Standing pretty old

Chapter 765 The season will be concluded, and the plan will be implemented

Chapter 765 The season will be concluded, and the plan will be implemented
A brand-new best record in the league was born. Everyone knows that this is the era of the Atlanta Hawks.

The regular season of the 09-10 season has finally come to an end, and the record rankings of the league's teams have also been determined.

In the East, ranked 1-8 are: Eagles, Cavaliers, Magic, Celtics, Heat, Bucks, Bobcats, Bulls.

Needless to say, the Hawks have already established themselves as the league leader.

The second-ranked Clevelands and their leader LeBron James are probably a little depressed. Without the presence of the Hawks and Ruan Erniu, the teams that dominated the league in the 08-09 and 09-10 seasons should be It's them.

From the record point of view, the Cavaliers ranked second in the East with 58 wins this season, and they are also second in the league, which is exactly the same as last season.

The 23VS24 plan that the league once wanted to focus on promoting is not without reason.

Firstly, Kobe and James are the two face-level players that the league advocates to promote, including the idea of ​​passing the torch from generation to generation; secondly, the records of the two teams are both at the top of the league, which is indeed a good target for hype.

It's a pity that with the Atlanta Hawks as a super team, this key plan of the league can only be dealt with at a discount.

The Orlando Magic also did a good job. They surpassed the Lakers at the last moment and became the team with the third record in the league, and they are also the team with the third record in the Eastern Conference.

It is said that the west is strong and the east is weak, but the top teams in the East at this time are actually not losing to the teams in the West at all.

Of course, the games played by the top four teams in the Eastern Conference are definitely not rare.

Therefore, many media also said that the reason why the Hawks were able to win such a crazy record of 75 wins was ultimately due to the lack of competitiveness of the Eastern Conference teams and the large gap between the first-tier teams and the subsequent teams.

After talking about the top three, it's finally the turn of the Boston Celtics, who have kept a low profile throughout the regular season. No one thought that the Celtics would quietly rank fourth in the Eastern Conference.

After quietly replacing the original head coach Doc Rivers with assistant coach Bob Thibodeau at the beginning of the season, it seems that the Celtics have no intention of competing in the regular season this season.

In many games against the Eagles, Lu Kai was suspected of paddling in several games.

It is conceivable that these cunning old guys will only show their true skills in the playoffs, and fight their opponents bloody to the end.

After the All-Star Game, the Heat did not be arrogant or impetuous, and continued to work hard.

From the 7-8 position all the way to the fifth position in the Eastern Conference, although D. Wade can hardly lead the Heat to go too far in the playoffs, they are still a team that cannot be underestimated.

The performance of the cheeks will determine everything. Whether the Heat can have a second or even a third player to stand up will be the key to their victory.

The Milwaukees made it to the playoffs again. The last time they did it all was in the 05-06 season.

Andrew Bogut proved his worth, averaging 15.9+10.2 per game, the highest in his career.Coupled with Al Horford who can stably contribute about 13+10, rookie Brandon Jennings who scored 55 points in a single game, and Delfino who switched from the Raptors.Objectively speaking, the Bucks are still a very competitive team.

It's just that the biggest player in their team, Michael Reed, was reimbursed again due to injury, which is really disappointing.

Reed's [-] million yuan contract will not expire until next year. With Jennings, the Bucks want to trade Reed more than once, but unfortunately no team is willing to take over.

Bobcats ranked seventh, Jordan certainly can not be satisfied.

Tyson Chandler, who was traded for Okafor, continued to be plagued by injuries this season. Stephen Jackson, who was traded from the Warriors this season, is the de facto Elvis Presley, and Gerald Wallace is Good job, he was almost killed by Bynum's black elbow last season, and this season is still the team's second stable scoring point. Although his career is going downhill, he is a fighter.

Interestingly, many neutral fans are not interested in whether the Bobcats can go further in the playoffs. On the contrary, they want to know when Jordan and the team's head coach Larry Brown will fall out?

The markets are open, it's time to place your bets!


There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, unless there is one male and one female.

