Standing pretty old

Chapter 766 You Can Never Satisfy Everyone

Chapter 766 You Can Never Satisfy Everyone
"Why aren't you sleeping?" Dr. Han walked to the side of the living room in his pajamas, Ruan Erniu was holding a dumbbell with his upper body naked.

However, it was already 2 o'clock in the evening, and in another two hours, he could call Kobe directly and ask if Mamba had breakfast?
"Oh, it's okay, I just need a little time to think." Er Niu gave Han Meimei a forced smile.

From Han Meimei's point of view, this man has never shown such an expression. He is always so confident and determined that people forget that he is only 22 years old.

"Thinking? Didn't you discuss it with Steven and Leon Ross a long time ago? I've never seen you hesitate so much." Han Meimei made a rare cup of coffee and placed it in front of Erniu.

Er Niu, who had been strictly adhering to the recipe, didn't have any objections. He blew on the coffee and took a sip.

"Cough, cough!"

Er Niu coughed not because the coffee was hot, but because his throat was not used to the bitter taste of coffee.

"Let's change to lemonade?" Dr. Han said with a smile.

"Don't bother! May, you go to bed!" Er Niu laughed.

Han Meimei just looked at him motionless, and after a while, Er Niu continued: "I have made a decision, so I will never waver. I have been doing it since I was a child, or I must do things to the best it is good……"

"Then why do you have any hesitation, you have already done this! The call has already been made, and now Steven's phone is probably blown up, or do you regret it?"

Er Niu nodded and said: "You are right! There is no point in regretting now!
Now that I have decided to withdraw from the national team, there is no way out! "

That's right, Erniu's major decision is nothing but to quit the national team!

Of course, as a mature business superstar, he didn't make any surprise attacks and unilaterally announced that he would quit the national team after the 10-year World Championships in Turkey.

This kind of angry and brain-dead style has never belonged to a Taurus man with far-reaching wisdom and plans like Er Niu.

He gave the China Basketball Association enough time to digest the news. Even though Chairman Li who recruited him into the team had long since abdicated, the two still had to take care of their mutual love.

Can the Basketball Association compulsorily recruit Ruan Erniu?

Totally impossible!
Just like they are no longer eligible to forcibly recruit Dayao, the times have changed. The Basketball Association can't command the basketball associations who have achieved and influential international superstars like Erniu and Dayao.

"Knowing it with emotion and moving it with reason" may be one of their few methods.

As Ouyang Haotian said, what Ruan Erniu should really worry about is the decline in his own commercial value.

Chinese fans always hope that their national team will always be strong, but this is just wishful thinking.

The golden generation of the 08 Olympics will gradually grow old. Judging from the 09 Jinmen Asian Championships, the decline of the Chinese men's basketball team has almost exceeded the fan's imagination.

When it comes to the World Championships in Turkey, the return of Erniu and Dayao will inevitably bring this team back to the top of the world, but what about the future?

This is a team with weak successors. Even the national league is going backwards in history and making great strides. No one with a little sense can expect the national team to have strong fresh blood to join.

08 was already the pinnacle of the men's basketball team. Competitive sports is a stage where you don't advance or retreat.

Er Niu knew very well that Dayao's body had declined significantly, and the competitive status of other veterans of the national team was also showing a downward trend year by year. He alone could not support the entire national team.

Once the Tianchao men's basketball team fails to maintain its peak, Er Niu's commercial value will also suffer a huge loss.

Winning glory for the country seems to be an honor, but it is actually a matter of walking on thin ice.

Just like Liu Xiang in the 110-meter hurdles, he won the championship in 04, but once he retired in 08, he immediately became scolded by the whole country.

Interestingly, some people commented on him in 08 as being injured and retired. Four years later, when Liu Xiang appeared in the London Olympics and dragged his injured leg to run, those people said: "Since there is an injury, , why don't you just retire before the game, what are you pretending?"

It's really good to pretend that you can pretend to be a ruptured Achilles tendon, and risk half your life's devotion to acting. Please find a few more good actors like this. Maybe Xiao Xianrou's lack of acting skills can be obtained. Great improvement.

