Chapter 781

Joe Crawford, the big bald head, I believe many fans have an impression of him.

Of course, most of this impression stems from Tim Duncan being ejected from the bench for a honey smile.

However, few people may know that Joe Crawford was also suspended indefinitely by the league because of this incident (the ban will definitely be lifted).

Joseph Joy Crawford, who carries No. 17, was born in a family of referees. His father and brother are also referees, but they enforce MLB (American Professional Baseball). In addition, please keep in mind that when you were young Crawford has hair.

Yes, this must be emphasized, because according to the famous law, "I am bald, and I am strong!"

It is not without reason that Crawford has become the most famous referee in the NBA. In addition to his qualifications, his natural desire for performance cannot be ignored.

In terms of playing T, Crawford is definitely the legendary pioneer. According to some uncertain news, it was Crawford who invented the technical offense for both players and coaches at the same time.

What do senior fans in the United States think of Crawford?
Let's take a look at a topic page on FACEBOOK, the name is Joe Crawford is the next Tim Donaghy.

Who is Donaghy?
That's right, the guy who had nothing to say about Yao's foul, ruined the Rockets' promotion hopes, was sentenced to prison for gambling, and then wrote the famous referee in prison who wrote "the history of blood and tears behind bars in the NBA".

Given the immutable truth that "in the dark world of capitalism no one is clean," let's take it for granted that what Donaghy says is true.

Donaghy and Crawford have a good personal relationship, and they even went to the same high school alumni!
Donaghy privately called Crawford "Mr. Ice Bucket" because once before law enforcement, Crawford drank too much, and then he did a weird thing-pissed in the ice bucket of the hotel inside!
On Yahoo Answers there was this question: "Who's better, Donaghy or Joe Crawford?"

The netizen replied: "Donaghy, at least he is younger."

The implication is that young people will always make mistakes, but it is your fault that you are still so indifferent after a lot of age and come out to scare people. (Hey, Donaghy is a real criminal who has been in prison. Crawford is worse than him?)
Once Joe Crawford blew the old Nelson's technical offender, the old Nelson simply folded his arms and stared at Crawford silently.

This wasn't enough, the mad scientist simply called a timeout, didn't say anything to the players, just stared at Crawford.

Of course, according to the practice of the celestial dynasty, if you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening!

As long as Joe Crawford rehabilitates, we can still forgive the bald head with magnanimity. Since Tim Duncan was sentenced to expulsion, Crawford also apologized in front of the media and finally reconciled with Duncan reconciliation.

Later, he once said: "I was very arrogant at the time, and I kept reminding myself 'you should have less personality'. Duncan's incident made me realize my mistake, and the last ten years of my career were worse than the first 29 years. Excellent year of work."

Well, this is Crawford's own evaluation, but two players expressed dissatisfaction, they are Kevin Durant and Mirotic.

Because Crawford invented new tricks in the last two years of his career, he even took the initiative to intercept players' normal free throws.

Durant was caught empty-handed by Joe Crawford and was directly taken away from the free throw line. Mirotic was even worse. He became the first player in NBA history to be blocked by a referee at the free throw line. cover player.

At that time, Crawford rushed like a madman, jumped in front of Mirotic, and cut away the basketball.

Durant was as helpless as a migrant worker who was owed wages, and Mirotic even spread his hands and said that he hadn't done anything. Maybe he was afraid that Joe Crawford would have a sudden mental attack and he would just pull out a gun Get rid of him.

Joe Crawford's behavior is completely speechless, which can only prove that he is also a unique existence in the refereeing world on the road of showing off and stealing the spotlight.

As the inventor of the use of referee technology, the existence of Joe Crawford is really frightening, so why did Stern put such controversial guys down in key battles?
First of all, it is almost certain to favor the Lakers. No one will have trouble with money. As long as the ratings are guaranteed, the NBA hopes that every round of the series can be a tiebreaker.

