Standing pretty old

Chapter 760 The eagle is tireless, the record is in front of us

Chapter 760 The eagle is tireless, the record is in front of us (still two in one)

114:111, the Hawks won the Warriors for the first time this season, and at the same time won their 53rd win of the season and 26 consecutive victories.

The Eagles, which won 27 consecutive victories at the beginning of the season, did not relax their pace after a brief loss to the Nuggets. They will soon have the opportunity to break their longest winning streak.

Ellis let out a sigh of relief. In this game, he made 21 of 10 shots, 5 of 2 three-pointers and 6 of 4 free throws. He scored 26 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists.

However, apart from his explosive performance in the rotation time of the second quarter, Ellis did not have too many convincing performances under Dragic's defense throughout the game.

Moreover, during the period when Ellis broke out in the second quarter, it was Mike Bibby, whose speed had dropped significantly, who was responsible for defending him.

Stephen Curry was the best player for the Warriors tonight. He made 18 of 14 shots, including 3 of 2 three-pointers and 5 of 5 free throws. He scored 35 points, 9 rebounds and 5 assists.

When the Hawks focused more on Curry's three-pointer, Babyface almost reversed the game with a large 2-pointer and breakthrough.

Especially his 10 points and 3 assists in the final quarter once helped the Warriors see the dawn of victory, but it is a pity that the Bay Area still lacks a little luck.

Ruan Erniu, who scored 41 points and 25 rebounds, took the initiative to give Ellis and Curry a high-five. The Golden State Warriors are indeed worthy opponents.

Especially the first-year rookie Stephen Curry, this guy who looks like a primary school student played a total of 45 minutes tonight. He played the most time among all the players present. Old Nelson, a child laborer, used it a bit ruthlessly!
"Hey! Stephen, did you know that we will strictly guard against your three-pointers, so you reduce your shots?" Er Niu asked with a smile after high-fiving Curry.

Curry was a little confused. He didn't expect that the high-ranking MVP would take the initiative to care about him. Babyface continued: "No, I just follow my own feelings!"

"GOOD-JOB!" Er Niu encouraged with a smile, then turned and left.

In the press conference after the game, Don Nelson expressed regret for tonight's game: "There are too many players lying on our injured list. This is the best result the team can get. Luck is not here tonight. our side."

Old Nelson's words are not shirking responsibility.
When Maggette, Radmanovic, Turiaf, and their magical undrafted pick at the beginning of the season-Reggie Williams were all absent due to injuries, the Warriors were able to push the defending champion to the last minute, which is considered It worked wonders.

Ruan Erniu, who attended the press conference afterwards, also gave the Warriors high praise: "This is an unyielding team! When the Warriors were black eight, I was still playing in the NCAA. Although the Warriors' record is not good now, they That ethos hasn’t been lost, it’s been key to the team’s resurgence, and I believe the Warriors’ future will be even better.”

When asked which player left him the deepest impression, Er Niu chose Stephen Curry without hesitation: "This guy may be one of the underrated rookies in 09. His shooting is unstoppable. However, I still don't believe that he is more than a month older than me. The league should check it out. Maybe he is just a high school student.

Well, I actually meant to say that we almost got killed by a guy who looked like a high school kid! "

Er Niu's words made the media on the scene laugh again. The Jinzhou media has always been friendly to Ruan Er Niu, and the Chinese people are also happy to make jokes here.

Since the Hawks once again won 26 consecutive victories, the topic of whether they can break the team's longest winning streak has also been put on the table.

Er Niu smiled and said: "Well, I can't tell, but I think if you let me go early, maybe our chances of breaking the record will be higher. After all, we are going to Utah to play the Jazz tomorrow night, so, I should go get some sleep."

The press conference ended successfully, and the Eagles had to fly out of San Francisco that night. As Er Niu said at the press conference, their next stop will be the Utah Energy Solutions Arena.

At the San Francisco International Airport, Erniu also received a call from Ouyang Haotian. This guy is currently working in the Imperial Capital of the Celestial Dynasty, working with Shengxing and Chen Bailu to develop the Celestial version of Whatsapp. Currently, Chen Bailu is mainly responsible for this project.

