Standing pretty old

Chapter 762 34 consecutive victories, No. 1 in history

Chapter 762 34 consecutive victories, first in history
Ruan Erniu made 2 of 2 shots in the first quarter, scored 4 points, 6 rebounds, and 3 assists. In this game related to historical status, he did not appear too prominent for the time being.

I don't know if it was the back-to-back fatigue or the Heat's performance, which was not enough to stimulate the two bulls to their best condition. Anyway, the Celestials played very well in the first quarter, and they didn't fully devote themselves to it because of the fiery atmosphere on the scene.

The overall strength of the Eagles is enviable. Even if Er Niu and Jiong Jisen do not show 100% status, they are enough to beat more than 90% of the teams in the league.

Just when the Hawks generals laughed and said that they would achieve the longest winning streak record in history, D. Wade called his teammates on the Heat's bench, and even the head coach of the Heat, Spoel Stella can only sit on the sidelines and listen to the speech of the leader of the Heat.

"Guys, I don't want to say big words, and I don't want to repeat what the media say about the so-called historical responsibility. We only represent ourselves, not some 34-win blockers.

This is an ordinary regular season, and we are working hard to qualify for the playoffs now, and there is no other inexplicable reason other than that.

Know what all the media and audience reminded me of tonight?

It was the finals in 06!
At that time, we were trailing the Dallas Mavericks 0:2. The whole world said that we would be swept out by the Dallas people. However, every one of you must know the final result.

Is the 33-game winning streak for the Hawks scary?

The Mavericks that killed the Spurs and the Suns in the playoffs back then were as strong as they were bewildering, but we became the ultimate victors after all.

Why are we standing here, among other things?

It's that simple! "

D. Wade used the most simple words to encourage his teammates. At this point, any pressure is meaningless. Putting down the burden and playing a game with all your strength is more reliable than any chicken soup.

The second quarter started soon, and both sides entered the rotation time.

Jamal Crawford, who performed well in the last game, did not have a strong desire to attack.

This should have belonged to his personal performance time, but on the offensive end of the Hawks, Crawford chose to pass the ball many times.

In contrast, in terms of the Heat, some players quickly stood up, and "Super Mario" Chalmers became the most active player on the field.

He continued to use his speed to get rid of Bibby from beyond the three-point line, and then made difficult face-up three-pointers.

"Brush!", "Brush!", "Brush!"

Caught off guard by the Eagles, Chalmers has hit three three-pointers in a row.

With the score close between the two teams, Chalmers stole the pass from Jamal Crawford at halftime, and then bypassed the bald referee Crawford's mobile screen, throwing off his defender. Mike Bibby.

In the process of holding the ball to the basket, Super Mario took the initiative to find a foul from Ke 6, who came to supplement the defense.


Crawford blew the foul whistle and Chalmers made an aerial throw.


The goal is scored, 2+1!

Chalmers hit an extra penalty and tied the score.

In just a few minutes, Super Mario made 5 of 4 shots, 3 of 3 three-pointers, 1 of 1 free throw, and scored 12 points, instantly reversing the trend of the game.


Woodson called a long timeout with a stern face. He had already guessed that this was not an easy game to win. He never expected that it was not D. Wade who set off the counterattack wave, but the little-known Charle Moss.

Super Mario expressed dissatisfaction. In the NCAA finals that year, it was he who stopped the mighty Derek Rose. While helping the University of Kansas win the championship, he also won his own MOP trophy.

It should be said that some people seem inconspicuous, but they are born for big occasions.

However, this is not good news for the Atlanta Hawks.

This means that the Heat still retain more hole cards. For the back-to-back Hawks, the game is about to fall into the mode they least expect-a war of attrition.