But on the other hand, villains like Joe Crawford have to exist.

You must know that the annual salary of NBA referees is only 15 to [-] US dollars. As law enforcers, they whistle and punish people whose annual salary is [-] times or even [-] times their annual salary. Not only that, their social status is also very high. In terms of human aura, when a referee encounters a star player, he will definitely lose for a while.

At this time, as the chairman of Stern, what kind of person would he like to use?
Is it only Nuo Nuo who consciously sees people as short?
Or a person who is born violent and treats everyone as a grandson?
From the point of view of overkill, it is better to use the latter to calm the situation!


On the Eagles charter flight from Atlanta to Los Angeles.

"We won't all be ejected?" Zaza Pachulia asked worriedly.

Lunar Eclipse laughed and said: "It's possible, but it doesn't matter. As long as there is such a game, we can solemnly protest to the league and prevent Crawford from being the referee for the next game. We are leading 2:0 now. There's nothing to worry about."

Ruan Erniu said seriously: "Don't pin your hopes on the referee, J-Smoove, what if the referee replaced by the league is worse than Joe Crawford?"

Jon Jonson also continued: "We won the game by ourselves, and we should do well in every offensive round."

The generals of the Eagles put down their ideological burden on the surface, but this thorn still stuck in their hearts.

On June 2010, 6 local time in the United States, the Eagles arrived at the Staples Center. They will have a G8 battle with the Lakers tonight.

Erniu's high school friend Carlos Rodriguez got the tickets from somewhere, and brought two good friends, Matthew Gable and Gray Pike, to the stadium.

"How did you get the ticket?" Er Niu looked at the high school captain in surprise in the safe passage. To be honest, he was ready to call Ouyang Haotian a second ago to ask him to figure out a way.

"That's because I'm an insider now," Rodriguez explained with a laugh.

To put it simply, I am currently working for an agent in the NBA, and I am also in CAA. My boss is the agent of Wade and Bosh-Henry Thomas. "

"Really? Carlos, I'm so happy for you. Hey! Dude, maybe one day, I'll find you directly as my manager for Mi Fang." Ruan Erniu also said with a smile.

Carlos Rodriguez nodded and said, "Before that, I will prove my worth."


The pre-match ceremony and performances of G3 ended quickly. After both sides warmed up, Joe Crawford walked to the middle circle with the basketball.

The starting lineups of the two sides remained unchanged. Ruan Erniu and Bynum continued to be in charge of the jump ball, and An Zhu took the top spot tonight.

The basketball flew into Gasol's hands. Mrs. Jia passed the ball to Lao Yu. Chairman Yu took possession of the ball and crossed half court. Kobe went up to catch the ball and took the ball from Lao Yu.

In the first two games, John Salmons restricted Kobe's outside shots very well, and Kobe's breakthrough was restrained by the Hawks' zone defense. For Mamba, G3 is when he must make adjustments.


That's right, this is Kobe's adjustment method, don't be afraid, just keep doing it!
When Kobe has the touch, he is invincible in the world. When the blacksmith mode is possessed, Kobe immediately becomes an undercover agent.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Ruan Erniu held the ball in a high position, and Lunar Eclipse and Salmons crossed positions. Dragic took advantage of the situation and advanced forward, cutting to the basket. hands.


Anzhu made up the defense in time, and a big cap slapped the ball directly on the backboard.

The ball bounced into the hands of Artest, and Artest sent the ball to Fisher. The old fish was delayed in the frontcourt, and the Lakers had to settle down to play. Kobe broke through again with the ball and made a 17-foot shot.


Hit again!

Kobe is in good form tonight, and Salmon is somewhat helpless on the defensive end.

It's no wonder that it would be strange if a player like Kobe Bryant could be locked up throughout the series.

It is not surprising that the Lakers have improved on the offensive end.Relatively speaking, the Hawks' performance on the offensive end seems too bad.


The mid-range shot of the eclipse hits the iron.


