Standing pretty old

Chapter 761 Breakthrough, one step away

Chapter 761 Breakthrough, one step away

"Will they break the Lakers' 33-game winning streak?" "

Are the Hawks the best team in NBA history? "

"Michael Jordan VS Kraft Nguyen, who is the god of basketball? "

"So it's time for us to shout Heavenly Papa? "

"Rolling to occupy the NBA, the Bald Eagles are overwhelmed! "


Well, under the eye-catching title of the last one, there was even a cartoon that took up more than half of the page.

The meaning of each is self-explanatory.

The Americans are not just envious and jealous, but completely panicked. Is it true that there must be a foreigner, no, a Chinese yellow man leading the team to refresh the record of the country's league?

But who can stand up and stop him?
The Americans searched the alliance, but they couldn't find a suitable target to contain the Chinese.

Only games and statistics can't lie. In the entire league, which third-year student has achieved unprecedented results like Ruan Erniu?

The most important thing is that this legend is still not over, and I don't know how long it will last.

As the creator of the Lakers' 33-game winning streak, Jerry West, the man with the league's LOGO, also rarely stood up and said: "Don't care about some so-called false names. No matter whether the Eagles can break through the 33-game winning streak in the end, it will not hinder their greatness." , They are an unprecedented team that transcends the times.

Too many people always make a fuss about Kraft Nguyen's skin color and nationality, but they forget what the essence of basketball is. This is a sport that determines the outcome on the field. Anything outside the field cannot be used as an evaluation ball team or player basis.

Our progress is too slow, while the opponent's progress is too fast. It can even be said that in some respects, we have regressed.

Instead of talking about whether the opponent is strong, it is better to find a way for us to improve faster, at least work hard on the basic basketball skills of teenagers.

Has Kraft Nguyen surpassed Jordan?

I think, at least in terms of the ability to lead the team, the Chinese are qualified to be compared with Jordan.

Of course, the premise is that he continues to win the championship this season and complete the team dynasty, although this goal does not seem to be a problem for him. "

The LOGO man has a status like Taishan Beidou in the American basketball world. Even he did not stand on the side of the parent team, the Lakers, which immediately disappointed the American fans.

However, it is still unknown whether West's remarks are capitulationist arguments, or whether he is preparing to kill the Atlanta Hawks with a mouthful of poisonous grandmother.

But the words of Lakers star Kobe Bryant are particularly interesting:
"I don't really care about this. We have only one goal in the new season, and that is to beat all opponents in the playoffs and win the championship. Apart from that, everything else is not important."

This is what the Black Mamba said to the media, but a considerable part of Kobe expressed gloating, thinking that Kobe was scared, and didn't even have the courage to speak harshly to the people of the Celestial Dynasty.

In fact, Kobe cannot be blamed for this matter. According to the schedule, the Hawks will not meet the Lakers in the next few regular season games.

In other words, even if Kobe and the Lakers want to prevent the Atlanta people from making history, they are powerless.

Unless Stern dares to risk the world's disgrace and directly advance the second regular season game of the Lakers VS Hawks.

But like this, let's not talk about whether the Lakers are sure to kill the Hawks, even if they really win, this will do too much damage to the fairness of the NBA, and the league cannot afford such a loss.

What's more, things have developed to this point. Looking at the rising ratings of Stern, it is still unknown whether the Eagles are willing to break the 33-win streak.

It must be said that the NBA is a business league, and no one will have trouble with money.

Breaking the 33-win streak is not a matter for the Hawks at all. For the league, the whole process is a huge opportunity for hype.

Ever since, in addition to various media, NBA superstars have also become followers under the prosperity.

It is said that when the leaders or superstars of the two regular season teams meet, they neither say HELLO nor "Have you eaten?" Break the 33-game winning streak" problem.

James, the future ruler touted by the league, naturally did not escape this far-reaching question.

Ah KING complimented: "AMAZING! What else can I say?"

James is full of helplessness for the praise of the Hawks. How much he hopes that he is the one who is at the forefront of the storm. Unfortunately, the league has long thrown aside the 23VS24 plan. The brilliant Ruan Erniu and the Atlanta Hawks make everything flashy. Propaganda has become a laughing stock.

Fans will always worship the strong. As long as the Eagles can win all the way, they will be the most popular team. For competitive sports, victory itself is justice.

As the protagonists of the topic, the Eagles and Er Niu were naturally questioned by various media.

When Er Niu himself was asked about the winning streak record, Man Niu said in a confident and flat tone: "33 consecutive victories? Haven't you hit it yet? Let's talk about it when we do it!"

A person who has no strength is called stupid B, and a person who is capable is called awesome.

Lao Luo once said: "A tough life needs no explanation!"

There are always people who are born different and destined to achieve a career, Er Niu is like this.

On the first day of March, Er Niu led the Eagles to the Windy City of Chicago. Their opponent for the 3-game winning streak will be the Chicago Bulls.

