Standing pretty old

Chapter 771 The awards continue to be presented, and the battle against Green Kai will continue

Chapter 771 The awards continue to be presented, and the battle against Green Kai will continue

The second round of the playoffs is imminent, but the league's major regular season awards are also the focus of fans' attention.

There should be no suspense about the ownership of ROY.

Although Brandon Jennings had a performance of 55 points in a single game, he once dragged the first round series with Al Horford to G6 in the playoffs, but scored an average of 20+5+ in the regular season. 5. In front of Tyreke Evans, who is known as the No. [-] James, there is still no one who can compete with the new leader of the Kings for the best rookie position.

Then announced the best rookie first team and second team.

Best Rookie Team: Darren Collison, Stephen Curry, Tyreke Evans, Ty Gibson, Brandon Jennings.

All-Rookie Second Team: DeJuan Blair, Jonny Flynn, James Harden, Jonas Jerebko, Marcus Thornton.

Looking at the lineup alone, the league's small-ball style has become more and more obvious, otherwise there would not be a spectacle where four point guards appear on a team at the same time. Although the best rookie is not the best lineup, it also represents the league future direction of development.

Judging from the list, the future trend of the league can be vaguely predicted.

MIP also has little suspense. Aaron Brooks has grown from a role player of the Rockets to a leader. With Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady injured, he has indeed taken on the heavy responsibility of the Rockets moving forward.

From the data point of view, his average of 18+3+2 per game is indeed a well-deserved leader of the Rockets.Even if the Rockets failed to reach the playoffs in the end, it did not prevent Xiao Heidou from being elected as the Most Improved Player.

The ownership of SMOY should have been suspenseful, but Manu Ginobili got it the year before last, and Jason Terry got it this year. Looking through the entire league, it seems that only Jamal Crow, who averaged 17+ per game Ford is suitable for this award.

It has to be said that Woodson's transformation of the K-6 is reasonable. In the position of the sixth man, Crawford has indeed played an extremely efficient performance.

Then the award that received the most attention and was also the most controversial was finally announced at the end of the first round of the series.

In the end, Mike Woodson still failed to take a step closer to becoming the only one. He lost to the head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Mike Brown, who had the second record in the league. Unfortunately, he failed to complete the three consecutive COY .

Thinking about it carefully, this is also a matter of course. From 60 wins to 73 wins is naturally a qualitative leap, but from 73 wins to 75 wins still lacks a little convincing.

Despite the addition of 27 consecutive victories in the opening season and the league's best record of 34 consecutive victories, people still attribute more credit to the strength of the Hawks lineup itself.

The full-level number has always been so awesome, and it is as supernatural as a different player.

Of course, the black fans once again came out to show their sense of presence. They thought this was his fucking racism. If Mike Woodson's complexion was white, the league would definitely not be stingy with three consecutive COYs.

I don’t know what Mike Brown, who is also dark-skinned, felt when he heard this. Anyway, Mike Woodson had a good attitude. He smiled and said in front of the media: “Mike Brown deserves COY, I’m happy for him !"

Egghead is not an idiot, his mind is quite clear, it is useless to complain at this time, it is better to use a real Eagles dynasty to write a strong stroke for his coach.

The results of typing are always the most convincing!
Of course, while Black Bread won COY, it also basically means that this year's regular season MVP has no suspense.

According to league practice, unless it is a team record that broke through league history like last year's 73 wins, the COY and MVP awards will not be awarded to the same team at the same time.

Since the COY of the 09-10 season was given to black bread, the MVP will basically not fall into the hands of others.

Ruan Erniu's rhetoric at the beginning of the season was once again advanced. He will continue to win MVP+D-POY+FMVP this season.

To be honest, at the beginning of the season, countless people said that the Chinese were arrogant. Even though the Eagles won 73 wins last season, many media still looked down on Ruan Erniu, thinking that the bulls had become arrogant and would soon will fall.

