Standing pretty old

Chapter 778 After 1 year, the opponent is still the same

Chapter 778 After a year, the opponent is still the same
Ruan Erniu was the last player to return to the locker room, because he was going to be interviewed by the famous TNT reporter Craig Sager in the midfield.

"Kraft, what makes you score 38 points in a single quarter and score 50 points in the half? You know, if you repeat in the second half what you did in the first half, you will become the best in the season. The man who scored 100 points in the playoffs." Sager said to Er Niu.

"Thank you for the compliment, Craig, but I still have to say that your suit has too many glitter scales, too fancy, I still prefer your dress in the 08 Imperial Olympics, at least it is not so dazzling Ruan Erniu didn't answer Sager's question immediately, but made fun of Lao Barou's patterned suit as usual.

Immediately afterwards, Er Niu smiled and said: "I was also surprised by my performance in the first quarter, I should have broken the record.

Anyway, that’s the kind of person I am. When I feel good, I keep shooting. However, what I should be most grateful for is that my teammates keep passing the ball to me. This is the prerequisite for all my scoring records. "

"Will you end the Eastern Conference Finals in G5? Who do you think the Hawks will face in the Finals, the Lakers or the Suns?" Sager asked again.

"Of course! I can't think of any reason to play G6, but we still need to stay focused and play well in the second half of the game. I believe that as long as we don't make mistakes, there is no way for the Magic to reverse the game.

As for the opponent in the finals, I think this is not something we can decide.

To be honest, from my personal point of view, I still want to play against the Suns in the finals, because we have not played in the finals yet.

But judging from the current situation, the advantage of the Lakers is still more obvious.

We defeated the Lakers in the finals in the 07-08 season. This is the first time in my career to win the championship trophy. This is a good memory. If I can relive all this, I will be happy! "

After Er Niu finished answering the questions, he walked quickly to the locker room.

And the scene scene quickly turned to the commentary seat of TNT.

Reggie Miller, Charles Barkley and Kevin Harlan are in charge of this all-meter live broadcast tonight.

Barkley took the lead and said: "Well, I just discovered that I was squeezed from the second place to the third place in the score list in a single quarter of the playoffs!"

Kevin Harlan laughed: "Let me explain to the audience:
The scoring record in a single quarter of the playoffs, the former No. 29 Slippy Floyd scored [-] points in a single quarter, and he explained it to everyone after the first quarter.

But the former second place and now the third place record is sitting on my left-yes, Mr. Charles Barkley, in the first round of the playoffs in G1994 in 3, he also scored 27 points in the first quarter, And finally led the Suns to defeat the Warriors. "

Reggie Miller also said: "I have another note here. It is said that you scored easily while yelling at the then Warriors coach Don Nelson. Charles, what do you think of this?"

Barkley said solemnly: "You know, the team coached by Nelson has no defense at all, so I don't have much impression of this 27 points.

I think Kraft Nguyen's current thoughts are similar. He didn't receive Howard at all in the first quarter, even a little bit of defensive pressure. "

Kevin Harlan asked: "So you think Dwight is not only unthreatening on the offensive end, but also overrated on the defensive end?"

Barkley shook his head and said: "No, I just want to say that Howard picked the wrong opponent, Kraft is not an ordinary center, and putting them together is the biggest injustice to Howard.

So we still pray to God, don't let the Chinese continue to abuse Dwight in the second half. "

Obviously, everyone is not optimistic that Sparks can take care of the two bullies, but the public opinion that the No. [-] center in the United States was beaten up by the Chinese people has indeed made many famous insiders in the United States mourn their misfortune and anger them.

Again, basketball is a sport that ebbs and flows.

The energy to fight against players on both sides is limited. If Sparks can't cause enough troubles for Ruan Erniu on the offensive end, then the Chinese will naturally invest all kinds of energy on the offensive end and play tricks on their opponents.

As long as O'Neal is younger, or if Barkley can regain his youth off the court, the Celestials will not be allowed to be so presumptuous on the offensive end.

