Standing pretty old

Chapter 791 Preseason and Team Trading

Chapter 791 Preseason and Team Trading
The rhetoric of a morally perfect person is quite heavenly. According to the Americans, to be precise, it should be called "one person, one city".

Throughout the history of the NBA, the rulers of almost every era are practitioners of "one person, one city".

This is true of Bill Russell in ancient times, Dr. J, Big Bird, Magician, Flying Man, Big Dream in modern times, including Daidai, Kobe, Driver and others.

Of course, the saying "one person, one city" is not valid for a certain ethnic group, such as Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, O'Neal, these legendary centers have all won championships in different teams.

Some things have their own will in the dark, and they will never be transferred due to personal will.


"So the Eagles will be officially listed in a week? Can I report this news in the "Sports Weekly" next week?" Ruan Erniu's home, Atlanta-based reporter Wang Meng is interviewing Erniu.

"I don't think there is any problem, this is your exclusive." Er Niu said.

Because of his close relationship with Erniu, he often interviewed Ruan Erniu in the past three years. Wang Meng joked with a smile: "But you didn't give me the headline I wanted the most. I didn't say anything about quitting the national team before." missed."

Ruan Erniu said: "If there is no other way, if we say it in advance, there will definitely be a riot in the city.

Besides, in addition to the Basketball Association, the leaders of the General Administration have to report and file one by one, right?Announced in front of the media in advance, but there is no room for relaxation. "

Wang Meng laughed again: "So, although you are not in the system, you don't have to work hard to play the set of things in the system. To be honest, even if you go into politics, Er Niu, you will never mess around. will be bad.

By the way, next, where is the responsibility, I still want to ask you why you quit the national team. "

Since the interview was conducted at Erniu's home, and there was no camera recording, the two were relatively relaxed.

So from a formal point of view, rather than saying that Wang Meng is interviewing Erniu, it is better to say that the two are having a normal dialogue.

Ruan Erniu said: "He Chaotingtai just came to interview me two days ago. Consciously or not, they wanted to turn the topic into something like system persecution. In fact, how can it be so complicated? It's just that I personally don't want to continue to play for the national team.

In other words, why can't I just opt ​​out when I reach the top?

I asked myself if I couldn't do better than the past two years. Playing in the NBA has already consumed too much energy. In this case, why can't I go back to my family in my free time?Back to life? "

Wang Meng nodded and said, "Yes! Why can't you say 'no'?

Maybe it's just our own perceptions that are the problem.

Just like when you really wanted to serve the country and join the national team, now that you have achieved success, do you need to bear any moral burden if you want to retire? "

Er Niu said: "Personally, I am also ready to accept bad reputation. I have been too smooth in the past few years, but this will not affect the decision I have made."

Wang Meng finally asked: "What is the outlook for the new season?"

"The championship! This goal will never change. As a professional player, working hard to pursue the championship is my only goal."


In the past few days, Erniu has sent several well-connected domestic reporters, and Wang Meng is the one with the best relationship, so he also sent the big news that the Eagles will soon change hands.

The hot topic of quitting the national team gradually cooled down, which did not exceed the estimation of the Erniu team.

Judging from the latest online reactions, Tianchao fans are relatively tolerant of Er Niu, a meritorious player of the national team.

It's no wonder that Erniu withdrew with the Olympic and World Championship champions. After Lian Kemengba and Mengjiu, Erniu and other male basketball players have already risen to the status of national heroes. Ruan Erniu retired at this time. , which is not objectionable.

Like Liu Xiang, the tragedy of being forced to go on the runway by the system and sponsors despite being injured will definitely not happen to Erniu.

In the blink of an eye, September passed and October arrived, and the Eagles gathered for nearly three weeks for warm-up training for the 9-10 season.

After that, they will officially start their preseason this season.

For the Eagles, they will also travel to the Pacific Ocean during this period, to the imperial capital and Yangcheng of China, and play two Chinese games with the Washington Wizards.

On October 10, US time, the Hawks took the lead at home and faced the challenge of the Memphis Grizzlies.

Every time they play against the Grizzlies, the Eagles have not played easily, and this time is no exception.

Although the Hawks completed the season double play against the Grizzlies last season, among all the sweeping teams, the Hawks' net difference against the Memphis should be the smallest of all sweeping teams.

The reason is that the Grizzlies pay more attention to offensive and defensive positions than the Celtics. The black and white duo fight inside, and even the second bulls rarely have a chance to score directly at the basket.

After Tony Allen joined the team, the Grizzlies' defensive strength has been further increased.

In Er Niu's view, the overall defensive ability of this team can be ranked among the top five in the league. In the playoffs, this team is definitely not an existence that all opponents are unwilling to entangle with. It may be the lack of strength on the offensive end.

The facts are exactly as Erniu and the Hawks coaching staff thought. Although the main players of the two teams were tied in the limited playing time, the Eagles easily defeated their opponents during the rotation time.

