Standing pretty old

Chapter 772 3 D-POY Company, Green Army's Counterattack

Chapter 772 Three consecutive D-POYs, the green army's counterattack
The halftime break passed quickly, and the two teams started back on the court.

Just as Ruan Erniu walked near the technical platform, he chatted with Dominic Wilkins on the second floor, but Kevin Garnett deliberately walked by and sprayed behind Erniu's back: " People from the Celestial Dynasty, if you become a stand-up show actor, you will definitely have a better future than playing basketball."

Er Niu reacted very quickly, immediately turned around and said sarcastically: "But there are some ugly guys with poor acting skills, not to mention going to Hollywood, even if they didn't do well in the NBA.

Anyway, if I didn't have a ring in my hand, I would never brazenly challenge the two-time champion. "

The bull finally touched KG's sadness. After the stimulation, Garnett scolded Fxxx fiercely, but still bowed his head and walked to the side.

For a superstar, not having a championship is so embarrassing. The reason why the young Ruan Erniu was able to retaliate against Garnett face-to-face was not because of any bloody courage, but because of the real strength in his hands. Hard kudos.

The sideline episode came and went quickly, and the second half of the game officially began.

On the offensive end of the Celtics, Rondo held the ball in the frontcourt, and Garnett beckoned to Rondo for the ball immediately while leaning on the eclipse.

In the low post and on the right side, Garnett spread his long arms, jumped lightly, and easily received a pass from Rondo.

Turning around and cutting in one step, the eclipse did not lose its position, but KG immediately chose a fadeaway jumper.

The shot point was too high, and the eclipse couldn't block the shot, so Garnett had to lose his shooting sight as much as possible in physical confrontation.


Even though his body was slightly out of balance, Garnett still hit this difficult iron-blooded jumper, and roared during the retreat process, as if to say that labor and management just don't accept it.

It has to be admitted that even though Garnett is almost 35 years old, as long as he finds his shooting touch, KG's fadeaway shot is still difficult to defend.

It is possible to develop skills, but the upper limit of physical talent has already been determined at the moment when a person is still in a cellular state.

In the next few rounds, Garnett became very active. He played consecutive singles eclipses with the ball and hit several iron-blooded jumpers. The Celtics also took this opportunity to catch up with the score gap.

Woodson was quite cautious. Seeing that KG's fadeaway jumper felt surprisingly good, he immediately asked for a short timeout to interrupt his feel.

Er Niu obviously didn't face Garnett directly, but when he was off the court, he was attacked by KG again: "You are the defending champion of XX, you are not the defending champion of XX? I don't feel any XX Defense, is anyone defending?"

Er Niu didn't react yet, Lunar Eclipse on the side almost rushed forward to fight Garnett, but was grabbed by Er Niu, and then Jiongsen also rushed over, and the two teamed up to pull back the furious Lunar Eclipse bench.

Woodson replaced Eclipse, and then replaced Zaza Pachulia, who had clashed with Garnett in the 07-08 season.

With the standard exchange tactics, Pachulia is currently just an inside substitute who averages 3+3 per game in the regular season for the Hawks.

The reason for using him is that his strength is indeed higher than that of the lunar eclipse. Against Garnett, whose speed is declining, it is quite reliable to use him as a meat shield for a while.

Of course, if Pachulia can perform at a super level and use small tricks to get Garnett, Woodson may apply for a special fund with Billy Knight to guarantee some additional expenses.


Larry Brown, Popovich and others secretly laughed, saying that some people are too-young, too-simple, sometimes-native.

The timeout ended. On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu and Pachulia crossed positions and opened their hands at the corner to ask for the ball. At this moment, the man defending him behind him has become Garnett.

囧囧sen hit the ground and passed the ball, Ruan Erniu singled KG with his back.

"Defense? Do you have any?"

Ruan Erniu suddenly pushed back, and Garnett immediately took a big step back.

Er Niu turned his back to face the basket, and with a fake shot, tricked Garnett into flying. The Bull didn't hesitate, then jumped up to force a confrontation, and then threw the basketball in his hand with one hand.


The whistle sounds first!


The 16-foot floater also accurately flew to the basket.


