Standing pretty old

Chapter 786 Playing with him, moving forward in overcoming obstacles

Chapter 786 Playing with him, moving forward in overcoming obstacles

Jonas roared wildly on the sidelines, but this time he was not aiming at the men's basketball team.

Because he yelled too loudly, Sun Yue, who had just scored a goal, subconsciously glanced at Yunus who was not far away from him.

Don't look at the majesty of the great sage before the game, but when he really heard the "Yonas Roar", he was still a little frightened.

However, Sun Yue soon smiled too. After all, Jonas is now the head coach of the Greek men's basketball team.

The reason why the Greek men's basketball team was shot through by Ruan Erniu, Sun Yue, and Liu Wei on the outside line tonight is that Yao Ming's advantage in the inside line is too obvious in the final analysis.

Dayao was the man who knocked out Short Thanitis back then, not to mention the current Yannis Brosis and Ivan Vickiokas.

The small Greek shark Chris Seksenitis has already withdrawn from the national team because of his overweight. The inside line of this Greek men's basketball team can't find a man who can be restricted by Yao's name.

If there is no Erniu, maybe the Greek men's basketball team will choose to double-team Yao Ming to limit the Tianchao men's basketball team, but when the shooters headed by Ruan Erniu set up a formation, the Greek men's basketball team is instantly stretched on the defensive end.

On the offensive end of the Greek men's basketball team, when Dayao and Allen stayed inside and Er Niu could withdraw the defense at any time, the Greek men's basketball team did not have a better scoring defense except relying on Spanoulis' personal ability.

Or it should be said that without Papalukas, this Greek men's basketball team itself has long lost the competitiveness of the championship level!

Ruan Erniu is still an outstanding player on the court. Fortis and George Printkis, who are in charge of defending him, are suppressed by Erniu and have no sense of presence.

Judging from the first game of the World Championships, Ruan Erniu did not show the slightest discomfort in the third position.

Er Niu once again proved with his actual actions that he is indeed a man who can play from the fifth position to the first position.

Sun Yue and Chen Jianghua also performed extremely well in front of Yunas tonight. Sun Yue scored consecutive three-pointers, helping the Tianchao men's basketball team to instantly widen the score gap.

And Chen Jianghua, who was not affected by injuries in his peak period, also showed his talent.

When Er Niu sent the ball again and again, Chen Jianghua also repeatedly showed his speed advantage and hit the basket of the Greek men's basketball team many times. He even swayed Spanoulis with the ball and dunked in a one-stop layup. performance.

Destiny is something that cannot be explained clearly. If Er Niu did not intervene and help Chen Jianghua treat his injuries in time, it is very likely that his injuries will worsen in the CBA, causing him to fail to catch up with the World Championships. Uncharacteristic players.

In fact, Ruan Erniu is not like this.

If the Blazers really had to choose him, then he would most likely play the third position, and his shot rights would be ranked behind Roy and Aldridge. It is also difficult to achieve the current honor.

79:99, the Chinese men's basketball team beat the Greek men's basketball team by 20 points, making a good start for their opening game of the World Championships, but the situation of the Greek men's basketball team is very bad. They also thought about losing to the Erniu and Dayao's Tianchao men's basketball team just didn't lose so completely.

After the game, Jonas severely criticized the mistakes of the Greek men's basketball team on both offense and defense. In his opinion, from the perspective of the national team, the Greek men's basketball team is not worthy to be compared with the current Chinese men's basketball team.

Hehe, Basketball Caesar is also quite cunning. Anyway, the main team building structure of the current Tianchao men's basketball team is brought out by him, and he is credited anyway.

For the Tianchao audience, apart from the Tianchao men's basketball game, the most concerned thing is of course the Mengjiu game.

Meng Jiu, who is in Group B, did not play on the first day, but they were the first to play on the second match day.

There is not much to say about the game itself. Mengjiu defeated Croatia by a big score and won the first victory in the group stage.

The fans of Tianchao are really confused by the list of the American men's basketball team broadcast by Mr. Sun Zhenping, the famous host of five sets of programs on Chaoting TV:
"Ross Derek, Andre Iguodala, Kevin Love..."

Well, we must and must have watched the fake NBA!

In other words, in 08, Paul Chris and Williams Deron must have fainted in the toilet, right?

By the way, there is another point that Comets have been talking about all the time, that is, at this time, Curry Stephen is directly called "Cory" on Mr. Sun's side.

