Chapter 794

The contract renewal cannot be negotiated temporarily, but the decision on the operation must be negotiated as soon as possible.

As a player of the Atlanta Hawks, according to the contract, Er Niu cannot decide the operation alone.

If you have to carry out surgery in advance without telling the team, or even announce the regular season reimbursement (repair surgery takes about 3-4 months, barely in time for the playoffs), it will inevitably lead to the rigid relationship between Tracy McGrady and the Rockets.

In modern business alliances, communication between each other is always the first.

The internal meeting was held soon, and Mike Woodson ran back as soon as he led the team to play an away game.

The Eagles without Ruan Erniu made him feel like he was back a few years ago, when he had no future in sight.

Also participating in the meeting were the Hawks uniform team headed by Billy Knight, as well as Erniu himself and his agent team.

Ruan Daniu's resignation procedures at UCLA have almost been completed, and now he has time to arrange surgery for his younger brother, so he participated in this meeting as Erniu's medical consultant.

The two sides exchanged friendly greetings at the beginning, but due to time constraints, they quickly got to the point.

Billy Knight, as a team representative, first said: "Kraft, we have discussed your injury with the team's medical team. We hope you can receive debridement treatment and return to the team as soon as possible."

Ruan Erniu shook his head and said: "No, I have also fully communicated with my medical team. I insist on a more time-consuming repair operation, which is responsible for my career."

Billy Knight persuaded again: "But Amare Stoudemire also received debridement treatment, and he is recovering well..."

Ouyang Haotian interrupted: "Mr. Knight, are you kidding? Stoudemire's current athletic talent can really be compared with his peak period?

From the news I got, the Sun's medical team has always had reservations about Stoudemire's knee, otherwise he would not be traded to New York so easily. "

Nair was about to shake his head to deny it, but Ouyang Haotian further questioned: "Or, you don't care whether Kraft can recover to his best condition at all, but just hope that he will play with his injury and risk his career to come to XX Safeguard the value of the Eagles?"

Ouyang Haotian's rough words pierced the thoughts of the team's new owner Tony Ressler. For the new owner who just won the team, how to ensure that his assets do not depreciate is the most important thing for him. concern.

If the Hawks can't continue to win the championship, the team in a city that lacks attention like Atlanta will inevitably decline.

Of course, Tony Ressler himself also has concerns, because such high-quality assets as Ruan Erniu, if scrapped ahead of time, will inevitably cause him more irreparable losses.

Billy Knight stopped talking. He also came from the player era and knew too well what a terrible injury a torn meniscus is.

It has to be said that as general manager Knight is still not professional enough. He could have put forward the needs of the Hawks more cold-bloodedly, but he did not do so in the end.

On the one hand, Knight has had a good relationship with Erniu for several seasons. On the other hand, Tony Ressler really didn't make up his mind, so Knight didn't bother to be this bad guy.

Mike Woodson on the side didn't understand this truth. Seeing that the negotiations had reached an impasse, he hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Let's adjourn the meeting temporarily. Both parties need to calm down."

At this time, Ruan Daniu suddenly said lightly: "If Kraft really has to be reimbursed in advance due to injury, and the Eagles fail to win the championship, who will be responsible for the loss?"

That's right, this is the key. All parties want to strive for the greatest benefit, but who is willing to bear the greatest share of responsibility? Tony Ressler is just like making money, and he is also weighing the depreciation of Ruan Erniu's asset speed.

A torn meniscus is not a minor injury. There are many players who can return to the court to play, but there are almost no guys who have truly recovered to their peak. This undoubtedly puts Tony Ressler in a dilemma.

The adjournment time was only 10 minutes, Ruan Erniu decided to continue to maintain a tough attitude, and Billy Knight made a compromise after two confirmation calls and after the meeting was resumed, and finally agreed to let Erniu perform a meniscus revision surgery.

Even so, everyone understands that it is difficult for Ruan Erniu and the Eagles to go back to the past. The thorn has already been pierced, and they want to pull it out again, unless both parties find a greater convergence of interests.

Billy Knight took the Eagles management to leave first, but Woodson stayed and had a long talk with Ruan Erniu.

Three years ago, it was he who persisted and brought Ruan Erniu back to the Atlanta Hawks with the No. With mutual trust, they reached the pinnacle of their careers.

Er Niu completed the unprecedented two consecutive MVPs and three consecutive FMVPs in the rookie season. Woodson also completed the impossible task-two consecutive COYs. It is not an exaggeration to say that the two of them are a perfect match. A model of mutual achievement.

"Kraft, you have to have confidence in yourself, and you will definitely be able to return to the top." Woodson said, patting Er Niu on the shoulder.

Ruan Erniu and Woodson gave high-fives, sat in the wheelchair and finished hugging Woodson, and said emotionally: "Anyway, Mike, thank you for bringing me into this league. I will never forget the training you have given me over the years. will forget."