Ruan Erniu glanced at Garnett sideways, and said sarcastically, "Well, there is probably some defense, but thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to play a three-pointer."

Er Niu walked to the free throw line, adjusted his breathing slightly, and then hit an additional penalty.

With Ruan Erniu's continuous explosive performance, the Hawks once again expanded their lead. Garnett's scoring explosive power has never been at the same level as Erniu. A player who has never averaged more than 25 points per game in his career season, in the In terms of scoring ability, how could it be possible to compare with the two-time scoring champion Ruan Erniu.

If the first half of the third quarter was Garnett and Ruan Erniu's mutual provocation, and ended with the victory of the Celestial Dynasty, then the second half of the third quarter was a contest between Ji Jisen and Ray Allen. Biao performance.

Allen hit a three-pointer here, and Jiongsen will definitely return a goal there.

Over there, Jiongsen went to the basket to score a throw, and here Ray Allen actually took the ball and went to the basket to complete a dunk during the counterattack.

On the surface, Junzijian's style of play seems to be more impactful, but in fact, after half a quarter of the game, it was Jiongsen who scored more efficiently.

Ray Allen's physical fitness is indeed often underestimated, but Jiong Jisen's shooting ability is also often overlooked.

Since he became the second head of the Eagles, after being objectively attracted by the second bull to the opponent's defensive attention, although his scoring average has dropped significantly, his scoring efficiency and key ball shooting percentage have reached the peak of his career.

Judging from the scene alone, the Celtics do not seem to lose to the Hawks, but the fact is that the Hawks' offensive and defensive conversions and the scoring efficiency of the team's giant players far surpassed the Bostonians.

Jon Jonsen and Er Niu both scored in double figures in a single quarter, leading the Hawks to a wave of 24:36 in the third quarter. In just one quarter, they led their opponents by 12 points.

78:97, as of the third quarter of G1, the Eagles had expanded their lead to 19 points. Although it cannot be said that the game was dragged into garbage time ahead of schedule, objectively speaking, they have firmly grasped the initiative of the game.

The game started quickly in the final quarter. Unwilling to fail, Pierce and Garnett almost didn't have a long rest before returning to play. However, their scoring efficiency in the final quarter was extremely low.

Even with all the Eagles substitutes, the main force of the Green Kais did not take advantage. Pierce made 7 of 1 shots in the final quarter, and Garnett only made 5 of 1 shots in the last quarter. It can be said that in the last quarter, Green Kais The two giants successfully went undercover.

In the third quarter, Ray Allen, who had a good touch, could only shake his head helplessly. He didn't even have a chance to turn the tide at the last moment.

Ruan Erniu and Jon Jonson played only 4 minutes in the final quarter. As Thibodeau replaced the main players of the Green Kais in the second half of the final quarter, Woodson also replaced the Hawks' starters.

93:114, the two teams that had been fiercely competitive in the first half, after the third quarter that the Eagles couldn't afford to provoke, and the desperate fourth quarter, the balance of victory tilted dramatically in a short period of time.

Ruan Erniu, who scored 45 points, 26 rebounds, and 8 assists in a triple-double, naturally became the focus of media attention.

In particular, he and Garnett's continuous trash talk tonight has become a matter of concern to the media.

A reporter asked: "Kraft, what did you and Garnett talk about?"

"We just exchanged our views on the game, it's no big deal?" Er Niu replied with a smile.

A reporter with good news asked: "Karnett has always said that what you have achieved is not a big deal. What do you think of this?"

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "I have already entered the third season of the league, and saying such things to me has no effect.

KG is someone who is obsessed with winning, that's all, it doesn't matter to me whether he actually said that or not.

Or, you should ask him now, what does it feel like to be beaten by the Hawks again in the playoffs? "

At the press conference after the game, Tom Thibodeau first spoke on behalf of Green Kai: "We did a good job defending in the second quarter, but the rest of the time we did poorly.

It is not a big deal to lose one game first, we will sum up well and strive to win G2 in the away game. "

Thibodeau has been an NBA assistant coach for many years. This guy is a basketball lunatic who has never been married and eats super fast (no wonder he gets fat). He is 100% devoted to his work. During his time as an assistant coach, he did have many successful cases.

