Standing pretty old

Chapter 742 Highlights in Tragedy

Chapter 742 Highlights in Tragedy
Tragedy is a specific historical process. Just analyzing the Clippers at this time, um... is still a tragedy.

Head coach Mike Dunleavy has coached this team for seven seasons. During this period, the only record that this famous coach can get is to lead the Clippers to the playoffs in the 05-06 season.

It's already the 09-10 season, and in a business league like the NBA, Dunleavy's coaching position is already in jeopardy.

The coach is in danger of being laid off at any time. What about the core status of the team?

Equally bad!

Al Thornton, who averaged 16.8 points per game last season, was once regarded as the hope of the Clippers' revival.

However, Thornton only entered the league at the age of 24, which made the Clippers management always have a lot of concerns, believing that his potential is limited and he cannot become the super giant that the team needs.

Coupled with the addition of this season's No. [-] pick-Blake Griffin, the Clippers management completely gave up on Thornton's training.

This time, Dunleavy, the coach and general manager, did a very tough job. Even if Griffin was reimbursed for the season, he did not regard Al Thornton as a main candidate again.


Of course, Thornton's sinking is not just because the Clippers are preparing to train Griffin. More importantly, the Clippers' German center Chris Kaman has played professionally this season after suffering injuries last season. The pinnacle of his career.

Kaman's average data per game this season reached 18.5+9.3+1.6, which is actually the first scoring point in the Clippers.

This kind of performance directly occupied the Clippers' starting center position. In order to balance the defense, Dunleavy is bound to put Marcus Camby in the fourth position.

As a result, not only Thornton's data dropped sharply, but even DeAndre Jordan on the bench had to continue his journey as a substitute.

Little Jordan is about to start doubting life again.

From the small green house to the second round, from the expectation of the league's future top center to the ten-thousand-year substitute on the bench, Jordan's road to counterattack is still far away.

In the future, the data of Eric Gordon, who will be called round-faced by Tianchao fans, is roughly similar to that of his rookie season. Baron Davis's data is slightly better than last season, but he has already passed his peak.

In the Clippers' starting lineup, the only bright spot is that they traded Russell Butler from the New Orleans Hornets last summer with a future second-round pick.

The Clippers are used to tragedies, but the Hornets' trade is obviously a bit nonsensical. Losing Lasso Butler is equivalent to losing the latter qualified wing who averaged 11+3 per game.

Well, trade the veteran and let the league rookie Darren Collison barely play the 2 position.

No matter how you look at it, Chris Paul's 09-10 season was full of disasters. The head coach was fired, he was injured, and the floor of the Western Conference Finals seems to be getting farther and farther away.

Back to tonight's game, the Clippers sent the starting lineup is:

C Chris Carman
PF Marcus Camby
SF Russel Butler

SG Eric Gordon
PG Baron Davis

Er Niu stood in the middle circle and jumped the ball with Kaman, and the Tianchao people took the lead in sending the ball to Dragic with a stronger bounce speed.

The claw machine held the ball in the half court and observed the situation on the field. Jon Jisen ran back and received a pass from the claw machine on the flank.

After the round face was shaken away, Jon Jonsen broke through with the ball and made a 10-foot shot.



But Jiong Jisen at the basket shot himself and grabbed an offensive rebound.

Kaman and Camby rushed out at the same time. Facing the double-teaming of the two strong insiders, Jon Jonsen calmly sent the pass.

Erniu's weak side received a second pass from Jon Sen through the crotch, and no one was watching.


With a powerful one-arm dunk, Er Niu scored the first point of the night for the Hawks.

Davis controlled the ball for half the court. If it was in the peak period of Beard, the claw machine is very likely to be crushed, watching the opponent enter the inside line.

However, the current beard is not as good as it used to be.

Davis took the initiative to make a pick-and-roll gesture at a high position, and Camby and Kaman raised the wall at the same time.

The bearded man chose Camby's side!
After throwing off the claw machine, the bearded man met the supplementary defense of the lunar eclipse head-on.


The 18-foot Camby received a pass from Davis. Will the classic crooked handle appear?
No, Camby chose to pass the ball, and the ball went to Kaman.

Erniu was too close to the penalty area, and Kaman made a 16-foot shot...



Kaman's long-distance 2-point shooting rate exceeds 46% this season, which is quite threatening, and he is careless.

Both sides had good shooting percentages at the front end of the first quarter, and the score was in the process of rising alternately.

After the initial trial, the defensive strength of both sides began to increase.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, the lunar eclipse was misplaced and cut to the basket, facing Kaman and wanted to complete a dunk. Camby suddenly broke out from the weak side, and a big cap directly slapped the ball out.

The Clippers had the ball, and the round face was delayed by Salmons in the frontcourt, but they still rushed to the Hawks basket on the move.

"Behind! Watch out!"

The bearded man yelled.


The No. 88 jersey flew into the sky, followed by a big cap that covered the sky and the sun.

"Bang!", "Bang!"

No, after Er Niu slapped the basketball with a big hat with his right hand, the ball hit the top of the backboard and rebounded extremely quickly. Er Niu got excited, and with a big hat with his left hand, he slapped the ball on the backboard again on top of...

As the defensive strength increased, the scoring efficiency of the two teams began to decline.

Clippers coach Mike Dunleavy is naturally the same poker face.

Personally speaking, his career has indeed entered an embarrassing period. Even if he beats the Hawks tonight, it will be difficult for the Clippers to get out of the predicament.

Mike Woodson gradually became serious from the calm smile at the beginning of the game. The Clippers are not easy, they are not a team with a belly.

Although the tragedy of the curse still hangs over this team, the Clippers this season are not a team that is wanton. They have their own pursuit of the game; they also have their own plans for the future.

Fortunately, Woodson, who has won COY twice, is no longer Wuxia Amon. He has full confidence in the team lineup he created.

As the game entered the end of the first quarter, the Eagles significantly increased their offensive efficiency. Salmons ushered in more shots. There is a chance.

Russo Butler's defense is not bad, but in order to help defend Jon Jonson, he expended too much energy. After all, Round Face's defense is equivalent to none.

Hit, hit again, hit again!

Salmon opened the score in an instant with a wave of three-point rain.

At 23:33, the Hawks entered the second quarter with a 10-point lead.

Salmons led the Eagles to a wave of 11:0, which instantly turned the game to the Eagles' side.

(End of this chapter)

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