Standing pretty old

Chapter 780 Consecutive 2 cities, the alliance makes a move

Chapter 780 Two cities in a row, the alliance makes a move

Talking nonsense must be the patent of Yang Yimen.

What's more, things in this world are originally complicated, and there is nothing absolutely correct.

The difference is that Mr. Yang from Tianchao is obviously making up a story, but he has to put on an attitude that I am all insider here, and you have to believe in a professional attitude.

But American Yang Yi is much cuter in this respect.


A few years later, Stephen A. Smith predicted: "If Durant leaves the Thunder, Los Angeles will be the first choice."

Then Durant publicly responded: "This person's source of information is not accurate, and I should ask me about my affairs."

As a senior and well-known ESPN reporter, Stephen A. Smith quickly responded to KD's doubts on Twitter, saying: "Don't understand the rules of sports reporting!"

Did you see it?

Labor and management are blatantly telling nonsense, but this is a job requirement, labor and management just want to attract attention, even if you are a superstar, don't beep if you have nothing to do.

And then what Durant did, everybody saw it, Stephen A* Smith got the beginning, didn't get the end...

Looking back to the finals G1 scene, Doris Burke has been interviewing Ruan Erniu in the middle of the finals as an ESPN reporter for the third consecutive year. The American mature woman has almost witnessed the evolution of Ruan Erniu from a super rookie step by step. It became active No. 1.

"Kraft, you were not the most dazzling player on the field in the first half. Is this a tactical arrangement, or is it a choice you made on the field?" Burke asked holding the microphone.

"This was arranged before the game! Mike (Woodson) told us that the game is not a matter of one person. Golan did a great job. He successfully transformed into a Super Saiyan tonight!" Ruan Erniu replied.

"Okay, will you take more shots offensively in the second half?" Doris Burke asked again.

Ruan Erniu said confidently: "This is necessary. As a leader, I must stand up and take responsibility. I think Kobe Bryant must think so too."

The intermission ended quickly, and the starting lineups of both sides returned to the field again.

The Eagles had the ball, and Ruan Erniu caught the basketball with a 16-foot back from the flank. Anzhu was very close, but it was not enough to cause Erniu too much trouble.

Ruan Erniu immediately turned around halfway, turned from his back to face the basket, and a large tentative step forced An Zhu to take a big step back, which was the distance of this big step, giving Er Niu the opportunity to pull out his hand directly. Chance.


Accurate straight-arm mid-range shots, Anzhu's defense is not inactive, but his defensive skills are too rough in front of Er Niu.

Er Niu started his own offensive performance, and the black mamba naturally showed his fangs.

On the offensive end of the Lakers, Kobe held the ball on the wing, faced Salmons' defense and made an accelerated cut, then leaped 19 feet high, and his back was picturesque.


Also hit!

This is considered to be soaring!
On the offensive end of the Eagles, Er Niu faced the basket again to hold the ball in the same position. After a fake shot, An Zhu was directly tricked, and Er Niu took advantage of the opportunity to go inside and scored 2 points with a one-handed dunk.

Gasol's supplementary defense was a step slower, and the eclipse's containment contributed a lot.

On the offensive end of the Lakers, Kobe went straight to the bottom line. Even though Salmons and Dragic were chasing and blocking him, he still made difficult shots.



After the start of the third quarter, the Bulls and Mamba directly took over the game. In the second half, it was time to really test the abilities of the superstars.

"Strong shot! It's beautiful! Er Niu beat Bynum without any temper. This is the embodiment of ability."

"Kobe! Made it again! It's amazing! That is to say, Kobe dared to make such a shot, and he really made it!"

The Tianchao audience felt that Zhang Lili was about to split up. As the number one Kemi of the Tianchao, in this kind of game that does not involve the national system, on the one hand, he had to cheer for the two bulls, and on the other hand, he had to cheer for his favorite players .

To be honest, after halftime, he might be even more nervous than Er Niu and Kobe.

How Director Zhang evaluates the game is not important, who will become the team's second scoring point when the leaders of the two sides have not yet decided the winner.

