Standing pretty old

Chapter 763 Records Meet Records, President Meets President

Chapter 763 Records Meet Records, President Meets President
34 straight wins!

Unprecedented record!
The NBA's longest winning streak was born!
The crowded crowd filled the entire basketball arena, and the Heat fans left disappointedly. The Miami people finally became the background board of history, and the Hawks stepped into the altar.

"Congratulations, Kraft!"

"Thank you! You make it all the more meaningful, D. Wade."

"If there is a chance to meet in the playoffs, I will definitely take revenge!"

"Then let's see you next season. To be honest, I look forward to the ultimate version of the Heat."

"'He' didn't say that he would definitely come. Have you made up your mind to come to Miami? Then I welcome it very much!"

"Come on! I'm not a fool, be careful not to be usurped as the boss."

"Like you did to Joe?"

Having said that, the two looked at each other with a smile, clapped hands again and hugged.

Bulls were once again surrounded by reporters, but the owner of the American Airlines Center Arena in Miami quietly left the arena, waiting for his own nirvana and revenge.

Although many media have been interviewed at the game site, tonight's press conference is still held as scheduled, because there are more media waiting here, and they need to get first-hand information.

Heat coach Spoelstra played first, and he said in a joking tone: "Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?
Well, I know that this is not my time, so please hurry up and ask questions, and after answering the questions, I can give the place to the protagonists as soon as possible! "

Losing the game is a loss, but there are really few media who are ready to spray the Heat and Spoelstra to death. After all, the strength of the Hawks has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The Filipino’s frankness and self-deprecation won the favor of the reporters. In order to avoid embarrassment, after a burst of good-natured laughter, a reporter immediately asked: “The Heat once took the initiative on the court and even had a chance to overtake the score. What do you think made the team fail to complete the counterattack against the Hawks."

Spoelstra said: "Our gap is all-round. The collapse in the last quarter is just a true manifestation of the strength of both sides. It is meaningless to explain too much. This is the gap."

The Filipino who will continue to be honest to the end is not without pursuit. When asked about the goals of the Heat this season, Spoelstra said without hesitation: "Work hard to win, while ensuring the playoffs, strive for more. With a high regular season ranking and trying to make an impact in the second round of the playoffs, only by working hard can we be qualified to be as strong as the current Eagles in the future."

The Heat coach quickly ended his speech, and it was the Hawks' turn to speak next.

The staff at the press conference did not immediately arrange for the Eagles spokesperson to enter the arena, but moved more than a dozen chairs and placed them in the speaking area. There were so many chairs that even exceeded the two sides of the speaking table.

Subsequently, the Eagles attended the press conference with 12 players and Mike Woodson.

This seems to be the first time in the history of the NBA. Coupled with the unprecedented 34 consecutive victories, the reporter on the scene unexpectedly had a short embarrassing moment after a burst of crazy spotlights flashed. Such a scene is also rare. .

Fortunately, the embarrassment was then ended. The ESPN reporter was the first to ask: "I want to ask Coach Woodson, what is the secret to leading the Eagles to 34 consecutive victories?"

Mike Woodson pretended to be cold and said: "Train them hard, don't give them a good face every day, and send them text messages or phone calls from time to time after training, to prevent these bastards from going to nightclubs, and finally , I'm just... being emptied by them..."

Speaking of this, the reporters at the scene burst into laughter again.

Afterwards, Woodson continued: "The secret? There has never been such a thing in this world. We won the game after game. It is gratifying to break the record, but we just keep believing in the process, and the result is just incidental. That's all."

Then the TNT reporter asked Ruan Erniu, the leader of the Eagles, "Kraft, why did you lead this team to create miracles again and again in the past three seasons?"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "Am I leading this team? No, it's my teammates. My team has made me.

Many people said that my achievements are based on the overall strength of the Eagles. Congratulations to them for answering correctly!I'm so happy to hug the laps of my teammates and the coaching staff.