But one season has passed. From the perspective of team honor, Ruan Erniu has 27 consecutive victories in the opening season, the longest 34 consecutive victories in the season, and the league's best record of 75 wins and 7 losses.

From the perspective of personal honor, Er Niu also surpassed Jordan and Kobe's record of 5+ games in a row, a personal record of 50 points in a single game, and a historical scoring record of 72+ per game in a season. (Before that, only Wilt Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor, and Michael Jordan had done it.)
Well, the MVP has no suspense, and D-POY is equally difficult to escape the control of Er Niu in the previous media predictions.

After all, he is the leader in rebounds + blocks + steals this season. According to the current attitude of the league, it seems that there is nothing surprising about Ruan Erniu becoming the first three-game D-POY in history.

As for FMVP?

If the Celestials lead the Eagles to successfully defend the title and establish a dynasty, then the possibility of this honor falling apart is almost zero. Kraft Nguyen is a well-deserved leader in the Eagles, and no one can replace him.

More than half of the major awards for the 09-10 season have been announced. Although there are still MVP and D-POY as well as the best defensive team, the best first team, and the second team have not been finally announced, but for Ruan Erniu personally, his A bountiful harvest is at hand.

However, the Celestials who have experienced a season can't be careless. In the next month or so, he will lead the team to 12 victories in order to finally establish the Eagles dynasty that countless fans are looking forward to.

On May 2010, 5, US time, the Atlanta Hawks ushered in a challenge from the Boston Celtics at the Philips Center.

Needless to say, the talk before the game. In the 07-08 season, the Eagles stepped on the shoulders of the Big Three of the Green Kais to win the Eastern Conference Championship, and finally reached the finals and won their second championship in team history. trophy.

In the history of Green Cay's glorious championship, Bob Pettit also defeated the Celtics in the 57-58 season to win the NBA championship. Complete the great cause of ten consecutive championships.

Old and new, there is no compromise between the Atlanta Hawks and the Boston Celtics, only fighting!
The starting lineup for the Celtics tonight is:

C Kendrick Perkins

PF Kevin Garnett

SF Paul Pierce

SG Ray Allen
PG Rajon Rondo
On the bench of Green Kai, there are still players such as Tony Allen, Glenn Davis, Rasheed Wallace, Michael Finley, Maguire Daniels and so on.

Among them, the former Mavericks leader Michael Finley was waived by the Spurs at the end of March and finally joined the Boston Celtics as a free agent. The Hawks also wanted to win this veteran, but finally gave up. The depth of the lineup is enough, and there is really no need to add another person to destroy the chemical reaction.

The Hawks' starting lineup hasn't changed either:

C Ruan Erniu

PF Josh Smith

SF John Salmons
SG Joe Johnson

PG Goran Dragic
After the opening ceremony and performances, the starters of the two sides walked to the center of the court. After a sparking high-five, Ruan Erniu and Garnett came to the center circle at the same time.

The two Taurus didn't speak any words, and gave each other a death stare at each other.

As the referee threw the basketball high, the G1 battle between the two sides officially began.

Garnett used his height and wingspan to dial the basketball first. Rondo held the ball in the backcourt and dribbled the ball for half court. Dragic immediately raised the defense and put pressure on Rondo.

Rondo dribbles up the court, blocking the claw machine with his arm while looking for opportunities.

Garnett took the initiative to screen for Rondo, who used the screen to throw off the claw machine, and took advantage of the pick-and-roll gap to pass the eclipse with the ball.

Rondo drove into the penalty area, and the Hawks had only one last rim defender left.


Rondo flew into the air first, and wanted to open the scoring with a toss, but he obviously underestimated Er Niu's bullet speed.


Ruan Erniu served first and jumped high, fanning the ball out of the sideline like a volleyball dunk.

From the beginning of the game, the two sides did not have any temptations, and directly dragged the game into the most direct and fierce confrontation.

The sideline ball was sent, Paul Pierce held the ball in the half court, and singled Salmons with an 18-foot post on the wing. Salmon's defense was no problem, but Pierce's post-up technique was even better.