Jordan's career as a boss has so far been a failure. He did not understand the importance of decentralization.

There should be no regrets for the Bulls to finally reach the playoffs. As a rebuilding team, Derrick Rose was able to lead the team to the playoffs in the second year, which can be said to be a good performance.

Black eight?

Hehe, please think back to who is the No. [-] player in the Eastern Conference, and then carefully choose who to bet on...

Although the odds are high, don't get mad!
The 9-15 places in the East are: Raptors, Pacers, Knicks, Pistons, 76ers, Wizards, Nets.

Raptors Fan #1: Well, didn't make the playoffs?
Raptors Fan No. 2: It's okay, we still have Bosh and Bargnani!
Raptors Fan No. 3: Hey, where's Bosh?
Pacers fan number 1: Sister Lan (Granger) is injured, we still have next year.

Pacers Fan No. 2: It seems that we said the same thing last season?
Pacers fan No. 3: By the way, there is one more thing, Hansbrough is probably a parallel importer.

Knicks Fan #1: Well, what can I do?Go home and watch "The Walking Dead" to be overwhelmed!
Knicks Fan #2:  …

Pistons Fan #1: Are Rodney Stuckey and Joe Dumars still alive?
Pistons Fan No. 2: You want to kill them?

Pistons Fan #1: No, I want to trade them together.

76ers Fan No. 1: Where is the AI?
76ers Fan No. 2: Went home with my daughter!
76ers Fan No. 3: Let me tell you, I just won $100 from Allen at the nightclub last night.

76ers fans #1 and #2:  …

Wizards Fan No. 1: Come on, brother, choose one?

Wizards Fan No. 2: You want to kill me?
Wizards Fan No. 1: No, I mean, why can't we play in the NBA, anyway, I don't think it's difficult, just like we are doing now.

Nets: ...Hey, fans...

After talking about the East, let's take a look at the Western powerhouses who compete fiercely every year.

1-8 in the West: Lakers, Mavericks, Suns, Nuggets, Jazz, Trail Blazers, Spurs, Thunder.

The Lakers continue to maintain the dignity of their purple and gold nobles.

This season, Bynum has gradually risen, and the addition of Artest has also added enough defensive hardness to the Lakers. The championship is the only pursuit of the Lakers.

No matter which team is the final breakout in the Eastern Conference, the Los Angeles Lakers will not change their established goals.

It must be surprising that the Mavericks can rank second in the West with a difference of 2 wins.

It doesn't matter if Josh Howard is injured, whether it is Sean Marion or Caron Butler traded from the Wizards, they are all good third-position supplements.

The only regret should be that they still lack a defensive gate at the fifth position, which is the only flaw in this current Mavericks team.

The sun finally ushered in a re-emergence, general manager Steve Kerr set things right, head coach Alvin Gentry regained the team's classic tactics, Nash's second pass is still the same, Stoudemire can dunk and shoot, Grant * Hill continues to run magically, they are a good team, there is no doubt about it.

The performance of the Nuggets is slightly worse than last season, but the main frame is complete. This season, new forces such as Afflalo and Ty Lawson have joined. There is every chance to hit a higher ranking.

Denver's biggest weakness is being without their head coach in the playoffs, which could have a huge impact on the stability of the entire team.

Say goodbye to Harprin, send Ronnie Brewer away, the Jazz is still the Jazz, just because Sloan is still there.

Salt Lake City has had its ups and downs over the years, but as long as the iron nose stays in place, this team will always be a tough nut to crack.

Boozer, Deron, and Okur constitute the Jazz triangle, and they will be a powerful spoiler in the playoffs.

The performance of the Portland Trail Blazers has declined significantly compared to last season, because their entire team has suffered a terrible wave of injuries.

Needless to say Oden's season reimbursement, Tuoguan (the Blazers management) has basically given up hope, and the injuries of Rudy Fernandez and Nicolas Batum can also be put aside, but with Roy's right knee The torn meniscus completely chilled their hearts. This is the worst news.

