Standing pretty old

Chapter 790 Summer deals continue, the Eagles break big news

Chapter 790 Summer deals continue, the Eagles break big news

Of course, Billy Knight's actions did not stop there. After the Hawks won the championship again, some people are destined to be difficult to stay.

For example, Steve Novak did not renew his contract with the Hawks in advance, but chose to test the free market, and was signed by the Mavericks with a one-year contract of 200 million yuan.

Objectively speaking, Novak has almost no defense, but in the situation where small balls are gradually becoming popular, this contract is not considered a premium.

For Novak himself, even with two years of minimum salary, he also got two championship rings, which will also help his future career.

Billy Knight will soon have two supplementary options: Sonic veteran Damian Wilkins and this year's first-round rookie No. 27 Jordan Crawford.

Let me talk about Jordan Crawford first, a 6-foot-4-inch (193CM) combo guard, the first to select him was not the Atlanta Hawks, but the New Jersey Nets.

But the latter did not sign Jordan Crawford in the end, just as the Hawks were not prepared to sign Damai James and Pep Sai, who they selected.

At this time, there is no so-called two-way contract in the NBA. For the team, it is either to sign or give up. There is no third option.

But the problem is that the Eagles are not short of people at the No. 2 position. Joe Johnson, Jamal Crawford, Sun Yue, and Woodson sometimes even like to put Jon Jonsen or Crawford directly at No. [-] position, let Bibby and Dragic play double point guards.

Let's take a look at Damian Wilkins again. If fans who know about the Sonics will never forget that in Durant's rookie season, Wilkins was once the leader of the Sonics figure.

Like those leaders who occupy the growth space of rookies, Wilkins was finally abandoned by the Thunder. Whether it is the stability of his performance or the future growth space, he has no way to compare with Kevin Durant.

Wilkins himself can still act as a substitute, and on the defensive end, he is more reliable than Novak anyway.

The only regret is that his three-point shooting rate has dropped significantly. This is not in line with the current thinking of building the Hawks team jointly set by Ruan Erniu and Woodson, but from the perspective of a role player, this shortcoming is not obvious unimportant.

In the end, Billy Knight chose Damian Wilkins. The championship team didn't have much time to train new players. Of course, Damian Wilkins' uncle's strong recommendation also played a key role.

Who said that Americans don't care about human feelings, and the face of Dominique Wilkins, the star of the Eagles, still has to be given.

Billy Knight’s last operation was to renew the contract of Birdman Anderson with a total of 2 million yuan in two years. The first year was 900 million yuan, and the second year was only 600 million yuan. The reason for this operation is very simple , To squeeze enough space for Ruan Erniu's contract renewal.

So far, although there is still more than half a month before the preseason, the Eagles' 15-man roster has basically been determined:

C Ruan Erniu, Zaza Pachulia, Jason Collins

PF Josh Smith, Chris Anderson, Josh Powell

SF Matt Barnes, Damian Wilkins, DeMarre Carroll

SG Joe Johnson, Jamal Crawford, Sun Yue

PG Mike Bibby, Goran Dragic, Patrick Mills

From the perspective of the lineup, the Hawks' offensive end is objectively slightly inferior to last season, but from a defensive point of view, the Hawks have increased their strength.

In any case, it is impossible for the big news this summer to belong to the Atlanta people. After all, with the Heat gathered in front of the Big Three, any news about transactions will be ranked behind.

There are so many signings and transactions that cannot be ignored:


Xi Di finally left Lao Na, and people were speculating whether the little overlord would be able to have as much fun as before after leaving Nash.

This transaction is probably the most shocking transfer transaction except for the Big Three of the Heat, but the Knicks finally missed their most wanted LeBron James. The team owner Dolan angrily announced on TV that he would try his best to recruit Ruan Erniu, let LBJ go to hell.

It’s no wonder that Dolan was unhappy. In fact, James’ attitude was always quite ambiguous before he made a decision. He said that he would stay in Cleveland, and said that the Knicks are a city with a good business atmosphere. , as the place where the idol Jordan became famous-Chicago, is also very attractive.

It is true that Pat Riley won James in the end, but James himself is indeed changing the rules of the league. Superstars begin to have the possibility of playing games with management, which has never been seen before in the history of the league.

Back to the transaction itself, as Stoudemire joined the Knicks, the Knicks' reconstruction work was also put on the agenda, so the next two transactions were logical.

2012. The Warriors acquired David Lee from the Knicks with Corunna Azubuike, Anthony Randolph, Ronnie Turiaf and a [-] second-round pick.

At the same time, the Denver Nuggets also signed Al Harrington in free.

There is nothing to say about the former, and the chain reaction was within everyone's expectations. When Stoudemire came to New York, David Lee naturally needed to go to a better place.

The emergence of the latter paved the way for a big deal in the 10-11 season. Don't forget that the head of the Nuggets, Carmelo Anthony, also belongs to the golden generation, and he is also full of desire for championships.

