Chapter 776

Er Niu won the Maurice Podolov Cup for the second time in his career and entered the third season of the league. He has won the highest individual individual honor twice, and he has won it for two consecutive years.

Since ancient times, including the ABA league merged by the NBA, only 10 people have completed this achievement. They are:
Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Julius Erving, Kareem Jabbar, Moses Malone, Larry Bird, Alvin Johnson, Michael Jordan, Tim Duncan, Shi Steve Nash.

When Ruan Erniu lifted the Podolov Cup, he also joined the ranks of the top 10 players and became the glorious No.11 player in NBA history.

Since he won the MVP once, Er Niu's speech at the press conference was more calm and calm. After thanking his family, friends, agents, coaches and teammates one by one, he held up the MVP trophy high.

Of course, because of the Erlian MVP, Erniu's first Podolov Cup was also moved out and put together as a group photo.

Objectively speaking, two MVP trophies are more imposing than one trophy. When Er Niu smiled and hugged the two trophies at the same time, he seemed to embrace the whole world.

If in the past, there were still people who questioned Erniu's No.1 status in active service, then at this moment, at least in terms of hard honor, Ruan Erniu was enough to stand up to the active seniors, and even faintly suppressed one.

Two MVP trophies + two consecutive championships, this is something that even the old Sharks who are about to retire have not achieved, because although O'Neal has won three consecutive championships, he only has one MVP.

What about another champion reaper, Tim Duncan?
Dadai has won two consecutive MVP trophies, but it's a pity that he has never won four championship trophies in a row.

As for Steve Nash, although Zonda is great enough, he has never won a championship after all, so he has no chance of being a candidate.

Under the spotlight, Erniu's personal press conference came to an end, and the award, which was hailed as the most suspenseless of the year, finally went to the candidate with the least suspense.

The summary of the regular season of the 09-10 season has not yet been fully concluded. Before and after the MVP awards, the best defensive lineup of the season, the first team, the second team, and the first team, second team, and third team of the season were also announced one by one.

The best defensive team players are:
C Ruan Erniu

PF Gerard Wallace

SF LeBron James

SG Kobe Bryant
PG Rajon Rondo
Kobe's defensive level has already declined seriously, and Tony Allen's failure to be selected can only prove that the media reporters are selectively blind. As the guard with the highest defensive efficiency in the league, he can't even make a defense. No, Tony *A Lun didn't even make the second defense.

The best defensive second team players are:
C Dwight Howard

PF Tim Duncan
SF Josh Smith

SG Sapo Sofnosha
PG Dwyane Wade
There are two new faces. The first thing to talk about is the lunar eclipse. The media reporters finally opened their eyes and put this multi-block record holder into the defensive second team. The Hawks' 73 wins and 75 wins stimulated too much People, no matter how proud they are, they have to admit that Josh Smith and Ruan Erniu have indeed built the Eagles' high-speed transition defensive system.

As for moving him from the fourth position to the third position again, there is nothing wrong with it. According to Lunar Eclipse himself, he still prefers to play in the third position.

Then there is Sofnosha, whose selection is also surprising, but as the outside defensive core of the popular spicy chicken of the Thunder, it seems that it is not a big deal to get a defensive second team spot.

Summarizing the intelligence of the first team and the second team, it can be summed up in one sentence: Reporters habitually vote with their feet!

According to the usual practice, the first, second, and third teams of the best team were announced at the end.

The best team is: Ruan Erniu, LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade.

How red is Durant?

Just look at the roster and you'll know, except for Ruan Erniu, the super pervert, the last player selected to the best team in the third grade was LeBron James.

With an average of 30+ points per game in the season, it ranks second in the scoring list, second only to Er Niu's average of 36+ per game. This is the second time since Michael Jordan and Karl Malone in the NBA. 30+ players.

The attitude of the league's support is quite obvious, and now it depends on how high Durant can take the Thunder in the future.

Best Second Team: Dwight Howard, Amare Stoudemire, Dirk Nowitzki, Joe Johnson, Steve Nash.

Basically deserved his name, but Erniu still expressed dissatisfaction with Jon Jonson being selected for the second team. The Eagles won 75 wins, but only gave Jon Jonson a second team. Certain unspoken rules of the league always exist.