Prior to this, Erniu also received the February Eastern POM trophy issued by the league. This is the fourth consecutive time that the Chinese have won the best player of the month this season, and these four POMs have been awarded consecutively without interruption.

Unknowingly, the Chinese created an unprecedented history in the NBA.

From the perspective of personal data, Erniu's average scoring data in March declined significantly, but the assist data has improved a lot, but even with such a 30+ single-month scoring average, it is still the best in the league. Coupled with the team With a terrifying record of two consecutive consecutive victories, Er Niu, the eastern POM, deserves his name without the slightest water.

In stark contrast to the two bulls, it is the Western POM - Carlos Boozer. The Jazz had a record of 2 wins and 8 losses in February, but Boozer's data was only 3+21.2+13.0 per game. The data of cattle is not at the same level at all.

Netizens have said that even if there is only one POM per month in the 09-10 season, the winner of the four-game winning streak must be CR88.

At the same time, the trend of the league management has gradually become clear. You must know that Stern's willingness to give the honor of POM for two bulls and four consecutive teams fully proves the attitude of the NBA executives at this time.

For the sake of profit, any racial discrimination and any conflicts between China and the United States can actually be temporarily put aside.

Guan Hai has been on stage for a while, and there have been minor frictions, but he has not announced a complete breakup with the Celestial Dynasty.

There is struggle in compromise, and compromise in struggle. This will be the main theme of China and the United States for a long time to come.

A short elder from the Celestial Dynasty once said in a Sichuan dialect: "The relationship between China and the United States is not much better, nor is it bad."

Due to historical reasons such as the Cold War, China and the United States have already bundled their interests in many fields. There is no major historical turning point. It is irresponsible to the people of their own countries to easily talk about dismantling the stage and disbanding the alliance. In fact, there are a few political elites who dare to Just come up and mess around?
Well, it's a long way to go, but for the NBA, and for Erniu himself, this is a great opportunity to create history and create profits.Few idiots would easily miss this feast because of illusory and boring reasons.

In the battle against the Bulls, the Eagles played bloodlessly. The disparity in the score of 126:92 shows that together, look at the number of free throws of the two teams, 32:18. According to the usual practice, the visiting team is in front and the home team is behind.

Well, it's really a bit of a priority.

After the game, Woodson smiled and patted his former partner and current Bulls coach Larry Drew on the shoulder, saying that some things were left unsaid.

It is one thing that the Hawks are better than the Bulls, but it is also an indisputable fact that the league is building momentum.

No matter what era, people will look forward to miracles.

Many people once believed that under the modern basketball system, it would be difficult to break the luxurious record of 33 consecutive victories created by the Lakers team that gathered Chamberlain, Jerry West, and Gail Goodrich.

But the reality is, the Atlanta Hawks killed it!
At this point, even if the Hawks themselves have no ideas, David Stern will lead the league's top management to formulate a series of measures to help them climb higher mountains.

After defeating the Bulls, the Atlantans returned to their home court with a 31-game winning streak. It has to be said that at this point of creating historical records, the schedule is extremely tolerant to the Atlantans.


In the battle of the 76ers, the Eagles continued to win without any suspense. After returning to Philadelphia, Iverson found that he was still the hero of the team and the city, but his status was no longer the same.

Some people can't bear to be petty in this life.

In the end, AI missed the All-Star game and the game on the grounds that his youngest daughter suffered from a strange disease and high fever. In order to take care of his daughter, AI terminated the contract with the 76ers for the rest of the 2010 season.

As for after that, some reporters found out that the answer was getting drunk in the bar late at night, so he had no choice but to hehe.

Poor people often have hateful things. The answer that was once popular in the world gave him the answer in his basketball career in the NBA in his own way.

Right and wrong?
That is the answer in the hearts of the fans.

At present, the 76ers with a slack army are also aiming for a high draft pick. At 93:132, the Eagles completed the season double play against Philadelphia.

Judging from the current state, the results of the remaining contest between the two teams may hardly change.

The Eagles have won 32 consecutive victories. This time, they are really only one step away from 33 consecutive victories!

Two days later, the Hawks continued to face the Golden State Warriors at home.

This is a matchup that is quite similar to the first match between the two sides in late February. The return of Turiaf, Maggette and Reggie Williams has objectively improved the strength of the Warriors. But in essence, this is still a team with two guns in the backcourt.

As a result, Curry continued to overwhelm the team leader Ellis and became the Warriors player with the best performance in the game. In the strong dialogue, the rookie with the seventh overall pick was more offensively efficient than the team's leader.

Defensive end?
Two colanders are the same, and old Nelson doesn't care about that anyway.

The Warriors fought until the last quarter, but the Eagles were even better after all. Er Niu and Jon Jonson once again dominated the game at the critical moment. After some fighting, the Eagles defeated their opponents by 122 points 132:10.

In this regard, he won 33 consecutive victories, tying the Lakers' longest historical winning streak.

The American media is boiling again!
They did it!
Atlanta people finally made history!

When people talk about the longest winning streak in NBA history again, the Lakers will not only focus on the former, they will at least share this honor with the Hawks.