Shaking shoulders, back hitting, half-turning feints, tentative steps, fake shots.

After Salmons was swayed, Pierce calmly stepped back and shot, hitting the first goal after the opening.

Claw Machine had the ball across half court, and then sent the ball to Jon Jonson.

Er Niu and Lunar Eclipse went up to cover at the same time, and Jon Jonson walked to the side of Lunar Eclipse. Ray Allen's defense was not top-notch, but at least he didn't lose his position. , Garnett, Ray Allen and Rondo actually killed together.

囧囧sen did not force the shot, but casually distributed the ball to the claw machine on the outside. The claw machine was also not greedy. Facing Pierce's supplementary defense, he passed the ball immediately after receiving the ball and sent the ball to the bottom corner. in the hands of Salmons.

Salmon catches the ball and makes a shot.


Also hit!

The Hawks successfully overtook the score, and the Celtics' defensive strategy also began to take shape.

In terms of double-teaming the ball holder, they did it more thoroughly than in the Rivers era. Bob Thibodeau did not change the existing defensive tactics of the Green Kais because of his appointment.

In the era of Rivers, he was the coach in charge of defense, so in Thibodeau's view, the Green Army can only defeat the Atlanta Hawks if they continue to deepen the defense.

The so-called old-school coach means that he has his own persistence in his heart.

It is clear that the Hawks' three-pointers are the best in the league, but Thibodeau firmly believes that the zone defense can effectively cut off the connection between players. slide.

As long as you are like the Chicago Bulls, do a good job of guarding against Ruan Erniu and don't give him the first opportunity to initiate an offensive and defensive transition, the Atlanta Hawks will definitely be able to be defeated.

However, it's all about imagination. Among the current Celtics, which player can really do a good job of delaying two bulls and one pass or breaking through with the ball?
In the past three seasons, he has been doubted by Er Niu countless times.

Glenn Davis?
Can the big baby outrun the bull?Big joke.

With Green Kai's defensive pivot taken away, the Eagles can't just ravage Green Kai's inside line at will, not to mention, Garnett can stop Ruan Erniu's attack?

This is also a false proposition.

As for the severely degraded Rasheed Wallace, he might not even be able to run away from the big baby, let alone Ruan Erniu.

Halfway through the first quarter, as the defensive strength of both sides increased, the shooting of the two teams also began to hit iron.

This is not good news for Green Kai. Although the Celtics do not suffer from their respective backcourt rebound protection, in the transition between offense and defense, Green Kai really can't outrun the Atlanta people.

As Ruan Erniu took the backcourt rebounds again and again, and then passed Perkins with the ball, in the frontcourt 5VS4, the fans in front of the TV had to admit that Noah was younger than Perkins, but It really can run.

Garnett's supplementary defense is excellent, but Ruan Erniu, who is in a shocking state, is too terrifying. In the first quarter alone, he directly held the ball to complete dunks more than once. Pulling people, did not pull Ruan Erniu down from the rapid impact.

What's more terrible is that Ruan Erniu's attack also attracted Lu Kai to further shrink the defense line, so the Eagles' outside shooters once again got a big open.

With Salmons, Dragic and even the eclipse all hitting three-pointers, the Eagles quickly expanded the score.

Even if Jiongsen's poor outside touch in the first quarter did not affect the overall situation.

At 26:33, the Eagles took a 7-point lead in the first quarter.

"Is this your response?" Ruan Erniu gave Garnett a rice-style shrug before leaving the field.

"Fxxx, you dog XX Chinese, you only deserve XX to eat XX." Garnett has always been a violent guy.

His so-called trash talk has always been full of vulgarity, and Ruan Erniu replied disdainfully: "Is this all you have left with these poor words? The Celtics can't win the championship, and you will always be a loser!"

The two bickered as they left the field, until the referee blew a T as a warning, and finally separated the two.

The silence in the regular season can only show that Lukai is paddling. When it comes to the playoffs, they once again showed that ferocious expression.