In the final analysis, without the restraint of the offensive end, it is a false proposition to rely entirely on personal defense to deal with players of Ruan Erniu's level.

Stan Van Gundy was lucky enough to get a victory in G4, but this does not mean that Sparks alone will be able to handle the two bulls.

The Magic have never overwhelmed the Hawks strategically, because they have never successfully limited Ruan Erniu.

The second half of the game officially started amid the cheers of the home fans.

On the offensive end of the Magic, JJ* Redick used the cover of Sparks and Lewis to run back from the flank. After receiving the pass from Torimori, he immediately chose to pull out.


A crisp three-pointer.

After midfield adjustments, the Magic also regained their fighting spirit. They now have to fight for their dignity. Every point they recover is a bargaining chip for them to come back to life.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Salmons missed a long shot. Sparks protected the backcourt rebound. Torimori slowly held the ball across the half court. Obviously, the movement speed of Sparks is not slow, but the stubborn Stan Van Gundy just didn’t think about speeding up the game. Rhythm, play a dozen offensive and defensive transitions that are gradually becoming popular.

For the magic ball, JJ* Redick did the same. After a bottom line counterrun, he made another attempt against Jon Jonsen's defense.



The Magic chased 6 points in a row, but the difference between the two teams was still 20 points.

Dragic controlled the ball for halftime, Jon Jonson took over the basketball, Er Niu took the initiative to step up to cover, Jon Jonsen took the opportunity to throw away Redick and go straight to the basket.

The Sparks didn't lose their defensive position, but Jon Jisen didn't mean to force a shot.


Jiong Jisen, who entered the penalty area, looked back at the moon and returned the ball to Ruan Erniu, who was in the high position.

How could Redick's height pose a threat to Er Niu, Ruan Er Niu leaned back slightly and shot with straight arms.


A steady two-point hit.

Although the Magic played passionately, the Atlanta people, who held a huge lead, saw every trick and took the fruits of victory in their pockets in a leisurely manner.

The eager Orlando people really made a mistake again. In other words, as long as Jameer Nelson continues to be the point guard of the Magic, his recklessness after getting hotheaded should be counted within the error range of the Magic itself.

Seeing that it was difficult to recover the score, and it was still difficult for Huo Hua to break through Er Niu's defense, Torimi naturally chose to go it alone.

"Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!"

Torimi made 6 of 2 shots in a single quarter and successfully went undercover, completely ruining the Magic's last chance to chase points.

At 61:91, the Hawks actually played quite averagely in the third quarter, but the performance of the Magic was even more disappointing.

Ruan Erniu scored another 10 points in a single quarter and is still the best player on the court.

But the problem came again. He scored 60 points, 20 rebounds and 3 assists in three quarters, only 64 points away from his record of 4 points in a single game.But judging from the game situation, if there is no accident, the Hawks obviously don't need to continue to send the main players to play in the final quarter.

During the intermission, Woodson asked Er Niu for his opinion: "Break your own record?"

With the finals in sight, Ruan Erniu was also in a good mood, and immediately said: "Just give me one minute!"

The leader had spoken, and the generals of the Eagles naturally had no objections.

Unknowingly, what Ruan Erniu said inside the Eagles has become a symbol of truth.

After all, this guy can break all the rules from time to time, and the performance of blowing up the opponent with one person's power is too terrifying.

Such a person is not so much his teammate as a legend that happened around him.

For people with religious beliefs, existences like Ruan Erniu can almost be equated with miracles, so many of Erniu's teammates love the Eagle King, but also have a sense of awe for Erniu .

The game started soon in the final quarter, and Er Niu's first appearance immediately aroused huge cheers in the center of Philips Arena!




Although this scene has been repeated in the last three seasons, no matter how many times it happens again, it will still make people's blood boil instantly.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu held the ball in a low post and was immediately surrounded by three players including Gortat, Matt Barnes, and Pietrus.

