Standing pretty old

Chapter 793 Surgical Plan and Contract Renewal Negotiation

Chapter 793 Surgical Plan and Contract Renewal Negotiation

"how is the situation?"

Ouyang Haotian, who came in a hurry, asked the calm Han Meimei.

Coincidentally, Ouyang Haotian had just come from China to report to Erniu, but he heard the news that the boss was sent to the hospital as soon as he got off the plane.

"I just finished the MRI, and the initial diagnosis was a 2% meniscus tear in the left knee." Dr. Han is a wise woman, even if her lover suffers such a serious injury, she can still maintain restraint and calmness.

In fact, this has been pretty much the least damaging meniscus tear.

After arriving at the hospital, the stubborn Er Niu even tried to get out of bed and walk a few steps by himself, but in order to prevent him from limping himself, Dr. Han directly asked the doctor to give him a sedative.

How does a torn meniscus affect a player?

Reuters will make such a statistics in the future.


The rate of occurrence is about 10000-1 frontal meniscus tears per 2 training or competitions, and most of them occur without physical confrontation, with more than one-third of the cases It happened during overtime.

Of those 129 meniscus tears, one in five never played another NBA game, but most returned healthy and played at pre-injury levels.

The level mentioned here takes into account the data comparison of players before and after the injury, such as points, rebounds, fouls and turnovers, etc. The average recovery time for each player is about 6 weeks.

Speaking of the meniscus, there are several names that cannot be avoided.

For example, Brandon Roy, he no longer has a meniscus in his two knees, which means that when he runs and jumps on the court, there is no cartilage in his knees for cushioning, and it is completely "bone hitting bone".

Looking at his performance in the Trail Blazers this season, Roy, who is on and off, is no longer the omnipotent "yellow mamba", but a glass man who may face retirement at any time.

Another example is Amare Stoudemire. Before he had a knee injury, this cruel guy would perform dunks with a flat basket in almost every game. Vulgar, not reduced to the point of "second court pitcher".

The last thing I have to mention is Dwyane Wade, who had his left knee meniscus removed in 2002 (when he was still in college). Even so, the Flash still achieved his own. FMVP, the ferocity is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Ouyang Haotian nodded, he had already prepared for the worst before coming here, but now it seems that things are far from as bad as he thought.

"Can I go see him now?" Ouyang Haotian asked.

"Go ahead, he's fine now anyway, his good teammates and friends have been here, and he can't sleep now," Han Meimei said.

"Sit down! Do you want me to move the chair for you?" Ruan Erniu greeted Ouyang Haotian, his first partner and manager, with a smile.

Er Niu's career is getting bigger and bigger, Ouyang Haotian is more like the steward of his huge business empire, but the attribute of a broker is second, and more importantly, this guy will become Er Niu's brother-in-law in a few years. In the Celestial Dynasty, there is no more reassuring alliance method than the attribute of in-laws.

Many people say that family business will hinder the development of the company, but looking at the business history of all continents, all commercial groups that have truly developed to a large scale have extremely large "family and friends".

"Dayao has only been injured for a few days, but I didn't expect to be injured too." Er Niu said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Heal with peace of mind, you need to rest now." Ouyang Haotian said, "The sales volume of Hengyi's North American sneakers is already the number one among active players, the companies in the United States and China are developing steadily, and the properties hoarded in the North District of Atlanta are all rising in value. , even if you don’t play, you can still make money every day, what else can you not think about?”

Er Niu said again: "I thought I was an omnipotent superman, but now it seems that I am just a mortal."

"Injuries are always inevitable. The most important thing now is to find an excellent doctor to perform the operation on you!"

Er Niu nodded and said, "My brother has already called, and he will fly to Atlanta as soon as possible."

Speaking of Daniel, Ouyang Haotian's forehead suddenly burst into sweat. Ever since Bull knew that Ouyang and the Ruan family girl were together, he hadn't given him a good face.

The confrontation in the hotel in the bay area scared Ouyang Haotian to death. At that time, Ruan Daniu loaded his pistol directly and taught Ouyang an unforgettable lesson.

"Bull's medical skills are trustworthy, but he is not an expert in sports injuries. Do you need my help to contact experts in this area."

Er Niu asked back with a smile: "Brother is a figure in the industry anyway, he must be more professional than you in this respect..."

The next second, Ruan Erniu's cell phone rang suddenly, and a text message was sent.

Er Niu turned on the phone, looked at it for a few seconds, and then directly handed the phone to Ouyang: "Steven, your job is here!"

Ouyang Haotian quickly took the phone: "Huh? What does this mean? I actually came to talk to you at this time..."

Er Niu interrupted rudely: "No matter what it means, our scheduled plan will not change, they must have received the specific news of my injury.

A torn meniscus is not a minor injury. What's the point of talking about contract renewal with me at this time? "

Ouyang Haotian said unhurriedly: "What if the conditions they put forward are good?"

According to the current regulations, after the end of the rookie contract, the starting salary of Erniu's next maximum salary can reach 25% of the salary cap. Of course, labor negotiations will start soon, and the renewal time will be pushed back. The interests of the cattle can be maximized.

