Standing pretty old

Chapter 741 The King of Tragedy

Chapter 741 The King of Tragedy
Just after the away game, they have to go back to the home court to play back to back. The league's schedule has always been like this. It would be a strange thing if few teams come out to complain every year.

The defending champion Hawks who rushed back to Atlanta overnight were lucky, because their back-to-back opponents are the Los Angeles Clippers, who are currently 21 wins and 27 losses and are gradually moving away from the playoffs.

Speaking of the Clippers team, fans who know a little about the NBA think about the tragic history of this team, or to be more specific, this is a cursed team.

The statement about the curse of the Clippers has been circulating in the NBA as early as the beginning of the 21st century.

Needless to say, the bleak record in the history of the Clippers, and one of their curses is fulfilled in the draft failure.

The failure of the Clippers in the draft starts with Danny Manning, the No. 1988 pick in [-].

Manning had a great career in college. He was selected to the All-American team for three consecutive years. He won the NCAA championship and won the MOP in 3. With his outstanding athletic ability and superb skills, he was once considered by many experts to be an epoch-making superstar in the NBA.

However, Manning suffered a serious knee injury in his first season when he was selected by the Clippers with the No. 26 pick and played only [-] games.After Manning recovered from injury, his athletic ability declined. Although he was selected to the All-Star Game twice, he fell far short of people's expectations.

The next Clippers draft tragedy is very familiar to old Chinese fans.

In 1998, the Clippers won the No. 8.3 pick again. They chose Olowokandi. , Missed Carter, Nowitzki, Pierce, Jamison, Bibby and other stars.

In the 2004 draft, the Clippers selected Livingston.

This was originally a good choice, but cursing this kind of thing, will it stop because of the correct vision?

Facts have proved that God just wants to play the Clippers.

Livingston didn't get many opportunities in the first two seasons. In 2007, his knee suffered a severe bending fracture, and he was banned from broadcasting the injury video in the NBA. He took 20 months of recuperation before returning to the game. A chance to become a top player.

This season, the Clippers selected Blake Griffin with the No. [-] pick, but Griffin was diagnosed with a stress fracture the day before the start of the regular season, causing him to be reimbursed for the entire season.

That's right, even if you choose the right person, you still have to suffer with injuries.If that wasn't a curse, what was?

The above injury curse on the Clippers is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Clippers poached the 2001 No. 1999 pick Elton Brand from the Bulls in 2005. The latter soon became the captain of the Clippers and led the team to the Western Conference semifinals in the 06-[-] season. The spell was hopefully broken.

But in the summer of 2007, Brand tore his left Achilles tendon during training, which kept him out for most of the 2007-08 season.

In the summer of 2008, Brand switched to the 76ers. He lost his bravery before the injury and became one of the representatives of high salary and low ability.

Baron Davis came to the Clippers to serve as the new captain in 2008, but he also failed to escape the attack of injuries, and his state went from bad to worse.

At this moment, no one would have thought that just a few months later, that is, in July this year, Lorenzen Wright, who played for the Eagles in the 7-07 season and won the championship ring, would suddenly disappear, and then Ten days later, his body was found in a wooded area south of Memphis.

Police confirmed that Wright died from a gunshot wound, but the killer has never been caught.

What?Wright and the Clippers okay?

Wrong, because it was the Clippers who selected Lorenzen Wright with the seventh overall pick in 1996.

you got it?

Even if you leave, the curse is not impossible, and the lethality of the curse has no limit.

By the way, that was 96 - the golden generation of the NBA.

Even if the previous Iverson, Camby, Marbury, Ray Allen, and Antoine Walker are selected away, after the seventh pick, there are Kobe, Stojakovic, Nash, O'Neal, Ilgauskas, Fisher and others.

The curse cannot be blamed. Injuries and accidental deaths happen every day. A poor draft is a man-made disaster, not a natural disaster.

Is it just that simple?


Because the Lakers star Elgin Baylor, who has served as the general manager of the Clippers for 22 years, is himself a complete tragedy.

Before talking about other people's tragedies, we must first check whether this person has strength. If he does not have strength, then he is a loser himself, and there is no value for discussion.

Is Lord Baylor a LOSER?
Obviously not, Jordan's idol, Dr. J-Julius Owen will tell you that Elgin Baylor is the representative of the league's pioneers in flying.

How awesome is Lord Belle?

It can be summed up in one sentence: This is the man who can win the MVP with Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell double-teaming.

How tragic is Lord Belle?
It can also be summed up in one sentence: Have you heard of the NBA Baya King?
Do you think this is all about Lord Belle's tragedy?
too naive!

The retirement time of this league superstar is also a tragedy!

In the season when he chose to retire at the age of 37, the Lakers won a historic 33-game winning streak. In the finals of the same year, the Lakers defeated the Knicks 4-1, ending the previous period of hopeless championship history. .

Lord Baylor can definitely look up to the sky and scream: "Who dares to be worse than me???!!!"

Therefore, the curse or tragedy of the Clippers is top-down and thorough.

The general manager is not the head of the team, so let's take a look at what kind of bad guy Donald Sterling, the owner of the Clippers, is!

In terms of character, no boss can compare to Sterling. He is in the industry, but he has been labeled stingy, lewd, and rude for a long time.

In order to save money, Sterling deliberately did not hire a team doctor, but asked coach Silas to bandage the players.

In one fan shooting contest, a fan won, but Sterling was hesitant to give him a $1000 prize.

It turned out that the fan happened to be a lawyer, so he took Sterling to court.

Elgin Baylor also sued Sterling in 2009 for his wrongful dismissal.

Baylor has worked for Sterling for 22 years. He said that he has been discriminated against. Since 2003, his annual salary has been only 35 yuan, while Sterling gave white coach Dunleavy an annual salary of 550 million US dollars.

Well, Baylor has a good reason, but his draft vision seems to match his annual salary.

Oh, that's not the point.

Sterling also publicly stated that the most ideal model for the Clippers is to let a white head coach lead a bunch of poor blacks from the south to play.

In the United States, such blatant racial discrimination has broken the most basic political bottom line.

Well, the Los Angeles Clippers are such a speechless team.

Since this team entered the league, the only positive effect it can play is probably to make other teams in the league feel the beauty of life and the difficulty of happiness.

Well, anyway, Erniu himself has a bad impression of the Clippers.

In the rookie season of the Celestials, when the team refused to provide tickets to Erniu's friends, Erniu gave the Clippers a "big gift" in O'Neal's way.

That night, Er Niu scored the highest scoring record in his rookie season-59 points.

This season, Brand Jennings scored the second highest single-game scoring record in his rookie season - 55 points, but his influence was always a little bit worse because of the existence of the second bull.

In this world, people will always only remember the first, but not the second.

Of course, if it is as miserable as the Clippers, it will also be unforgettable.

The tragic fate of the Los Angeles Clippers does not know how long it will last, but this does not prevent them from performing well enough in a single game.

On February 2010, 2, U.S. time, the Eagles sat at the Philips Center to face their back-to-back opponents, the Clippers.

(End of this chapter)

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