On the other end of the phone, Ouyang who had turned on the speakerphone hadn't even spoken a few words before Chen Bailu, who was on the first set, couldn't help but interjected: "Boss, the official version of the evaluation has been completed, when do you think we should go online? Do the math, it will be an auspicious day in three days!"

Er Niu laughed and said, "You've done all the 'magic fortune telling', what else can I say? Do as you say!
By the way, after talking for a long time, what name do you give this APP? "

To be honest, Er Niu is not afraid that they will choose a name like the Chinese version of whatsapp, or SMS Express, but they are afraid that these bastards will use their own name as a signboard again, and create something like "Brute Bull XX" Vulgar name.

Weibo has continued to be popular to this day, and the word "manniu" has been gradually downplayed. Although a certain wave and a certain fox have also launched their own Weibo, the first thing people think of is the brand created by their team.

Although Er Niu, the major shareholder, has never appeared in front of the public in a formal image.

Fortunately, Chen Bailu, the "magic stick" who has evolved into a "magic fortune teller", did not make Er Niu feel uneasy for too long, and said the result of their formal discussion: "WeChat, we are going to call this APP project WeChat!"

Ruan Erniu nodded and said, "This is a good idea. It can catch the popularity of Weibo and distinguish functions well. Yes, are you ready for omni-channel promotion on Weibo and online disk?"

"Don't worry! Everything is ready, Boss, get ready for that ad that we will play it 24 hours a day!" Sheng Xing said with a smile on the side.

"Very good! Keep busy, Steven, make arrangements for me and let everyone open champagne to celebrate." Er Niu finally urged.

Ouyang Haotian nodded and said, "Don't worry!"

This time, Er Niu and the others are once again at the forefront of the times. The popularity of WeChat instantly ignited the Internet. Of course, there will be a group of followers who responded quickly, including a team of Rich Goose in eastern Guangdong, a man named Zhang Xiaolong. Men also found a huge hot spot among them and tried to follow up quickly.

But a big company is a big company, and the reaction speed of the rich goose is still a bit slow.

Until 2011, Rich Goose launched their similar WeChat products. At this time, WeChat, which has been promoted through multiple channels, has become invincible.

Coupled with the timely launch of the CR mobile phone in charge of Han Lei and the Xiaomi mobile phone in charge of Rebs, Hengyi's WeChat has gained enough installed advantages through the hardware platform, and has instantly gained a monopoly position in the Celestial Dynasty. It has thus become unshakable.

Then, Weibo, WeChat, and Netdisk simultaneously proposed the concept of shared development for all platforms, and the IT world of Tianchao entered a new era.

Erniu at this moment can't imagine the ups and downs that will happen in the next few years.

In the final analysis, he is an investor who has a lot of whimsical ideas but lacks time. He gives more autonomy to the team, and the team he takes the heavy responsibility for also gives him the most generous investment. s return.

Putting aside all the disturbance, Er Niu and his teammates boarded the plane, put on blankets and fell asleep.

When they woke up, they had arrived in Utah Heights.

The Hawks are back-to-back, but the Jazz's schedule is not easy and comfortable. They also fought back-to-back, and just finished playing from Portland, and returned to their home court after narrowly beating their opponents away.

In this game, coach Jerry Sloan did not hesitate to rest Deron Williams, who played 44 minutes in the last game. Xiaopang could only sit on the sidelines with a dazed expression. In fact, he I really want to lead the Jazz and the defending champion to a fight.

However, Sloan obviously didn't think so.

From Iron Nose's point of view, the outcome of a game is completely incomparable with the health of the players, and it is even more unnecessary to work hard for an almost vain record.

This is one of the reasons why Sloan is not seen by the league.

Salt Lake City is originally a small ball market, and the team lacks superstars, and they have to take a few rotations from time to time. How can the league executives support them?

Ratings are money. Fortunately, the league did not arrange a full-meter live broadcast tonight, otherwise Stern would have killed Jerry Sloan, although in the past N years, Mr. President has killed Jerry countless times in his heart* sloan.

