Standing pretty old

Chapter 784 Dream 9 Draft Decision 1

Chapter 784
The lineup of the American Dream Nine Team:
Center: Tyson Chandler

Power Forward: Kevin Love, Lamar Odom

Small forwards: Kevin Durant, Andre Iguodala, Danny Granger, Rudy Gay
Shooting guards: Chauncey Billups, Eric Gordon
Point Guard: Derrick Rose, Russell Westbrook, Stephen Curry
Head Coach: Mike Krzyzewski

The official establishment of Mengjiu's lineup was already at the end of July. Before that, the US men's basketball team had convened a 7-man roster, but finally slimmed down to the current 21-man roster.

It can be seen from this list that the American men's basketball team has indeed undergone a major change compared with the Dream Eight in 08.

Big names such as Kobe, James, Bosh, and Wade all chose to withdraw from this US men's basketball team.

The reason is nothing more than two points:
[-]. The superstars in the United States don’t look down on the World Championships at all. For them, the O’Brien Cup is the most difficult and challenging trophy;
Second, the free market this summer is turbulent, and no superstar is willing to be distracted at this time.

In this regard, there are actually mixed opinions within the American basketball circle, because after all, Mengba lost to the Tianchao Men's Basketball Team in the 08 Olympics.Superstars don't want to avenge their country, but they have no time to care about others because of their own interests. This kind of behavior should be severely criticized.

However, Americans do rely more on self-consciousness in terms of patriotism. Even though there are constant criticisms, those superstars are still doing what they want to do in their own way.

To sum up the lineup of the Dream Nine team, from the current point of view, it can only be said that there is not enough star flavor.

There are only three All-Stars in total - Durant, Granger, and Billups, but they are all substitutes in the All-Star Game.

However, in a few years, people will find that this old and small Dream Nine team is far less weak than they imagined.


Ningcheng Beilun men's basketball training base.

"Dayao, what do you think?" Ruan Erniu said to Yao Ming, pointing to the latest Mengjiu lineup on his phone.

"Small ball is the trend, but I only see big moves in the summer market." Dayao said.

"If I remember correctly, you are also a player option." Ruan Erniu asked maliciously.

In fact, Erniu's subtext should be, do you want to jump out of the contract and cut your salary to come to Atlanta to hug your thighs.

Of course, this is just Er Niu's casual thinking. Even if Dayao had such a heart, the Eagles would have no salary space.

Yao Ming smiled and said, "I have no plans to leave the Rockets for the time being, what about you? Will you renew your contract with the Eagles in advance in the last year of your rookie contract?"

Ruan Erniu said: "My agent means to let me wait until Joe renews his contract before making a decision. Maybe I will complete the contract renewal in the middle of the season."

Yao Ming said carelessly: "If you think Atlanta is too small, do you want to come to Houston?"

Dayao's recruitment was a bit sudden, but Ruan Erniu reacted quickly. The reason is very simple. The Houston Rockets have salary space, and they do have the confidence to give Erniu a big contract.

Ruan Erniu rolled his eyes at Dayao, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Recruitment is never something that can be decided in a day or two, and the internal competition cannot be explained clearly in just one or two sentences.

Dayao and Erniu are two relatively detached players in the team, while other teammates have different attitudes. The lineup of Mengjiu has been confirmed. In fact, the lineup of the Tianchao men's basketball team has also been confirmed long ago, excluding Ruan and Yao. , and 10 other players were selected for this year's Tianchao men's basketball roster:
Liu Wei, Sun Yue, Wang Shipeng, Yi Jianlian, Guo Ailun, Chen Jianghua, Zhou Peng, Wang Zhizhi, Zhang Zhaoxu, Ding Jinghui.

To be honest, Erniu really doesn't understand what the leaders of the Basketball Association think. There is no problem with the first and second positions, and there is no shortage of people for the fourth and fifth positions, but why is there only Zhou Peng for the orthodox third position? .

As for Zhou Peng's movement speed as the third position, fans who have watched the men's basketball game are very clear.

Zhu Fangyu withdrew from the national team because of his knee. For the Tianchao Men's Basketball Team, the loss is definitely huge.

No matter how Zhu 8 is off the court, in the national team, there is really no second player to fill his vacancy in the third position.

