Standing pretty old

Chapter 767 Go down to one city first, visitors from outside the venue

Chapter 767 Going to the city first, visitors from outside the venue
Looking at the current Bulls.

Ruhr Deng has not yet developed a three-pointer. In the 09-10 season, he only averaged 1.2 three-pointers per game; Joakim Noah and Ty Gibson are still good on the defensive end, but they are completely blue-collar on the offensive end Hinrich is actually one of the few shooting spots, but this is also related to the fact that Jon Jonsen put more attention on Rose.

Derrick Rose can only be the Bulls' only hope, so even if he can't score, the Bulls still have to concentrate the ball in the hands of Windy Rose.

The Eagles' blockade of Rose is naturally more concentrated. Often Rose will encounter two or even three double-teams as soon as he enters the paint.

Rose tried to shoot two three-pointers from the outside, but his lack of arc shooting is obviously unreliable. Rose's season three-pointer shooting rate is only 28.6%, and he will not suddenly become accurate in the playoffs.

"Bang!", "Bang!"

After successive strikes, the Eagles took advantage of the situation to open the score. It is not known whether Larry Drew is not used to the rotation rhythm as the head coach, or whether he deliberately adjusted the rotation time, or simply felt that the substitutes were more difficult to adapt to the rhythm of the field than the main players.

Anyway, the former Eagles assistant coach just played the first quarter with the starting lineup, and did not replace the substitute to try to break the backward situation.

At 18:36, the Eagles led by 18 points in the first quarter, fully demonstrating the huge gap between the eighth in the Eastern Conference and the first in the Eastern Conference.

The second quarter started soon, and Woodson and Drew sent substitutes to play.

For the Eagles, it is natural that Crawford and Bibby lead the duo, while for the Bulls, Ronald Murray, Brad* Miller and Hakeem *I have better data than Swift* Warrick et al. (As mentioned earlier, Warrick, like Swift, who is familiar to Rockets fans, came from the Grizzlies, and the statistics are similar.)
Murray, who was traded from the Bobcats to the Bulls, has seen a significant decline in his data this season. Compared with his performance in the Hawks in the 08-09 season, what he has reduced is not only the average of 2.7 points per game, but also nearly 8 points of three-pointers. ball hit rate.

From nearly 31.3% of the three-point shooting rate to 02% of the three-point shooting rate, Murray, who is also a gymnast, has encountered the greatest difficulty in his career. Many years have been excellent luck. At his current age, it may not be so easy to get a long-term contract in the NBA.

On a top stage like the NBA, it is normal for people to leave and stay.

Even top stars may completely withdraw from the spotlight within a few years, not to mention a small figure like Murray who has certain strength but is extremely lacking in fame.

Larry Drew didn't allow the Bulls' substitutes to get too much playing time. The reason is simple. The Hawks' bench firepower is no worse than that of the main players.

Needless to say, Ke 6's consecutive high points, in the playoffs, Mike Bibby, who often paddled and pretended to be dead in the regular season, also recovered his true color as a white devil, and the opposite Janello Pago couldn't stop him at all .

The Eagles both broke out in the backcourt and continued to open the score between the two teams.

Larry Drew quickly replaced the main player after a short timeout. At this time, there is no need to talk about rotation. Looking at the posture of the Hawks, they want to sweep the Bulls to advance.

Black eight is just a distant legend for the current bulls.

Zhang Lili on the sidelines smiled and said: "It seems that the head coach of the Bulls can't sit still. The depth of the Hawks' bench is much stronger than that of the Bulls!"

Sun Zhenping interjected: "Coach Woodson should also replace Ruan Erniu and Joe Johnson!"

Zhang Li paused for a moment and didn't answer the question directly. After all, he was a professional player and knew more about professional basketball than Sun Zhenping.

Of course, according to the usual practice, every time Sun Zhenping uttered nonsense, Zhang Reasonable's answer would be: "Yes, because..."

Well, because what doesn't matter, what matters is how Woodson responds to the Bulls' early rotation.

