Standing pretty old

Chapter 785 3 giants gather together, the national team sets off

Chapter 785 The Big Three Gather and the National Team Goes Out

When people fall into their own world, they often have countless delusions that are divorced from reality.

LeBron James has undoubtedly fallen into this kind of delusion at this time. He subconsciously believes that as long as the Big Three are gathered together, he can "order the world, and no one dares not to obey", but he does not realize that in the next year, he will, Even for a longer period of time, everyone fell into a situation where everyone was shouting and beating.

He naively thought that only a small group of Cleveland fans would burn his jersey to celebrate, but he forgot that the world has never been short of partisan and dissidents.

Jamie would later repeat three arguments to defend the idol:
[-]. The Celtics hugged in the front. Although the Big Three were at the peak of the tail, they set a precedent;
[-]. James left the Cavaliers with the capital to rise. He signed first and then traded;

3000. My emperor is not for money. He can earn an extra [-] million yuan if he stays in the Cavaliers, and he can even double his advertising revenue by going to New York.

However, as many people love him, there are as many people who hate him. After all, the three top ten superstars in the league directly joined together in their playing years, which is still beyond people's cognition.

As James' idol-Michael Jordan's last words may be used as the ultimate reference: "When I was young, I only wanted to beat Bird and Magic. I never thought of calling to join them."

After all, the NBA is a stage for advancement. Even if the green card is the originator of the grouping in the new era, even if there is no lack of superstar trades in the past, but like the grouping behavior of James, Wade, and Bosh, it is still the first. a new history.

Big people are criticizing, and some small people are also scoffing at James' behavior. Draymond Green, a sophomore at Michigan State University, wrote on his Twitter: "James, gay, finally recognized the reality and realized that he You can’t lead a team to a championship.”

This little guy is actually a smart guy. The moment he joined the alliance, he deleted all his previous tweets. However, these texts were still tracked down by those who cared.

Oh, by the way, this Twitter youth also hacked Durant by the way. Just after the Lakers defeated the Thunder, Green wrote: "Kobe has obviously defeated Durant. Maybe Adu can shoot well, but in In terms of taking responsibility...Let’s put it this way, the championship and the loser are completely separate, two things that have nothing to do with each other, such as James, he is a loser.”

It will take a few years for the little guy to have the possibility of a counterattack, so what he said when he was young and frivolous can be put aside.

Back to the present, James, who is still immersed in the infinite imagination of the championship, then attended the grand joining ceremony held by the Miami Heat for them with his good brothers Wade and Bosh.

Together, the three reflect on their new season and emphasize the true meaning of brother basketball.

Then James, who was so excited that he couldn't control himself, said that he didn't lose the phrase "I decided to take my talent to the South Coast".

The situation at that time was like this. When the on-site host asked how many championships the Heat would win, he first cheered himself up and said: "I know, you three kings will definitely win the championship together, NOT-ONE , COME-ON, LeBron, tell me."


Well, as James continues to expand the number of championships won, the fans at the scene are completely excited!
So far, a man without a single championship has indirectly claimed that he has guaranteed eight championships. I have to say, Ah KING is a big pretender!

Ruan Erniu soon got the news from the United States, it wasn't him who just laughed, because now he needs to focus more on the affairs of the national team.

However, Erniu is not completely inactive.

On the day James announced that he would join the Heat, Ruan Erniu wrote on his Twitter and Weibo at the same time: "Congratulations, Joe! My brother officially completed the contract extension."

That's right, just the day before LBJ joined the Heat, Jon Jonsen also completed his contract extension. He completed the signing with a six-year maximum salary contract of 6 million yuan.

As the second head of a dynastic team, this is not an excessive value for Jon Jonsen, who has already confirmed his status as a contemporary Pippen.

In fact, this did not have much impact on the signing of Ruan Erniu. Don’t forget that Erniu has the right to bird, so he is certain to occupy the salary space of the Eagles. What is really affected is the overall reinforcement of the Eagles lineup. .