In fact, if Er Niu hadn't helped Chen Jianghua go to Los Angeles for surgery and recuperation, I'm afraid Hua Tsai would have withdrawn from the national team due to the recurrence of his injury.

"Kraft, can we have a chat alone?" It was the head coach of the men's basketball team who had just taken office--American Bob Deng Huade who said this.

Interestingly, this fat man is not only the head coach of the Tianchao men's basketball team, but also the head coach of the Shanghai Sharks. That is to say, he is Yao Ming's coach and also Yao Ming's employee.

However, although Ruan and Yao are in a detached position, their qualities as professional players still make them willing to maintain the authority of the head coach.

Ruan Erniu and Deng Huade walked to the side of the arena.

"Bob, do you have any ideas?"

"Kraft, although we haven't been together for a long time, I'll be honest, I want you to play the third position!"

Ruan Erniu touched his chin, then nodded and said, "Then let Sun Yue beat the sixth man?"

Deng Huade smiled and said: "That's right, you can see clearly, that's what happened.

Yi just didn't have a well-arranged strategy for the Kings. His confrontation ability is fully qualified to occupy a starting position.

The position of you and Dayao must be the starting lineup, and Sun's position as the sixth man can better drive our offense. "

"I agree! You are the head coach, this is your right...what are you doing?"

Before Ruan Erniu finished speaking with Deng Huade, he yelled at the two people who really had a conflict in the arena, and then Dayao also rushed over.

It is not true to say that it was a conflict, because from the scene, it was Sun Yue who pushed Guo Ailun, a rookie of the national team, to the ground by himself, and then he was still talking nonsense.

Seeing Erniu and Dayao rushing over, Sun Yue didn't dare to be arrogant, so he pulled Guo Ailun up and patted Guo Ailun on the shoulder casually to show that there was no problem between them.

Ruan Erniu warned: "Sun Yue, you are a senior in the team. To be a senior, you have to look like a senior. When you came to Atlanta, did I feel sorry for you? Do you think you are great after winning the championship?"

Erniu usually doesn't like to preach, but when it comes to the unity of the team, he stood up and expressed his attitude at the first time.

The older Yao stood up to smooth things over and said, "We should be considerate of each other. It's normal for the team to have bumps and bumps in training. On the field, we still have to win glory for the country together."

Letting out the old and bringing in the new, four words are simple to say, but when it comes to implementing it, there will be all kinds of troubles.

After the Tianchao men's basketball team won the championship in 08, a group of meritorious players were naturally born.

They are the most glorious generation in the history of the men's basketball team, and the rookies of the national team are under their hands. If they want to find their own position, it is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface.

Fortunately, Erniu and Dayao are on top of them. At least on the whole, this team can still maintain a relatively harmonious operation.

Men's basketball teams from all over the world are preparing for the 2010 World Championships, but this is not the life of most American basketball stars.

The reason why the summer of 2010 is worth paying attention to is that there are too many big fish in the free market:

LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony, Yao Ming, Paul Pierce, Amare Stoudemire, Chris Bosh, Dirk* Dirk Nowitzki, Carlos Boozer and more.

Either their contracts have expired, or they have player options, and they may try the free market at any time.

In any case, all experts agree that this is the craziest summer, and anything unexpected is likely to happen this summer, because the free market is so hot that the 2010 NBA draft has become less so. attention.

On June 6, US time, New York's Madison Square Garden held the NBA Draft 24 as usual.

The Washington Wizards, who played badly to the end, did not have any surprises, and John Wall became the No. [-] pick of this year as a matter of course.

Let's take a look at Wall's body side data:

He is 1.90 meters tall with bare feet and 1.93 meters tall with shoes on. His wingspan has reached 2 meters, which is 06 centimeters longer than his height, and his standing height has reached 16 meters.

The maximum bounce reaches 99cm, and the maximum touch height is 3.57 meters.

The jumping height without run-up is 76cm, and the touch height without run-up is 3.34 meters.This kind of bounce is definitely considered the best.

When Wall entered the league, he weighed 89 kilograms, his body fat was only 5.6%, and his sprint speed in 3/4 games was only 3.14 seconds. That is to say, before entering the league, he is the fastest player in active service.