Mike Bibby reproduced the killer temperament of the "White Devil" in this game. Anyway, Bibby has long been used to the fact that he can't break through. Bibby, who lost his speed, ended his opponent with a super high outside shooting percentage, winning for the Eagles. To the first win of the preseason.

Er Niu's performance is not bad either. After all, things like highlights are unreliable. High and low mid-range shots and long-range shots that take up one-third of his shots are his main scoring methods.

With air-cut dunks and alley-oops alone, Ruan Erniu could not become the league's scoring leader with an average of 2+ points per game for two consecutive seasons.

After defeating the Grizzlies, the Hawks headed to Detroit on October 10 for their second preseason game against the Pistons.

This year's No. [-] pick Monroe, that is, Greg Monroe, started the game, but Ruan Erniu quickly handed over the rookie to be a man on the court.

Monroe is 6 feet 11 inches (211CM) tall, but his explosive power is mediocre, and his poor low-post skills are not enough to cause trouble for the second bull of the three-time D-POY.

The downtrend of the major centers in Millikin is too obvious. All of them lack skills and range, no mid-range shots, delusions that they are O'Neal, and can destroy everything inside by themselves. Isn't this nonsense?

Shooting ability is the basic skill of basketball. Even O'Neal, his low footsteps and small hooks are by no means what ordinary rebounding idiots can hold a candle to.

McGrady also signed a free contract with the Pistons this season, but the two-time scoring champion has long since lost his bravery.

Even if he can occasionally play aggressive back throws and dry pulls, his overall state is not enough for him to occupy a main position in the team.

In a rebuilding team like the Detroit Pistons, McGrady is of little value. Maybe the two-time scoring champion needs to turn his attention to the international arena like Iverson, and continue his career in leagues other than the United States.

Throughout the game, the Hawks easily suppressed the Detroit Pistons and won two consecutive preseason games.

After playing the Pistons, the Eagles did not return to Atlanta, but immediately took a cross-country flight to the imperial capital.

October 10th, imperial time.

Ruan Erniu came back to the Wukesong Golf Club, saying that he was not touched must be false.

Two years ago, it was here that he and Dayao led the Tianchao men's basketball team all the way through the finals. Finally, in the final, they defeated the Dream Eight team who vowed to revenge with one goal, making the Tianchao men's basketball team stand for the first time. The highest podium in the Olympic Games.

Revisiting the old place, Ruan Erniu still feels cordial to everything here.

Tianchao fans also gave Er Niu the greatest cheers and encouragement. Although he withdrew from the national team, he is still the supreme hero in the hearts of the fans.

The Eagles' opponent-the Washington Wizards' starting lineup tonight is quite interesting:
C JaVale McGee
PF Andrea Blatche

SF Nick Young

SG Gilbert Arenas
PG John Wall
It may not be correct to say that Wall is the point guard, because the ball is still in the hands of Arenas most of the time.

It's not that the Wizards didn't want to trade Arenas out this summer, but many teams expressed doubts about Arenas' state after recovery, so no one dared to accept it.

The most urgent task for Wizards coach Philip Saunders now is to let Arenas play his worth, so that the team management can replace him as soon as possible, and give the No. [-] pick John Wall enough room for growth.

McGee can still dance very well, but Er Niu never booed such a jumper.

The Eagles continued their strong performance, easily defeated their opponents, achieved three consecutive victories in the preseason, and won their first victory in the Chinese game.

Three days later, on October 10th, imperial time, the two teams moved to Yangcheng for the second leg of the Celestial Game.

The new arena in Yangcheng is full of modern atmosphere. From the perspective of hardware conditions, the competition stage of the two teams is not lost to the United States at all.

Manufacturing in China is approaching a historic turning point. For the people of China, 2010 is destined to be a year worth remembering.

It was in this year that China's GDP surpassed Nihong and became the second in the world; at the same time, China's total industrial output value surpassed that of the United States, ranking first in the world.

According to history, since the United States became the world's largest, it has always been used to attack the second child when the second child's industrial production capacity reaches 70% of his.

For example, Deutschland, Qian Maoxiong, and Nibo were all attacked when the industrial production capacity reached or approached.

However, the Celestial Dynasty directly broke through this vicious circle and advanced all the way, surpassing the United States in terms of gross industrial production value, which made the Americans feel unbelievable and unprepared.

What about peaceful evolution?

What about the subversion of the regime by the middle class?
Don't the middle-class people of the Celestial Dynasty have less brains?
If you have money and don't want to control political power, you know you want a second house and a second child. This is illogical!
That's right, it really does not conform to the logic of the Americans, but for the native Chinese people, it is so natural.

Looking up, there are still many problems in China, and many people are still struggling on the poverty line. But overall, the speed of China's economic development still amazes people all over the world.

Well, in order to avoid the exposure of other colleagues of the Bureau of War and Oblivion, the topic will stop here.

There is no suspense in the Hawks' two wins against the Wizards. A team with constant internal conflicts, thinking of replacing the former star and winning the No. [-] pick, is unlikely to be the opponent of the Dynasty team.