Move your attention from Istanbul, where Group B is located, back to Ankara, the capital of Turkey, and the second match day of Group C will continue. The back-to-back opponents of the Tianchao Men's Basketball Team will be the Ivory Coast team.

If the Chinese men's football team meets the Côte d'Ivoire team, the probability of losing should not be small, but the Chinese men's basketball team meets the Côte d'Ivoire team, which is completely the opposite.

It should be said that even if Ruan Erniu and Yao are not famous, the Tianchao men's basketball team has great confidence in defeating their opponents, and thus advances to the knockout round with this victory.

Therefore, the game, whose ending was doomed, was extremely lacking in suspense, but there was one thing that made this suspenseless game interesting, and that was Weiping Bryant, one of the double-level combinations of the imperial court and Taiwan.

Zhang Lili contributed a lot of classic quotations tonight.

For example, he commented on Côte d'Ivoire as "guerrilla warfare".

For example, when Côte d'Ivoire launched a counterattack, he shouted loudly in front of the microphone, "Look at how Erniu covers him!"

For example, the Tianchao men's basketball team suppressed the offensive time quite well in the positional battle, and made a buzzer shot when the indicator light was on, so that Zhang Lili said: "That's right! Play 24 seconds!"

Of course, the above can only be regarded as ordinary highlights. The real one-time choice, or the classic quotation that has been spoofed by many people should be this sentence:
The situation at that time was like this. The Tianchao men's basketball team intercepted the opponent in the defense and launched a fast break. he!"

Dasheng made a big change of direction. After flying away from his opponent, he went straight to the basket and scored two points with a split dunk.

At that time, Sun Yue was really beautiful and picturesque, and only fans who really loved basketball would remember the exciting pictures one by one.

This is what the peak of the Chinese men's basketball team should look like. Even without Ruan, Yao, or even without Zhu 8, they can still resist the European giants, and they can crush Asian and African teams.

"Play him!" is an attitude, no matter whether you succeed in playing or not in the end, daring to play is a manifestation of strength.

The Tianchao men's basketball team won the first two consecutive victories without bloodshed, becoming the first team in Group C to qualify from the group stage.

After the match against Côte d'Ivoire, the Tianchao men's basketball team got more than two days of rest. Their next opponent will be the Puerto Rico team.

In recent years, the Tianchao men's basketball team seems to have a good relationship with the Puerto Rico team, and they will always meet in the group stage.

Arroyo was injured and couldn't play, but JJ* Barea, the Mavericks point guard, turned the defense of the Chinese men's basketball team upside down on the court.

Liu Wei is already the most reliable No. [-] position in the Tianchao men's basketball team, but he is still blown out on the court.

Fortunately, Ruan Erniu turned the tide and scored three consecutive points from the outside, helping the Tianchao men's basketball team to stabilize the situation on the field. The period of time appeared in the second half of the last quarter.

Before the game, I am afraid that no one thought that the Puerto Rico team could even suppress the 08 Olympic champion for a time.

This also sounded the alarm for the Tianchao men's basketball team. The Dream Nine team also has Derrick Rose and Russell Westbrook. These guys are also unstoppable when they charge up.

After playing Puerto Rico, the Tianchao men's basketball team ushered in their fourth opponent in the group stage-the Maoxiong men's basketball team.

AK47 didn't come, and there was no Sheffard or Holden on the point guard line. This Maoxiong team is obviously not the strongest lineup.

4:0, the Tianchao men's basketball team won the fourth group match, and they now have only the last opponent left, the host team-Turkey.

"Let's talk about it? What's your attitude in the final match of the group stage?" Deputy Director Hu said first in the team meeting.

It is related to political achievements. The leaders of the Basketball Association are far from remote commanding as the media say. They often dare to delegate power to the head coach and let professionals decide the game.

Deng Huade said: "I suggest that we must strive to win the game against Turkey. Judging from the current situation, we and Turkey have won all 4 games. Whoever wins will be the first in Group C.

If we lose, we will fight against the third in Group D. This is the group of death. Lithuania, Spain, and Gaul are all in this group. Judging from the current situation, Spain and Gaul are both possible, and it is not likely. Which team to play against, more importantly..."

Deng Huade had already gotten through with Erniu and Dayao before, and Ruan Erniu immediately said: "If we are second in Group C, we will be placed in the second half of the knockout stage. It is very likely that we will win the first place." In the second round, we will meet the US team."