It is foreseeable that the Wizards will definitely rebuild the team based on Wall, and their goal is only in the future.

The Philadelphia 76ers selected Evan Turner with the second overall pick.

The Brooklyn Nets drafted Derrick Favors.

The Minnesota Timberwolves selected Wesley Johnson.

Then, the Sacramento Kings selected DeMarcus Cousins.

When Allen got the news, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It is conceivable that he is very likely to be traded away in the last year of his rookie contract, and the Kings have no place for him.

After that, the Pistons selected Monroe, also known as Greg Monroe, with the seventh overall pick.

The Clippers selected Aminu with the eighth overall pick.

The Jazz selected Gordon Hayward with the ninth overall pick.

The Pacers selected Paul George with the tenth overall pick.

The only unexpected thing was probably that Hassan Whiteside, who was once expected to be a lottery pick before the game, fell directly to the second round, and the Sacramento Kings selected him.

The reason why Whiteside (Whiteside’s free translation, Whiteside) fell to the second round was the same as Jordan’s. The skills of these two products are too rough. Relatively speaking, Whiteside’s current technology may be better than that of the time. Little Jordan is even rougher.

There is indeed a problem with the training of centers in the United States. A large number of guys with physical skills and no skills are popular, so it is no wonder that they will be robbed by Er Niu and a large number of international players.

Although there are also leftovers in the subsequent picks, in general, there are basically no major fluctuations in this draft.

Although the Eagles also selected unknown people such as Damai James and Pep Sai, in general, none of them can become the immediate combat power of the Eagles.

Er Niu seriously doubts whether Billy Knight will sign with them in the end, or directly sign them as the bargaining chip.

For the 10th rookie, they still have a big trouble to face, that is, last year's No. 10 pick Blake Griffin will join the competition for the best rookie, which undoubtedly doubles the pressure on the [-]th rookie.

The draft passed quickly, and American fans still focused more on the free market.

At this time, in a corner where no one is paying attention, a secret meeting that will be frantically speculated by various media in the future has already begun.

There were only two people in this secret meeting: Pat Riley and LeBron James.

The general manager of the Heat came prepared. He took out his five championship rings directly in front of James, and then picked up the ring from 5 and said to James: "Want to have your own? If you want it, come to the Heat .”

James smiled and said nothing, and Riley said, "Bosh will come to the Heat soon."

James is still calm, and still has not made a final statement, because news has also come from New York that Stoudemire will join the Big Apple City.

Pat Riley put away the ring and said with a smile: "You don't have to come, in fact, Carmelo Anthony is talking with us on the phone recently."

After speaking, Riley left the secret meeting without looking back.

James has no retreat, staying in Cleveland, he will always be just a titular local emperor.

In Cleveland, James couldn't break through the encirclement formed by the Hawks, Celtics and Magic, so he must leave Cleveland this summer.

But once the Heat form the Big Three of Wade, Bosh and Anthony, what's the point of him going to New York or the Bulls?
It's nothing more than looking for abuse in another place, which is absolutely unacceptable to James personally.

On July 7, Chris Bosh joined the Miami Heat as a free agent.

Leon Ross called Er Niu and said: "We are going to make a big news."

Er Niu asked with a smile: "Isn't James going to the Heat? I guessed it!"

"But it's going to be unprecedented," Rose said.

On July 7th, LeBron James made an unprecedented live TV broadcast, announcing that he would join the Miami Heat, known as Decision One in history:

Reporter: So, LeBron, what's your decision?
LeBron: Oh, you know, it was a tough decision, uh, I decided to take my talents to the South Coast and join the Miami Heat.

Reporter: Miami?
LeBron: Yes.

After Ruan Erniu got the news, he called James immediately: "LBJ, are you crazy? Why did you announce the decision in this way?"

James also seemed to feel that there was something wrong with his method, but he still said arrogantly: "Leon asked me to do this, it should be fine, I will donate the proceeds from the live broadcast to charity."

Er Niu curled his lips on the other end of the phone and said, "Good luck, buddy!"

After making this phone call, Erniu immediately called Ouyang Haotian: "How long will it be before my contract with Leon Ross ends? I can't wait to terminate the contract with him!"

In fact, there is no problem with James going to the Heat. The capital market and any transaction should not be blamed, and it is not that James has left wealth to the Cavaliers.