In fact, the current situation is similar to the confrontation between the two martial arts masters.

One of the masters gains momentum with one move, forcing the opponent to change his move, but he will often not take the initiative to change his move, instead he will continue to use this move to put more pressure on the opponent.

This point is also figured out in basketball.

Woodson sees that Larry Drew is the main force of the Bulls, but he will not easily break the rotation of the Hawks. Anyway, he leads the opponent by a big score, and Woodson has a bargaining chip to consume the Bulls' energy.

Facing the Hawks' substitutes, the Bulls' starters finally showed some momentum. At least on the defensive end, the positive performances of Luol Deng and Derrick Rose suppressed the offense of Crawford and Bibby.

The Bulls still played very badly on the offensive end, but after improving the defensive intensity, the performance of the Hawks' substitutes was even worse.

The score was recovered to around 15+. After a short timeout, Woodson sent the main players back to the field during the normal rotation time.

As soon as Er Niu came on the court, he asked for the ball and started his own performance.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, after the two bulls wanted to get the ball in the low post, they immediately turned their backs to Noah alone. Noah obviously seemed to be dreaming of the NCAA Final Four, and the fear of being ruled by the Chinese came to mind again.

One step, two steps...

Erniu was already deep, so he directly pushed into the three-second zone.

Turning sideways and swaying, Er Niu's fake move not only sent Noah Huang flying into the air, but even Gibson, who was double-teaming from the side, was also tricked into the air.

When the two fell from the sky, Er Niu suddenly jumped up, and there was a dunk across Noah.




Noah, who made a lot of small moves, even pushed Er Niu while the Er Niu was falling, which almost caused a conflict. In the end, Noah was blown a T by the referee.

After scoring 2+1, Erniu also got a free throw opportunity and scored 1 points in a single round.

Taking this as an opportunity, the Eagles accelerated their counterattack rhythm, and the Bulls fell into the embarrassing circle of the first quarter again.

They did a better job on the defensive end than in the first quarter, but facing the Hawks' overall defense, they really couldn't find a better way on the offensive end.

At 41:65, the Eagles ended the halftime game with a huge advantage of 24 points. After consuming a lot of energy from the opponent's starter, they still gained such a huge lead. If there is no accident, the Eagles will easily reap their playoff opener .

Woodson was asked two questions during his midfield interview:

[-]. Why can you handle the Bulls so easily?

[-]. Are the Eagles already thinking about their opponents in the next round?

Woodson first said: "Defense! We just do better than our opponents on the defensive end."

As for the second question, Egghead said seriously: "We will focus all our attention on this series. Even if we lead by half, it doesn't mean we win tonight's game. Even if we get 1:0, It doesn't mean we won the series either."

Woodson's words basically pronounced the death sentence for the Bulls. As long as the Hawks don't make mistakes, the Chicagoans have almost no chance at all.

Of course, the focus of the Tianchao audience was not on Woodson's side, they focused more on the commentary seats on the court platform.

During the intermission, Dayao, who was on the side of the stands, was finally temporarily invited to explain the game.

This is also an unprecedented thing. Before that, Dayao only commented on the All-Star Game for a period of time during the injury period. He has never commented on the experience of the playoffs from the perspective of a bystander.

Sun Zhenping said, "Dayao, do you think the Bulls still have a chance in today's game?"

Yao Ming said: "As long as the game is not over, any team has a chance. When it comes to the Bulls' chances, it depends on whether the Hawks make mistakes. As long as the Hawks make no mistakes, I think the Hawks should be able to win this game."

Sun Zhenping added: "How do you evaluate Ruan Erniu's performance?"

Yao Ming said: "This is a superstar that I don't need to evaluate, he is the current No.1 in the NBA.

You must know that before Er Niu, there has never been a similar center player. I can even say that he has redefined the center of this era! "

Zhang Lili, who was on the side, asked a question that was not very heavenly: "So you think Er Niu's historical status will be higher than yours?"

