Standing pretty old

Chapter 792 Weakness Restrictions and Injuries

Chapter 792 Weakness Restrictions and Injuries

Let the defending champion play the Heat's Big Three at the beginning, which is of course the result of the league's deliberate arrangement.

David Stern is supportive of the grouping of superstars, and the chairman does not want to see the Atlanta Hawks dominate, so he will naturally use various methods to create trouble for the defending champion.

After careful analysis, in fact, there are only two common tricks used by the alliance:

The first is to loosen the restrictions on superstar grouping and encourage more giants to group together;
Second, of course, next year, Ruan Erniu, who is still receiving a cheap rookie salary for the fourth year, will be given a salary increase next year. Just as a new round of labor negotiations is about to begin, we must come up with a "barbaric clause" to make Erniu Get a big paycheck and test Tony Ressler's wallet by the way.

At that time, even if the Eagles can barely maintain the main lineup, they will not be able to continue to strengthen.

In fact, even the main lineup is difficult to maintain.

Dragic rose to the top quickly and became famous in the finals, while Josh Smith's contract also expired.Once the two bulls renew their contracts with high salaries, at least one of the two must go. If Tony Ressler is a little more stingy, maybe both of them will be traded or given up.

It should be said that these two items are not only the reason why Er Niu chose to extend the contract, but also the alliance's overt conspiracy to dismantle the Eagles.

Mature commercial leagues like the NBA have ways to maintain a balance between teams.

Of course, there are also occasional misses, such as the Philadelphia 13ers 76 years later, who have been unshakable for many consecutive seasons, and their record ranks among the bottom three. Even if it is given two more champions, it may not be effective.

Looking back at the opening game of the 2010-2011 season, Ruan Erniu handed out the championship rings of the 09-10 season to his teammates one by one before the start of the game under the envious eyes of James.

Including Jiong Jisen, Moon Eclipse, Bibby, Zaza Pachulia and others have won the championship ring for the third consecutive season. This group of people are all witnesses of the Eagles Dynasty.

Even if Dragic and Chris Anderson have won two championships, Jamal Crawford, Mills and Sun Yue won the championship ring for the first time in their careers. The players who hitch a ride with the Eagles are the lucky ones.

The Hawks' starting lineup tonight hasn't changed much from last season:
C Ruan Erniu

PF Josh Smith

SF Matt Barnes

SG Joe Johnson

PG Goran Dragic
The Heat's lineup is somewhat beyond the expectations of experts:
C Chris Bosh
PF Joel Anthony

SF LeBron James

SG Dwyane Wade
PG Carlos Arroyo

Bosh actually went to play the 5th position, which means that the Heat will also carry the ball to the end this season.

It's no wonder that the Hawks centered on Er Niu, a short center, and played small ball for three consecutive years, eventually establishing the Eagles Dynasty.

It would be strange if there is no team to imitate, not to mention, when the Heat's Big Three are present at the same time, playing small ball is really a perfect thing.

Bosh was very excited after the opening. He defeated Ruan Erniu in the jump ball, and immediately asked for the ball in the low post, wanting to single out Ruan Erniu to show his ability.

Er Niu stood ready to stand against Bosh, Dragon King's skills were not bad, and there were more than one or two rough brothers who could be fooled by just a little bit.

However, Ruan Erniu, who had defended for a long time, did not usher in the expected heads-up. Instead, Arroyo, who held the ball outside, passed the ball to D. Wade, and D. Wade passed the ball to James. .

With this hesitation, the opportunity has been missed.

Bosh immediately mentioned that Er Niu occupied the position in the middle, because he also saw it at this time, and James wanted to do it alone.

Sure enough, LBJ broke through with the ball and passed Barnes with one impact. Erniu and Eclipse immediately retreated to defend, and together with Barnes, James was surrounded.

James had to pass the ball back to Wade. Seeing that time was running out, James pulled out his hand from a long distance...


