Standing pretty old

Chapter 777 Old Ceremony New Record

Chapter 777 Old Ceremony New Record

For James, the regular season in the past two seasons is a new high in his career. If there is no Ruan Erniu and the Atlanta Hawks in front of him, maybe his personal situation will be much better, and maybe he can gain a lot. , Two MVP trophies.

But the cruel reality is that he was repeatedly suppressed by Ruan Erniu in the game, and in this season's playoffs, his evaluation was directly classified as a spark.

But there is still no way, the winner is the king and the loser is Kou, and no one is willing to listen to the excuses of the loser.

It would be fine if it was just a loss in the game, but the rumors about his mother further hurt James' self-esteem.

James has always understood that his mother is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but if his mother hadn't pulled him up, James would not have achieved what he is today.

The son does not think the mother is ugly, and Gloria's past and future needs to be covered up by James' glorious image. This is the fate of LeBron James.

Rumors will continue to spread for a long time. Is the truth important to people who eat melons?
They just need something to talk about. As for the authenticity of the talk base itself, it doesn't matter at all.

In any case, LeBron James has been eliminated, so his story can come to an end temporarily. The big stage of the NBA belongs to those fighters who are still fighting.

The East and West finals are officially underway, and the situation in the West will not affect the East for the time being. For the Eagles, their opponent in the East may be the one they most hope to meet.

Although the Magic is also one of the seven opponents that the Hawks did not sweep in the regular season, when the Hawks really met the Magic in the Eastern Conference Finals, Atlanta was still secretly happy in various ways.

Against the Magic, the Hawks always have a natural advantage.

As long as Er Niu can kill Warcraft, can Orlando find a second defensive hub and the most stable offensive end point?
The Eastern Conference Finals game was just as the Eagles expected. In G1 and G2, the Eagles played at home and basically suppressed from beginning to end, leaving no chance for the Magic to counterattack.

G3 flew to Orlando, and the Magic, which had reached the Eastern Conference Finals all the way, was naturally unwilling to admit defeat.

They used three-pointers more than once to widen the score gap, but the Atlanta people who had experienced the bloody battle in the semifinals were tenacious enough, and they were always able to recover the score again and again.

At the last moment, Erniu succeeded in consecutive low-post singles against Howard, which ended the game.

3:0, the Eagles have already won the match point, and it seems that even a sweep and promotion are within sight.

The development of the Eastern Conference finals once again exceeded the expectations of various media. Judging from the second round match with the Celtics, the Eagles are clearly going downhill.

But as soon as they arrived at the stage of the Eastern Conference finals, they immediately recovered the strength of a 75-win team, almost defeating the Magic with the momentum of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

After the first three games of the Eastern Conference Finals, many fans felt that the Celtics were underestimated.

They may be the best team in the East except for the Hawks, but due to the consideration of saving energy, their regular season record is not good, forcing them to have the ultimate showdown with the Hawks in advance.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Ruan Erniu's complete abuse of the sparks in the playoffs made the whole rice ball say that although Howard can replace James alone, Kraft Ruan has already widened the gap with them. They are not in the same class. player of.

No matter how great the regular season is played, it is still not as strong as the real playoffs. Whether it is a mule or a horse, it has to be pulled out!

"What do you think?" Stern analyzed and planned the status quo of the Eastern Conference Finals at the regular meeting of NBA executives.

Adam Silver immediately said: "The game cannot end like this. Even if the gap between the two teams is huge, the Hawks won too easily, which makes the game pointless."

Tan Huimin (Mark Tatum) on the side said: "So to what extent should we intervene? At present, even in G4, we gave the referee a hint. If G5 returns to Atlanta, there will be no more suspense about the Eastern Conference champion."

Adam Silver laughed and said: "If the timing is right, we can definitely drag the game into a tie-break and let them decide the outcome by themselves. This is also a common practice."

Tan Huimin shook his head and said, "Then G5's offer to Orlando is too great. Will it affect the fair image of the league?"

Adam Silver still wanted to speak, but Chairman Stern waved his hand directly and said: "Forget about G5, the Magic will win G4 first, and then there will be G5."



Orlando, who fell behind 3:0, made adjustments in the starting lineup of G4. JJ* Redick appeared on the magic starting list, and Matt * Barnes, who was in charge of marking Jon Jonsen in the past few games, returned bench.

Stan Van Gundy's intentions are obvious, he is going to fight hard!

It's no wonder that they are all behind 3:0, and it seems unrealistic to rely on defense to lock up the Atlanta people.

In the past three games, Barnes has done a relatively good job of restricting Jon Jonson, but the Hawks' outside attack points are not limited to Jon Jonson alone. Salmons' full-scale outbreak, Jamal Crawford With the addition of Claw Machine, Bibby, Novak and others, the Eagles have too many outside attack points. Once the firepower configuration is activated, it is far beyond the Magic's imagination.

It is true that Jiongsen's shooting percentage has dropped, but he has already won a triple-double and two quasi-triple-doubles in the series, and he and Salmons teamed up to limit Vince Carter on the defensive end , It can be said that the Eagles have gained the strategic initiative.