If I have to find a reason for our current achievements, I can only say that I am extremely honored to be able to create a great record with a group of great people. Everyone here is an MVP, and I am just the luckiest one. "

Regardless of Er Niu's many honors, but before, no matter how many honors he has, he can brag about them. When it comes to historical team honors, Ruan Erniu is still very clear-headed, and puts the greatest credit on his teammates body.

However, modesty is modesty. When people look at this period of history many years later, there can only be one team leader for the Atlanta Hawks to win 34 consecutive victories, and he is-Ruan~er~niu!
In the subsequent press conference, although it was impossible for every Hawks player to get a chance to speak, many role players present may only have the opportunity to attend the post-match press conference this time in their careers.

At the end of the press conference, everyone in the Eagles once again emphasized the importance of the championship. They all agreed that the 34-game winning streak has passed, and they will devote their greatest energy to preparing for the playoffs.

They say so, and they do so.

Two days later, the Hawks continued their road trip. In the game against the New York Knicks, they lost the game 109:120, ending their winning streak and setting the record for the longest winning streak in the NBA. On a 34-game winning streak.

Throughout the entire game, the Hawks did not show 100% strength to deal with the game, and even the Knicks themselves won a bit inexplicably.

A team with 21 wins and 41 losses easily won the top team in the league with 61 wins and 1 loss, and suppressed their opponents throughout the game. They didn't even have a chance to overtake Atlanta. It's really surprising. .

The Knicks won a game they could be proud of but didn't mean much, and the Hawks regained their opportunity to play light at the cost of giving up a game that was beautiful.

No team can win 82 games all the way. For the Hawks, this loss came at the right time, as evidenced by Woodson even hiding Erniu and Jiongsen in good condition in the second half of the final quarter.

The Eagles finally lost!
This not only means that the Hawks themselves can have a more relaxed state of mind, but it is also a good opportunity for fans all over the world to relax.

Especially for audiences in North America, the annual NCAA March Madness is in full swing, but the NCAA basketball game has not received the attention of the past. Now the entire audience can finally turn their attention back to the future of the United States.

This year's NCAA is also full of talents.

First of all, it is naturally the biggest favorite of the No. 6 pick. The point guard from the University of Kentucky, John Wall, who is 4 feet [-] inches tall, deserves the ranking of jhon-wall (transliteration + free translation), and his physical condition is extremely good. Excellent, and with an excellent template like Driss Rose in front, the team holding the No. [-] pick will never miss him.

And behind the wall, there are Evan Turner, Wesley Johnson, DeMarcus Cousins, Hassan Whiteside, Donatas Motiejunas, Al Fara Luke Aminu and other good seedlings exist.

On the plane to the next away game, Erniu held the latest "Sports Illustrated" and said to his teammate Sun Yue: "I don't know how good the 10th rookie is, but these names really make China Fans wake up."

Sun Yue hurriedly asked from the side: "How do you say?"

Er Niu pointed to the NCAA basketball special and said: "The number one pick is called 囧 Wall, so I won't say more. Look at the next few, Cousins, isn't it translated as cousin? And this Whiteside, translated Isn’t it called Baibian here? Of course, none of the above has this cow! I didn’t read or spell it wrong, did I? Monroe, wouldn’t it be called Monroe when translated?”

Sun Yue pointed to the tall and thick man in the pictorial and said, "Anyway, his name is not Marilyn. I don't think it will be translated according to Monroe's surname in China, right?"

Nothing to do, the two Chinese people on the plane worried about the rookie's name translation more than once, Er Niu couldn't help it, directly connected to the phone's WIFI, and sent screenshots and questions to reporter Wang Meng in Atlanta via WhatsApp .

Soon, Wang Meng's answer came to Er Niu's mobile phone, and the result was this: "Hi! This is not easy, just call him Greg* Monroe!"