Hard work!
Er Niu got the rebound in the backcourt and immediately took the ball to the frontcourt. James kept up with Er Niu on the defensive end, and the two flew to the basket together.


The two bulls showed strong personal ability in the transition between offense and defense. Facing James' defense, it was a dunk, which opened the record for the Hawks.

When the Celestial Man turned around to defend, he smiled and glanced at James. This look made James very unhappy, as if he had been despised just now.

On the offensive end of the Heat, James once again chose to force a breakthrough. With the two bulls entangled in him, the eclipse rushed out from the flank, and a big cap slapped the ball out of the sideline.

Joel Anthony's autonomous offensive ability is too poor, and the eclipse has sufficient flank defensive space, and can rush out from the flank at any time to help Er Niu deal with players who hit the basket.

In just two possessions, the Heat, a team hated, loathed and feared by many fans, showed its weakness.

The Big Three were indeed the leading stars of their respective teams, and there is no need to say more about their personal abilities, but when it comes to chemical reactions, it is really desperate.

The "Janeway Connection" that has been rumored to be miraculous in the next few years has not yet appeared. Even if the "Janeway Connection" travels through time and space to the present, the Hawks will not boo at all.

Because Er Niu and Jiong Jisen's "Er Jiong Connection" lacks explosive dunks, but it is more stable.

囧囧sen makes a pass back at random, and the two bulls who are high or flanking can use a stable mid-range shot to end the battle. The universality is higher.

If you have to find a comparison in history, it is that Glove Payton can send wonderful lobs in the peak period of Rainman Kemp, but Stockton has played pick-and-roll with Karl Malone all his life.

The above are just the current weaknesses of the Heat. The biggest weakness that affects the Heat's Big Three to hit higher goals is not actually their attitudes, but their own positions.

To put it simply, when there are two assaulters in the team at the same time - James and Wade, Bosh's position on the offensive end becomes quite awkward. He can no longer receive the ball directly in the low post like the Raptors did The way of singles is to solve the battle.

In the Heat, Bosh will definitely become the giant who sacrificed the most, because only by sacrificing his low-post offense can he maximize the release of James and Wade's offensive talents and provide the Heat with a stable high-post shooting platform.

Not only did Bosh make sacrifices on the offensive end, he also had to be weakened in terms of defensive rebound protection.

In order to learn the small ball mode of the Hawks, Heat coach Spoelstra will definitely let D. Wade and James participate more in the backcourt rebounds. Once these two guys get the backcourt rebounds , Immediately, he can immediately launch an offensive and defensive transition like Kraft Nguyen of the Eagles.

Heartbroken, Bosh!

Before long, as James' style of play becomes more and more inward and becomes a low-post finisher like Ruan Erniu, a generation of "Dragon King" is bound to wear the hat of "Bo Yiban".

Now the Heat obviously haven't found their own offensive method. Gathering the Big Three doesn't mean they are a whole. A few blind fights is their only reliable tactic for the time being.

At 9:22, although the Eagles played very tight, the Heat's performance was indeed worse.

James made 7 of 2 shots in a single quarter, and D. Wade even made 4 of 0 shots. Bosh only got one shot from the beginning to the end of the first quarter and hit a mid-range shot.

The Eagles' zone defense has also been honed in the playoffs for three years. The Heat's pure assault mode is not enough to cause substantial damage to the Dynasty team.

The poor performance of the Big Three was astonishing. David Stern, who came to the scene to supervise the battle, frowned. What he wanted to see was a close battle, not a one-sided massacre.

Fortunately, this is only the beginning of the season, and the Heat still have plenty of time to adjust their tactics and strategies.

The Heat are naturally dissatisfied with their performance, but this is not the case for the Hawks. The Atlanta man has no problem on the defensive end, but on the offensive end, after losing John Salmons, who has been with the team for two seasons, everything is in jeopardy. It became less smooth.

