine demon knife Ginobili began to play the role of temporary coach, making pre-tactical arrangements for tonight's game.

Well, as for Deng and Bo?

Whatever those two bastards are doing, just let them play!

On January 2010, 01, US time, the Eagles came to the AT&T Center Arena to continue their regular season trip to Texas.

Before the start of the game, Ruan Erniu was also asked by a Texas reporter about Popovich's views on learning from the Hawks.

The Tianchao people smiled and said, "That's good! Because we think so too, after all, they already have four championship rings."

The Spurs' starting lineup for this game is:
C Antonio McDyess
PF Tim Duncan
SF Richard Jefferson

SG George Hill
PG Tony Parker
The starting lineup for the Eagles is:

C Ruan Erniu

PF Josh Smith

SF John Salmons
SG Joe Johnson

PG Goran Dragic
"Don't let your guard down, the Spurs have never been a weak team," Woodson said before the game.

Everything they did was to make us relax our vigilance. I don’t want to say too much about it. Now that we have already won 42 wins, we might as well continue to win. Anyway, you are already used to it! "

"HAWKS!" The generals of the Hawks shouted, and the starting five went to the field.

On the other side, Popovich said with a serious face: "Win this game, victory is the best learning, defeating the 73-win team, we will get the most precious wealth."

"SPURS!" Compared with the Eagles, the Spurs are more like an army. Even when they shouted slogans, they were like soldiers about to go out. Their voices were low and firm.

"Huh! Tim, it's you?" Ruan Erniu said to his jumping opponent with a smile.

But at this time Duncan was expressionless and completely entered the game state.

The basketball was thrown high, and Duncan, who obviously had no top bounce, actually used his better timing judgment and excellent wingspan to touch the basketball first.

McDyess easily won the basketball in the Spurs half and sent the ball to Parker.

Parker had the ball in half court and passed it to Hill. Seeing that the opportunity was not good, the latter passed the ball back to Parker.

With the help of Duncan's cover at a high position, Gaul sports car took advantage of the opportunity to get rid of the defense of the claw machine and entered the penalty area.


Eclipse vs Parker.

Turn around 360 degrees!
Parker passed the eclipse and faced the basket!

Er Niu let go of McDyess and pounced on him.

Parker jumped high, dodged in the air, and then passed the ball to McDyess, who was unguarded, who jumped lightly and made a simple shot to open the scoring for the Spurs.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu missed an 18-foot mid-range shot and Duncan got a backcourt rebound.

After Parker got the ball, he went straight to the frontcourt and sent the ball to George Hill while running. The latter made an emergency stop, ran back, and after half a step away from Jon Jonson, he put the ball straight into the middle.

Richard Jefferson inserted in the back row, got the basketball, jumped high, and with no defenders around him, he succeeded in violently dunking the basket.

Er Niu was in charge of blocking people at the top arc position, and almost single-handedly took care of Duncan and McDyess, and finally gave Jefferson an opportunity.

The Hawks were in trouble in the first quarter, Popovich didn't lie, the Spurs were indeed learning from the Hawks.

Although it is impossible for Duncan to hold the ball to the frontcourt again and again like Erniu, the Spurs can still rely on Parker's speed to make wonderful offensive and defensive transitions several times while protecting the backcourt rebounds.

In the first quarter of the game, the best thing the Spurs did was Duncan.

On the surface, Duncan's 4 points and 3 assists in a single quarter seemed unremarkable, but when he saw 10 rebounds in a single quarter, 3 in the frontcourt and 7 in the backcourt, it suddenly made people feel explosive.

Rebounds are like this, one ebbs and another, one side grabs more, and the other side will definitely get less.

Er Niu, who scored 6 points in the first quarter, played very aggrieved. The Celestial Man, who is called a rebound bug, actually only scored 4 rebounds in a single quarter. In Er Niu's career, he has never had a rebound. , the experience of being almost dominated by his opponent, Deng Daidai dreamed of returning to the top tonight.

What made the Eagles fans in front of the TV feel like they were catching chickens was that the Eagles only made 3 of 1 three-pointers in the first quarter, which was also targeted by the Spurs' defense.

At 23:36, the Eagles trailed by 13 points in the first quarter. During the intermission, Ruan Erniu hugged the lunar eclipse with one arm and Birdman with the other. , you must be careful to block people, and don't give that XX number 21 another chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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