It's easy to settle the score, the second place in Group C will not be easy every round, and there must be a fight for the first place in Group C.

The Tianchao men's basketball team did not expect at this time that there is a kind of thinking called doing the opposite.

The battle against Turkey was the most difficult game for the Chinese men's basketball team after entering the World Championships.

Although Okur was absent due to injury, Turkey's overall strength is far stronger than the Chinese men's basketball team imagined. Otherwise, they would not be able to beat Greece and other teams all the way, and compete with the Chinese men's basketball team for the first place in Group C in the final round.

In the frantic cheers of Ankara fans, the host Turkish team seemed to have become the Chinese men's basketball team in 08.

Although Turkoglu's personal offense was hindered by Er Niu's single defense, he connected the offense of the Turkish team very well, and almost maintained a state of suppression against the Chinese men's basketball team throughout the game.

In the critical final quarter of the game, Ruan Erniu suddenly broke out. After scoring two consecutive three-pointers, he caused Turkoglu's dribbling on the defensive end.

This happened to be the Turkish leader's fourth foul in this field, and the subsequent game completely became a personal performance of Er Niu.

Breakthroughs, steals, blocks, three-pointers.

Ruan Erniu turned into an all-around fighter and used his strong personal ability to help the team win the game.

5:0, the Tianchao men's basketball team won the last opponent in the group stage and won the first place in Group C with a record of victory.

At the same time, the last match of Group D, which started at the same time, also came to an end, and the Gauls lost to New Zealand.

Look at the rankings of Group D again:
Group 5: Lithuania 0 wins [-] losses

Group 3: Spain 2 wins and [-] losses

Group 3: New Zealand 2 wins and [-] losses

Fourth in the group: Gaul 3 wins and 2 losses

Who said that foreigners are not good at mathematics? The Gauls are really good at calculating their score. In order to avoid meeting the US team in the knockout stage, they would rather lose to New Zealand and go to the first half as the fourth in Group D. district competition.

Needless to say, all the top 16 in the knockout round were born, and the first opponent of the Tianchao men's basketball team, which is the number one in Group C, is the fourth Gaul men's basketball team in Group D.

This result undoubtedly exceeded the expectations of the Chinese men's basketball team. What about New Zealand?

This year's Gaul men's basketball team also did not recruit the biggest player Tony Parker, but they still have Boris Diaw, Nicolas Batum, Michael Pietrus, Ian Mahinmi and other NBA players in their team. players.

The entire Tianchao men's basketball team believed that this would be a tough battle.

After watching the video of the group match of the Gaul men's basketball team, Ruan Erniu excitedly said to the whole team: "The Gauls are just paper tigers, we don't need to be afraid of them."

Subsequently, the Tianchao men's basketball team changed the starting lineup for the first time in this World Championship in the 16-to-8 knockout round.

C Yao Ming
PF Ruan Erniu

SF Sun Yue
SG Wang Shipeng

PG Liu Wei
That's right, Er Niu was mentioned as the No. [-] position to target. Naturally, the target was the Gaul No. [-] position, Boris Dior, known as "Diao Ge" by people in the world.

In this Gaul team without Tony Parker, Brother Diao has the highest tactical status. He is the well-deserved tactical starting point and even the main ending point of the Gaul men's basketball team.

As long as Dior is dealt with, the Gaul team will immediately abolish more than half of its combat power.

The game also seemed to fully confirm Ruan Erniu's thoughts. The already fat diaoge is not an opponent of the Celestial Bull, although he can occasionally use the rhythm to find the feeling of dreamy dance steps once or twice, or send some beautiful shots from the high position. Supporting the pass, but judging from the whole game, Dior was blown out by Er Niu.

Dayao also had a huge advantage inside. He scored a half-time high of 35 points. Together with Ruan Erniu, he led the Tianchao men's basketball team to defeat the Gauls who miscalculated by a disparity of 100:77, and successfully advanced to the next round. wheel.

Fame, it turns out, isn't everything.

The Gauls obviously have so many NBA-level stars, but there is no way to integrate them together to form a strong combat effectiveness.

On the contrary, the Tianchao men's basketball team had a clear division of labor. Ruan, Yao, Yi, and Sun gave full play to their NBA-level star abilities and easily defeated their opponents.