A father, a son, and a donkey go to the market.

The father sits on the donkey, but the son is not loved!

The son sits on the donkey, the father is not respected!

Father and son both ride donkeys, donkeys are so pitiful!
The father and son carried the donkey away, these are two bastards!
So, you can never please everyone!
Competitive sports are cruel. When athletes enjoy fame and fortune, they will naturally suffer from various difficulties and evaluations. This is understandable.

But in this case, what's wrong with making choices for their own interests?
Just imagine when someone kidnaps someone in the name of patriotism, how much has that person contributed to the country?
Patriotism itself is an individual's identification with the country from the heart. If such feelings need to be reminded and stimulated by kidnapping, then the patriotism itself is very doubtful.

When Liu Xiang retires in the future, a professional track and field fan has made statistics. The Chinese Flyers participated in a total of 48 international competitions, won 36 championships, and retired 2 times.

It is a pity that people remember the experience of the 2 withdrawals forever, but forget the 36 championships.

Build your self-esteem on the achievements of others. When others face failure, you rely on slandering others to complete your inner sublimation.

Hehe, this type of person will always be a LOSER and will never change.

Some trolls will say this: "We are taxpayers, and we are entitled to scold Liu Xiang for not producing any grades!"

Is this a matter of considering output and returns from the perspective of capital?
very good!

Then how many people know that the Tianchao Athletic Association draws a huge amount of advertising revenue from Liu Xiang every year.

No matter how you calculate it, this return far exceeds the original investment!
Liu Xiang does not owe Tianchao Athletics anything, let alone some ignorant people.

In the next 50 years, or even 100 years, there may not be a second Liu Xiang in China.

Maybe after many years, people will find that Liu Xiang's speed at that time actually exceeded the appreciation level of many audiences in the Celestial Dynasty.

It's not that Erniu never thought of carrying the Tianchao men's basketball team forward in the dark like a hero.

But thinking about Liu Xiang, and thinking about Chen Jianghua's difficulty in jumping out of the recent situation in East Guangdong, he jumped out of the thinking of that passionate young man and regained his sanity.

Manniu has made great contributions to the motherland and made great contributions to the historical pinnacle of the men's basketball team. He also owes nothing to the Chinese Basketball Association.

After thinking through all this, Er Niu finally slept peacefully on the bed. No matter what happens tomorrow, he will go on firmly as planned.

The next day, Ouyang Haotian called as scheduled. Sure enough, Tianchao was already in a hurry. Dayao was getting old. Ruan Erniu could be said to be the well-deserved leader of Tianchao men's basketball team in the next 10 years.

The leader suddenly said that he would quit. The leaders of the Basketball Association can't calm down no matter whether it is for political achievements or political achievements. Who would make fun of the black hat on his head?

What about progress such as steady gold plating?
The gold powder is gone, how can I decorate it?

The call was made to Ouyang Haotian. As Erniu's manager, Ouyang, an American, can naturally evade all kinds of excuses.As for wanting to call Erniu directly, that's completely wishful thinking.

What are brokers for?
The agent is used as a buffer wall, so far, Ouyang Haotian's wall is very strong!

However, if the Basketball Association only had this level, they would not be able to call it a national unit.

After the eagle team's training session that day, Sun Yue took the initiative to find Ruan Erniu, and said half-jokingly: "Brother Niu, do you decide to..."

"Yes!" Er Niu interrupted directly.

"I didn't think about it..."

"I've thought about it, but the result won't change." Er Niu interrupted again, "Do your own thing well, it's enough that the words have been brought, and the playoffs are about to be played, so focus on the game go!"

Ruan Erniu had reached this point, and Sun Yue couldn't say anything more.

After all, the Great Sage was able to stay in the Eagles thanks to Er Niu's support. The leaders have their own considerations. A figure like Er Niu is no longer an existence that he can influence.

Sun Yue was the closest to Erniu, so naturally he received the care of the leader immediately. After that, Yi Jianlian, Erniu's other national team teammate, also sent Erniu a text message.

Ouyang Haotian forwarded the text message to Er Niu, and Er Niu only responded briefly.