Therefore, unless the Jazz win undisputed results like the Eagles, Sloan can't even think about getting a COY. In this world, there is neither love for no reason nor hatred for no reason.

The Jazz's starting lineup for tonight is:

C Mehmet Okur
PF Carlos Boozer

SF Wesley Matthews

SG CJ* Mills

PG Ronnie Price

As for the Hawks, the starting lineup remains unchanged. Woodson will not change the starting lineup easily. According to his philosophy, at most it is enough to give the substitute a little more playing time, and maintaining the stability of the starting lineup is a must.

Having said so much, there is only one sentence:

Labor-management players should be patient!

In the first quarter of the game, the Eagles played quite proactively and quickly took advantage of the scene. Jon Jisen and Er Niu jointly contributed 21 points, helping the team end the first quarter with a 33:24 lead.

However, the Jazz's iron-blooded style made the game enter the rhythm of the home team for a while in the second quarter. When Okur was in poor condition, Sloan gave Paul Millsap more opportunities.

Millsap also lived up to Sloan's trust. Taking advantage of the Hawks' rotation time, Er Niu and Jon Jonsen were not on the court at the same time. He and Korver scored points one after another, quickly helping the team. Close the score.

What's even more frightening is that under Jerry Sloan's system, you will never guess who will suddenly stand up and contribute to the Jazz.

In this section, although Millsap and Korver announced their bravery, but in silence, the most efficient output was indeed the second-round pick in 07, the Ukrainian Feshenko, this 216cm big center in short In the time, he actually made 4 of 3 shots, blowing up Georgian Zaza Pachulia, who originally belonged to the socialist camp.

Sure enough, the world is going downhill, people's hearts are not old, they are all bears, and they are actually fighting in the evil capital empire for the sake of the fly camp in front of them. Where are the promised socialist brothers?

Well, this family is divided, let the past go!
Fortunately, Woodson's reaction was not slow tonight. Seeing that the situation was not right, he quickly replaced part of the main lineup.

This time, Salmons and Lunar Eclipse stepped forward, and Dragic also kept the basketball running well in this quarter, helping the team to open the score again after being fed cakes again and again.

At 59:51, the Hawks ended the first half with an 8-point advantage.

For back-to-back teams, the intermission time is always short and precious. When the players on both sides are just breathing, the second half of the game has officially started.

The Eagles encountered trouble first. Er Niu was double-teamed in the low post, but Jon Jonson on the outside felt cold. In just 2 and a half minutes, he made 3 of 0 shots and scored no points.

The Jazz took the opportunity to close the score. Carlos Boozer and Ronnie Price played a classic Jazz pick-and-roll cooperation. ft. left and right in the shot.

Just when Woodson was considering whether to change the lineup, the strong strength of the Eagles once again pulled the game into the rhythm of the Atlanta people.

Goran Dragic, who hadn't fully released himself in the first half, suddenly exploded!
Not only to prove himself, but also to make Xuezang Delong's Jazz pay the price, the claw machine suddenly increased the intensity of its own attack on the offensive end.

He first scored consecutive three-pointers against Ronnie Price's defense, and then used the cover of the lunar eclipse and Er Niu to get to the basket. Facing the help defense of Millsap and Boozer, He succeeded in directly attacking the basket for the first time, and he even had a 2+1 consecutive wonderful performance.

The automatic explosion of the claw machine disrupted the Jazz's defensive deployment. Jerry Sloan has already done what he can do to the extreme. Even without much performance, there are still people who can stand up and attack with the ball.

No, it should be said that Sloan did not expect that the person who stood up and attacked with the ball was neither the old-fashioned Mike Bibby, nor the often convulsive Salmons.

Dragic, who has continued to improve in the Hawks, is obviously underestimated. You must know that the White Devils will not give up the starting position just because the opponent is younger than him.

The Slovenian dragon played a nearly double-double of 13+9 in a single quarter in this quarter, which not only fully activated the Hawks' offense, but also helped the team drag the game into garbage time ahead of schedule.