Well, well, there are still sparks, he should continue to draw circles on the back of the corner, anyway, with the existence of Er Niu, it is difficult to fall on him for a while and D-POY.

However, Erniu has broken the historical record for three consecutive D-POYs. I believe that next season, as long as the sparks do not drop too much on the defensive end, he still has a chance to win the first D-POY trophy in his life.

So here comes the question, Er Niu as a center will not easily fall out of the defense for a while, and will the spark of winning D-POY be the first in the history of the league to get D-POY, but can only appear in the second defense? What about the players in the team?
Hey, this is really a question that only God can answer.

The best three teams are: Andrew Bogut, Tim Duncan, Paul Gasol, Carmelo Anthony, Deron Williams.

There are two main points in the three teams: [-]. Australia’s big mouth was selected to the best team for the first time in his career, but in fact, the Bucks boss is now a rookie named Brandon Jennings; [-]. Even if Chris Paul is reimbursed due to injury , De Xiaopang still failed to get a spot for a while.

In this way, all the regular season awards of the 09-10 season have been announced. Ruan Erniu is naturally the biggest winner. It is definitely the first time in the league to win the top configuration of MVP+D-POY+first team+first defense. This is also Ruan Erniu's one. person's personal record.

It can be said that No.1 in active service is running at full speed to the position of No.1 in history.

The Eagles advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals, and Ruan Erniu won another big harvest in personal honor. The Atlanta Hawks once again shifted their attention to the playoffs in full swing. Their ambition for honor is still undiminished, and they haven't won enough yet!
But when the people of Atlanta looked up, the Eastern Conference Finals had not yet started, but the first round of the Western Conference Finals had already begun. The two teams that touched the floor of the Western Conference Finals were: the Lakers and the Suns.

Why are the Lakers and Suns playing the Western Conference Finals first after the Hawks in the first round?

It's very simple, because both the Lakers and the Suns directly swept their opponents with a score of 4:0, and eliminated their opponents in the semifinals of the Western Conference Finals with a perfect record.

Let’s first look at the Lakers VS Jazz. It seems that there is really nothing to say, because the Lakers are crushing their opponents almost from the beginning to the end. The inside line composed of Gasol and Odom did not give the Jazz inside too many opportunities.

Phil Jackson showed a good rotation ability in this round of the series. Bynum's playing time was compressed to an average of 25 minutes per game, just to prevent the team composed of Paul Millsap and Carlos Boozer The Jazz inside with enough shooting space.

Faced with the tall and fast Gasol and Odom, the short and slow Millsap and Boozer are naturally no match, but Deron Williams should bear the greatest responsibility for the Jazz's loss .


So old and slow Derek Fisher guarding Deron?

Of course, the fans of De Xiaopang expressed dissatisfaction. It is clear that the Lakers won by the team.

So here comes the question, 15.5 shots per game, including 6 three-point shots per game, but only 1.8 shots, is it also because of the Lakers' zone defense?
Or is it that the Lakers' zone defense system can go beyond the cognitive range of ordinary people and rush directly beyond the three-point line?
The fact is obvious that Deron * Williams was guarded by the old fish!

This high-minded point guard was taught by a veteran in the deadliest playoffs. Judging from his performance at the moment, the position of the best third team should be given to the chairman of the union, Derry C* Fisher is right.

The truth is always cruel, in the most important battle, Deron * Williams and his lifelong enemy - Chris Paul is indeed far away.

Although Paul also has a dark history of being taught by Billups and Dengtai Jones, in any case, Billups has also proved himself as an FMVP, and he is still at the peak. Fisher gave the limit, which came as a surprise!

I don't know how Charles Barkley, who has always supported Deron Williams, feels.

Facts have proved that Sir Charles does lack vision in terms of the vision of the league's No. [-] position.

After talking about the upper half of the west, naturally we also have to look at the lower half of the west.


What is even more incredible is that none of the Suns eliminated the Spurs by less than 5 points in any of the four games. You must know that the Lakers narrowly beat the Jazz by one point in G3. Sweeping, but also a complete victory.

Judging from the rebounds and assists of the two teams, the data of the two sides are almost the same, so what caused the Suns to beat the Spurs?

Could it be that Alvin Gentry is far more resourceful than Gregg Popovich?