It can even be said that in order to renew Ruan Erniu in advance, the Eagles are very likely to give up the renewal of Dragic, who performed in the finals next year, or Josh Smith. As for the luxury tax, that's another story.

Well, about the one about not caring about the luxury tax, just thinking about it.

Capital is profit-seeking, and any capitalist who is eager to make a profit will do everything possible to cut costs.

Er Niu is not in the United States at the moment, so he has to send some information intermittently through Ouyang Haotian. Er Niu knows very well that it is better to be quiet now than to ask for something urgently, it is better to wait for the development of the matter.

Halfway through July, the Tianchao men's basketball team started the second round of a series of warm-up matches (the two bulls did not catch up in the first round), and their opponent will be the Lithuanian team, but this is not the Lithuanian national team, but theirs. youth army.

Ruan and Yao basically only played less than 15 minutes per game, and they easily dealt with these guys 3:0.

On the other hand, it is also a good experience for this group of Lithuanian youths to be invited to China to play a match in Minzhou, and to be able to play against the 08 Olympic champion.

At the end of July, the Tianchao men's basketball team ushered in the Stankovic Cup again.

Although the gold content of the Sri Lankan Cup dropped again and again, facing the upcoming World Championships, several teams participating in the Sri Lankan Cup this time still sent their strongest lineups.

The Stankovic Cup was held in Longcheng, Guangxi Province. The participating teams included China, Kangaroo, Iran and Slovenia.

The competition will be held on July 7, using a single round-robin system, with two games per day. On August 28, the third, No.8 will be determined and the championship and runner-up competition will be held.

The Tianchao men's basketball team ushered in the challenge of the Kangaroos on the first match day. Erniu and Sun Yue's teammate Patrick Mills has become the well-deserved starting number one for the Kangaroos.

A confrontation lacking in suspense, the Australians, who didn't even return to the team with Bogut, didn't cause too much trouble for Ruan and Yao Juquan's Tianchao men's basketball team.

The Tianchao men's basketball team easily defeated their opponents with a score of 15+. When Ruan Erniu hugged Mills after the game, he joked: "Do you know why you lost? There is a lack of a master who is waving a towel on the bench for you."

Mills almost didn't get into a direct fight with Kraft Nguyen, of course, that's just a thought, unless Mills doesn't want to hang out in Atlanta.

The second opponent of the Chinese men's basketball team is Iran. I don't know why, but Haddadi did not appear on the list of this Iranian team. With only one Bahrami, he is not the opponent of the Chinese men's basketball team at all.

Even though Er Niu and Dayao only played half the game, the men's basketball team still defeated their opponents with a score of 40+, and thus avenged the Jinmen Asian Championships.

Slovenia is the third opponent of the Tianchao men's basketball team, and their starting guard is an acquaintance of Er Niu and Sun Yue. Yes, Goran Dragic has also joined this Slovenian men's basketball team.

Therefore, the international team of the Eagles is really patriotic. It seems that all non-American players have participated in the national team, except for Zaza Pachulia, because it is impossible for Georgia to qualify under the siege of European powers.

This was also a game without any suspense. Ruan and Yao had obvious advantages in positions [-] and [-]. Even Alian in position [-] was not something that Slovenia could handle easily.

Although the Chinese media liked to hype Wang Shipeng's three-pointer at the buzzer in the 06 World Championships, as if the two teams were life and death enemies, but in fact, the two sides still played as they should, and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

The Tianchao men's basketball team won all 3 games. They will usher in the championship game on August 8, and their opponent is the Kangaroos.

In the end, under the joint pressure of Ruan Erniu and Dayao, the Tianchao men's basketball team won the Sri Lanka Cup final without any risk, and won the Stankovic Cup for the second time in history.

In other words, since Er Niu joined the Tianchao Men's Basketball Team, the originally unattainable Sri Lankan Cup championship seems to have become commonplace for the Tianchao Men's Basketball Team.

In the past, the Sri Lankan Cup championship might have made Tianchao fans brag about it for several years, but for the Tianchao men's basketball team that won the 08 Olympic champion, this is just the beginning.