In the last quarter of the game, Erniu and Jiongsen gave the Jazz the final blow.

Facing the stalking Utahs, Jiongsen and Ruan Erniu, who regained their touch, set up a fort together and hit long-range shots from the outside. After a wave of three-point rain, the suspense of the game was completely ended.

At 125:103, the Eagles won by 22 points in the away game, and thus won their second wave of 27 consecutive victories this season.

With a current record of 54 wins and 1 loss, the Hawks continue to run at high speed on unprecedented roads without even trying to brake.

The Claw Machine, who scored 26 points and 15 assists in this game, was rarely interviewed after the game.

However, the Slovenian is young and mature, speaks impeccably, and attributes all his outstanding performance to his teammates, fully showing the appearance of a future superstar.

Claw Ji's individual performance is nothing, and a second-year rookie who didn't make it to the All-Star Weekend, generally speaking, is not worthy of special mention.

But quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. When the claw machine appeared as the starter on this unstoppable Atlanta Hawks, everything became different.

How many cards do the Eagles have yet to play?
Will Atlanta continue to win?

Does the very existence of the Eagles mean the decline of the league?
Did Ruan Erniu complete the Eagles, or did the Eagles themselves promote the Celestials?


Faced with a team that has won two 27-game winning streaks in one season, the American media seems to be in a collective climax and chaos.

In any case, the Eagles appeared in front of the people of the United States and even the world with an almost invincible posture. Even Stern said in front of the media: "This is an unprecedented era, and the Eagles are an unprecedented team!"

After defeating the Jazz in an away game, the Eagles also completed a season double play against the Utahs. On the Hawks' sweep list this season, the Utah Jazz also made the list and became one of the many unlucky ghosts.

The Eagles will not do any celebration for this. They rushed back to Atlanta. After two days of full rest, they will usher in three consecutive home games in the next few days.

On February 2th, the Eagles faced the Timberwolves. The Timberwolves (another name for the Timberwolves, just like the Norwegian forest can actually be translated as Norwegian wood) resisted until the last quarter. Like the Warriors, they are desperate for the playoffs. There is a sense of presence in front of an invincible division like the Eagles.

However, 囧囧sen broke out in the last quarter and finally helped the team take the game away. The Hawks won 28 consecutive victories and successfully broke their record for the longest winning streak in the season.

On February 2, the Eagles continued to sit at home, and their opponent was the Dallas Mavericks.

Nowitzki performed brilliantly that night. He made 26 of 15 shots, including 2 of 2 three-pointers and 5 of 5 free throws. He scored 37 points, 9 rebounds and 4 assists.

But Erniu performed even better. Manniu made 30 of 24 shots, 3 of 2 three-pointers, 9 of 8 free throws, scored 58 points, 20 rebounds, and 5 assists, helping the team to win the season 111:123. Double kill the Mavericks.

The Dallas native thus became one of the targets of the Hawks' season sweep, and the Hawks also took this opportunity to win 29 consecutive victories in the season.

On February 2th, the Eagles ushered in their last opponent in February - the Milwaukee Bucks. If they beat them, the Eagles will complete the two consecutive regular season victories spanning January and February. Won a record of 28 consecutive victories in a single season.

102:126, the Bucks, who have firmly retained their playoff qualifications in the Eastern Conference, appear to be lacking in fighting spirit. They were suppressed by the Eagles. Bogut and Horford failed to restrain Ruan Erniu.

The Celestials scored another 50+ and led the team to win the last game in February.

30 straight wins!

Tireless Atlantans!
Anyone who knows a little bit about NBA historical records now knows what will happen.

Although the annual NCAA's crazy March is coming, this year is definitely an exception, because many American viewers still focus on the NBA.

The longest winning streak in the NBA is held by the Los Angeles Lakers at 33 consecutive victories. The Hawks are only three games away from this record.

 There is a bug in my outline again. In 2010, it should be the 82nd Oscar, not the 83rd Oscar. Chapter 759 has been revised, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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