The Sparks were choked to death, Carter was blocked, and only relying on the reckless and long-range shots of Nelson (Jamil Nelson) and Lewis, the Magic lost three games in a row and reached the edge of the Eastern Conference Finals. It seems that there is nothing surprising about it.

With the referee's whistle, G4 officially started.

At the beginning of the first quarter, Ruan Erniu received two consecutive fouls on the defensive end. The first foul was irrefutable. In order to prevent the spark from dunking on the side of the basket, Erniu directly pulled him down; The second whistleblowing was quite inexplicable. The reason was that in order to help defend against Nelson's breakthrough, the Chinese had physical contact and received a blocking foul.

But if a defensive foul is called for just a little physical contact, then the playoffs will not be possible at all.

Ruan Erniu was forced to be replaced in advance. Anyway, the Hawks have no shortage of meat shields. Pachulia can step up to the top. When it comes to the time when no one is available, Joe Smith is not...

Woodson's thoughts stayed in the last second, and Zaza Pachulia, who had just been replaced for less than a minute, also committed two fouls.

If Egghead doesn't understand at this moment, then he is in vain. Obviously, the league doesn't want the Eastern Conference Finals to end so soon, so the referee's intervention came.

But even so, the Eagles still relied on more stable shooting in the first quarter, only 26 points behind their opponents at 31:5, and the comparison of free throws between the two sides was 4:16, with the visiting team in front and the home team behind.

The subsequent games almost continued the routines of all preset scripts.

The Eagles played tenaciously, but the Magic, which has home court advantage, can easily get free throws as long as it strengthens its breakthrough or hits low.

The Atlanta people once made a wonderful counterattack in the third quarter, using offensive and defensive transitions to tie the score and surpass it. However, after the final quarter of the game, Ruan Erniu, Salmons and Pachulia were defeated After being sent off one after another, when Lunar Eclipse and Birdman had 4 fouls at the same time, the game still irreversibly fell to the side of the home team.

At 96:93, the Atlanta people fought until the last moment, but it was a pity that Rashad Lewis realized his value of 4 million yuan at the critical moment, with four consecutive free throws and a precise three-pointer from the corner, finally helping the team win G[-] delayed death.

The Hawks held an internal meeting in the locker room. In the subsequent interviews, everyone kept silent about the referee, but emphasized that they would definitely win the entire series in G5 and win the Eastern Conference championship in the 09-10 season.

It is not the first time for the Eagles to play in the playoffs. They know exactly what to do at this time. Instead of complaining about the referees, it is better to be nice and be a quiet championship!
At the press conference after the game, Woodson kept a low profile throughout the whole process. He only slightly mentioned the shortcomings of the Eagles in this game, and then ended his speech. When interviewed by the media, Woodson finally said: "If 75 wins It would be the biggest joke if the team didn't end up winning the Eastern Conference."

This is obviously a bad sentence, because there is no subject in this sentence, who is going to be a joke?This is a question worth thinking about.

Stan Van Gundy was also questioned by reporters from Atlanta at the press conference. When asked about the fact that the number of free throws in this field was 14 more than that of the Eagles, Van Gundy said strongly: "This is the job of the referee. Responsible for leading the team to win!"

3:1, the Magic pulled back a victory at home, they still have a chance to advance to the finals, but the probability is still surprisingly small.

Two days later, the Magic and Hawks will move to Atlanta for the G5 matchup.

At Ruan Erniu's home, after dinner, Dr. Han came to Erniu after urging Eddie to study, and asked, "Will the alliance try to hack you?"

Ruan Erniu, who was sitting on the sofa while watching a rice drama, put down the dumbbell and picked up Han Meimei beside her. After Dr. Han gasped, Erniu kissed her hard and wiped her Putting his head on his well-developed chest muscles, he said: "If you want to be black, I'm afraid it's very likely that you'll go straight to the tiebreaker. However, the key still depends on our own performance. The controversy in G4 is not small at all, and the top management of the league is also under pressure. So I still think we have a better chance of winning in G5.

Of course, basketball is round, and anything can happen. "

Ruan Erniu's personal mentality can basically represent the mentality of the Hawks at this time. As a 75-win team, the holder of the opening season winning streak and the longest winning streak in the league, they have enough confidence to face all challenges. The entanglement with Lukai in the second round made the Hawks' psychological advantage even stronger.

However, the Orlando people who escaped from the dead were not without gains. At least they survived a game. Although there is still no team in the league that fell behind 3:0 and was overturned, the Magic have a chance to take the game one step further.

For the Magic, as long as they win another game, they will have the opportunity to drag the game back to Orlando. At that time, the situation of the game will be completely different.

G5 is back at the Philips Center.