Regardless of whether the trash talk is good or bad, as long as it can continue to affect the opponent's psychology, it is effective.

However, Ruan Erniu, who has played in the league for three seasons, has long been accustomed to hearing all kinds of racial discrimination and dirty words, and it is not an easy thing to shake his heart easily.

The game started quickly in the second quarter. The Celtics, who did not take advantage of the starting lineup, found an opportunity in the rotation time because Tony Allen successfully froze Jamal Crawford.

Ke 6's offense is extremely good, but Tony Allen is No. 1 in perimeter defensive efficiency for two consecutive seasons.

It can be said that the defensive hub of the entire Celtics is Garnett on the inside and Tony Allen on the outside. When these two people are on the court at the same time, the Celtics have the best defensive efficiency in the league.

Crawford's shots hit the iron continuously, and Lukai also took this opportunity to overtake the score. Rasheed Wallace's movement speed on the defensive end has indeed declined significantly, but it seems that he can't deal with Chris Anderson too fast. The speed of movement, but on the offensive end, Wallace showed off a straight-arm shot, and hit several mid-range shots against Anderson.

Woodson immediately asked for a long timeout, dissatisfied with the performance of the Hawks' bench.

Ruan Erniu was replaced immediately, which was an immediate substitution, and Green Kai also replaced Garnett.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Bibby held the ball from the outside, Ruan Erniu raised the top arc, and Bibby immediately sent the ball over.

Garnett can only choose to save, because Rasheed's movement speed is not enough.

Is it useful to throw it out?
Ruan Erniu didn't hesitate, and immediately chose to pull out the ball as soon as he got the ball.


Er Niu's straight-arm shooting is not as high as Rasheed's release point, and he is better than Rasheed Wallace in terms of speed and stability.

In the next round, Ruan Erniu shot Garnett in the face almost from the same position, hit a three-pointer again, and the Eagles took the lead.

The confrontation continued to escalate, but the Eagles still firmly grasped the lead in the subsequent second quarter.

Thibodeau's prediction is not wrong. As the intensity of the game increases, the Hawks' three-point shooting percentage is indeed declining, but this does not mean that Green Kai has a chance to counterattack.

If necessary, Ruan Erniu alone can play a explosive performance in a short period of time, but there is no player in Lukay who can actually contain the leader of the Eagles.

In other words, in the entire league, there is no player who can actually suppress Ruan Erniu at a strategic level on the defensive end.

The 75-win Eagles have long been studied by other teams in the league and even by fans all over the world.

One of the most popular sayings now is that any team is likely to copy the Hawks' tactics, provided they are given another Kraft Nguyen.

That's right, three-point shooters can be copied, zone defense tactics can be copied, and even a second-in-command like Jon Jonson who has the leadership ability of a weak team can be found, but it is too difficult to find another Ruan Erniu.

The so-called historical-level players themselves have great irreproducibility, and a certain existence in the dark seems to focus their care on one person from the Celestial Dynasty.

At 28:28, the two teams finally tied in the second quarter. The first half ended at 54:61. The Hawks continued to maintain a 7-point lead.

The Celtics' defensive strategy has no problem in essence, but unfortunately, their opponent is the Atlanta Hawks led by Ruan Erniu.

When Mike Woodson was interviewed at midfield, he was asked why the team was able to maintain the lead in the first half. Egghead smiled and replied: "If you see that the situation is not right, send Kraft to the field. "

This statement obviously plagiarized Mike Brown, but the fact is that the Cavaliers cannot do without LeBron James, and the Atlanta Hawks cannot do without Ruan Erniu.

In the Eagles commentary, Dominique Wilkins and his old partner Bob Rushburn said something very philosophical: "There are always some people who cannot judge with common sense, and Kraft Nguyen is It's outside the Celtics' cognition."

 Thanks to the book friend Yintamar for the wooden knife, zxclemo, book friend 120920231237396, and the reward of the plane and the car!
(End of this chapter)

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