Yao Ming said sincerely: "Of course, he has won two championship rings as a leader, and he is about to win a third, so his historical status must be higher than mine."

Sun Zhenping said with a smile: "But you started the glorious era of NBA players, we actually have another question, is it possible for you to join the Hawks next season?"

Yao Ming also said with a smile: "Yesterday Alexander and Morey also called me to ask me this question, and I answered them with certainty that my agent has never contacted the management of the Eagles.

In fact, I just came to see the status of Er Niu and Sun Yue. After all, we are about to play the World Championships, it's as simple as that. "

Of course, Dayao will not tell the truth. Erniu plans to quit the national team. In the final analysis, it is only rumored within the Basketball Association. Except for the top leaders, and Yao, Yi, and Sun in the United States, there is no More people know this secret.

Some things are fine behind closed doors, but once the news spreads, the impact will be great.

The three took advantage of the intermission to continue their conversation. In the end, as people from the Celestial Dynasty, they naturally talked about the national team.

Sun Zhenping asked: "What do you think of the Turkish time match held at the end of August? What results will the men's basketball team achieve this time?"

Dayao said earnestly: "I know that many fans have too many expectations for us, especially after the Asian Championships unfortunately lost to Iran, but I still hope that the fans can rationally view the winning or losing of the game. I can only say that we will pour our hearts out." Do everything to win the game!"

He just wanted to win the game, although Dayao's words were not high-profile, but the fighting spirit of the fighter was still revealed at this moment.

Everything that doesn't kill me will make me stronger!

Regarding Yao Ming, his existence is not just as simple as an NBA player. In the years when there were no Er Niu, he was a bridge between China and the United States, showing the whole world the struggle and hard work that Chinese people should have.

The commentators of the Celestial Dynasty were communicating with each other, and the opposing sides were not idle in the locker room.

The Eagles actually have nothing to say. Woodson naturally talks about the importance of defense. Anyway, in the view of Egghead, with such a large lead, as long as the defense is not slack, the game will definitely not be lost.

As for the Bulls, Larry Drew made the final decision-fight defense!

Even if they are so far behind, Larry Drew does not believe that the Bulls can rely on offense to defeat the Eagles. The overall talent gap between the two teams is huge, and this is not a problem that can be solved by just one or two superstars.

Derrick Rose experienced the cruelty of the playoffs for the first time. The regular season is long. Losing one or two games will not affect the overall situation. Rose is used to facing failure, but the playoffs are different. After one game, they were one step closer to going home early.

Kirk Hinrich, as the team veteran and current captain, supported Rose on the shoulder and said: "Don't think too much, this is the NBA!"

Lost by Arenas in 04-05 season and by D. Wade in 05-06 season, agreed to be the core of the team to be cultivated, but encountered the Bulls' No. [-] pick, calmly accepted being squeezed to the bench Embarrassingly, the team found that no one was available at the second position, so Hinrich, who was originally regarded as Stockton's second, became the Bulls' starting second position.

Hinrich has enough qualifications to comfort Ross, but he himself would not have imagined that in the next few years, his life will be even more unsatisfactory than now.

At the beginning of the second half, the two sides really entered a dull and ugly game time.

"Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!"

The sound of hammering iron resounded throughout the third quarter. The Bulls couldn't score anyway, and the Hawks' own hand feeling declined significantly. Of course, this is also related to the Bulls' defensive strength.

Although the scene is ugly, for the players on the field, this is a rare and most testing moment. Only those who persevere in a difficult situation are the real winners.

Ruan Erniu, Lunar Eclipse, Nuoah, and Gibson were completely in a state of hand-to-hand combat. Almost every position and every physical contact was like wrestling.

Unknowingly, Noah and Gibson have accumulated four fouls each, Lunar Eclipse also has four fouls, and Ruan Erniu has two fouls.

At the end of this quarter, Noah got another blocking foul while Erniu got backboards and counterattacked with the ball, and the Bulls' starting center got his fifth foul of the game.