Salmons made a three-pointer from the flank.


Ruan Erniu hit the iron with a 12-foot throw.


In the first quarter of G3, the Eagles seemed to be under a curse, making all kinds of shots. It can be said that the performance of the whole team was sluggish except for Ji Jisen who performed well.

This situation is just the opposite of G1 and G2, but judging from the scene, the Lakers did not make any special defensive changes.

So was it Joe Crawford's first-quarter bludgeoning that made the Hawks lose focus?
No, judging from the first quarter, Crawford did not make any too controversial penalties, and the direction of the game is completely determined by the players of the two teams.

The Hawks did get into trouble, but that was purely their own fault and nothing off the court.

At 19:28, the Hawks fell behind their opponents in the first quarter for the first time in this round of finals.

Kobe Bryant said in an interview during the quarter: "We will not give up any round, and we will definitely win G3."

In the second quarter of the game, Ruan Erniu was the first to wake up, and he succeeded in single-playing An Zhu in the low position many times.

Bynum is good at carrying people, but he still can't keep up with Er Niu's footsteps. Ruan Er Niu switched between backing up and facing the basket, which made An Zhu flustered on the defensive end, but he hardly failed to create too much for the Celestials. big pressure.

Ruan Erniu ushered in a recovery, but apart from the claw machine, few Eagles recovered their touch.

Jon Jonson was exchanged by Artest again.

Salmons also lost his outstanding performance on both offense and defense in the previous two games.

Lunar Eclipse still plays the role of a mid-range shooter. Tonight, Jiasao made up her mind to prevent breakthroughs and not prevent shots. If she gets stuck in the route, she will not give Lunar Eclipse the chance to cut to the basket.

At 25:22, the Eagles recovered 3 points in the second quarter. At the end of the half, they still trailed their opponents 44:50. This was the lowest half-time score since the start of the finals. In contrast, the Hawks' poor offensive performance is even more disappointing.

During the intermission, Phil Jackson once again uttered his classic saying in an interview with Doris Burke: "Offense wins the game, defense wins the championship!"

On the surface, the Lakers didn't play gorgeously at all, but judging from the effect of the game, the Hawks have fallen to the bottom.

At the beginning of the third quarter, Ruan Erniu scored two consecutive three-pointers from the three-point line and instantly equalized the score. Just when everyone thought the game was about to be reversed, Joe Crawford made a shot!
Er Niu grabbed the defensive rebound and took the ball towards the Lakers half court. Seeing that the Er Niu could not be delayed, Lao Yu stepped sideways and tried to stop the Tianchao Ren, but a shoulder hit was bounced 5 meters away.


When Crawford's whistle sounded, Er Niu subconsciously prepared to serve the sideline, but within half a second, Ruan Er Niu reacted. He was blown to hit someone with the ball, and the ball was in the hands of the Lakers.

This was a very obvious misjudgment, and Ruan Erniu also received his third foul of the field.

After halftime, Mike Woodson almost forgot that the Lakers had "home field advantage", and he chose to continue to trust Ruan Erniu.

As a result, 15 seconds later, Ruan Erniu faced Kobe's breakthrough and was called for a blocking foul after a normal physical contact.

Kobe's screams and movements also have a little bit of performance, but in the final analysis, the Lakers saw the attitude of the league clearly, so they dared to find physical contact to win fouls.

the fourth time!
Woodson roared angrily at the technical stage, and after getting a T, he still had to replace Er Niu.

The Hawks once again fell into a passive position and lacked the number one scoring point. They must look for good opportunities for reversal step by step in the remaining games.

The reversal didn't come, but Joe Crawford's whistle.

Crawford, who had been silent for half the time, seemed to suddenly arouse his desire to perform, walking, blocking, and blowing T. To be honest, when the referee's movements are extremely exaggerated, it is easy to attract attention.

How to become a brilliant judge?

