Standing pretty old

Chapter 773 Good shot, handsome, good center

Chapter 773 Good shot, handsome, good center

Final kill!

Theoretically zero seconds!

Don't give the people of Atlanta any chance!
Great Wallace, he inherited the fine traditions of the Celtics!

Bill Russell, Bob Cousy, and Larry Bird are possessed at this moment!
He is not fighting alone!
he is not alone...

Well, I'm sorry, it's a crossover!
Although some Eagles players were complaining to the referee, indicating that Wallace's final kill was timed out, the crazy Green Kai players had already rushed to the player channel.

Since it was the playoffs, the three referees in charge of law enforcement did not dare to be careless, and the three gathered together and ran to the technical stage.

A full 2 ​​minutes passed, and the referee on duty gestured to the fans, and the two points were valid. The Celtics killed the Eagles in G2!
The fans booed wildly at the referee. They couldn't tolerate the fact that the Hawks, who scored 40+ in the last quarter, were defeated at the last moment. However, the final result of the game will not change in any way.

At 106:104, the Celtics defeated the Atlanta Hawks in the away game, tying the total score of the series to 1:1.

Woodson was first on the news conference scene after calming the frustrated Hawks players a bit.

Since the Eagles swept the finals with a record of 12:0 last season, the egg head almost forgot the feeling of attending the press conference first in the playoffs.

"We lost in G2! There is no need to look for too many subjective reasons. Failure is always inevitable. Now we need to sum up and strive to win G3 and G4 in Boston.

We've always been the better team, that's never changed. "

Rasheed Wallace then joined Tom Thibodeau as the star of the show.

Rasheed Wallace said: "Until a few days ago, it was said that I was holding my thigh at the Celtics.

I want to tell you that there are no so-called players with thighs in this league. Any player who wants to find his position in the team must show his value.

By the way, I was ready to retire.

But after tonight, I found out that I'm young enough to do two more years, I'll probably delay my retirement, and that's it. "

The media did not hesitate to praise the Celtics on the second day.

These guys have been promoting the so-called "veterans never die" spirit more than two seasons ago. Nearly three years have passed, and the core of Lukai's team building is indeed getting older, and the Bostonians have spared no effort to exaggerate the atmosphere. In contrast, it seems that the Eagles have become the big villains that everyone can punish.

More than two seasons ago, Green Kai dared to blatantly gather the Big Three in pursuit of the championship in the old age of the veteran. In fact, it started the mode of superstar grouping. Nearly three years have passed. If they don't come out with some gimmicks and publicize A little bit of Mi-style positive energy is unreasonable.

Of course, from another perspective, the reason why the Celtics were able to become sympathetic from being enemies in the world is also inseparable from the strength of the Atlanta Hawks in recent seasons.

The weak are always sympathetic, and the counterattack is a scene that the people who eat melons love to see.

The story of the Warriors Black Eight has not passed for a few years. If the old Celtics can really kill the thriving Atlanta Hawks, they will definitely become the miracle creators among countless people.

Overnight, everything seemed to have changed.

The generals of the Eagles woke up from their sleep, but suddenly found that the media that had praised their praises disappeared in an instant, or immediately changed their direction, sending praises to the Celtics who had just tied the big score.

If you want to wear its crown, you must first bear its weight.

The Eagles rose so quickly that they didn't even realize it. Before they knew it, they had already become the public enemy of the league and were hated by everyone.

During the winning streak of the Eagles, no one could criticize them. Once the Eagles showed a little bit of decline, they would immediately be greeted with endless doubts and questions.

"Is 75 wins too extravagant to consume too much physical energy and energy?"

"The dominance of the Atlanta people is declining, and the Celtics will counterattack the Cosmos?"

"The demon king of the Celestial Dynasty is no longer miraculous. Is the Eagles negligent or doomed?"


So, after the resumption of training the next day, such a conversation took place in the arena.