Er Niu said to Matt Barnes who was sitting beside him: "Matt, shoot directly if there is an open spot, don't hesitate, if you can't shoot me and J-Smoove, Birdman will definitely grab the offensive rebound. "

Ba Ye (Barnes) nodded with a smile, not sure whether he listened happily or was satisfied with his performance.This product is not completely without three-point ability, but compared with salmon, it immediately pales in comparison.

On the surface, the Eagles' offense is centered on Ruan Erniu alone. In fact, the team's pitchers are also crucial. Without them to open up space for Erniu, it is also impossible for Ruan Erniu to get what he wants in the low post and mid-range.

In the second quarter, the two small ball teams began to speed up, and James and Wei seemed too embarrassed to continue to shoot wildly, so after breaking through, they often chose to send the ball to Bosh.

The Dragon King was immediately stunned, not because the ball was not worn well, but because he was dressed too well, he really couldn't adapt to it. In Toronto, if he wants to get a chance to make a move without the ball, it is almost another space things.

"Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!"


If you don't look at the technical statistics, no one will believe that Chris Bosh, one of the Big Three, made 5 of 0 shots in a single quarter and scored 2 points close to free throws.

The Hawks took advantage of the situation and played a wave of 15:4 attacks, which once again widened the score gap.

In the second half of the second quarter, James and Heat substitute Eddie House stepped up and scored consecutively, finally saving some points for the Heat.

At 21:30, the Heat lost another 9 points in the second quarter, and the halftime ended. At 30:52, the defending champion extended its lead to 22 points in the first half.

During the intermission, Woodson also said bluntly in an interview: "The Heat are a good team, but they are not a whole now. I think this game does not have much reference value.

Only after the season is over, when we meet again in the playoffs, will I be able to assess the true strength of this team. "

Egghead said very sincerely, even if they beat the current Heat, it does not mean that the Hawks will definitely beat the Heat with the Big Three. The season is still very long, and everything is possible.

The calmness of the Atlanta people is brought about by long-term victories. In contrast, the restlessness of the Miami Heat is caused by their eager ambition and the persecution of cruel reality.

Especially James, from the past preseason, James has fully appreciated the rejection of him by the entire audience. He is no longer the "chosen son" that everyone loves, but the most famous "traitor" in NBA history.

If he can't lead the Heat to defeat the Hawks, then his historical status may be...

Wait, he doesn't seem to be able to represent the Heat, yes, this is the third significant weakness of the Miami Heat-the lack of core leaders.

D. Wade thought that James and Bosh were helping him become Michael Jordan, but James believed that he should be the boss of any team he went to.

At the same time, as a superstar, no matter how close a friend is, it is impossible to have no grudges about his own historical status.

If the previous weaknesses can still be adjusted with tactics and strategies, then for the Heat, this weakness is probably a time bomb that may explode at any time.

Even in Er Niu's rookie season, if Jiong Jisen insists on going his own way and wants to isolate Ruan Er Niu, or even play tricks such as "I have me without him", I am afraid that the Eagle Dynasty will disappear.

When giants and giants are together, they have to sacrifice each other. This sacrifice is not only reflected in the statistics, but more importantly, it is the repositioning of the positions of oneself and teammates.

A snake can't do without a head, and a soldier can't fight without a leader.

If each player cannot find his own position in the team, then the team will inevitably lack cohesion at critical moments.

If Wade and James don't get this right, they're doomed to never win an NBA championship together.

The second half of the game started soon, and D. Wade and James seemed to have finally discussed a countermeasure. Since it is not clear who is the boss for a while, it is better for both sides to use their abilities. The two became team members in one quarter. main attack point.

I have to say that there is no way to do it, and it is often the most reliable way.

James, who gained attack authority in the third quarter, immediately seemed to have returned to the peak state of the Cavaliers, making various breakthroughs with the ball, completely ignoring the Eagles' defense.

He made 7 of 4 shots in a single quarter, including 3 of 2 three-pointers and 6 of 5 free throws. He scored 15 points, 3 rebounds, and 1 assist in a single quarter, helping the team recover 27 points with 22:5. Difference.