Egghead didn't hesitate. A new record that would honor his entire career was in front of him. He had to grab this honor. Woodson's method was rough and simple—fuck the main force!
Er Niu, Jiong Jisen and others were replaced on the field at the first time. The opponent of the Tianchao people at this time is Jamal Magloire, a 6-foot-11-inch (211CM) big center, in his 02-03 season. At his peak, he could also contribute 13+10 per game, but now he has degenerated into a marginal man averaging 2+3 per game.

Spoelstra made a mistake at this time. He should have replaced the faster Joel Anthony, or let Haslem directly defend the Chinese.

But it was about a while ago that Magloire played well, so the Filipino decided to give this big center a chance to prove himself.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Er Niu didn't intend to entangle with Magloire in the low post. He took the initiative to mention beyond the three-point line, and after receiving the ball from the wing, he pulled out without hesitation.

The sluggish Magloire couldn't even get near the three-point line, so he could only watch Er Niu jump up and make a shot.


At critical moments, Erniu seldom relents, this is the stability that a super giant should have!
As Pat Riley's hand-picked head coach, Spoelstra finally lived up to the tapes he had repeatedly watched over the years.

The Filipino made adjustments in time. Although he did not replace Magloire, he put D. Wade back on the court.

As soon as Cheep returned to the court, he held the ball in the frontcourt. When facing the defense of Jon Jonson, after continuously dribbling the ball under the crotch, he also chose to pull out from outside the three-point line.


Also hit!

ANSWER-BALL, the game suddenly became interesting!
In the following period of time, Er Niu's performance was better than that of Cheeks.

In other words, although 囧囧sen and Salmon can't completely lock the cheeks, they can limit the scoring efficiency of FMVP anyway.

On the other side, whether it is Magloire or Joel Anthony and Jermaine O'Neal who were replaced later, there is nothing they can do with the second-best long-range shots.

In the second quarter, the Celestials were full of three-pointers. They made 7 of 6 three-pointers in a short period of time. In addition, they made fouls and free throws in the breakthrough with the ball. Ruan Erniu, who only scored 4 points in the first quarter, scored wildly in this quarter. With 22 points, in the unfavorable situation of being tied by the opponent in the second quarter, it once again helped the team open up the score advantage.

D. Wade's performance is actually quite brilliant. He made 7 of 4 shots in a single quarter, 3 of 2 three-pointers, 4 of 4 free throws, scored 14 points, 2 rebounds, and 2 assists.

If it hadn't been for the wild bull that exploded, maybe the Miami Heat would be leading the score now.

Even so, with the excellent performance of Chalmers and D. Wade, the Heat still led the visiting team with a single score of 36:39.

At the end of the first half, 66:61, the game did not show a one-sided situation. The Heat fully demonstrated their desire to win. No matter what the reason is, they are not going to sit and watch the Atlanta people become gods at their home court.

Spoelstra said in an interview at midfield: "I know that many people have given too much to this game, but I want to say that for us, there are only two results of the game: win or win. If we lose, we will do our best to win, that's all.

D. Wade is our most reliable leader and core, Mario performed very well in the second quarter, Q (Quentin * Richardson) also performed well in three-pointers, Michael (Beasley) and Jayme Yin (O'Neal) needs to be more active in the second half.

The Eagles is a team that needs our whole team to work hard. We must become more united and more focused! "

In addition to commenting on the players, the Filipino almost repeated Cheekbang's team speech, and he didn't bother to think of other rhetoric to deal with reporters. Only victory can win everything they want for the Heat.

During the intermission, Woodson once again emphasized the overall defensive problems of the Hawks. The opponent scored 61 points in the first half. This should not happen to the Hawks. They can do better.

Jon Jonsen took the initiative to stand up and criticize: "I gave D. Wade too much shot space, and he will never succeed so easily in the second half."

Seeing that Jon Jonsen said so, all the generals of the Eagles said that they would increase their defensive strength in the next two quarters and not give the Miamis any chance.

Er Niu, who had frozen Jermaine O'Neal and Magloire one after another, finally concluded: "From the first half of the game, it can be seen that the Heat have let go of their psychological burden, and now it's our turn to let go of the so-called false reputation.