"Are you kidding? Have we already been eliminated?" Lunar Eclipse looked at the various media messages on the phone and said bitterly.

囧囧森 said: "They are all watching our jokes, you bunch of fools."

Patrick Mills asked: "That's how we did it last season?"

Dragic explained on the side: "We swept all our playoff opponents last season and only lost two games until the finals, so we have never been ridiculed like this."

Ruan Erniu said to his teammates with a smile: "This shows that our status in the hearts of the media is higher than that of the Celtics.

Don't take it too seriously, as long as we win the series, those sycophants will come back to us in no time. "

Most of the Eagles had experienced the championship journey last season, so everyone quickly calmed down and discussed how to deal with the Celtics while watching the video.

"Obviously, we relaxed on Rasheed Wallace, who made 8 of 7 shots, 4 of 3 three-pointers, and only missed one three-pointer.

Look here, when J-Smoove and Kraft are switching defenses, Kraft should immediately move up to Wallace instead of double-teaming Garnett in the low post...

Look at this again, after the eclipse was taken away by Rondo, Wallace and Bibby formed a dislocation. The right to act..."

As an assistant coach, Madman Fan analyzed the key points while playing his pre-made clips.

After all the screenings were over, Woodson clapped his hands and said to everyone: "We lost on the defensive end in G2. This is beyond doubt, so let's talk about how we should solve the problem next, let's talk about our own opinions!"

In the past three years, Egghead has also made great progress. Woodson, who has two consecutive COYs, has not only improved his coaching level, but also made small improvements in leadership.

The game has been played until now, empty talk about tactics is useless, the players themselves are very aware of the strength comparison between the enemy and us, and to really beat the opponent in the game, it is not the coach's miraculous strategy, but the player's own understanding of the game. interpretation and execution skills.

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and the atmosphere in the team was quite active. Among them, one person's idea was recognized by the majority of people.

Chris Anderson said: "How about I fix him? This guy's way of celebrating is too LOW, shouting 'Ball-don't-lie!' (It can be translated as: nothing wrong!) What is it? My Flying is much more handsome than him!"

As soon as Birdman finished speaking, his teammates burst into laughter.

Most people agree with what Birdman said, um, about the celebration.

At this time, Mike Woodson stood up and made a decision: "Except for the misplaced rotation, Birdman, Wallace will be handed over to you. I think you will not let me down in G3."

After losing a game, the Eagles completely put away their contempt. In any case, they actually have no home court advantage.

That being the case, the next two away games in G3 and G4 are games that the Eagles must strive for.

On May 5, US time, that is, the fourth day after G7, the Hawks flew to Boston. They will face the Celtics in G2 at the familiar TD North Shore Garden Arena.

Coming to North Shore Garden again, the familiar noises, boos and racially discriminatory trash talk lingered in Er Niu's ears again.

Bostonians especially hate Ruan Erniu, a man of yellow race.

It was he who strangled the Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals in the 07-08 season.

In the subsequent 08-09 season, the Hawks did not give the Celtics too many opportunities for revenge in the regular season. After Garnett was injured, Boston did not even have the opportunity to continue to revenge the Atlanta people in the playoffs.

In the 09-10 season, the mighty Hawks directly swept the Celtics in the regular season.

But as the Celtics won an away game in the playoffs, Boston fans finally saw the hope of killing the Hawks.

Stimulated by the excitement, the Boston fans began to scream hard, trying to put the Eagles into a state of irritability and panic from the very beginning of the game.

Garnett and Ruan Erniu stood in the middle circle again, and KG sneered: "Are you scared, Celestial Man?"

Ruan Erniu only returned KG with a rice-style shrug and ended the boring trash talk.

Er Niu won the jump ball, Salmons got the ball, Dragic took the basketball and dribbled the ball across the half.

After Ruan Erniu received the ball at the horns, he passed Perkins with an acceleration. Facing Garnett who came to defend from the flank, the Bulls not only did not dodge, but directly attacked the basket.