The Lakers are naturally Paul Gasol. After the first half, Gasol has completely given up on the direct lob to An Zhu.

Ruan Erniu's defense against Bynum was too targeted, forcing the Spaniard to solve the problem only by direct attack.

Gasol's toughness in the finals this season has also surpassed many people's imagination. If it was in the 07-08 season, you can't imagine that Gasol would attack the basket like a brutal insider and make a second dunk. .

And tonight, Gasol has more than once completed such an action on the head of the eclipse. Even if some balls were not scored directly, he was still able to win free throws.

This fighting attitude is enough to explain the problem!

It’s been the third season since Jiasao switched to the Lakers, Kobe is no longer young, the Thunder is rising, the Spurs are getting old and getting stronger, the Mavericks are always haunted, the Suns are still sharp, the Rockets, the Texas cockroach It is possible to jump out and cause trouble from time to time.

For the Lakers, being able to go all the way from the West to the Finals twice in three years is an opportunity they must seize.

Baylor's history is always in front of the eyes of Los Angeles people. For the Los Angeles Lakers, the most important thing they lack is the overall runner-up.

Jiasao showed her manly side, but for the Hawks, Jon Jonson's performance in G1 was not outstanding enough.

It should be said that Phil Jackson arranged for Ron Artest to defend Jon Jonson quite successfully.

Jon Jonson didn't force his shot even when he was being strictly defended, but handed the ball to a more suitable position. The claw machine is indeed a good choice, but Salmons' performance cannot be ignored.

Kobe's defensive rounds were shot by various judges with his feet. His defensive level has declined seriously, and he is no longer the black mamba who can show value on both offense and defense.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Salmon either got an assist in the open and hit a shot, or simply broke through Kobe with the ball and directly attacked the basket to cause damage.

At 30:30, the two teams tied in the third quarter, but this is obviously not good news for the Lakers.

At the end of the three quarters, at 80:95, the Los Angeles people are still 15 points behind the home team, which has almost become an insurmountable point difference for the Lakers.

The game started quickly in the final quarter, and Crawford, who had played so-so in the first three quarters, suddenly ushered in a touch in the last quarter.

He hit two three-pointers in a row, and then drove to the basket with the ball. Facing Luke Wharton's defense, he scored 2+1. In just 2 minutes, he led the Hawks to a wave. 12:4.

The score of the Atlanta people expanded to 20+ in an instant, and the game entered garbage time ahead of schedule.

However, Phil Jackson did not give up the game easily.

The finals are no more than the playoffs. There is a three-day rest period between G1 and G2, which allows the Lakers to get enough rest, so physical fitness has never been a problem.

In the rest of the game, it is the most important thing for the players to find the feeling of the game.

The unwilling Lakers set off a wave of crazy counterattacks in the middle and late stages of the final quarter.

Kobe reproduced the true colors of the killer and hit difficult shots many times.Jiasao also played extremely tough and resolute in the face of the lunar eclipse.

The Lakers double star once chased the score to about 10 points.

Jiong Jisen hit a three-pointer to stop the bleeding at a critical moment, and the subsequent game completely entered the dominance of Er Niu.

In the last 5 and a half minutes, the Celestials scored 14 points alone, securing the victory of the game in one fell swoop.

109:131, the Atlanta people took the lead and won G1 with an absolute advantage.

Ruan Erniu scored 41 points, 21 rebounds, and 6 assists. He was the best player on the court.

Kobe also scored 33 points, 7 rebounds, and 4 assists tonight, but his shooting percentage was only 40%, and he made 7 of 1 three-pointers.

If you have to find a scapegoat for this game, the scapegoat who is inaccurate on the outside may be to blame.

Of course, after the Lakers fell behind by a big score, it is an undeniable fact that Kobe was forced to make continuous shots from the outside.

Salmons, who scored 13 points, 3 rebounds, and 5 assists efficiently, is a real unsung hero. He not only successfully reduced Kobe's efficiency on the defensive end, but also made good gains on the offensive end.