The man's name is Monroe, and the woman's name is Monroe. The Chinese language is really extensive and profound!
Of course, this is just an episode in the busy schedule. The Eagles arrived at their next stop, the capital of the United States, Washington, where they will play a game against the Washington Wizards, who have already been dismantled by themselves.

The Hawks thought it was a surefire game, and in fact... it was.

Look at the starting five tigers sent by the Wizards: Mike * Miller, JaVale * McGee, Andre * Blatche, Al * Thornton, Randy * Foye.

Let shooting guard Foye play the point guard, then let Al Thornton, the four, play the two, and let Mike Miller, the center height guy, play the three. Ji is still in his position, but the strangeness of this lineup is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

When Woodson saw the opponent's starting list, he was stunned for a while, and asked the staff repeatedly before he was sure that the information in his hand was correct.

I don't know how long Philip Sanders can stay as the head coach of the Wizards. Anyway, his formation really shocked a group of fans and spectators.

Could it be that he watched episode N of "Slam Dunk" last night, so Sanders instantly made up a terrifying lineup of four major players in his mind and put it into practice.

But Randy Foye is not Kenji Fujima after all. A guy who is not good enough and wants to be the protagonist will often die a miserable death.

Sure enough, the Hawks took advantage of their speed in the first quarter to open up a double-digit point difference.

Since then, although the Wizards have set off counterattacks many times and tried to organize offenses and reverse the game many times, the strength gap between the two sides is indeed obvious.

Even if Nick Young on the bench hits difficult shots many times like a hero, it still can't change the trend of the game after all.

At 135:99, the Eagles did not give the capital team any face. American referees can whistle their favorite teams and players, but they rarely give the capital team face because of patriotic plots.

After a massacre, the Hawks came out from the shadow of just losing with ease.

They continued to dominate the league with a record of 62 wins and 2 losses, and maintained multiple NBA historical records.


If they continue to play at this pace, they will continue to break the NBA history record for the fastest 70 wins maintained by themselves.

Although these records are not as eye-catching as the 27 consecutive victories in the opening season and the longest 34 consecutive victories in history, the Atlanta Hawks are indeed advancing on their glorious road.

After finishing the game against the Wizards, the Hawks did not immediately return to Atlanta to prepare for their home game against the Pistons three days later.

The reason is simple. As the champions of the 08-09 season, they will be invited by the President of the United States to receive an interview at the White House.

It's not easy to come to Washington, so how come you have to take a photo with the owner of the White House?
In fact, this special reward method for the championship team began 50 years ago. At that time, President Nixon, who liked sports, first invited the sports champion team to the White House. After that, every year, the members of the four major American sports champion teams All can enter the White House to be received by the President.

This is not the first time that the Eagles have been invited to the White House. Of course, the last time they were received by the former President, Comrade Toilet, and the current President of the United States is already Comrade Guan Hai.

In the reception hall of the White House, a few crystal chandeliers are enough to make the whole hall resplendent.

The furnishings in the hall reveal a strong sense of history.Many guests, fan representatives, and councilors who participated in this reception event flooded into the hall at once.

The writers and photographers were squeezed on both sides, trying not to block any line of sight as much as possible.

They even reminded each other not to touch the curtains on both sides even if they were crowded, so someone joked: "This curtain is probably older than any of us."

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the team members first appeared on the podium. They stood in three rows one by one. Ruan Erniu and Jiongsen stood in the center of the team's first row.

Accompanied by a burst of applause and cheers, President Okami, Hawks general manager Billy Knight, and head coach Mike Woodson made their official appearance on stage.

In the subsequent speech, Ao Guanhai talked eloquently. He was full of praise for the success of the Hawks in recent years, and spoke highly of the team's revolutionary changes in basketball.

But Ao Guanhai's speech is also full of humor, for example, "The Hawks have only been good for a few years, and I may not have been born the last time they won the championship", such as "Why is Kraft Nguyen keen on the job of rushing guards? And Dragic should complain to the top of the league", and then like "Joe Johnson's expression has never changed, he is as cold as a killer".