Garnett was directly knocked out of the bottom line.

Tomahawk-style split button!
Ruan Erniu didn't waste any time after the opening, and responded in the most direct way.


The referee's whistle came a little later, but 2+1 was a foregone conclusion.

Ruan Erniu, who grabbed the basket with one hand, jumped down from the air. Garnett had just started doing it at this time. Erniu looked at him condescendingly, as if God was looking at a tiny ant.

Rondo and Perkins quickly stepped forward to pull Garnett up. KG gave Ruan Erniu a deadly stare, but he didn't intend to do it directly. The game had just started, and if he made a move in anger now, it would only make the Eagles take advantage.

Ruan Erniu made an easy hit and added a penalty, helping the team take the lead for the first time in G3.

The Celtics have the ball, Rondo has the ball in half court, Ray Allen runs out of the open from the screen from the wing, and shoots directly after receiving the ball...

Step on the line!

But it didn't hit either!
Ruan Erniu took the backcourt rebound and immediately sent it to Salmons, who was about to come down the frontcourt. However, Lu Kai also paid attention to the Eagles' first pass. Pierce followed the Salmon's assault this time.

The Hawks did not switch from offense to defense when they changed positions on the fast break, but they still had the ball.

Ruan Erniu was stuck in the main position in the low post and took the ball from Jiong Jisen.

Erniu was extremely active in the opening stage of G3, almost attacking directly with the ball whenever there was a chance.


After receiving the ball, Er Niu immediately gave Perkins a hip shot. After successfully forcing back the Lukai meat shield, Ruan Er Niu chose to immediately turn around and shoot a jumper.


The touch is extremely good, but after fierce physical confrontation, he can maintain such a perfect shooting shape. It is one thing to have a strong talent, and the player's own hard work is also essential.

The Eagles continued to expand their lead, and the first quarter of the game almost completely became Ruan Erniu's performance time alone.

He made 10 of 9 shots in a single quarter, made 5 of 5 free throws, scored 23 points, 10 rebounds, and 1 assist in a double-double.

This is the first time Erniu has completed 20+10 data in a single season of the playoffs, and the Celtics have once again become the background board.

Among the Celtics, no one performed better than Erniu. Pierce's performance was particularly poor. Under the overall defense of the Salmon and the Hawks, he made 5 of 1 shots in this quarter and only scored 2 points. undercover.

However, it's not his turn to be the biggest undercover agent. I don't know if it was inspired by the last offensive rebound in G2, and Rondo's autonomous shots in this quarter increased a lot.

With Garnett unable to block for him, Rondo shot a large number of two-pointers from 17 feet away in this quarter. As a result, he made 9 of 3 shots in a single quarter. Quarter scoring - 6 points, but his inefficiency also put the home team into a painful state of chasing points from the first quarter.

At 38:17, with the attack wave led by Ruan Erniu, the Hawks got a huge lead of 21 in the first quarter.

The fans at North Shore Garden were clearly unwilling to accept this fact, and they responded with even more frantic noises and boos.

The second quarter started soon, and the performance of both sides gradually returned to normal in this quarter.

Ruan Erniu and Jiongsen teamed up to fight against Garnett and Pierce, which became the main theme of this section. Both sides played wonderful offensive and defensive rounds, but the performance of the role players who kept hitting the iron was lacklustre in this section.

For the home team, the best news for them is that Pierce made 5 of 4 shots in a single quarter, and his touch is gradually recovering.

At 29:26, the Eagles brought the score of the two teams to 67:43 despite the stalemate in the second quarter.

Atlanta held a 24-point halftime lead, and Lvkai, who had not been happy for a long time, encountered trouble again. He just played a good game, but he unexpectedly provoked the even more terrifying Atlanta Hawks.

Needless to say Thibodeau's roar in the midfield, but the Hawks who just lost G2 will obviously not make another big mistake in G3.