In addition, regarding the Golden State Warriors, there is another signing worth mentioning, that is, they signed the first Chinese-American player in NBA history, Jeremy Lin, who was undrafted in 10 years and graduated from Harvard University, Chinese fans are more keen to call him Jeremy Lin.

[-]. The Dallas Mavericks traded Eric Dampier, Matt Carroll, and Eduardo Najera to the Bobcats for Tyson Chandler and Alexis A. Jinsa.

At the same time, Mark Cuban did not let Dirk Nowitzki, who was in the free market, wait too long. He completed the contract extension with Deutsche Chariot for 8000 million yuan in four years.

Silver Horn King will not leave Dallas, because the Germans like the feeling of staying in Dallas and are too lazy to wander around. On the other hand, Cuban also loves him. You must know that Nowitzki does not have an agent. , This is also an extremely miraculous thing in the NBA with such a developed business.

Of course, there are even more legendary stories about the low-key old German driver. His ex-girlfriend Christopher Taylor, who has eight pseudonyms and goes around stealing, needless to mention. When no one noticed, Nowitz Key met his future wife, Jessica Olsen, in February 10.

By the way, Olson is black.

The king of heaven is the king of heaven, and he really does not take the usual path!

Fourth, the Chicago Bulls won Carlos Boozer in the free market, which is probably the last big news this summer.

Utah's new Shuangsha finally disintegrated, and Salt Lake City could not retain superstars after all. The situation of Stockton and Malone playing in the same team for 20 years may never appear in this impetuous league again.

Boozer's departure means that Jerry Sloan's control is declining, and Deron Williams is probably the last hope of Iron Nose.

Next summer, Deron's contract will also expire. Once the Jazz can't keep their own point guard, it means that their team building over the years will completely collapse.

At the same time, the Chicago Bulls are also the team with the most frequent transfers of players this summer. In total, the two parts of free signing and trading, they have been associated with the Wizards, Jazz, Suns, Rockets, and Warriors in total. With Derrick Rose as the core of the new team, the Bulls' management is also working hard!

[-]. The Memphis Grizzlies completed the signings of Rudy Gay and Tony Allen.

Needless to say the former, Gay was originally part of the cornerstone of the Grizzlies team, while Tony Allen was completely forced away by the stinginess of the Celtics.

For such a player who ranked first in defensive efficiency for two consecutive seasons, Danny Ainge refused to even give him a one-year contract of 300 million yuan. Contract, successfully took off the defensive champion.

This signing was considered by many Grizzlies fans to be overvalued in the future, while many Celtics fans believed that Danny Ainge made a big mistake.

Is it true?
Let's see why Danny Ainge dared to give up Tony Allen this summer?

The reason is simple, he signed this year's No. 19 rookie-Avery Bradley.

It has to be said that Danny Angie is already quietly making preparations for the reconstruction of Green Kai where no one is paying attention.

The Big Three of the Green Cays are all old. Whether they can handle the Atlanta Hawks in the playoffs or even stop the ambitious Miami Heat is unknown. It may not be meaningful to keep Tony Allen.

The trading market in the summer of 10 was too crazy, and there were so many big names that it was too dizzying for people to see the deep meaning and stories hidden in it. Some transactions that seem to have no impact at present may even involve the future alliance structure.

There is one thing to say, Ruan Erniu is not satisfied with the performance of the Eagles this summer. No matter how you look at it, a dynasty team should not be in a state of quiet operation.

But the Atlanta Hawks' ball market is too small after all, and it is also extremely difficult to expect Bruce Levenson and Michael Geelong to spend a lot of money to complete the transaction.

Just when Er Niu and the Eagles returned to Atlanta one by one to prepare for the 10-11 season, Ruan Er Niu himself suddenly received a call saying that the two owners of the team wanted to invite him to play golf.

Sunshine, lake water, endless lawns, golf clubs, and white electric cars.

Everything seems to go back to three years ago, when Ruan Erniu first came to Atlanta, the team owner received the prospect at this venue.

Three years later, Ruan Erniu overfulfilled his agreement with the two team owners, led the Atlanta Hawks to establish a three-peat championship dynasty, and he himself became the well-deserved active No.1 in the NBA. The commercial value of the company has doubled in a short period of time.

Bruce Levenson almost stood up from his chair on his own initiative, walked quickly to Er Niu and hugged the team leader, showing no sign of the team owner's arrogance towards the employees.

In fact, the owner of the Hawks did not dare to claim to be the master when the ball was played for the sake of the two bulls.

You know, just in the middle of last season, Knicks owner Dolan said a few words in front of the media that he wanted to take Ruan Erniu away, and Levinson immediately became nervous here, curry favor with Erniu, hoping that he would not leave the Hawks .

Ruan Erniu is a huge asset to the Eagles and even Atlanta as a whole. From an accounting point of view, no one will slack off on resources that are expected to bring economic benefits to the company.

"Kraft, it's been three years before I know it. How long has it been since we played golf together?" Michael Giron also stepped forward to shake hands and hug Er Niu, and asked with a smile after introducing Er Niu to his seat .