Hawks starters unchanged:

C Ruan Erniu

PF Josh Smith

SF John Salmons
SG Joe Johnson

PG Goran Dragic
And the Magic also continued their start in G4:
C Dwight Howard

PF Rashad Lewis

SF Vince Carter
SG JJ* Reddick

PG Jameel Nelson

Before the start of the game, Ruan Erniu specially came to the technical stage to play a chalk show. This is indeed James' original creation, but Erniu has become very comfortable playing it now.

Even though this behavior was described by many Jamies as plagiarism, Ruan Erniu still went his own way.

In Er Niu's view, many things start from imitation. Since James has not registered intellectual property rights for this domineering action, why can't he use it directly.

For example, high-speed rail was not originally born in China, but according to the railway infrastructure that is currently under construction, in recent years, China's high-speed rail technology has become the best in the world, and even according to China's standards, only the Chinese family owns it. A real high-speed rail.

Ni Hong expressed dissatisfaction?The Shinkansen is fast?

Sorry, in China, people call the speed of the Shinkansen a bullet train!
The original creator is not necessarily the owner, and the owner may not be able to become the permanent owner. The chalk powder flying all over the sky shows one thing, only the strong can have the privilege!
Ruan Erniu then also defeated Dwight Howard in the jump ball. Although Er Niu has almost exploded every game in the past few games, the interesting thing is that it was in the jump ball, which is actually a Chinese Win the Sparks for the first time in the series.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, after receiving a pass from Jon Jonson, Salmons broke through Carter's defense directly and rarely, and after attracting sparks in the air to supplement the defense, he sent the ball to Ruan Erniu.

Erniu was surrounded by no one to watch. The Celestials held the ball in both hands and leaped high. After a sweeping dunk, the Eagles successfully scored the first point after the opening.

On the offensive end of the Magic, Ruan Erniu blocked Torimori's breakthrough layup from the front, and the ball flew into the hands of the claw machine.

The Slovenian immediately rushed forward with the ball, but encountered a block from Lewis during the layup, but Salmons quickly caught the ball before it flew out of the sideline.

To get the basketball from the lunar eclipse in the back, he did not choose to be reckless, but played a bold cross pass, and the ball smoothly reached the hands of Ruan Erniu at the top arc.

As soon as Sparks withdrew to near the free throw line, he immediately turned around and rushed out.Ruan Erniu didn't hesitate at all, and directly pulled out his hand after receiving the ball.


Go in!

After that, the first quarter of the game completely became Ruan Erniu's show alone. Tonight's Chinese people are selfish or responsible. Anyway, other Eagles players only got 5 shots in a single quarter, but Erniu shot alone. Scored 18 goals.

Mid-range shots, layups, dunks, and three-pointers, Ruan Erniu's performance in the first quarter seemed to be an omnipotent superman. He almost used his own strength to make the game lose any suspense.


Ruan Erniu scored a terrifying 38 points in a single quarter of the playoffs!
This is an unprecedented record!
On the NBA playoffs scoring list in a single quarter, the No. 29 score is "Sleep" Floyd's [-] points in a single quarter.

In 1987, the awakened Floyd led the Warriors to the Western Conference Finals. Facing the Lakers led by Magic, Floyd scored 4 points in a single quarter in G29 after losing the first three games. Scored 51 points in one game, avoiding the fate of the team being swept out.

From 1987 to 2010, a full 23 years have passed. Ruan Erniu not only increased the score in a single quarter of the playoffs to 30+, but also directly dropped the previous first 9 points. , an almost impossible task.

24:42, in fact, G5 has already decided the outcome from the moment the game started, but the audience present will be fortunate to see the birth of a new playoff record.

Looking at the frustrated faces of the Magic players, it is not difficult to guess that the outcome of the game is no longer in suspense.

If before the first quarter of G5, the Magic still had the last sliver of luck, then after Ruan Erniu's ruthless devastation in G5, no Magic player will have any expectations for tonight's game.

Ruan Erniu in a burst state is too scary. When his mobility and scoring desire are fully mobilized, it is already difficult for him to arrange Sparks to defend him.

Fans always have a misunderstanding, always thinking that the taller the better.

That's right, only height cannot be cultivated, and skills can often be developed, but in fact, once a dislocation occurs, short players can often play with tall players in various ways.

Er Niu can attack Sparks in various ways on the defensive end, but on the offensive end, Sparks have completely become the target of Er Niu, and there is no reason for all kinds of face-to-face shots.

The game in the second quarter was in a state of confusion. Woodson put Ruan Erniu back on the court in the middle of the second quarter. Erniu who had just entered the field immediately entered a state of attack like a hungry tiger.

Assault, low post, dunks...

Although not as brilliant as they did in the first quarter, Erniu's offensive firepower is still tremblingly strong.

At 42:68, the Magic in the away game were still barely resisting, but the huge score gap still made the game look no suspense at all.

Probably the only suspense among the laughing audience was that Ruan Erniu was able to break his own record of scoring 64 points in a single game in the playoffs. The first or second place in the score in a single game in the playoffs.

Ruan Erniu, who scored 50 points in the half, does have this possibility. As long as he scores more than 14 points in the second half, he will create a new record.

(End of this chapter)

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