Throughout the audience, Salmons entangled Kobe, Artest partially restricted Jon Jonson, Jia Sao's performance was better than the lunar eclipse, and Dragic completely blasted Derek Fisher alone. As for Ruan Erniu, he continued to teach Anzhu how to be a man.

Anzhu made 8 of 2 shots, 2 of 0 free throws, and scored 4 points. Relying on the skyhook technique he learned from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, he hit two hooks away from the basket.

As for the substitute, Crawford alone can basically offset the performance of most of the Lakers' substitutes.

This shows how obvious the Hawks' overall advantage in G1 is.

On the surface, two bulls and one man killed the Quartet. In fact, the Eagles maintained a strategic suppression of the Lakers from beginning to end.

1:0, the Atlanta Hawks temporarily lead the Los Angeles Lakers.

In the press conference after the game, Phil Jackson did not criticize Kobe's wild shots in the second half of the game, but focused on Dragic's assault on Fisher.

In KFC's view, the explosion of Dragon Ball broke the strategic balance between the two sides.

Woodson also later agreed with Phil Jackson, but Egghead emphasized that the Eagles won as a whole!
In some respects, the Lakers' scoring distribution per game is very similar to that of the Hawks, both of which are the big masters + second masters are almost equal to half the team's points.

Relatively speaking, the Lakers pay more attention to the performance of the giants in the team than the Hawks, because according to the playoff data, Kobe + Gasol accounted for more than 49% of the Lakers' team points, while Ruan Erniu + Joe Johnson scored more than 46%. Only accounted for [-]% of the Eagles team.

Obviously Er Niu+囧囧sen's average score is about 7 points more than Mamba+Jiasao, but the percentage of points scored by the Eagles duo is actually lower than that of the Lakers duo. The overall offensive talent gap between the two teams is really obvious.

Personally, in the past, people always boasted that Kobe's scoring ability was unparalleled in the world, but against a historical scorer like Ruan Erniu, Kobe instantly became eclipsed.

More and more fans of Tianchao said that Er Niu's scoring ability is better than Kobe's, but the so-called "Comits" expressed dissatisfaction.

So the record comparison was listed one by one on the Internet.

The number of scoring champions in the season, Kobe has only two in 14 seasons, Er Niu has won two in only three seasons, the efficiency is high, and it is clear at a glance.

In the regular season, they scored 40 points in a row, and Kobe's highest record was 9 consecutive games, but Ruan Erniu scored 34 points in 11 consecutive games in the 40-game winning streak, and Er Niu won another game.

Consecutive 50+ in the regular season, Kobe’s highest record is 4 consecutive games, but Ruan Erniu is still superior, has won 5 consecutive 50+ games, and only lost to the non-human Chamberlain in NBA history. Compared with Kobe, Erniu Still a winner.

In terms of routine 60+ times, Kobe has won a total of 5 times so far, but Ruan Erniu, who has only played for three seasons, has also won 5 times. Compared with efficiency, Erniu still has the advantage.

The only thing Kobe can be proud of now is that he scored 81 points in the regular season. In this regard, the highest score in a single game by Er Niu is 72 points.

Ke Mi, who had been suppressed for a long time, finally jumped up wildly, "That's right, the boss is so awesome, no one can compare with Corvo!"

However, what is Kobe's single-game scoring data in the playoffs that most embodies the value of a superstar?

50 points!
Hehe, Er Niu just refreshed his own data in the Eastern Conference Finals. He is currently occupying the first and second scoring data in the playoffs with 65 points and 64 points. Even Michael Jordan, who scored 63 points in overtime Only in third place.

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, Kobe is the best!"

"81 points is the strongest, how can Ruan Erniu compare to the boss?"

"Some people won two championships and don't know the heights of heaven and earth. Kobe has three championship rings."

"Ruan Erniu's game is so ugly, he either relies on his body to back up, or breaks through and dunks like a bulldozer, or always straightens his arms. There is no beauty at all. I really don't understand why Americans like this way of playing. Turn should kick the Earth Bulls out of the NBA."

