Standing pretty old

Chapter 738 The Hidden Truth

Chapter 738 The Hidden Truth

Er Niu himself has never believed in the analysis of the so-called zodiac personality, but what he has to admit is that in the NBA, the few people Er Niu likes the most are those who have the same constellation.

That's right, this constellation is also Erniu's own constellation - Taurus.

And the few who can be hated by Er Niu are naturally not ordinary people-Kevin Garnett, Chris Paul, Tim Duncan.

By the way, these three, like the Celestial Dynasty people, are all Taurus who appear to be positive but are actually dark-bellied, and the four of them, including Erniu, are all masters of acting.

Needless to say, Garnett, this guy's "hard" attributes have long been stripped away, but he can implement the concept of "iron-blooded big jumper" into the hearts of the people, which is enough to prove KG's excellent acting skills.

What about CP3?
On the surface, he looks like a positive and inspirational young man with character, skills, and good looks, but if he wants to survive in this league, how can a little guy like Paul have no strategy at all?
Look at the small moves in his collection, it is almost as good as Stockton.

No, maybe Paul learned from Stockton!
Of course, the cannonballs (Paul fans, cannon=PAUL=Paul) usually say this: "He just wants to win too much!"

Hehe, who doesn't want to win?
Finally, let's look at Tim Duncan. When it comes to this guy, there is no black spot in the whole process, and there is almost no room for criticism. However, is this guy really so perfect?
Fans who watched the NBA early said that Duncan was not like this when he was young.

In the summer of 99, when he just won the championship, he was once very close to Orlando.

Well, if it really happens, maybe Duncan and Tracy McGrady will meet, and in this world, it is very likely that there will be another MD combination that is not weaker than the OK combination.

Although in the eyes of most Duncan fans, Duncan has one person, one city, life is a living person in the Holy City, and death is a dead person in the Holy City, there is no power that can make Daidai leave San Antonio.


Deng Dada was a professional player first, and he became a Spurs star in the end. It is actually not appropriate to consider Duncan only by his loyalty.

Of course, as he stayed in the Spurs for a long time, Dadai, who has won several championships, gradually fell in love with everything here, which also paved the way for future salary cuts and contract extensions.

But what if Duncan never wins a title in the Holy City?

Who can guarantee that this guy who likes to touch people will not change his position and take his talents to other places?

Now that you have entered the field of fame and fortune, don't think about being a moral saint.

This is a world where capital and careers intersect and run side by side. Apart from constantly plundering championships and interests, this is the only justice. Any other behavior should not be the main criterion for considering players.

Why does Er Niu hate the above three people, because they are both Taurus, and the Celestial People are actually the same as the above three people.

A player who dared to cut his throat to KG in his rookie season, challenged Duncan face to face, and even gave McDyess a cross in the playoffs, how could he be a kind and harmless person.

Then again, how could it be possible for a real young boy to break through a bunch of veterans and win the championship?
All of these must complement each other.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why Erniu is always vaguely hostile to Duncan!

In addition to being jealous of Duncan's outstanding acting skills, this is also related to the fact that Er Niu only has two championships, while Duncan already has four championships.

The truth is often simple and clear!
For a player like Er Niu who is destined to become a historical superstar, it is illogical to challenge a senior whose historical status surpasses his own at this stage. He does not want to beat his opponent wholeheartedly.

The second half of the game started quickly. Ruan Erniu and Duncan entered the confrontation mode without any nonsense.

On the offensive end of the Spurs, Duncan made a high-quality pick-and-roll for Parker on the flank, Ruan Erniu was forced to switch to Parker, and the claw machine resisted Duncan from the outside.

Parker chose to pass the ball without hesitation. Duncan received the basketball from 18 feet, raised his hand and shot, a hit!

Ruan Erniu took Deng in a low position and was dazed, half turned around and swayed, and then suddenly cut inside, and Erniu who entered the penalty area seemed to be in no one's land.

McDyess, who came to assist in the defense from the flank, was humiliated. Er Niu rode a dunk, and McDyess was directly ejected 3 meters away.

The offensive end is not giving way to each other, and the same is true on the rebound.

In this quarter, Erniu and Duncan scored 7 rebounds in a single quarter respectively. At least on the defensive end, the two tied again.

However, Ruan Erniu and Duncan are not the real protagonists of the third quarter. In this quarter, it is Jon Jonson and Crawford who really perform.

These two guys both scored in double figures and helped the Eagles overtake the score in one fell swoop with super high scoring efficiency.

At 90:87, the Hawks beat their opponents by 10 points in a single quarter and entered the final quarter with a 3-point lead.

At the beginning of the final quarter, the substitutes of the two teams only got less than 2 minutes of playing time.

Both sides are playing cautiously, and neither team has played a shocking performance.

Then, the main players of the two teams quickly returned to the field.

It's normal for Woodson to kill the main force. Anyway, the Hawks' main players are young, so it's not uncommon to do so, but it's very rare for Popovich to put Duncan on the court for a long time.

Don't look at Popovich paying more and more attention to rotation. In fact, in the early days of coaching Duncan, he was always fucking to death?

Do not believe?

The two love each other like father and son, Bobo will not intentionally hurt Daidai?
Well, take a look at the following minutes per game stats:

In the 97-98 season, he averaged 39.1 minutes per game;

In the 98-99 season, he averaged 39.3 minutes per game;

In the 99-00 season, he averaged 38.9 minutes per game;

In the 00-01 season, he averaged 38.7 minutes per game;

In the 01-02 season, he averaged 40.6 minutes per game;

In the 02-03 season, he averaged 39.3 minutes per game.

Yes, the early Popovich was so brutal.

You know, in 2000, which was also the third season of Dazed, Wake Forest's Flying Devil suffered a serious knee injury. Since then, even his personal style of play has changed.

Why would Popovich dream back tonight and continue to play the trump card of fucking Duncan?

It's very simple, because the old fox and Daidai have the same interests, they just want to win.

Being able to defeat the 73-win team and successfully snipe the Atlantans at the Mars level is the greatest achievement and honor for them.

However, Duncan is still old!

If it is said that in the third quarter, Duncan was still exchanging blows with Er Niu, then in the fourth quarter, Er Niu had completely exploded.

On the one hand, Er Niu showed his dominance time and time again in the low post, playing back-up singles without any temper; on the other hand, Er Niu added a A heavy weight.

With Er Niu defending Duncan alone for the entire quarter, the Chinese forced the Spurs leader to make an embarrassing 6 of 0 shots in a single quarter.

In the end, Duncan relied on the home court advantage, got 6 free throws, and scored 6 points to save face.

The opponent's main general was suppressed, and the Hawks took the opportunity to instantly widen the score gap.

At 113:105, the Eagles won 16 consecutive victories and won their 43rd victory this season by the way. They continued to rank undisputedly at the top of the league with an incredible 43 wins and 1 loss.



The statistics are brilliant, but the true hit rate of 42.3% still exposes the fact that Daidai is an undercover agent.

After the game, the two bulls still highly praised the Spurs and Duncan, and still showed the demeanor of a winner. As for what he thought in his heart?

As long as he doesn't tell, probably no one will know.

(End of this chapter)

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