Whether the team leader can appear in the playoffs is doubtful. What's more terrible is that Huang Mamba crippled his knee early. Can he regain his glory?
Portland fans at this moment would not have imagined that even more desperate things are yet to come.

The Spurs will fall to the seventh place. I am afraid that few people would think that Tony Parker's midsection injury is the biggest hidden danger, but the Gaul sports car should be able to catch up with the first round of the playoffs.

In this way, for the fans, the first round of the bull-horse battle naturally became the biggest focus!

The league's new Oklahoma City Thunder entered the playoffs for the first time. Durant averaged 30.1 points per game, ranking second in the scoring list, second only to Ruan Erniu, and has fully demonstrated the demeanor of a superstar.

Coupled with Russell Westbrook, Jeff Green, James Harden, Serge Ibaka and others, no matter how you look at this Thunder team, it is stronger than the Trail Blazers in the previous two seasons.

It can be said that although the competition in the Western Conference has been fierce in the past two years, the youth storm of young people has been blowing with enthusiasm.

After talking about the 1-8 names in the West, let's take a look at the 9-15 names in the West: Rockets, Grizzlies, Hornets, Clippers, Warriors, Kings, Timberwolves.

Rockets Fan No. 1: Who did Tracy McGrady replace?Do you want to trade Yao Ming?Is Ariza still strong?

Rockets fan No. 2: Kevin * Martin, don't, iron.

The only gain for the Houstonians this season is probably the rapid progress of Aaron Brooks. The little black bean with an average of 18+ per game is already a well-deserved giant of the Rockets.

However, in addition to this, last season's Western Conference champion, the famous Texas Xiaoqiang, only had tears in his eyes.

Dayao missed the schedule with the best chance of hitting the playoffs due to injury. When Dayao came back at the end of the season, it was too late.

In the end, the Rockets lost to the Thunder by 2 games and could only rank ninth in the Western Conference. In the end, they regretted saying goodbye to the 09-10 season and missed the playoffs.

Dayao can rest for a while longer, and then return to China as soon as possible to prepare for the 2010 Turkey Men's Basketball World Championships. The NBA record is not good, and maybe there will be gains in the international arena.

Grizzlies fan No. 1: I heard that we have two bears inside?

Grizzlies fan No. 2: Well, one black and one white, it looks cute, well, I mean the black side.

Memphis launched a stunt: professional whitewashing N for many years, drug dealers can also become cute!

Hornets fan No. 1: Is CP3 okay?
Hornets fan No. 2: It shouldn't be a big problem!However, I heard something might happen to the team!

Hornets Fan No. 1: How to say?
Hornets Fan #2: My aunt's youngest son's friend's cousin's cousin is a Hornets staffer, and it's been said that they...  

The rumors are not groundless. Just a few days after New Year's Day next year, the Hornets will be on the league history list in a special way.

Clippers Fan No. 1: Nothing major happened recently, right?

Clippers Fan No. 2: It’s okay, I got the tickets for the Lakers, and I’m just waiting for the playoffs to start!

Warriors Fan No. 1: Ellis can't cooperate with Curry if he doesn't make a fuss?

Warriors fan No. 2: How can Monta play against such a cute boy as Stephen?
Warriors Fan #1:  …

Kings Fan #1: Should we ask the Hawks for a championship?

Kings Fan No. 2: It should!At least 2/5 of their main lineup last year was taken from us!
Kings Fan No. 3: Look ahead!After all we have Evans!
Timberwolves: ... Aww...

The regular season of the 09-10 season has finally come to an end, and the playoffs of winning or going home are about to begin.

At the end of the regular season, the major data lists also counted the final results:
Scoring leader: Ruan Erniu (Eagle), averaging 36.6 points per game.

Rebound leader: Ruan Erniu (Eagle), averaging 22.3 per game.

Assists: Steve Nash (Sun), averaging 11.0 times per game.

Block leader: Ruan Erniu (Eagle), averaging 3.2 times per game.

Steals: Rajon Rondo (Celtics), averaging 2.3 times per game.