Er Niu did not force a shot, but distributed the ball to the unguarded Crawford. If it was normal, Ke 6 would directly shoot a jump shot regardless of whether there was a defender in front of him, but this time, the J-crossover clearly There is no one in front of him, so he just doesn't shoot directly.

Ruan Erniu didn't get a chance to make a move in the low post, and immediately walked along the baseline, but Barnes was still following him, and Gortat continued to defend behind him, and only Pietrus returned to his defensive position .

That's enough!
Er Niu started instantly, and with a reverse run, he threw off the defense of Barnes and Gortat. Ruan Er Niu rushed directly to the position beyond the three-point line, and Crawford's pass was also delivered quite accurately.

Facing the supplementary defense of Barnes and Jason Williams, Er Niu immediately made a move.


Hard work!
But it doesn't matter, Birdman got the offensive rebound on the side of the basket, and Ruan Erniu ran directly to the bottom corner of the three-point line. This is the most suitable position to catch the ball, but it is not the shooting point that Erniu is used to. .

Birdman passed the ball with one hand, and Barnes' defense followed suit, but Erniu still did not waver, and once again pulled out without hesitation.


63 points!
As long as one more goal is scored, Ruan Erniu is about to create a new history.

On the offensive end of the Magic, the old White Chocolate made an innocuous three-pointer against the White Devil.

The Hawks had the ball, and Bibby calmly controlled the ball across the half. Facing his old opponent, White Chocolate, he didn't choose to rush, but used his butt to clear the way from a high position, step by step to a deeper position.


Bibby suddenly sent a covert ground pass. After the basketball collided with the floor, it flew directly to the middle. It was still Kraft Nguyen.

After Ruan Erniu and Birdman crossed positions, they came out from the other side and received Bibby's NOLOOKPASS while running without the ball.

Er Niu jumped high as soon as he received the ball. He wanted to attack the basket directly, and Marcin Gortat also jumped up. He didn't want to give the Chinese a chance to dunk.

Ruan Erniu in the air folded and dodged lightly, and flew past the Polish Hammer's defense in an instant. When Ruan Erniu opened his body again, there was no obstacle between him and the basket.

Wipe the board for two points!

The 65th point in a single game!

The fans at the scene fell into a carnival, and it won't be long before they will witness the Hawks reaching the NBA Finals for the third consecutive year.

Before that, they had already witnessed the miracle of Ruan Erniu dominating the first and second scoring list in the playoffs at the same time.

Mike Woodson simply asked for a luxurious long timeout, and Ruan Erniu, who has just completed another milestone in his career, can now enjoy his glorious moment to the fullest.

An extremely interesting scene occurred at the scene.

The generals of the Eagles gathered together to explain the tactics in a fake way, while Ruan Erniu was alone, standing in front of the technical stage with open arms, enjoying the cheers and praise from all the fans!

Charles Barkley said: "Now that it's time to turn off the TV, you can turn off the TV, or fans who are interested in the Eastern Conference awards ceremony can turn on the TV again after 15-20 minutes, well, can we go to have a meal first?" ?”

Kevin Harlan stopped with the famous 2K commentary voice: "No, Charles, you still have to stick to your post, this is basic professional ethics, just like Kraft continued to play in the fourth quarter and broke his season The single-game scoring record in the playoffs is the same."

Reggie Miller asked back: "Kevin, are you mocking Kraft Nguyen for using data?"

Kevin Harlan immediately retorted: "No, I'm just stating the facts, what I want to say is that Kraft Nguyen's performance is very 'professional'."

Charles debunked without hesitation: "Come on! Kevin, your explanation is disgusting. The only reason you say that is that you still want to walk out of the Philips Center alive!"

Having said that, the three of them laughed together.

That's right, it's not a wise choice to speak ill of Kraft Nguyen at the Philips Center, or in the entire city of Atlanta.

Ruan Erniu, who fulfilled his 1-minute promise, quietly sat back on the player bench.In less than 10 minutes, he can celebrate the victory with his teammates!