Look at how Xue Jiayan's "Princess Taste" in "God of Cookery" uses exaggerated performances. In the final battle, a group of passer-by chefs are eliminated, and you can roughly understand the exaggeration of Crawford's whistleblowing.

Well, well, it was actually Stephen Zhou and Tang Niu who were ignoring each other passionately at the time, and they just missed a kiss to confirm their love. After all, on the set of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", they cherished each other and couldn't help it!

Whenever the Eagles want to play a transition, Joe Crawford's whistle will sound from time to time.The Hawks' offensive rhythm was unknowingly disrupted, and the Lakers once again took the opportunity to expand their lead.

At 71:89, the Hawks trailed by 18 points in the first three quarters, but what was even more terrible was that Ruan Erniu made 4 fouls, Lunar Eclipse made 4 fouls, Salmons made 4 fouls, and started five. Four of them lost four in three quarters. foul.

Woodson tried to restrain his emotions, and finally smashed the tactical board to the floor.

"Relax, I have no requirements for you in this game, just play whatever you want!"

It's hard to think that Woodson would say such a thing, but for the sake of the game, I'm afraid no one will be optimistic about the Hawks' counterattack game.

In the final quarter of the game, the Eagles lined up Goran Dragic, Mike Bibby, Jamal Crawford, Chris Anderson, and Josh Smith.

For the Lakers, the rotation is normal. In Phil Jackson's view, the game is under control.

On the offensive end of the Hawks, the eclipse beckoned for the ball in the low post, but Dragic did not pass the ball directly, but hit a three-pointer against Jordan Farmar's defense.

The Lakers had the ball and Odom made a mid-range jumper.

Claw Machine quickly holds the ball and advances to the frontcourt. Birdman lifts up to do a pick-and-roll for Dragic. Claw Machine cuts to the basket, facing the defense of Odom and Luke Wharton, and succeeds in a layup.


Still a 2+1!

The Lakers, who were being chased by six points in a row, immediately asked for a timeout. Phil Jackson was flustered. He never thought that the Atlanta native would be able to catch up under such a situation.

In fact, KFC didn't think of it more than that, and the head coach of the Hawks didn't think of it either.

But the egg head reacted quickly enough, and he immediately said to Dragic: "Golan, from now on, play according to your own judgment, no one can stop you."

Anyway, he has given up hope for this game. Since all he gets back is making money, it's better to let the director's claw machine get the greatest autonomy.

No one thought that at the last minute, Slovenia's second-year teenager Goran Dragic would stand up.

Although Dragic's performance in the first two games was very good, people still put him behind the other four All-Stars of the Hawks, even Jamal Crawford and Mike Bibby on the bench. The status in the team must be ranked before the claw machine.

However, Dragic proved with his own actions that he is indeed a well-deserved starter at the Hawks' No. [-] position.

The entire final quarter of G3 completely became a stage for Dragic to perform alone.

Long-range shots, breakthroughs, kills, changes in direction, and control over the team during offensive transitions. Dragic showed the demeanor of a superstar in this quarter, and almost single-handedly pushed the Eagles from the edge of the cliff. After being rescued, he came back and kicked the Lakers down.


39:18, no one would have thought that G3 would end in this way.

When Ruan Erniu grabbed the offensive rebound and scored the decisive goal with his fingers under the double-teaming of Gasol and Bynum, the Hawks finally won G110 of the finals with a one-point advantage 109:3.

3:0, the Eagles won the match point of the finals!

Joe Crawford was probably the worst performer of the night, hibernating for halftime, making his debut in the third quarter, only to be robbed by a sophomore rookie in the final quarter.

 Is Dragic so fierce?Yes, but the real history is not in the finals, but in the second round of the Western Conference G3, the Suns VS Spurs game, he scored 23 points in a single quarter, and became famous in this battle!
  Even the defense of George Hill and Tony Parker can handle it, let alone the defense of Old Fish and Farmer!

(End of this chapter)

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