At 57:74, before the start of the final quarter, the Hawks still had a huge lead of 17 points.

It should be pointed out that Wade did not take the initiative to take a single shot in this quarter. He scored 2 point and 1 assists just after making 1 free throws and 3 of [-] free throws, completely giving up the stage to James.

The last quarter of the game began quickly. Ruan Erniu did not give the Miamis any chance at this time. He succeeded in singles against Bosh and the old Igor Skas in the low post, leading the team to a wave of 18:6 attacks Bo, sealed the final victory in one fell swoop.

At 80:104, the Eagles ushered in a good start at home and defeated the mighty Big Three of the Heat with a huge advantage of 24 points.

After the game, all kinds of criticism and ridicule flooded the Heat.

"So what if the Big Three are grouped together? Didn't they lose to the Eagles? James, a softie, won't even think about winning a championship for the rest of his life."

"Is the big three going against each other overrated? I've seen the best team in the league beat three top-[-] players in the league."

"From the moment he left Cleveland, James was no longer worthy to be compared with Michael Jordan, and this era belongs to the Chinese."


James has not yet thought that this is just the beginning. For him, the real abuse is far from over.

Ruan Erniu was relatively relaxed in the post-match press conference, but there were also hostile Miami reporters who asked him about the delay in renewing his contract.

Er Niu said with a smile: "At least I can be sure that my next stop will never be the Miami Heat!"

Renewing the contract is an economic account. Before the last moment, Erniu will not easily sacrifice his own interests to complete the contract renewal.

The Hawks, who won the opener, did not stop themselves.

They first defeated the Philadelphia 76ers on the road, and then they got the Washington Wizards at home.

Then they went to Ke Village again and defeated the Cavaliers without James. What they never expected was that Er Niu was warmly welcomed here, and some fans even dragged out such a slogan: "Kill LBJ!"

LeBron James did a huge disservice to Cleveland fans with his TV interview, and this guy Leon Rose really did pull off a coup.

After defeating the Cavaliers, the Hawks returned to their home court to deal with the rebuilding Detroit Pistons. In order to prevent Monroe from losing confidence in the future in the match against Erniu, Pistons head coach John Kuster simply used Ben Wallace to continue as the Pistons start.

As a result, the degraded Big Ben scored only 0 points, 6 rebounds, and 2 assists. Ruan Erniu, defended by Wallace and Monroe, scored 65 points and was completely defeated. The Pistons' defense.

Just finished playing at home, the Atlanta people, who won the five-game winning streak at the beginning of the season, flew away again, this time their opponent was the Minnesota Timberwolves.

This is the third measure of the league's restrictions on the Eagles. The schedule is strict. At the beginning of this season, the Eagles have to travel back and forth between home and away games. If it is said that all these are automatically programmed by computers, I am afraid no one will be convinced.

Not long after Erniu got off the plane, he received a bad news that Yao Ming suffered a stress fracture in his left foot again, directly announcing that Dayao would be reimbursed for the 10-11 season.

The call Ruan Erniu received was from Dayao directly from Houston. During the call, Dayao expressed his desire to retire to Erniu for the first time.

Er Niu didn't know what to say, so he said "Treasure!"

In any case, Yao Mingming made an indelible contribution to the Tianchao men's basketball team. He was the first No. [-] draft pick to land in the NBA; he was also the most successful player in the NBA before Erniu; The cornerstone of the men's basketball championship winning the Olympic Games and World Championships.

It should be said that the existence of Yao Ming is not only the pride of the Tianchao men's basketball team, but also represents the image of the Tianchao people in the world for a long time.His role is not only reflected in basketball, Dayao is a bridge, communicating the exchanges between China and the United States.

Yao Ming has not announced his specific retirement date at present. Er Niu thinks that he must still be [-]% lucky and hopes to return to the court in the future, but things like injuries will not be changed by the subjective thoughts of athletes. .

(End of this chapter)

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