In the end, Ao Guanhai did not forget his identity as a Bulls fan, and he congratulated the Hawks in a strange tone for breaking the Bulls' record for regular season wins last year (72 wins in a single season).

He finally said, "Although I haven't played basketball for a long time, I still know a little bit of basketball. I know this is a group of outstanding young people. They support each other and represent their own city. Their excellence and greatness are even more important. Represents the entire NBA."

And the head coach Woodson, who was teased by Ao Guanhai for a long time, did not forget to "counterattack" in the subsequent speech. He said: "After all, the president of the United States is not tenured for life. Since Mr. Ou Guanhai knows basketball well, so when he becomes On the day of 'free agency' (the end of the presidency), consider playing with our Eagles."

In the end, Ruan Erniu, as the team representative, gave the President an Eagles jersey with Ao Guanhai's name on it. The number of the jersey was "44" because Ao Guanhai was the 44th President of the United States.

Generally speaking, as a basketball fan, Ao Guanhai performed well, and the Eagles players did not lose their manners on important occasions. Therefore, amidst a burst of applause and laughter, the presidential interview ended successfully.

The Eagles flew back to Atlanta by plane that day. After making some adjustments, they faced Detroit's challenge at home.

Pistons general manager Joe Dumars sent Billups away, and the crown prince Rodney Starkey was injured and missed the game. At this moment, the Pistons have become a team with no desires.

In other words, this is a team that isn't doing well enough. They don't seem to want to give up the glory of the Motor City yesterday, but the reality is that they can't make it to the playoffs, so they can only hit the big luck of the No. [-] pick.

I don't know if Joe Dumars gave the order in time. Anyway, judging from the progress of the game, the Pistons did not regard the Eagles, a team rising above them, as an opponent that must be defeated.

The Detroiters, who fell behind by nearly 20 points in the first quarter, had no intention of fighting at all. This was another tragic massacre.

At 97:135, the Eagles defeated the Detroit Pistons for the second time this season. The Autobots still have two games to play against the Eagles, but whether they want to fly back to Cybertron or continue to stay on Earth for maintenance is really unpredictable well.

The influence of this game is more than that. Apart from the Eagles winning another regular season game, the biggest hot spot in this game is that Ruan Erniu started off work in three quarters and only got 9 rebounds in this game.

This is nothing at all, tigers doze off sometimes, let alone individuals.

What is really surprising is that Ruan Erniu's consecutive double-double record finally stopped!

Here I have to make a special note that the NBA's technical statistics, the regular season, the playoffs and the finals are calculated separately, so Ruan Erniu in the 07-08 season, 08-09 season, until this game, his two The double record has never been broken!
This is impossible!

Hasn't been interrupted for more than two consecutive seasons?
To be honest, when Erniu broke Garnett's 32 consecutive double-doubles in the rookie season and Moses Malone's 50 consecutive double-doubles record, it also caused a huge commotion.

But on the one hand, there are too many terrific data, and on the other hand, the invisible discrimination of the American media has never stopped, so this great record has been ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

In fact, on Niu Mi's website, Twitter and Weibo, there have never been fewer statistics about Er Niu's miraculous records.

228 consecutive double-doubles, not counting the official record of 50 consecutive double-doubles recorded by the NBA, even if the legendary Chamberlain is moved out, this time it is overwhelmingly suppressed.

You know, there are two consecutive double-double legends about Chamberlain: 220 times and 227 times.

Now, regardless of whether it is true or not, whether it is included in official statistics or not, Ruan Erniu has become the unique one in history.

There are still more than a dozen games to play in the 09-10 season, but the MVP seems to have no suspense.

 Thanks to the emperor of Shuyoufo for the reward!Thank you for never resisting your beautiful tip!

(End of this chapter)

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