Guys, forget about winning streaks, we just walk away with a win. "

Er Niu deliberately didn't even mention the number 34, just to reduce the burden on his teammates.

In fact, even if the teammate's touch is average tonight, Man Niu is ready to shoulder the responsibility. As a historical superstar, Er Niu already has the awareness and confidence to turn the tide.

The second half of the game started quickly, and the main players of both sides returned to the game field again.

On the offensive end of the Heat, D. Wade made another dry shot from outside the three-point line. Jon Jonsen blocked it in place, but the basketball still drew a beautiful arc.



Show Wei's touch tonight was quite aggressive, and this is not a factor that any referee can influence. It can only be said that even a certain master in the dark also hopes that the game will become more competitive.

Cheeks shot just 30 percent from [-]-point range this season, but tonight, he was able to throw the damn basketball in there.

Fortunately, the cheeks can make shots, and the Hawks are not bad here.

Er Niu raised the three-point line again, and O'Neal rushed out immediately. Er Niu's three-point rain in the second quarter was too shocking. Now no one dares to short Er Niu's long shot.

The projection of the Celestials belongs to the type of shooting to death once the shot is opened. According to a well-known basketball comic, this is called the temperament of a sharpshooter.

Er Niu didn't pass Jermaine O'Neal with one step as usual and attack the basket with the ball. Instead, he made a fake move to catch the sliding step, and while swaying past the defender, he pulled out his hand again.



This three-point battle is still not over, Er Niu also continued his crazy three-point performance.

After a series of three-pointers, D. Wade still hesitated. After all, the three-pointer is not a conventional weapon for the cheeks. Only the Flash in the impact state can show his 193cm Jordan's demeanor.

The cheeks hitting the rim again and again are still full of lethality. Joe Crawford's whistle tonight is basically fair, but D. Wade's style of play determines that he is indeed more likely to get free throw opportunities.

Cheek made 8 of 6 free throws in this quarter, which is his most efficient scoring method. Under handcheck, it is indeed easier for players who attack with the ball to win free throws.

In this regard, FMVP is also a beneficiary of the rules. D. Wade’s free throws this season also reached 9.1 times. Looking at Cheek’s career, except for the rookie season, the number of free throws until this season is: 9.9, 10.7 , 10.5, 9.2, 9.8, 9.1.

Well, from this point of view, it is really surprising that the Flash is clearly a DC hero but he is forcibly confused with Marvel's Magneto.

But even D. Wade, who used his lethality to the limit, couldn't stop Ruan Erniu, who exploded from the three-point line.

The leader of the Eagles made 6 of 5 shots in this quarter and hit 5 three-pointers. By the end of the third quarter, the Celestials had hit 11 three-pointers in this field, even if it was far from his personal maximum of three-pointers in a single game. The number of hits was 13, and there was only a difference of 2 goals.

If it is a fan with an older vision, maybe the influence on Er Niu still stays on the low monster in the rookie season.

Although Er Niu's rebounding ability is maintained at a super high level, on the offensive end, the Celestials are no longer the low-post kaleidoscope who only know how to play back and mid-range shots.

In the 09-10 season, Erniu is currently able to shoot 5.5 three-pointers per game, hit nearly 2.5, and the shooting percentage is as high as 45%. , Why can't the center shoot three-pointers?

At 37:28, the Eagles won another 9 points in a single quarter, and the three quarters ended. At 103:89, the defending champion has extended its lead to 14 points.

Although this score does not guarantee that the Hawks will finally win the game, the Atlanta people are indeed getting closer and closer to the legend!

The final game officially started under the eyes of the crowd, and the Miamis launched a final counterattack.

With Er Niu and other main players temporarily absent from the field, Spoelstra took the lead in dispatching an unexpected player-Michael Beasley.


For a first-round pick, it may not be considered water, but for the No. [-] pick, for Beasley, who is known as the perfect version of Durant, such data is obviously incomparable.