Replacing Rivers as the head coach of Green Kai is both pressure and opportunity for Thibodeau. The opportunity is naturally to be able to coach the Celtics with the Big Three right after taking office. But what about the pressure? The opponent in front of Green Kai has already shown everything.

It is far from enough to just be unwilling to admit defeat. For the Celtics who have gathered the Big Three, failing to win the championship means failure.

Whether Thibodeau can secure his position as the head coach of Lukai depends on how far the Celtics can go in the future.

Ruan Erniu and Woodson also attended the press conference.

Woodson briefly summarized the G1 game, roughly talking about the gains and losses of the Hawks, and the questions about Er Niu were the most in this press conference.

"Are you going to sweep the Celtics at this point?"

"I don't know, but we will strive to defeat our opponents game by game."

"Are you going to defend Garnett in the next game? Judging from the individual defensive efficiency of the Eagles, your defense against KG is the most successful!"

"No, that's J-Smoove's job. I think he can finish it. Tonight Garnett made 20 of 9 shots and only scored 18 points in total. J-Smoove was in charge of the main defense most of the time, so we There is no need to actively change the defensive strategy."

"The results of the D-POY selection will be announced soon. You said at the beginning of the season that you want to win the MVP+D-POY+FMVP in the new season. Do you think there are other people in the league who will challenge you on D-POY? Threat?"

Ruan Erniu asked with a smile, "What do you think? Please tell me the answer in your heart."

The female reporter who was in charge of asking questions was obviously a novice, she blushed and said, "'s you!"

After speaking, everyone laughed.

Er Niu nodded and smiled, "Thank you! I think so too!"

Bulls think so, and the league doesn't seem to continue to keep it mysterious. Just one day after G1, the D-POY of the 09-10 season was announced.

Ruan Erniu, who averaged 22.3 rebounds, 3.2 blocks, and 2.2 steals per game in the regular season, won the D-POY trophy again. The Celestials made history because he became the first player in NBA history to have three consecutive D-POYs.

In the history of the NBA, since the D-POY award was established in the 82-83 season, there have been many players with two consecutive D-POYs.

For example, the audience is familiar with Dennis Rodman, Alonzo Mourning, Dikembe Mutombo, Ben Wallace, etc., but even Ben Wallace, who has won the best defensive player four times Shi also only had two consecutive D-POY performances twice, and never had a three-consecutive D-POY performance.

The two bulls won the award, and the most injured is probably Dwight Howard. From the data point of view, the defensive data of the sparks are all below one and above the others.

The one person above him, whether it is personal data or team record, is too terrifying, so that there is no possibility of comparing the sparks of the second person.

Before Ruan Erniu entered the league, Sparks was the future No. [-] center touted by the league, but since the Bulls joined the league, the honor of the so-called No. [-] center has nothing to do with Sparks.

And with the issuance of this D-POY, the playful attitude of the top management of the alliance finally became clear, and now they want to praise Ruan Erniu.

What invisible nationality and race issues, in the face of real interests, all of these can be properly compromised.

The Atlanta Hawks broke through the league's best record for two consecutive seasons, and the core of the team is so obvious that the league must devote resources to Ruan Erniu even for ratings.

This is the charm of competitive sports. As long as you perform convincingly on the field, no one can shake your historical status even if there are countless criticisms and accusations.

In order to solemnly announce the birth of the first three-peat D-POY in NBA history, the league and the Hawks' PR department specially held a separate press conference for Er Niu.

At the meeting, Ruan Erniu's three D-POY trophies lined up at once, and Erniu, as the owner of the three trophies, leaned his body to complete a historic group photo.

Er Niu was proud of horseshoe disease, but the Eagles encountered trouble in the G2 game held the next day.

The Celtics, who lost one game first, did not give up on themselves. In the first quarter of the game, the Celtics blossomed more and caught the defending champion by surprise.

What needs special attention is that there is one person who showed a very good competitive state tonight, and that is Rasheed Wallace on the bench of the Celtics.