The Tianchao men's basketball team, which defeated the Gaul men's basketball team, got about three days of rest. Their next opponent will be the Slovenian team that played against each other in the Sri Lankan Cup.

Erniu and Sun Yue met the claw machine again in the World Championships. The two knew the technical characteristics of the claw machine very well. Er Niu, who returned to the third position, gave the claw machine three big caps on the defensive end. They usually spend time together training After a long time, the bull is too familiar with the offensive habits of the claw machine.

With a massacre of more than 30+, the Tianchao men's basketball team defeated their opponents and reached the top 4 of the World Championships.

It is interesting to say that the opponent of the semi-finals of the Chinese men's basketball team belonging to the upper half is actually their last opponent in the warm-up match - the Serbian team.

In the second half of the World Championships, the US men's basketball team that killed the host Turkey in the quarter-finals will have a decisive battle with the Lithuanian team that killed Argentina in the semi-finals.

Meng Jiu, who was looked down upon by countless people, showed high fighting spirit and super fighting power.

Talking about the lack of superstars in the team, the fact is always slapped in the face again and again. The Dream Nine team without an All-Star starter is still a world-class strong team.

This principle can also be applied to the Serbia team, the semi-final opponent of the Chinese men's basketball team.

Obviously, the only name in the team is the starting center Nenad Krstic from the Oklahoma City Thunder, but the overall strength of this European team must not be underestimated.

In other words, which of the teams that split from Yugoslavia can be underestimated?
The match against Serbia was similar to the match against Turkey in the group stage. Both sides were also anxious until the last second.

At the critical moment, Liu Wei, the traditional scapegoat of the Chinese men's basketball team, stood up. He first rushed to the basket to meet Krstic, forced a 2+1, and then hit a three-pointer outside the line. A chasing three-pointer.

At 82:87, the Tianchao men's basketball team won by 5 points and advanced to the final of the World Championships with a record of victory.

The suspense in the semi-finals of the second half that will be played later is much smaller than that of the first half. Meng Jiu killed Lithuania like cutting melons and vegetables.

89:74, the Americans also advanced to the final of the World Championships with a record of victory.

The game suddenly became simpler. Whoever can keep the World Championships undefeated will be the final champion.

Ruan Erniu received a call from Westbrook before the game: "Kraft, you'd better put up your hands and surrender, I can't imagine you have any chance of winning."

Ruan Erniu immediately retorted: "During the 08 Imperial Capital Olympics, Meng Ba also thought the same way, and you should know better than me."

Westbrook refused to accept: "That's because without me, if I were in Mengba, you would have lost!"

Ruan Erniu laughed loudly: "Come on, Russell, in this Mengjiu team, you are not a starter. I bet that Billups will still be in charge of the main control tomorrow, and you can only play as a substitute. It’s just filling the scene.”

"Come on! Don't try to provoke me, Kraft, I know you too well. Tomorrow you will understand that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are useless." Westbrook hung up the phone triumphantly.

On the other end of the phone, Ruan Erniu turned off the phone with a solemn expression. Westbrook was right. Meng Jiu's overall strength is above the Tianchao men's basketball team. This is a fact that no one can change.

Although the American men's basketball team also has such and other problems, judging from the strength of the whole team, the Tianchao men's basketball team is undoubtedly still at the bottom.

Again, fame does not represent strength, and the overall strength of this Mengjiu team is definitely underestimated by the outside world.

The final is the ultimate challenge. Whether for Ruan Erniu or the Tianchao men's basketball team, Mengjiu is the most difficult opponent for them to face.

Istanbul, September 2010, 9.

There is only one team in the world that can decide the World Championships. Is it the Tianchao men's basketball team, the champion of the 08 Imperial Capital Olympic Games?Or the seemingly young, but actually powerful American Dream Nine?

In 40 minutes everything will be answered!
 There is also a saying that "playing him" appeared in the game against the Greek team, and I didn't go back to watch the video, but the Great Sage was really picturesque that year.

  In addition, I have to admit a mistake. I remembered it wrong. Thanks to the book friend Musino for correcting me. Turkey is indeed dominated by Sunnis, while Iran is the representative of Shiites. The reason for Turkey’s economic development is its father Kemal. The secularization reform of the Communist Party of China can be understood as the Turkish version of the separation of church and state. However, the current ruling Sultan Erdogan is turning back the wheel of history.

(End of this chapter)

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