Objectively speaking, Beasley is strong offensively and weak defensively. In the current league structure, he is still a dubious type of player.

If the ability to support and assist can be developed, maybe Pat Riley and the Heat management are still interested in cultivating him, but Beasley's average of 1.3 assists per game really makes people doubt his upper limit.

But it cannot be denied that Beasley's instant scoring explosive power is indeed a first-tier presence in the league.

On the offensive end of the Heat, Beasley, nicknamed the Beast, suddenly ushered in a transformation. He first used active fighting at the basket to score offensive rebounds, and then used his agility to face Birdman or Pachu many times. Riya's defense directly attacked the basket and succeeded.

Beasley, who was playing happily, found an offensive feeling on the outside again. He suddenly raised the three-point line, and after receiving a pass from his teammate, he hit two consecutive three-pointers.

The score between the two teams was once again brought closer to about 5 points. During this time, Beasley has become a poor man's version of Ruan Erniu. At least in this quarter, his scoring explosive power is not inferior to the current Eagle King. .

Ruan Erniu, who scored 44 points in three quarters, returned to the game again, and on the other side, D. Wade also returned to the game, and the final battle was finally about to begin!

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu continued to hold the ball outside the three-point line. At this time, O'Neal had been replaced, and the one in charge of defending Erniu was Joel Anthony, who was shorter and had a lower center of gravity.

Er Niu continued to take tentative steps with the ball, swayed the shot, and after deceiving Joel Anthony, he leaned forward lightly...


Crawford's whistle sounded immediately, and Er Niu also threw the basketball in the air with one hand.


The basketball first hit the front of the rim, and just when people thought Er Niu was going to make three free throws in a row, the high-flying basketball fell straight down and fell into the center of the rim.


Er Niu raised one arm high and waved his fist fiercely, which can make the leader of the Eagles aloof to show such an expression eager to win, in fact, the Heat have already been able to talk to each other.

The Celestial Man standing on the free throw line slowly adjusted his breath, and then made a steady free throw.

The Eagles opened up the score again, but D. Wade, who had fought hard for three quarters, was tired. He hit the rim many times in the first three quarters, consuming too much energy from his cheeks.

At the end of the game, Sauway's knee could no longer support him to maintain a high-intensity impact state.

There is no way for Cheek to go back to the summer of 06, because he is no longer the all-powerful Flash. Injuries are the most ruthless thing for athletes, and it will make any genius feel powerless.

After being capped by Er Niu and Lunar Eclipse one after another, D. Wade had to seek help from outside players. In fact, as the score opened up, the Heat at this moment could only rely on three-pointers to make the final gamble .

Big Q, Chalmers, and Beasley played at the same time. The players who can shoot three-pointers tonight are all sent by Spoelstra to play.

"Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!"

At the same time as the sound of iron strikes, it also means that the Heat have lost their fourth match against the Eagles this season.

On the Eagles' sweeping list this season, the Miami Heat lost all four games and failed to get rid of the fate of the background wall after all.

133:110, the Miami people struggled to the last moment, but the victory belonged to the stronger team.

Ruan Erniu made 30 of 20 shots, including 18 of 14 three-pointers and 8 of 7 free throws. He scored 61 points, 28 rebounds, and 5 assists. He almost dominated the game by himself.

In addition, his 14 three-pointers in a single game also broke the most single-game three-pointers made by himself-13 times.

None of the above is the most important!
Because everyone knows that this game has greater historical significance. Starting tonight, the longest winning streak in the NBA season has been rewritten. The Lakers' 33 winning streak has become the second winning streak in history. The Atlanta Hawks won 09 consecutive victories this season, becoming the first in league history.

At the moment when the red light came on, the Eagles' substitute players rushed into the field crazily. They hugged, cheered, and jumped wildly, as if they had won the championship at this time!
 Thank you book friends for never resisting your beautiful rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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