When it comes to the stage of the World Championships, it is the place where the Chinese men's basketball team will be truly tested.

Throughout the following August, the Tianchao men's basketball team conducted a 8-day overseas training. They will successively conduct warm-up training with Maple Leaf, Samba, the United States, Puerto Rico and Serbia.

Among them, the U.S. Dream Nine is naturally Ruan Erniu's most important game. Only by really playing against this Meng Nine team can we see their overall strength.

Erniu is not the group of American media who look down on Mengjiu. He is quite clear that these American stars are far less miserable than those American media who despise them.

For the Chinese men's basketball team, whose ups and downs are unstable, they have no right to underestimate their opponents.

However, after narrowly beating Maple Leafs by one point and Samba by seven points, the men's basketball team leader Hu Jiazhi, deputy director Hu, announced to the players: "The warm-up match with the American men's basketball team has been cancelled!"

Ruan Erniu, Deng Huade, and Yao Ming went to see Deputy Director Hu together, and wanted to ask the reason, but Deputy Director Hu shirked: "This is all determined by Chairman Xin. Maybe he thinks we are exposing ourselves in front of the American men's basketball team. The strength is not good."

Deng Huade just wanted to get mad, but was stopped by Erniu and Dayao together.Deng Huade is an American after all, and he will never understand the so-called Chinese "strategy", even if this "strategy" is ridiculous enough.

Ruan Erniu found Yao Ming later, and said with a smile, "In the eyes of the foreign media, we are fighting and fleeing cowardly, right?"

Yao Ming also laughed and said, "The leader is carrying the burden of being an idol, and he doesn't want the men's basketball team to lose easily!"

Er Niu stroked his chin and said, "It's better to lose the warm-up match than to lose to the opponent in the main match."

Yao Ming finally said: "So you can't be a leader. Since there are risks anyway, it's better to be an ostrich first. The previous series of competitions are still very necessary to boost the morale of the people of the country."

It is interesting to say that the Tianchao Men's Basketball team canceled the warm-up match with Meng Jiu, but did not cancel the warm-up match with Puerto Rico, and the venue of this game is the same as the original match venue with Meng Jiu - New York's Madison Garden.

As a result, the Chinese men's basketball team took the opponent lightly by 10 points, and Er Niu kept a little strength. Under the condition of ensuring the victory, he did not want the full strength of the Chinese men's basketball team to be clearly analyzed by the Americans, especially in 08 when the Chinese men's basketball team defeated Under the premise of the US men's basketball team.

The Chinese men's basketball team, which ended the American training with three consecutive victories, flew to Serbia more than a week before the start of the World Championships. They will have two back-to-back warm-up matches in the Serbian capital Belgrade and the Serbian national men's basketball team.

As a result, the Tianchao men's basketball team defeated their opponents by 5 points in the first game. In the second back-to-back game, the Serbian finally broke the national team's undefeated warm-up match.

Throughout the whole game, except for Er Niu and Dayao who played normally, all other players in the men's basketball team were dragged down by their opponents due to physical problems.

With this defeat, the domestic media, which had been touting the Tianchao men's basketball team a few days ago, suddenly began to sing bad words without a bottom line.

When Ruan Erniu heard the news, he was once again thankful for his decision, and it is necessary to retire after success.

Regardless of how the men's basketball team is playing in this World Championships, according to Chairman Xin's policy, he will not have many opportunities to lead the Tianchao men's basketball team to rise again. Once the professionalism is reversed, some things are already doomed.

On August 8, imperial time, the curtain of the 28 World Championships in Turkey will be officially opened.

The Tianchao men's basketball team arrived at their match location - Ankara, the capital of Turkey, two days in advance.

Isn't Istanbul the capital of Turkey?
That's right, I'm afraid many people don't know, because although Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, it is really not the capital of Turkey.

Just like Sydney is also the largest city in the kangaroo country, but Canberra is the capital of the kangaroo country.

Let’s talk about Turkey again. Most Chinese viewers will probably put several labels on this country—Turkish, Xingyue Banner, Russo-Turkish War, MSL...