At 17:18, after the inefficient third quarter, Woodson smiled for the first time in the game.

At 58:83, leading by 25 points does not make Woodson completely at ease, but when the Bulls' defensive gate got the fifth foul, it basically meant that the visiting team lost the final chance to overtake, because in the playoffs, there is no A defensive team simply cannot survive.

Brad Miller is old, even Zaza Pachulia can easily beat him, let alone Ruan Erniu.

The game started soon in the final quarter. Woodson simply hid the main players such as Ruan Erniu and Jon Jonson. After some consideration, Larry Drew also chose to replace the main players to preserve the physical fitness of the team's main players.

The series isn't over yet. Even if the Bulls can't make a black eight, they still have to do everything possible to get a victory over the Hawks first.

Crawford's performance in the final quarter was quite satisfactory. Although this favorable contender for the best sixth man has super personal ability, he is not suitable to be the core of the team after all.

Even with Woodson's repeated orders, Ke6 is still at ease on the defensive end, and on the stage of the playoffs, his offensive efficiency is far from as good as in the regular season.

Only in high-intensity confrontation can the real upper limit of players be tested. It is not unreasonable for Ke 6 to be unable to compete with Salmons in the starting lineup.

Due to the large score gap, the 10th-12th players of both sides got a certain amount of playing time at the end of the game.

Sun Yue also got a chance during this period and hit a three-pointer in the third position, thus ending his own record of 0 points in the playoffs.

Don't look at him as a fringe player in the Eagles. On the international stage, Sun Yue is definitely an indispensable swingman in the second and third positions of the Chinese men's basketball team at this time, especially his three-pointers and defensive coverage. It is an important bargaining chip for the Chinese men's basketball team in the international arena.

When Yao Ming saw Sun Yue's performance on the field, he couldn't help but nodded secretly. At least from the perspective of his competitive state, Sun Yue at this time was indeed much better than the half-dead state during the championship.

Thinking of this, Dayao couldn't help but look at Ruan Erniu who was resting off the court. Yes, this guy is indeed destroying the practice and tradition of the Chinese men's basketball team. The contribution brought by the men's basketball team is also difficult for anyone to obliterate.

For example, Sun Yue, if there is no Erniu, I am afraid that he would have lost the opportunity to continue playing in the NBA, and continue to return to the Aoshen team to waste time; and Dayao himself, if there is no advice and persuasion from Ruan Erniu, maybe he also has no choice If you stay healthy for a long time, there is no way to reach the finals last season.

Just like Liu Xiang in Tianchao track and field, Ruan Erniu is an alien from Tianchao men's basketball team. No matter what choice Erniu makes in the end, he is at least a hero.

At 25:25, the substitutes of the two sides in the last quarter of the game still had exchanges, but even if the garbage time was wonderful, it still lacked attention.

The Atlanta fans reaped the joy of winning early. For them, the goal has always been unwavering-to defend the championship and establish a dynasty.

After decades of waiting, Hawks fans finally have their moment of carnival, and the time of this carnival is not short.


Two days later, the Eagles will continue to sit in the Philips Center, ushering in the G2 battle with the Bulls.

At the press conference after the game, Larry Drew said that the Bulls would not give up hope, and Woodson said modestly: "We just won a game, and it is too early to say anything."

The next day, the Hawks continued their recovery training as usual, but after the day's training ended, Dayao, who was staying in Atlanta, suddenly called Er Niu.

The call was still transferred from Ouyang Haotian to Erniu's mobile phone, and Dayao suddenly proposed to invite Erniu out for a meal.

However, Dayao didn't hide anything from Er Niu. He said bluntly: "I'm just a companion. It's the leader of the Basketball Association who invited you to dinner."

Er Niu didn't refuse, this was something he had already expected, Man Niu said jokingly: "Who is it? Director Hu? Or is there a group of people here?"

Dayao said: "Just one person! Chairman Xin has come in person! I'll send you the address right away."

(End of this chapter)

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