Of course, on the contrary, if the team can complete the contract renewal ahead of schedule, even if there is a new policy in the labor negotiations, the initiative to give Er Niu a corresponding salary increase will also fall into the hands of the Hawks.

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said, "I met Tony Ressler. He is not a generous person. We need to prepare for the worst."

Ouyang Haotian smiled and said: "This is my job, Kraft, I won't bother you anymore, you should have a good rest!"

Ruan Daniu arrived in Atlanta the next night. In fact, he had already obtained Erniu's case through the Internet.

The main purpose of coming to Atlanta was to visit his younger brother. As for the specific diagnosis and treatment plan, while waiting at the airport, he had already had nearly an hour of online video discussions with several doctors of related professions.

"I'm in a good mood! I can eat and sleep." Ruan Daniu didn't show any sad expression, and it wasn't that the old Ruan's men never knew how to bow their heads when encountering difficulties.

"If I don't eat or sleep, I will become a fairy." Er Niu replied with a smile.

In the VIP ward, the two most promising men of the Ruan family were joking with each other, telling about the people and things that happened recently.

Ruan Daniu didn't directly discuss Erniu's injury, but instead talked about his own plans.

"I'm ready to go back to China!" Ruan Daniu's news surprised Er Niu.

"Why?" Ruan Erniu asked quite unexpectedly.

"It's very simple. Some units in China have given me greater authority and research funding." Ruan Daniu said with his hands open.

"Professor, are you returning home?" Ruan Erniu teased with a smile.

"Isn't it good? The domestic economy is developing rapidly, and opportunities are no less than those in the United States. If I reach my level, there will eventually be an invisible ceiling in the United States."

Er Niu nodded, thinking that what the elder brother said was right. Competitive sports are relatively fair in this respect, but for most other industries, the dome will always exist.

"What about Fiona and Yuan Bao?" Er Niu asked.

"Marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog." Ruan Daniu raised his eyebrows and said eight words.

Er Niu nodded, and just wanted to express sympathy to the Gallaghers who couldn't see their daughter and grandson, but Ruan Daniu took out his laptop from his handbag.

"Let's see, this is the treatment plan that several doctors and I discussed with each other after reading the cases sent by the hospital,"

Ruan Daniu frowned, pointed at the screen and continued:

"One, remove your meniscus directly. This is the fastest and most convenient surgical method. There are several veteran sports therapy experts who hold this opinion, but I vetoed it immediately."

Er Niu nodded and said: "That's right, if I remember correctly, Roy just had his meniscus removed, and his condition declined too obviously."

Ruan Daniu continued: "Second, perform knee debridement surgery, which is currently the most mainstream meniscus treatment."

Er Niu Xun asked: "What is debridement surgery?"

Ruan Daniu explained: "Let's put it this way, debridement will be performed through arthroscopic surgery, making 2-3 tiny incisions on the knee, and then using an endoscope to examine the inside of the knee. Auxiliary observation.

After determining the location of the wound, use a tiny arthroscopic scissors and a razor—actually an electric razor, but you can understand it as a razor, and remove the in-out, dog-toothed tearing parts of the wound. Once cut off, because these torn parts that are no longer flat will continue to touch adjacent bones and cause constant pain.

Think about how it feels to hand-shred a turkey at Christmas, and you can probably tell a thing or two.

Through debridement, doctors remove the damaged portion of the meniscus, leaving the rest to do the job of absorbing shock.

This kind of debridement operation is very simple, and the whole process only takes about 15 minutes. It is estimated that the clinic in our village can also do it.

Generally speaking, you can walk on the ground on the day of the operation, and the subsequent rehabilitation work is to reduce swelling and gradually restore exercise capacity.

Generally speaking, the recovery process takes 2-4 weeks, after which the athletes can resume training and competition, but through tracking feedback, most athletes said that they are in the process of recovery and adjustment within 3-4 months after the operation.

The debridement allows for normal activities after the procedure, although it may take several weeks to return to the original state. "

Ruan Erniu said: "That sounds good, so I can still make it to the playoffs?"

Professor Ruan shook his head and said, "Next, I'm going to talk about the third plan - revision surgery.

Then the situation is very different, because the surgical procedure requires stitches and rivets to close the torn part.

The postoperative recovery of this kind of operation is particularly important. Once the knee is accidentally hit or twisted before the wound heals, such as running, jumping, etc., the sutured part will split again, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

Although the recovery time for the wound varies from person to person, typically, the knee cannot bear any weight for 2-4 weeks after surgery, and crutches are required for as long as 4 weeks.

After that, you can gradually adapt the knee to weight-bearing exercises and start doing some sports such as jogging to restore the knee's bearing capacity.

The entire recovery period is about 3-4 months, or even longer.

Enduring such a tedious recovery period is not for nothing, at least after a period of recuperation, the athlete is able to regain a 100% functioning meniscus.

For those athletes who have undergone debridement surgery, the shock-absorbing effect of the meniscus is somewhat reduced, for example, it can only have 6% or 7% of the shock-absorbing function, depending on the size of the removed meniscus.