In the first quarter, he made two of two shots, and Roaring Tianzun, who made one of three-pointers and one of them, only scored 5 points and 1 rebound during the bench time.But his two shots were either difficult shots against the defender, or simply shot at the buzzer.

But at this moment, Woodson did not pay attention to the aging former All-Star power forward.

The Eagles' performance in the first quarter was mediocre. Many of the team's main players, including Erniu and Jiongsen, felt bad. They struggled on the offensive end and did not find the smooth offensive rhythm in G1.

At 26:22, the Celtics led by 4 points in the first quarter.

The game started soon in the second quarter. Jamal Crawford did a better job than G1. Tony Allen can certainly limit the efficiency of opponent players, but it is not a good match against a convulsion master like Shangke 6. Everywhere has an effect.

However, the Atlanta Hawks, who were gradually recovering their touch, still failed to reverse their opponents in this quarter. The reason is very simple, and some Celtics also stood up.

Ray Allen's sudden outburst did not exceed the Hawks' expectations. The performance of the Big Three is the meaning of the question. Like G1, the two giants lost themselves at the same time in the last quarter of the game, which is actually full of chance.

But the sudden emergence of another person disrupted the Hawks' overall defense, and he was Rasheed Wallace.

Roaring Tianzun quietly collected data in this quarter, shooting 3 of 3 shots, including 2 of 2 three-pointers, scoring 8 points and 1 rebound in a single quarter.

And, there was another three-pointer at the buzzer.

Anyone who knows a little bit about basketball knows how much impact it will have on the morale of the defense.

In the first half, he made 5 of 5 shots and scored 100 points and 13 rebounds with a 2% shooting rate. This is the crazy performance of the so-called old Rashid Wallace in the G2 half.

Wallace, who joined the Celtics freely this season, saw a significant decline in the regular season data, averaging only 9 points, 4 rebounds, and 0.3 assists per game. This performance made most people ignore the existence of Roaring Tianzun.

In the past few playoff games, Rashid's performance was also tepid, Tianzun didn't roar anymore, what threat is there?

But just when the Eagles subconsciously didn't raise their final vigilance against this guy, the veteran taught the Eagles a lesson with his actual performance.

At 26:26, the performance of the Hawks in the second quarter was not bad, and the performance of Crawford, Jon Jonsen, and Ruan Erniu was not too big a problem, but compared with the X factor of Lukai's sudden rise, the Hawks were up and down. Still gradually have doubts about the game.

In the critical third quarter, Ray Allen and Garnett ushered in explosive seeds at the same time. The two teamed up and scored 17 points, 8 rebounds, and 1 assist in this quarter, leading the Celtics to a strong performance at the beginning of this quarter. Bo 14:1, while expanding the score advantage in one fell swoop, it also dealt a severe blow to the mighty Atlanta.

Ruan Erniu and Jiongsen seem to have become Garnett and Pierce in the last quarter of G1. They failed to make many shots in this quarter. If Salmons hit 2 three-pointers under pressure, Maybe the game will go to garbage time early.

At 31:16, the situation was already very unfavorable for the Hawks.

At 83:64, the Hawks played the first three quarters of the ugliest playoffs of the 09-10 season, falling behind by 19 points again, but this time the catching up side was the Atlanta Hawks at home.

Unwilling to fail, the Atlanta Hawks played an extremely exciting counterattack wave in the final quarter.

Ruan Erniu, who had just won three consecutive D-POYs, swept away the haze, and suddenly exploded in the final quarter, hitting consecutive three-pointers. With the last 10 seconds left in the game, 104:104, the Eagles tied the score!

On the crucial last shot, Garnett caught the ball from the wing and receded in the last 4 seconds.


The basketball hit the rim and missed, just as the Hawks were about to grab the rebound and play overtime.

A big hand came out from the crowd...


Rajon Rondo!

As a short point guard, he appeared at the basket, and before Er Niu and Lunar Eclipse, he pointed the basketball toward the perimeter.

Rasheed Wallace catches the ball 15 feet to the left!
1 second, no time!

Wallace raised his hand and shot.

The red indicator light came on first!
But the shot works!


 Thank you Master Sheng for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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