The Basketball Association is also very anxious at this time. They dare not make the matter public and hope to change Er Niu's mind in the shortest possible time. Therefore, they can only influence Er Niu by knocking on the flanks, but they can't make things too big.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there is one person at the end of the stage.

"Brother Yao!"

At the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, Er Niu welcomed the former No. [-] brother of the Chinese dynasty the day before the playoffs, and he is still an indispensable pillar of the men's basketball team-Yao Ming.

The U.S. media, who didn't know the truth, reported the arrival of the Chinese giants one after another, as if the two Chinese would definitely join forces next season.

Since the Hulk and the Lakers formed super teams respectively, in fact, the circulation of top superstars in the league has gradually shown a trend of acceleration. Even if Dayao really joins forces with Er Niu one day, American audiences will not be surprised.

From the perspective of the international arena, the combination of the two has a tacit understanding and belongs to the type that can coexist perfectly.

You know, Dayao will be in a contract year next season, and God knows if the Rockets will choose to trade Yao Ming.

It's a pity that the US media guessed very hard, but the reality is very different from what they thought.

"This villa is not bad! But for you, the land area is still a bit small. You can build a house of more than 2 square feet." Yao said with a smile when he was welcomed to Er Niu's residence.

After Eddie took a photo with Dayao and asked for an autograph, he went out to play with Dr. Han, leaving only Dayao and Er Niu at home.

Who is the most qualified person to persuade the bull?
It can only be Yao Ming, the introducer of the national team in front of him. It was because Erniu paid homage to Dayao's mountain that he successfully entered the national team.

"Brother Yao, I won't change my mind, we can talk about everything else!" Er Niu said in advance.

Yao Ming took a sip of his tea and said with a smile: "You've said all this to death, how can we continue talking? Well, let's not talk about anything else, what do you think about the World Championships in Turkey?"

Er Niu also took a sip of tea and said, "Of course I went to win the championship!"

Yao Ming was quite surprised and said: "The Asian Championship last year was like that, why are you still so confident?"

Er Niu shook his head and said: "Iran has indeed become stronger, but this does not mean that our real strength has declined so severely.

You should know that some people are careless, and some people are not focused on the game at all. It is completely different when it comes to the World Championships.

Besides, Americans have never paid much attention to the World Championships. Don't forget, the summer trading market is full of undercurrents. "

Yao Ming smiled and said, "Why, do you have information? Will I be traded away?"

Ruan Erniu also laughed and said, "Unless Alexander is crazy!"

Dayao sighed, looked up at the ceiling, and then recalled: "Before I knew it, I became a veteran of the men's basketball team, Er Niu, in fact, you don't owe me anything. I can still stand on the basketball court in good health. On the court, thanks to your advice and help to me."

Ruan Erniu waved his hands and said, "I'm just giving an idea. It's you, Brother Yao, who makes the decision, just like I make the decision for myself. I will never regret it."

Dayao nodded and said, "The times are different! I think I know how to reply to the leadership of the Basketball Association."

"Brother Yao, you have to worry about this too much!" Ruan Erniu apologized.

Dayao smiled again and said, "It's okay, I just came to Atlanta for a trip. After all, it is a city with a history. There are even pandas in the zoo, and the Civil War Memorial. I just took the opportunity to eat."

"Sister-in-law Yao didn't come, did she? In fact, the most famous place here is the Gold Club. Brother Yao, do you want to..."

"Erniu, you have learned to be bad too! Have you been there?"

"No, but I can get a gold card from J-Smoove and Joe, if you're interested..."

"Little comrade, don't use capitalism to corrupt me..." Dayao Yizheng refused verbally.


There are many jokes that should be made, but if the words are in place, they are all smart people so there is no need to waste any more words.

Dayao didn't leave Atlanta directly, he rented a hotel and planned to watch the first game of the playoffs here before leaving.

Before leaving, Dayao hugged Er Niu and said: "Get ready! The higher authorities are determined to win you, and you know this very well. In two days, the leaders will come to the door in person."

Er Niu hugged Dayao heavily, and said gratefully: "Brother Yao, thank you very much, I will say nothing!"