But for those athletes who have undergone repair surgery, the ideal situation is that the shock absorption function of the meniscus can be restored to the level before the injury without any damage, which is good for the athletes to maintain long-term sports life, remember Live, sharpen the knife and chop woodworkers by mistake. "

Ruan Erniu asked slightly confused: "Brother, you chose the third operation plan, but you still have doubts?"

Professor Ruan nodded and said, "That's right, no medical method is absolute.

Or it should be said that although the third surgical option is technically the most advanced option, it also lacks a large sample of clinical cases.

In other words, when you accept this surgical plan, you also have to take considerable risks.

Don't think that modern medicine is omnipotent. In fact, doctors' treatment of patients is a process of carrying people across the river. If there is a slight carelessness, a "spray" may cause unpredictable consequences.

So, the final decision is up to you. "

Ruan Erniu said without hesitation: "Of course I choose the third option. There is no risk in surgery. To be honest, I don't have much confidence in the surgery itself, but I have confidence in you, brother."

Professor Ruan said with a smile: "Then there is only one last question, who to choose as your attending doctor. I have two options here, the chief team doctor of the Suns - Thomas Carter, and the other is the University of Southern California. Director of the Sports Medicine Center - David Gale."

As a UCLA person, Ruan Erniu instinctively disliked the USC people, but he also quickly realized that it seemed that his elder brother admired the latter more.

Ruan Daniu continued: "Does medicine count as science? If it is based on basic medical theory, of course it is, but when it comes to on-site treatment, it is another concept. Remember, clinical medicine is a discipline that cannot completely get rid of experience. , and experience is not necessarily scientific.”

"So, David Gale has more experience?" Er Niu said.

"That's right, I heard his lectures in Los Angeles. Relatively speaking, although Thomas Carter is well-known in your circle, as a professional, I still believe in David Gale, who has more clinical experience. In fact, this third set of options was also the first that he proposed in the discussion."

Ruan Erniu nodded and said, "Professional issues must of course be handled by professionals. Brother, I trust your judgment. Please help me arrange surgery as soon as possible."

As soon as Er Niu finished speaking, Ruan Daniu suddenly walked up and grabbed Er Niu by the neck and said, "Your boy is recovering from illness, so some things should be put on the agenda."

Clever as a pair of cows, he immediately understood the meaning of the elder brother's question: "Wait, shouldn't Ms. Zhong Chuhong bring this up? What are you worrying about?"

Ruan Daniu said relentlessly: "Adoption is the adoption. Eddie is indeed a good girl. I don't have any opinions on this, but you should come to the MADE-IN-Old Ruan's house no matter what?"

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "Isn't there no time? Besides, May and I are not married yet, right?"

Ruan Daniu said angrily: "The two old comrades Ruan and Zhong called me again, and they quickly said that this brother has no conscience, and completely forgot about you as a younger brother. I have a family and a career, my younger brother. Why is there no movement at all? Tell me, what should I do?"

"Cold salad!" Er Niu pushed Da Niu's hand away, and continued to say with a smile: "The general is out, and the king's life will not accept it!"

Ruan Daniu smiled coldly, turned around and walked out of the VIP ward. For some reason, Er Niu always felt that the elder brother's smile was quite meaningful.

However, he has no time to think about what Ruan Daniu said, because Ouyang Haotian quickly reported a bad news to him.

"How unreasonable!" Ouyang, who is gentle and elegant, arranged a stack of A4 papers on the chair angrily, then took out one of them, marked it with a pencil, and placed it in front of Erniu.

Ruan Erniu picked up the paper document and looked at it for a while, then said coldly: "This is the condition for them to renew the contract in advance?"

"It's only signed for two years, and the total is only 3500 million yuan. The second year is still the team's option. This is simply deceiving!" Ouyang Haotian continued to say angrily, "I have never heard that a player who has won consecutive MVPs can't get it." At the max, are you making less than Joe Johnson who hasn't even been around for a while?"

Ruan Erniu asked, "Is this their final offer?"

Ouyang Haotian shook his head and said: "It's just a preliminary intention, so there is no specific contract document. These terms are compiled from the minutes of the meeting at that time. As soon as I heard these conditions, I terminated the negotiation immediately."

Er Niu said: "You did the right thing. The Eagles and I grew up with each other. There is no relationship between who owes anyone. Help me make another appointment with Tony Ressler. If we still can't agree, hehe, PLEASE-TRADE-ME! "

What Ruan Erniu never expected was that he was injured and he was not even qualified to talk to the boss directly. From the beginning to the end, Tony Ressler refused the meeting request on the grounds of going out for business negotiations. In the middle, all the contract renewal issues were pushed to Billy Knight.

Later, Knight also invited Erniu to dinner in private. Knight, then the general manager of the Eagles, told Ruan Erniu helplessly: "There are some things that he can't do anything about!"

 Er Niu's injury was roughly similar to that of Westbrook later, and even the treatment method was basically the same.

  Speaking of a torn meniscus, the most amazing thing is not Wade, who still won the championship without the meniscus, but the league veteran Ron Artest, who returned to the game in only 12 days after the operation, no , At that time, he had already called charity world peace.

(End of this chapter)

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