Because he allowed the Cavaliers to get the 2011 second-round pick, the 2012 second-round pick, the 2013 first-round pick, and the 2015 first-round pick from the Heat by signing first and then changing.

In addition, the Cavaliers also received:
1.1450. The $2 million transaction is a special case, which can be split and used; 2012. The right to exchange the first-round pick with the Heat in [-].

But the problem is that James shouldn't end his relationship with the Cavaliers in this way.

This is like a man abandoning his own scum for power. Although he also left money for the scorpion to live on, no matter what, he should not inform the world of this matter on the live broadcast platform.

Leon Rose made such an arrangement, which undoubtedly made James a complete target.

When James recalled it, he even regretted it himself.

A year later, James also expressed his apology for using live TV to announce the transfer in an interview.

"Looking back now, my decision was really wrong.

What I want to say is that if I had the opportunity to do it all over again, I would definitely not choose that way.

Now I can fully understand the feelings of the fans at that time. If a football or baseball player I like very much leaves the team I support in this way, I will also feel hurt. "James said, "When I say this today, I don't want to get people's understanding or sympathy. I just want everyone to know a real James.

I was still that boy growing up in Ohio and I loved basketball because it fulfilled my dreams. "

"It's really hard for me to adapt to this change, I have been the most popular person in the past seven years, no matter where I play, I am sought after by the fans.

Suddenly everything changed, and I became the biggest villain, and I was the object of accusation and even abuse wherever I was. "James said, "I have never had such an experience. For me, this encounter was too cruel. It took me a long time to adapt to this change. "

Well, it's a good attitude to admit mistakes, but let's take a look at what James said a year ago, in the summer of 2010?

"I can understand that a lot of people in Cleveland got hurt," James told reporters.

But he also said that when he was growing up, he and his friends in Akron didn't like Cleveland very much.Akron is about 40 kilometers from Cleveland.

"It's not far, but it's far," James told reporters, "and people in Cleveland look down on us, they're big city kids.

So we don't actually like Cleveland, we grew up hating Cleveland.

To this day, Cleveland still has plenty of haters. "

Hehe, isn't the first of many annoying people the Cavaliers owner who complained about James' ruthlessness--Daniel Gilbert?

It should be noted that there is a Yahoo reporter's evaluation of James.

Why should he be brought out in particular?
There is no reason, because at this time he is already the biggest Zhanhei in the whole rice, and his name is Adrian-Wojnarowski. Professional fans of China like to call him Woj God, or Wojnarowski.

Wo Shen will start his battle of the gods or the pinnacle of his career next year, but his battle with James has already started.

In June 2010, the great god Woj wrote on the Internet: "James has never treated people politely, disrespected the legendary predecessors, he has no ability to judge, and he has no shame.

It's an empty superstar in this empty age.

He and his team are committed to diverting people's attention to him personally, and even want to 'undermine' (undermine) the process of enjoying the national day parade of the conference finals, finals, and national draft. "

In Woj's eyes, James is close to the existence of the devil.

Woj went on to write in June 10: "Because of him the demon was unleashed and the world was filled with tyranny."

At the end, Woj uses an exaggerated phrase: "Kneel down, mortals, bow to the emperor, bow to all this chaos."

And when James announced his decision in the live broadcast, Woj even sarcastically said: "An act of self-aggrandizement and hatred, an act of destroying his image and reputation."

Woj concluded: "James is a ruthless speculator, who said 'leave his soul in Cleveland'? Nike dolls have more humanity than him."

Of course Woj doesn't represent the whole Mi audience, but he is definitely one of the most representative characters.

For the rest, guys like Barkley come out to play with their presence, but it's just that there are too many lice and no itching, and no worries about debts.

The last to criticize James was league president David Stern.

In James' transfer, Stern said that there were indeed flaws, but it had nothing to do with the Heat, but James' personal misconduct.

Stern also thinks James should have informed the Cavaliers of his decision in advance, rather than revealing it in a TV interview.

As for James' move to the Heat, Stern said it was his personal right and there was nothing wrong with it.

Well, unless the Heat have a historic record, it is basically certain that the MVP of the 10-11 season and James will miss it!
(End of this chapter)

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