When Ruan Erniu attended the press conference after the game, he once again looked forward to the new season. He said with a smile: "If possible, I very much hope to lead the Eagles to win four consecutive championships this season.


If we can complete the defense this year, we will become the second team in history to complete four consecutive championships. "

Naturally, the Chinese reporters yearned for all of this, but the American reporters were not so easy to agree with Erniu’s point of view. The Washington Post reporter asked on the spot: "What about the Miami Heat? Will the Big Three affect the Hawks' championship defense?"

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "During my rookie season, no team in the league was optimistic about us. People thought that the championship would only come from the newly formed Celtics Big Three and Los Angeles that got Gasol. On the Lakers, but I think everyone knows the result.

The game is played out one by one, not blown out, let us use the game to speak. "

The Tianchao game ended successfully, and the Eagles and Wizards returned to the United States to continue the rest of the preseason.

The Atlanta Hawks, who have won four consecutive preseason games, did not fly directly back to Atlanta, but came to New Orleans to play their fifth preseason game against the Hornets.

The tired Hawks were ready to give up the game strategically, but the performance of the New Orleans Hornets was even worse, and the team leader Chris Paul had no fighting spirit at all.

Even the team's brains don't want to win, so it is natural for the Hornets to lose.

The main players of the Eagles, such as Er Niu, who played less than one and a half quarters, almost won the game lying down.

CP3 signed a 08+3 contract in 1, and next year he is eligible to jump out of the contract early and enter the free market. With his state, it is hard to imagine that he will continue to stay in New Orleans.

From the current point of view, the Hornets are doomed to be a team with no future. New Orleans being hit by the hurricane is only one aspect. The team owner's management is not good enough, so that the league drags management, which makes this team unable to see tomorrow .

If the team loses the number one star in the team, Chris Paul, they will become nothing.


The Eagles, which won five consecutive victories in the preseason, returned to Atlanta, and their next opponent was the Orlando Magic.

The fatigued Atlanta Hawks gave up the game directly and strategically.

Ruan Erniu only played for 10 minutes, and then went off to rest early. The confrontation between Huohua and Erniu entered the fourth season, and he finally had a statistical advantage in a preseason game.

The Hawks' next opponent is the New Jersey Nets.

Brook Lopez's shooting range has increased, but he didn't cause too much trouble for Er Niu. Harris is still fast, but Dragic, who is also a game lover, is enough to handle him.

After defeating the Nets, the Hawks will go to Charlotte to face their final preseason opponent, the Bobcats.

The lineup of the Bobcats has not changed much compared to last season. The fat Dior failed to handle Ruan Erniu in the World Championships, and he is also not Erniu's opponent in the NBA.

After Tyson Chandler was replaced, the team's team building ideas suddenly became messy. No fan would believe that Larry Brown could lead the team to play small balls, and Dior, who emphasized slow pace, also It is impossible to become the engine of the team like Erniu.

In fact, judging from the information currently disclosed by the US media, the relationship between Bobcats owner Michael Jordan and head coach Larry Brown has dropped to a freezing point.

Jordan could fire Brown at any moment, even though they complimented each other on their honeymoon.

The Hawks won the game with the Bobcats without bloodshed, and ended their entire preseason schedule this season with a record of 7 wins and 1 loss.

Ruan Erniu is eager to lead the Eagles to win four consecutive championships, but many media expressed their pessimism.

On the one hand, although the behavior of the Big Three of the Heat is contemptible, their strength is beyond doubt.

On the other hand, the internal problems of the Eagles are also not small. After all, before the start of the preseason, Bruce Levenson and Michael Geelong were listed together, ready to sell the team.

When the preseason ended, the acquirer was officially born. There were many consortiums interested in the Atlanta Hawks, which had just established a dynasty, and the consortium led by Tony Ressler finally stood out.

Tony Ressler said at the beginning of his tenure that he would definitely keep the team in Atlanta. When he bought the team for 9 million yuan, he also obtained the right to use the Phillips Arena, the home of the Eagles.

It should be said that everything is developing in a good direction.

As soon as Tony Ressler took the stage, he found time to have dinner with the team leader Ruan Erniu. For Ressler, as long as he can complete the renewal of Ruan Erniu's contract, then his acquisition is sure to make money. Compensation business.

However, to be honest, Erniu has a general impression of this new boss.

Because this guy is also a shrewd businessman, and from the conversation, it can be roughly judged that his business strategy is also tending to be conservative, and he is not willing to increase investment in the team.

This immediately made Erniu feel discouraged, and the Hawks' dynasty will last for another year at most.

By next year, as the contracts of himself, Dragic, Eclipse and others expire, once the boss is unwilling to pay, a large group of people will inevitably go to the free market to find bigger contracts.

How can it be possible for the Eagles to continue to have an impact on the championship with Erniu and Jiongsen alone?
Time flies, and it will be the end of October in a blink of an eye. The Atlanta Hawks will usher in their opening game at their home court, and their opponent is the hottest team in the free market this summer-the Miami Heat.

Thank you book friend, I am not my nameless reward!
(End of this chapter)

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