Many people say that there is no suspense for Ruan Erniu to win the MVP again. In fact, there is no suspense for Erniu to defend D-POY for three consecutive seasons.

Unless the various media judges and league executives are collectively blinded, who would not consider the player who leads the rebounding + blocks + steals list (averaging 2.2 times per game) player as the first candidate?
At the beginning of this season, Er Niu half-jokingly said that he would defend the MVP+D-POY+FMVP rhetoric, which seemed to be still in his ears.

Judging from the current situation, although FMVP has not been able to guarantee the ticket, it seems difficult for MVP+D-POY to go beyond the control of the Chinese.

At this time, the major awards have not yet been announced, but speculations about the major awards have already poured in from various media.

MVP and D-POY were originally very suspenseful awards, but at the moment they seem meaningless.

SMOY (Sixth Man of the Year) doesn't seem to have much controversy either.

Jamal Crawford of the Hawks is the most popular player, with an average of 17+ points per game, coupled with super high scoring efficiency, it seems that it is not a big problem to win the best sixth man with 6 points.

ROY has also almost confirmed the winner. Tyreke Evans, who averages 20+5+5 per game, is known as the LeBron James in the No. 1 position. Everyone is optimistic that he will become a super giant in the future.

The first candidate for MIP is Aaron Brooks of the Rockets. Hei Dou's performance this season is obvious to all. The starting point of the attack.

Finally, the most controversial award appeared - COY!

Who can be the best coach?
Is it Mike Woodson, who has been COY for two consecutive years, or Mike Brown, who has led the Cavaliers to occupy the second place in the Eastern Conference and the second place in the league for two consecutive years.

If Woodson hadn't had two consecutive COY feats before, maybe this award is also not suspenseful. Does the 75-win coach need a reason to win COY?

Of course not, but according to the unspoken rules of the league, COY and MVP are generally not awarded to the same team. For the Eagles' unprecedented 73 wins last year, the league has given Woodson an unprecedented two consecutive COY.

After all, the NBA is a business league. In order to avoid risks and maintain balance, no one will add all investment to one project.


It's also easy to find!

In the words of some reporters: "The increase from 73 wins to 75 wins does not reflect the value of Mike Woodson."

At this time, some guys selectively ignored the record of 27 consecutive victories in the opening season and the longest 34 consecutive victories.

Hard honors are important, but as long as they are selected by people, there will be tendencies and shady things. Things like sharing cakes are not exclusive to the Celestial Dynasty, and Americans are very slippery in this regard.

Therefore, only the championship won by strength is the most convincing. After all, the game is played by players one by one. Even if there are referees in the process, the final result is still the most fair reflection of the true strength of both sides.

After all the disturbances, the days passed quickly.

On this day, Er Niu stayed at home and welcomed two of his agents, Ouyang Haotian and Leon Ross. This was an internal meeting they had already scheduled.

Leon Rose asked suspiciously: "Although I'm not in charge of this, I really don't understand why you have to be so serious about making a random announcement or saying something in front of the media? I can't help it." understand!"

Ouyang Haotian said with a smile: "Leon, you American people don't understand these things. In other words, your government serves capital, but ours does not."

Leon Ross laughed: "Are you government slave capital?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "That's not the case. In fact, the Celestial Dynasty is very similar to the United States at present. There is me in you, and you in me. It's just that our government is more powerful."

Rose asked back: "So strong that you can compromise?"

Er Niu laughed and said, "No, I'm doing this! It's just to prove that they are no longer qualified to make me compromise!"

Ouyang Haotian also smiled and said, "Give me your phone soon! I will transfer all messages for you."

After saying this, Ouyang Haotian took the mobile phone from Er Niu and gave him a brand new mobile phone.

While playing with his new phone, Er Niu pondered: "You said that I gave face to the people of the Basketball Association, will they still not appreciate it?"

Ouyang Haotian asked back: "I don't appreciate it? You overestimate them! With your current status, do you need to see their faces? What you should really worry about is the loss of your own business interests, and other things are not important. "

Er Niu nodded and said: "You are right, I want to grasp my own destiny!"

(End of this chapter)

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