It is not known exactly when the leader will arrive, but the playoffs of the 09-10 season have officially kicked off.

The specific matchups are as follows:
Eastern half:
Atlanta Hawks (1) VS Chicago Bulls (8)

Boston Celtics (4) vs. Miami Heat (5)

Eastern lower half:
Cleveland Cavaliers (2) vs. Charlotte Bobcats (7)

Orlando Magic (3) vs. Milwaukee Bucks (6)

Upper West Division:
Los Angeles Lakers (1) VS Oklahoma City Thunder (8)

Denver Nuggets (4) vs. Utah Jazz (5)

Western lower half:
Dallas Mavericks (2) vs. San Antonio Spurs (7)

Phoenix Suns (3) vs. Portland Trail Blazers (6)

On April 2010, 4, US time, the Atlanta Hawks first ushered in their first-round opponent, the Chicago Bulls, at the Philips Center.

Tonight, the Hawks' starting lineup is:
C Ruan Erniu

PF Josh Smith

SF John Salmons
SG Joe Johnson

PG Goran Dragic
The Bulls' starters are:
C Joakim Noah
PF Ty Gibson

SF Ruhr Deng

SG Kirk Hinrich

PG Derek Rose
Perhaps even the Bulls coach Larry Drew himself did not expect that he entered the playoffs as soon as he went to the Bulls to lead the team, and happened to meet his old club-the Hawks.

It really is—Yuan, it’s wonderful!

Although Drew went to the Bulls, he did not copy the tactics of the Hawks: First, Noah is not Ruan Erniu, and he cannot directly hold the ball to launch a counterattack while protecting the rebound; second, with Derrick Rose, the Bulls The Windy City Rose must also be the cornerstone of the team.

Unsurprisingly, Dayao appeared in the Philips Center, which naturally attracted the attention of the on-site cameras.

In the commentary booth of CCTV tonight, Sun Zhenping and Zhang Lili are also planning to invite Dayao to explain during the intermission.

Ruan Erniu and Noah stood in the middle circle, and with the referee's whistle, the game officially started.

Erniu hooked the basketball first, and the ball fell into the hands of Dragic. The claw machine quickly held the ball across the half court, and Erniu took the initiative to raise the position to cover.

The claw machine took advantage of the cover of Er Niu to throw away Ross and went inside. Noah misplaced the defensive claw machine and was cleared by the Slovenian in two steps. After the European step, he directly licked the basket and won the Eagles. The opening of the playoffs After the first point.

The Eagles have too many scoring points. Even if Er Niu and Jiong Jisen are invisible for a while, they still worry about the lack of firepower.

Rose has the ball in half court, and Noah and Ty Gibson up the frontcourt to set up a double screen.

Rose held the ball in the middle and went directly to the basket. There were two bulls in the front, and the latter was interfered by the eclipse's defense, and finally forcibly threw a shot...


Hard work!
Er Niu got the rebound in the backcourt, but did not have the opportunity to directly initiate a pass or counterattack.

Larry Drew knows all about Hawks tactics!
Even if Noah didn't grab a rebound, he would immediately block and interfere with Er Niu's pass, instantly destroying the best time for the Eagles to switch offense and defense.

Of course, this is not a successful defense every time. After all, with the vision of Er Niu, as long as his teammates move actively, he may send a long touchdown pass across the court at any time.

Dragic took over the basketball from Er Niu, and re-observed the situation with the ball in the frontcourt.

This time Erniu and Lunar Eclipse also went up to cover the Claw Machine at the same time. The Claw Machine went to one side of the Lunar Eclipse this time. Rose was pulled half a step away, but he did not completely lose his defensive position. Noah also blocked from the bottom line.

At the last moment when the claw machine was about to be surrounded, the Slovenian lightly threw the ball into the air.

Ruan Erniu burst out from the flank, jumped high, caught the ball with both hands and chipped it into the basket.


The Bulls' defense is extremely targeted, but the overall strength of the Hawks is significantly higher than that of the Bulls. The Chicagoans have been away from the playoffs for a while, and they still need to find their own offensive and defensive rhythm.

 Push a new basketball book "Basketball Young Marshal"!
(End of this chapter)

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