Ruan Erniu also smiled and said, "Mr. Jilong is just because the nobleman forgets things too much. We played together in March this year when the schedule was not too tight."

Michael Giron raised his forehead with his palm, nodded and said, "It's really old, and my memory is really bad!"

The three chatted for a while, and Er Niu saw that the two of them really had something to say, so he asked bluntly: "Mr. Levenson, Mr. Jilong, you can speak directly. We have been working together for three years. What kind of person am I?" people who know better than you.”

Levinson glanced at Geelong beside him, nodded and said, "Then I won't talk nonsense anymore, Michael and I are going to sell the Eagles and cash out directly!"

Ruan Erniu was stunned for a while, and for a moment, he even wanted to directly raise funds to buy the Eagles, but this was just a thought.

Not to mention Er Niu's money is now mostly in various companies. Even if he can really raise so much money, according to league regulations, players cannot directly control the team.

Otherwise, when Jordan came back that year, he would not have sold part of his Wizards equity first.

"Why did you tell me?" Ruan Erniu asked puzzled.

As an employee of the team, he is not qualified to be involved in the team's monopoly, and he himself does not have any shares in the Atlanta Hawks.

Bruce Levenson said: "This is a trust. A week later, we will officially list and sell the Eagles. We hope to give you a general understanding before that, which will make it easier for you to review your career. planning."

Ruan Erniu immediately understood what Levenson meant, and he asked back with a smile: "In this case, you should not tell me this news, but should let Billy reach an early contract renewal with me as soon as possible."

Levinson shrugged his shoulders and asked back, "Even if we didn't tell you, would you complete the contract renewal so quickly?"

Speaking of this, Ruan Erniu, Levinson and Jilong laughed loudly together.

This is the NBA. Once all parties put their interests on the table, everything will be cleared up.

Levinson and Geelong naturally hope that Ruan Erniu can complete the contract extension ahead of schedule, so that the value of the Hawks can be maximized. After all, the Hawks will retain their biggest "asset" in the next few seasons.

But Ruan Erniu's idea of ​​not wanting to renew his contract in advance is also very clear. He will complete his contract renewal only if the Atlanta Hawks will not hinder his personal development.

In a word, it is ridiculous for a foreigner like Erniu to talk about team loyalty, and the fetters of interests are the only choice for Erniu to finally decide whether to stay in Atlanta.

The Celtics haven't completely aged yet, and the Heat are coming back aggressively. For Ruan Erniu himself, the 10-11 season will be an inevitable turning point in his career, and he can't help but act cautiously.

Then again, since Ruan Erniu will definitely not renew his contract in advance, it is not surprising that Levinson sold Erniu to save face and told him that he would sell the Eagles first.

For Levinson and Geelong, Erniu has indeed been their biggest cash cow in the past three years, making the Atlanta Hawks, which have been losing money, the most profitable team in the league.

Of course, the favor given to the second-year players by Levenson and Geelong is also huge, otherwise the original second-year players would not have the right to intervene in the draft and trade.

It can be said that the owner of the Eagles and the player leaders of the Eagles are a model of mutual complementarity.

The topic of the three gradually deepened, and naturally they also chatted about why the Eagles were sold.

Levenson said with a smile: "There's no reason, it's just that we don't want to continue playing."

On the side, Jilong confessed: "In other words, we have no money to continue investing.

If there is no additional investment, the team's record will inevitably decline, and the team's record will decline, and we are not absolutely sure that we can keep you. Once you leave Atlanta, the team's record may be even worse, and the Hawks will be even more worthless. "

It's justifiable and compelling.

Indeed, either hang on and wait for the NBA to sign a bigger TV deal in 2014, or make an early move, sell the team, cash in and avoid asset depreciation.

Capitalists are sometimes involuntary, because capital will force them to make choices that are most conducive to capital accumulation.

From this perspective, a true fan who is willing to spend money like Mark Cuban is really rare!

"Actually, I have another reason." Bruce Levenson said suddenly.

Ruan Erniu asked curiously, "What?"

"I think that after Adam Silver comes to power, he will definitely make an example of others, kick out some NBA bosses, and increase the league's fresh blood."


Ruan Erniu didn't quite understand this argument at the time, but many years later, he agreed with this concept.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, Stern and many NBA bosses have won the country together, but it does not mean that Xiao Hua, the new king, will continue to tolerate the veterans to continue to hold their original positions after he ascends the throne.

Although he didn't know what the problem was between Levenson and Xiao Hua, Ruan Erniu faintly felt that Levenson's choice was definitely not a hot-headed decision.

In fact, this choice is definitely not necessarily a bad thing for Erniu himself.

If a big benefactor comes to Atlanta and is willing to invest enough capital for the team to operate, then Ruan Erniu doesn't have to bother thinking about developing his career elsewhere.

It may be a luxury to be consistent, but who doesn't want to be a morally perfect person?
(End of this chapter)

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