After the start of the third quarter, the Hawks played a multi-point performance. Ruan Erniu, Jiongsen, Salmons, and Crawford showed their strength at the same time, and once extended their lead to more than 30+.

After that, the Green Army once again entered the rhythm of chasing points. Unexpectedly, the person who stood up this time turned out to be Nate Robinson.

Little Tudou made 3 of 2 shots in this quarter, made 3 points on both goals, and made 2 of 2 free throws, scoring 8 points, becoming the player with the most points in this quarter of the Celtics.

At 31:27, Robinson's efficient performance alone could not save the Celtics. At 98:70, the Eagles extended their lead to 28 points.

The final quarter of the game has entered the garbage time ahead of time, and there are no players in the Green Kai team with super explosive offensive power.

In other words, there is only one player with super explosive scoring power on the field, and he has always been under the Eagles' command.

Ruan Erniu: "Someone seems to say I'm handsome?"

In the final quarter of the game, the Celtics still made a final resistance. Even players like Tony Allen, who had little to do on the offensive end, stood up and hit the basket with the ball again and again. How strong.

But as Crawford hit consecutive three-pointers, the Celtics still had no choice but to replace the team's main players in advance.

At 127:95, in the second game after being decisively killed, the Eagles immediately made their own answer with an overwhelming victory.

Ruan Erniu, who scored 50+ in almost only three quarters, said in an interview after the game: "I am very happy to win a victory in Boston.

Although many people are saying that the North Shore Garden is the devil's arena, I have been in the league for almost three years. Most of the time, I have left pleasant memories here, and tonight is no exception. "

Winners can play as much as they want without being blamed.

The media also quickly forgot all kinds of criticisms and controversies they had about the Hawks a few days ago. It seemed that those things had never happened again, and the Hawks were still the invincible cosmic team.

"The joys and sorrows of life come too fast, it's really exciting!"

The greatest tragedy in life is that Sister Qiuxiang is also a Pai Gow master!

From hell to heaven, and from heaven back to hell.

Just as the Atlanta people were preparing to make another victory in Boston and fly back to their hometown with a score of 3:1, the G4 game once again turned into a tragic separatist battle.

In the first quarter of the game, Green Kai took the lead by virtue of Rondo's sudden explosion. When Rondo can hit consecutive 18-foot field goals, the Hawks may have nothing to complain about.

In the second quarter of the game, the two sides continued to be deadlocked, and no one could narrow or widen the score.

In the third quarter of the game, the Eagles showed a super momentum, continuously using offensive and defensive transitions, and gave the Celtics a hard blow.

However, just when everyone thought that the Hawks would go all out in the last quarter and counterattack the game, the Hawks collectively fell into an inexplicable cold feeling.

The Celtics who came back to their senses did not give the Atlantans any chance.

Rondo hit the basket many times in the final quarter and hit 2+1 more than once.

29 points, 18 rebounds, 13 assists, if you don't mention the name, maybe no one would have thought that this is the data that Rajon Rondo got in G4.

The name of the Big Four has become worthy of the name at this moment!
No, C Duo is such an awesome character, he should be the leader of the Green Army, because Rondo is the one with the best statistics in the Green Army regardless of points, rebounds or assists.

Kendrick Perkins was already crying in the toilet, because the number of rebounds of the real center of the Celtics in this game was 6, which didn't even reach a fraction of C.

Rondo deserves to be a real C. Someone summed up the reason why the Celtics were able to beat the Eagles in G4. The most important one is: "The Celtics are clearly 6VS5 on the field. I can see it very clearly. The Celtics have a team called Rajon's point guard, and a center named Rondo."

Rajon Rondo became famous in one battle, but the Hawks once again became the overrated team in the media, and this time, they really stood at a crossroads.

 Thanks to the book friends Sha Po Lang 444, Indifferent and Depends, Fallen Dark Angel for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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