Speaking of this, does it immediately make people feel shuddering, will it be life-threatening to come to this country?

It is interesting to say that in theory, as a minority in the MSL world, Shiites have been suppressed by the orthodox Sunnis. Historically, they have been more radical and united than the Sunnis in terms of beliefs and organizations.But after entering the modern society, most of the most famous contemporary terrorist organizations are Sunnis, such as Al Qaeda, and the recent ISIS and so on.

So what is the difference between Sunni and Shia?

The following comparisons can be made:

1. To attach great importance to the words and deeds of Muhammad and act accordingly;
2. Strictly follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah;

3. Solve religious law issues by public discussion or analogy that are not found in the Qur'an or Hadith.


1. Recognize the Qur'an and Sunnah as legislative principles;

2. The Imam, the teaching authority, has the right to "create" and decide on unresolved issues;

3. Some Shiites even think that the Qur’an and Hadith are not the most important. The manifestation of Allah is the knowledge called cosmic rationality. This cosmic rationality overflows all things in the universe, and believers need to understand it under the revelation of the Imam. its mystery.

To sum up, the Shiites are more flexible and closer to reality, and absorb the achievements of modern civilization better than the Sunnis, who have always claimed to be orthodox, but are more rigid and have been greatly impacted by modern civilization. This also explains why Terrorists in the modern world are mostly Sunnis.

Of course, there is no absolute in everything. The former supreme leader of Shiite Iran Khomeini ordered to kill the author of "Satan's Verses", which shows that even in modern society, Shiites can be very radical under certain circumstances.

What about Turkey?
How did this country, where more than 90% of Sunnis are Muslim, develop?

The reason is that the secularization reforms of Kemal Kemal, the father of the country, have embarked on a healthy path for the country's economic development.

However, the current Turkish president, Sultan Erdogan, seems to be on the dangerous path of secularization.

But in general, Turkey is indeed a more enlightened and moderate country than most Arab countries, otherwise there would not be the famous Istanbul night in football history, um, including Xiaogang’s "Blue Turkey".

Turning your attention to the World Championships, the group stage is divided into four groups: A, B, C, and D.

Group A will be played in Kayseri; Group B will be played in Istanbul; Group C will be played in Ankara; Group D will be played in Izmir.

As the runner-up of the 09 Asian Championships, the Tianchao men's basketball team was divided into Group C. The opponents in the same group were: Greece, Côte d'Ivoire, Puerto Rico, Russia, and Turkey.

August 8th is also the first match day of the World Championships. The Chinese men's basketball team's first match will be against the Greek team, and the head coach of the Greek team is also an old acquaintance of the Chinese men's basketball team - Jonas Kazlauskas .

Ruan Erniu smiled and said to the old players of the national team: "Pay attention! This match must not be lost, and we must perform well in front of Lao You. Think about how he trained us back then, Sun Yue, Hua Tsai, You two have the most right to speak, let’s talk about it, I hated you the most when I trained you!"

Sun Yue rubbed his fists and said, "Didn't you always say that I'm three-point bad? Don't worry, I'll definitely show him!"

Chen Jianghua was relatively introverted, but he couldn't help but waved his fist vigorously.

Deputy Director Hu said from the side: "Also pay attention to the international influence! Familiarity is familiarity, don't overdo it."

Dayao quickly explained: "Er Niu means to let us go all out, not to make a prank with Lao You, don't worry, we have a sense of proportion!"

At present, this Greek team is no longer the European champion in the past. Papalukas, who beat Liu Wei, has already withdrawn from the national team, and Spanoulis, who was originally the sixth man, has become the team's absolute. core.

It should be said that judging from the current overall strength, the Chinese men's basketball team is still above the Greek men's basketball team.

Thinking about how Lao You trained himself at the beginning, for the Tianchao men's basketball team, this is undoubtedly a great opportunity to prove himself to his former head coach.

 Thank you Immortal Immortal Eternal Immortal reward!

(End of this chapter)

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