Chapter 737
The two bulls, who have always been calm, were forced to swear directly, which shows how brilliant Duncan's performance on the rebounds was in the first quarter of tonight's game.

If it is facing other opponents, Duncan's 10 rebounds in a single quarter may not be so eye-catching.

But Daidai's opponent tonight is Er Niu. Being able to score so many rebounds in front of the best rebounder in the 21st world is enough to prove the strength of his basic skills.

The second quarter started soon, and both sides sent their substitutes to play. Ruan Erniu's expression off the court was no longer as calm as before, and became extremely serious.

The Eagles had the ball, and Bibby held the ball across half court, and then sent the ball to Crawford. K 6 faced Ginobili with a three-pointer. Just hit it.


The referee's whistle sounds first!

The goal is scored, 3+1.

Jamal Crawford is not soft, he is very clear about his mission, he just came up to grab points.

The Hawks hit an extra penalty, the Spurs had the ball, Ginobili played the point guard and dribbled the ball across the half court, and after the pick-and-roll with the second-round rookie DeJuan Blair selected by the Spurs this year, he entered the penalty area, behind the anger pass the ball.

The ball reached Matt Bonner in the top arc, Pachulia had no time to save it, and the Red Mamba took the ball and shot it.



Pachulia got the backboard and sent the ball to Bibby.

The White Devil used the cover of the birdman to get out of the gap in the frontcourt and immediately shot a three-pointer.



In the first half of the second quarter, in the competition between the two sides' substitutes, the Eagles had a little advantage.

But the Spurs did not appear passive on the scene. The opportunities came up and the ball failed to make a shot. In Popovich's view, it was nothing.

The game continued, and the Hawks sent Erniu, Jon Jonsen and other main players back to the court first. Although Popovich was a step slower, Duncan and other players also returned to the court in the middle of this quarter.

Er Niu gave Duncan a death stare, he must have seen it dumbfounded, but there was still no reaction on this guy's face, and ordinary people really couldn't guess what this guy was thinking.

The two super giants inside the league are both Taurus. How could they not raise the bar when the two bulls meet?
On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu held the ball in a high position, and McDyess jumped out to defend immediately. Erniu accelerated past McDyess and went inside for a dunk.

It's not slow to make up defenses dully, it's just that Er Niu's speed is faster!

"Your time is over, old man!"

Since they want to fight for victory with all their strength, Er Niu naturally doesn't mind hitting the opponent with trash talk. As for the effect, it depends on the final result of the game.

Whether a man like Duncan will be affected in a specific way is really hard to say, maybe in the high-efficiency attacks again and again, the dull opponent will be killed quietly.

The Spurs had the ball, and Parker held the ball in a high position. After consecutive CROSSOVER, he fought against Dragic while heading towards the penalty area.

The claw machine's defense did not lose its position, and Parker did not get a good shot.

Ginobili's touch on the outside was mediocre, Dadai was also entangled by the lunar eclipse, and TP9 (Tony Parker No. 9) forcibly threw a shot.



Under the double-teaming of McDyess and Duncan, Er Niu scored a backcourt rebound.

In the absence of a passing route, Er Niu tricked McDyess away with a fake move, and directly took the ball to the Spurs halfcourt.

Duncan wanted to hinder Er Niu's assault at the first moment, but was accelerated by the Celestial Dynasty people.


Er Niu rushed all the way to the penalty area, and he passed the Spurs Twin Towers. How much trouble can players in other positions cause him?
But in this world, there are people who are not afraid of death!
George Hill, who was a pure substitute last season, was a little unbelievable. On the route of Er Niu, Hill moved laterally and made a rather vicious slice towards Er Niu.


This time, it landed firmly on Erniu's arm, "Doo!" The whistle sounded.

But Er Niu still did not stop his pace, one took advantage of the trend, Er Niu changed hands in the air, and successfully completed 2+1 with a simple basket pick.

Er Niu walked to the free throw line, made a steady hit and added a penalty, and succeeded in hitting a three-pointer.

In the next second quarter, Ruan Erniu and Duncan's performance seemed to be different from the first quarter. Erniu's control over rebounds on the defensive end seemed to have returned to his original level, and Duncan's performance in this quarter performance, but fell silent.

In fact, the behind-the-scenes hero of this section should be the lunar eclipse.

It was under the hard defense of the lunar eclipse that Daidai made 6 of 2 shots in a single quarter and only scored 4 points and 3 rebounds, which was far from his performance in the first quarter.

Er Niu scored 6 points and 9 rebounds in a single quarter, which happened to be similar to Duncan's performance in the first quarter.

Fortunately, other Spurs players have blossomed more, George Hill and Richard Jefferson have performed particularly well, and they have worked hard to maintain the leading position for the team when their GDP is average.

At the end of the halftime game, TD's data was 8 points, 12 rebounds, and 4 assists, while Ruan Erniu's data was 12 points, 13 rebounds, and 2 assists.

The battle between the two Taurus giants continues!

At 58:66, the Eagles fell behind their opponents by 8 points in the away game.

Players from the two teams walked towards the player tunnel, Er Niu fell behind.

"Kraft, losing a game is not necessarily a bad thing, we have enough capital to lose." If Er Niu hadn't heard it with his own ears, it would be hard for Er Niu to imagine that it was Nick Van Exel who said this to him.

"You know, many of us are too tired!" Crazy Fan said, pointing to the Hawks players who were not very excited.

Crazy Fan is right. Rather than saying that the Spurs suppressed the Hawks in the first half, it is better to say that the Hawks lost to their physical fitness. This bad state will get worse in the second half.

"Nick, it's normal to lose, but I don't want it to be tonight." Ruan Erniu said to Madman Fan.

"Why? Just because you don't want to lose to TD?" Crazy Fan asked with a smile.

"Is this reason not sufficient?" Ruan Erniu also asked back.

Van Exel stopped laughing, but said in a positive tone: "I support you in defeating him!"

This is the typical revenge thinking of Americans. Labor and management don't talk about the righteousness of the team. Everyone fights for one breath. Today is to prove themselves and step on the opponent first.

Of course, while Er Niu beat TD, the Eagles may not necessarily lose. After all, in the Spurs system, Daidai itself plays a pivotal role.

In the locker room of the visiting team, Woodson is intensively arranging the defensive tactics for the Hawks in the second half.

It was mainly a delay to the first pass after the Spurs got the rebound, and Tony Parker's key control.

In the first half of the game, Duncan and Parker played many offensive and defensive transitions similar to the Hawks, which caused a lot of trouble for the Hawks' defense.

Dandantou was about to continue talking, when Ruan Erniu suddenly said, "How about I play directly against Duncan in the second half?"

"Are you sure?" Woodson said, looking into Er Niu's eyes.

Before Er Niu could speak, Woodson understood Er Niu's attitude.

Because in the eyes of the people of the Celestial Dynasty, there is only the fighting will to win, and this is enough!
"Yes! And I will definitely win!" Ruan Erniu replied.

"J-Smoove, what do you think?" Woodson asked, thinking about the eclipse.

"OK! Anyway, I'm not interested in that expressionless guy, Kraft, just go and kill him!" Lunar Eclipse said with a shrug.

(End of this chapter)

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