Of course it is impossible, and the reason is also very simple, that is, the Suns pay more attention to and are more capable of making three-pointers.

The average number of three-point shots taken by the two teams is: 22.3VS16.0.

The average number of three-pointers made by the two teams is: 10.3VS5.8.

The average scoring points of the two teams are: 109.5VS100.3.

Comparing these three sets of data, the gap between the two teams is already obvious.

The Spurs are not wronged at all. They have a net loss of (10.3-5.8)*3=13.5 points in the three-pointer column. Even if they do not do badly in other aspects, the final result is difficult to happen. reverse.

Although Popovich is (very) wise (trickster) and more (tremendous) (cunning), but at least in the 09-10 season, he didn't pay much attention to three-pointers.

He thought that he could use a solid defense to completely kill his opponents like in the past, but the reality is that the sun sent the Spurs home early to fish for a three-point rain.

Judging from personal performance, Steve Nash should be the well-deserved MVP of this round of the series. He is personally the player with the highest scoring and assists per game among the two teams.

Zonda averaged 22.0 points, 7.8 assists, and 4.5 rebounds per game. His shooting percentage was as high as 55.7%, including a terrifying 45.5% of three-pointers and 88.2% of free throws.

The two-time MVP handed over his own super giant answer sheet under the defense of the brave hill in the last round-George Hill and the Gaul sports car-Tony Parker.

Tim Duncan, who averages 20.5+10.5 per game and hits 55.2% from the field, may not be convinced, but in fact, the Phoenix Suns really beat the San Antonio Spurs to the ground.

Small balls, three-pointers, offensive and defensive transitions, this is the trend of the league. To paraphrase a web novel idiom: Under the rolling wheels of history, everything will be crushed to powder.

There are always some old fans who like to emphasize the past and the present, saying that only big centers, positional warfare and mid-range shooting are the most important things, but history will not stay for some people.

In the NBA, the strongest basketball league on the surface, the most popular basketball policies and tactics have always been used.

Only continuous innovation and evolution is the driving force for the sustainable development of basketball skills.

The Western Conference Finals is already underway, but the Eastern Conference Finals has not yet started, because in addition to the upper half of the Eastern Conference, the Eagles won the Eastern Conference Finals, and the lower half of the Eastern Conference, another Eastern Conference conference, has just decided the final result.

The Orlando Magic advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals with a big score of 4:2 against the Cleveland Cavaliers.

It may not be very meaningful to continue to talk about the content of the two teams' matches. Basically, the mainstream opinion of various media is that although Dwight Howard is no match for Ruan Erniu, from the perspective of the core tactics, he can still change Le Brown James.

This immediately embarrassed the Chosen One!
Although he watched Ruan Erniu surpass himself step by step and become the de facto active No. 1, but in the final analysis, James still hopes to defeat the Celestials one day and completely reach the top of the league.

However, when the media suggested that Sparks deserves to be replaced by James alone, how could AKING have the nerve to compare himself with Ruan Erniu?
You know, Er Niu is a super center who likes to eat, sleep, and play World of Warcraft more than Dayao. Even in the preseason of the rookie season, Sparks never got cheap from Er Niu.

Once James is reduced to the first rank of Sparks, doesn't it mean that his status cannot be compared with Ruan Erniu at all?
Not only that, James encountered far more troubles than these. During the course of the series, for unknown reasons, James also yelled at his mother, the queen mother, Ms. Gloria.

If it weren't for Vince Carter to hold him back, God knows if A KING would stage a real court drama with Gloria on the field.

The most embarrassing thing for James happened a few days later.

Several tabloids issued such reports: "The quarrel between James and his mother was not because Gloria interfered with the game on the sidelines. It was just a trivial matter. According to insiders, it was because of Gloria and James' teammates— — Delonte West having an affair."

The public opinion suddenly exploded, okay, there is finally a Supreme Emperor above the Emperor Zhan, and their name is - Delonte West!
A few days later, according to another tabloid, this is the first time that Gloria has embarrassed James. The reason why James fired Goodwin, who was his agent in his rookie season, is in the final analysis. It was Goodwin's brother who was hooking up with Gloria.

Now the public opinion exploded again, okay, there is more than one Supreme Emperor.

 Thanks to the book friends for their indifferent, immortal and immortal rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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