Moreover, this is only temporary. Before long, maybe the Eagles will have the opportunity to occupy this record alone, become the owner of a new record, and leave their own name in the long history of basketball.

"We have no retreat, this is a war! We have to calm down and go to the next battle! The game is not over yet, we will continue to win."

Just after the game, Woodson left the above remarks at the press conference.

The egg head of Erlian COY is no longer an unknown bad team coach. He is the coach of the championship. He is the founder of the great Atlanta Hawks. record holder and holder.

Next, he will lead his players to create an unprecedented new record, walking on the road of glory that belongs to him and his team.

The Eagles official website also gave the clearest message. The latest slogan of the Atlanta people is-to dream!Go breakout!Go create!
The chicken soup tasted disgustingly strong, but it was indeed inspiring. Regardless of whether it was poisonous or not, drinking a bowl of it would hardly kill anyone.

However, the Hawks' road to the breakthrough was not that simple, because their next opponent was not easy to deal with.

Because the Atlanta Hawks will not only have to fight back-to-back, but their opponents will be waiting for work at home, and as of the last game, this team ranked sixth in the Eastern Conference with a record of 30 wins and 32 losses.

Even if the Eagles have defeated this opponent three times in a row this season, no one dares to take it lightly. For the defending champion, this is a must-win game.

On the evening of March 3, US time, at the American Airlines Center Arena in Miami, the Atlanta Hawks came to the Heat's home court with 6 consecutive victories and a terrifying record of 33 wins and 60 loss.

It was night, there were crowds of people inside and outside the stadium, and media from all walks of life flocked here. It may not be qualified to talk about this game at the level of the playoffs. This is basically a competition at the level of the finals.

D. Wade, as the leader of the Heat, looked at the reporters on the third floor and the third floor, and said with some surprise: "Did I go back to the summer of 06?"

The last time there were so many people, D. Wade was still in the finals with the Mavericks.

Regarding tonight's game, Cheeks didn't say much, and the handsome guy in the league said calmly: "This is an ordinary regular season, and we will work hard to qualify for the playoffs. As for the season being swept and the Hawks breaking the record of 33 consecutive victories, It's not our primary concern, the game itself is the point."

That being said, the 33-game winning streak is a historical legend after all. Even if Wade said it lightly, no reporter took Sao Wei's words seriously.

There are championships every year, and such a terrifying record may not be equal or even broken in the next 50 years, or even 100 years.

The players from both sides arrived at their respective locker rooms smoothly under the escort of the security guards. The superstar bodyguards of the Hawks also escorted them.

Fortunately, everything went well. The players of the two teams came to the game site smoothly, and 15 minutes before the start of the game, they each submitted their starting list.

There are no changes on the Hawks side, and the starting lineup on the Heat's side is:

C Jermaine O'Neal

PF Michael Beasley

SF Quentin Richardson
SG Dwyane Wade
PG Carlos Arroyo

Add Haslem, Mario Chalmers, Joel Anthony and Daequan Cook on the bench, and this is the strongest team the Heat can assemble.

A certain existence in the dark seems to want to test the Eagles to see if they can become a unique existence.

With the on-duty referee Joseph Joy Crawford, that is, the bald Crawford whistled, the game officially began.

Er Niu lost to Jermaine O'Neal in the jump ball, and the ball was transferred to Quentin Richardson.

The big Q gave the ball to Arroyo, and the Puerto Rican took possession of the half court.

In the FIBA ​​arena, Arroyo is an absolute All-Star player, but in the NBA, he is just a very ordinary role player.

Just after halftime, Arroyo handed the ball to team leader D. Wade, and the team's offense was organized by the cheek gang.

Wade rushed to the basket and caused a lunar eclipse thug foul. After hitting two free throws in a row, he successfully scored the first point of the game.

The Hawks had the ball, Dragic controlled the ball across half court, and suddenly accelerated on the wing. Without any pick-and-roll cover, he passed Arroyo with one step and went straight to the basket with the ball.

Jermaine O'Neal immediately stepped up to assist the defense, and the claw machine took the opportunity to send a concealed ground-hitting second pass, and the ball went to the second bull who was unwatched.

The Celestials stood up comfortably and filled the basket with one arm, which also opened the scoring for the team.

Throughout the first quarter of the game, the Hawks played significantly more proactively. When Er Niu and Jiongsen did not give full play, Claw Ji, Salmons and others took the banner of the team's offense very well. .

As for the Heat, apart from relying on D. Wade's strong attack, they didn't have a more secure and efficient offensive method, but the cheeks had a mediocre shooting rate in the first quarter, only 7 of 2 shots, 2 of 2 free throws, and scored 6 points. , 2 assists, 1 rebound.

At 30:22, the Atlanta people in the away game ended the first quarter with an 8-point lead.

This is a battle that is destined to be recorded in history. The Hawks still need to maintain their lead. After three more games, they will most likely become the owners of the longest winning streak in NBA history.

(End of this chapter)

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