The Atlanta Hawks have advanced to the finals for three consecutive years, broke the best record in history for two consecutive years in the regular season, and are the holder of the longest winning streak in the opening season and the longest winning streak. The Atlanta Hawks are such a proud face.

Since having Ruan Erniu, playing has become very easy!
The final quarter of the game time was running out rapidly, Howard and other magic main players returned to the court, vowing to fight to the death, but the Hawks' substitutes alone were enough to resist their counterattack.

When Sun Yue, who came off the bench, scored consecutively and helped the Eagles stabilize the situation, G5 of the Eastern Conference Finals finally came to an end.

84:110, the Hawks defeated Orlando with a total score of 4:1. They will win the Eastern Conference trophy and advance to the finals.

Ruan Erniu, who scored 65 points in this game, still hugged and communicated with the Magic players in a friendly manner after the game.

For Orlando, losing to Atlanta for two consecutive seasons made them really lose nothing to say.

Ruan Erniu said while hugging Huo Hua: "Dwight, thank you for having you, you make all this meaningful!"

This in itself is a cliché, which is applicable to any winner and loser, but when Er Niu, who has finished sparking, said it to Spark himself, it seems particularly heart-wrenching.

Huo Huo congratulated Er Niu faintly, then turned and left, the stage belongs to the winner.

When facing Vince Carter, Er Niu also expressed his admiration. After all, Er Niu had seen a lot of UFO dunk highlights when he first came to the United States.

Speaking of which, this is the closest VC has come to the championship. However, in this round of the series, Carter is indeed responsible for the team's loss. If he can perform at 70% of the level of the previous round, it is impossible for the Hawks to nearly sweep Way to beat the Orlando Magic.

Throughout the entire series, Sparks and Carter were firmly suppressed by the Eagles, which was the most critical reason for Orlando's brittle defeat.

David Stern also came to the scene tonight. After a guest speech, Mr. Chairman announced: "In the 09-10 season, the champion of the Eastern Conference in the NBA playoffs is the Atlanta Hawks!"

The ball-shaped trophy representing the division championship was handed over by Stern to Ruan Erniu, who had just broken the historical single-game and single-quarter playoff scoring record.

Er Niu raised the trophy high, and the Atlanta Hawks completed the three consecutive championships in the Eastern Conference. As long as they win four more games, they will officially establish their dynasty!
The East has decided the winner, but the West, which started the game first, still has no final winner.


In the G5 of the Western Conference that started earlier, the Lakers and the Suns fought in the battle of Tianwangshan, and the two sides continued to fight until the last moment of the game.

With 2.5 seconds left in the game, the score was 101:101, and Kobe chose to make a dry shot from outside the three-point line.

Strike it!

But Ron Artest, who joined the Lakers this season, grabbed an offensive rebound and made a mid-range shot with 0.9 seconds left.


In this game, Artest's shooting was really bad, and he only made 9 of 2 shots, but the value of the last shot surpassed everything.

Think about the goal of the Chinese men's basketball team in 06 that defeated the Slovenian men's basketball team. Wang Shipeng only scored that one three-pointer, but that three-pointer was enough to make Dapeng forever remembered in the history of the men's basketball team.

Artest became a hero for the Lakers, and he deserved that title. Despite his declining speed and competitive state, Artest did give the Lakers the defensive intensity they needed.

In any era, even if you are an aristocrat with a glorious historical heritage, as long as you want to win the championship, someone always needs to stand up and do the dirty work.

3:2, the Lakers won the battle of Tianwangshan, and thus got the series match point.

G6 returned to Phoenix again, but the Suns no longer had the momentum to fight the Lakers. Except for the stalemate in the first quarter, the Lakers took the absolute initiative in the remaining three quarters, and the Suns did not have a chance to overtake the score.

4:2, the Lakers once again won the Western Conference championship trophy after a year, and when they entered the finals after a year, the Zijin nobles suddenly discovered that their opponent was still the Atlanta Hawks.

(End of this chapter)

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