"Do you know what it looks like in Los Angeles at four o'clock in the morning? Kobe Bryant is the hardest working, greatest player on the planet!"


It's hard to imagine that Brainless Komi is really a basketball fan. Maybe they are just a group of unsatisfactory people in reality, and then randomly found an NBA star as their idol, and then sprayed for the sake of spraying, so as to find their own sense of superiority.

After Kobe retires, maybe they will quickly find a new target and continue to enjoy the fun of spraying people.

Perhaps one day, there will be a large number of so-called "Comits" around Erniu. In fact, these people don't care who they are. They may not even watch basketball, and directly rely on imagination to prove their correctness and others' ignorance. .

If Kobe retires one day, they might say a word of thanks to Barcelona star-Kobe Bryant for bringing us happiness in the past ten years!

The fact is that in a certain video, Kobe didn't even shoot into the gate guarded by Vanessa.

As long as the earth doesn't explode, these pseudo-fans known as "X Secret" will use various methods to find a sense of presence on the Internet. Their brains are actually redundant, because they can only do one thing - to fight different parties. !
Real fans should never try to convince fake fans, because real fans are really watching the game, while fake fans always rely on fantasy to analyze strengths and weaknesses.

Ruan Erniu probably didn't expect that the Eagles just played normally and won G1, but once again caused a dispute on the basketball forum in China. 60 billion is really too scary!

Fortunately, the United States did not receive any disturbance from China. Three days passed in a flash, and G2 of the finals started soon.

The direction of this game basically continued in G1. The Lakers played tough, but Kobe was still helpless by Salmons' defense.

Going inside, the Eagles' zone defense left Kobe with absolutely no room to shoot, but outside the three-point line, Kobe really didn't get too many good shots in front of Salmon.


If Gasol and Odom hadn't both exploded, maybe the game would have been spent before the fourth quarter.

Of course, Bryant wasn't alone in his poor play, and when Ron Artest went 10-of-1 from the field, it was no surprise that the game fell to the Atlanta Hawks again.

2:0, the Eagles took advantage of the victory to pursue another victory.

After G2, Phil Jackson finally criticized the current situation of the Lakers mercilessly. KFC said: "Some people can't forget the teammates around them. If your position is not good, you should give the ball to a player with a better position." There."

Kobe has said time and time again in front of the media that he will pass the ball to his teammates, but when it comes to a critical moment, he still prefers to solve the battle by himself, even if his shot selection is extremely bad.

Again, the other side of paranoia is the second disease, which is incurable.

After playing G2, the Eagles and Lakers moved to Los Angeles to continue the competition for G3, G4 and even G5.

The format of the NBA Finals is still 2-3-2 at this time, that is to say, if the Hawks lose any game in G3 or G4, they will play three consecutive away games in Los Angeles.

To some extent, this is actually unfair to teams with better records, but the league has not yet thought of reforming the finals.

However, for the Eagles, the biggest injustice they encountered was not the arrangement on the schedule.

When the Atlanta people arrived in Los Angeles, they heard the worst news of the 09-10 season. The referee in G3 of the finals was none other than the famous bald referee-Joseph Joy Crawford, referred to as Joe* Crawford.

Many years later, on a certain website forum, there was such a comment about Joe Crawford's peak strength: "He is definitely the referee in the finals, just like Wei Ping's commentator in the finals of the court stage!"

The league doesn’t want the finals to end like this. Although Atlanta’s uniform team protested privately to the league for the first time, the NBA executives are still indifferent. They hope that the finals will become more exciting, rather than Atlanta unilaterally slamming the Los Angeles Lakers .

The 23VS24 plan has long been abolished, but Ruan Erniu, a man from the Celestial Dynasty, wants to step on the shoulders of countless American superstars and become the founder of the Eagle Dynasty, but it is by no means such an easy task.

For the Hawks, they not only have to defeat the Lakers in G3, but also have to withstand the joint attack of CP3 (here is not Chris Paul, but the acronym for referee 3) headed by Joe Crawford .

The championship is not that simple, the Hawks must prepare for the worst in G3.

(End of this chapter)

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