Woodson patted Er Niu on the back again, everything was out of sight.

The operation was scheduled within a week, Ruan Erniu will fly to Los Angeles for the operation accompanied by his girlfriend, manager and Ruan Daniu.

In addition to the attending doctor David Gale, there are 4 medical experts in the field of sports to confirm the surgical plan.

Although Ruan Daniu is about to leave the United States, his contacts still play a vital role.

Er Niu officially announced the operation and the reimbursement for the regular season, and the Internet public opinion in the United States and China suddenly exploded.

This time, the United States and China have reached a high degree of consensus in some aspects.

The Tianchao Basketball Association has become the biggest target of crusade. After all, there is Yao Ming first, and then Er Niu. If the Tianchao Basketball Association has not ignored the health of the athletes and called them many times for high-intensity competitions and long-term closed training, the Tianchao men The two pillars of the basketball team will not suffer a terrible wave of injuries in the same season.

Needless to say, Dayao has potential injuries. Even Er Niu, who has only missed one regular season for three consecutive seasons, will miss all regular seasons. Doubts arose.

In the words of fans of the Eagles and Rockets in the United States: "It is obvious that the Chinese Basketball Association is paying the salary, but why do we have to pay for the injuries accumulated by the players in the international arena?"

Of course, more fans still sent blessings to Ruan and Yao, hoping that they can recover as soon as possible and return to the basketball court in good health.

Where there is secret, there is blackmail. The topic of Ruan Erniu's withdrawal from the national team was also brought up by some guys with ulterior motives. Some malicious guys even said that this is retribution, but they were immediately replied and turned into ghosts downstairs.

Most fans agree that some jerks lack basic morals as a human being.

Er Niu is naturally not interested in these disturbances, he is recuperating in Los Angeles with peace of mind, Dr. Han directly chose to resign to take care of him, and Eddie also transferred to Los Angeles under the operation of Ouyang Haotian this semester.

Even though Er Niu was injured, he really understood the meaning of Ruan Daniu's sneer at this moment. There are some things that you can refuse if you want to?
After getting along with Ms. Mary Han for a long time, I naturally have a lot of free time. If a man and a woman are together, it will be strange if nothing happens.

Facts have proved that the knee injury does not have much impact on that matter, and evil humans can always invent various positions to get the most primitive reproductive behavior.

Leisure days are always short. Just when Er Niu thought he would be abandoned by the entire league, someone suddenly called him, and this was a guy Er Niu never expected.

"How about Kraft, how about coming to the Pacers next season?" Larry Bird said with a smile on the phone.

In fact, the NBA has a clear rule that team managers are not allowed to contact players in private, but everyone in the circle knows that if there are rules, there must be fouls. If there is no private contact, it is impossible to catch big fish in the free market.

As long as you don't get too high-profile in front of the media and expose private contacts, some unspoken rules will always apply.

"Larry, thank you for calling me at this time, but are you sure you're not joking? Are the Pacers not short of insiders?" Er Niu said.

"But we are the top insiders who can decide the outcome. Once you join the Pacers, we will directly qualify for the championship! Darren (Collison, the second best UCLA teammate) is also here with us, plus Danny ( Granger), Roy (Hibert), we can build a team that subverts the league structure." Big Bird continued to bewitch.

Ruan Erniu did not give a clear answer immediately, or he expressed doubts about Big Bird's proposal at all, Ruan Erniu said directly: "Larry, don't forget, even if I enter the free market next year, I will still be subject to Restricted free agency, even if you give me a maximum salary, the Eagles can directly choose to match the contract."

Larry Bird asked with a smile: "Will they? Or, since they are willing to give you a maximum salary, why don't they complete the contract extension with you in advance?"

Ruan Erniu was immediately stopped by the question. The King of the Kings was right. The Hawks must have doubts about their injuries, otherwise they would directly arrange for a maximum salary renewal. It would be their turn to consider using the restriction clause.

Larry Bird didn't talk nonsense. He assured Erniu before hanging up the phone: "I believe that the injury will not hit you, and you will definitely be able to return to the top!"

In any case, Bird, the three-time MVP, was able to maintain trust in Er Niu at such a critical moment, and was willing to provide a maximum salary guarantee at the first time, which still made Er Niu very happy. This is undoubtedly an affirmation of him.

After Bird's call, Er Niu received a call from another player, and the caller was not his teammate, but the Spurs' permanent No. 21 rookie-Tim Duncan.

"Kraft, so you don't consider coming to San Antonio next season?" Deng said blankly.

Ruan Erniu said unceremoniously: "Are you planning to trade Ginobili? Or Tony Parker? Or just trade you?"

Duncan said solemnly: "Why can't everyone lower their salaries a little and welcome your arrival?"


Er Niu was a little stunned, but he still quickly smiled and said, "What? It's also popular in the holy city to cut salaries and hold groups?"

Shi Fu was no longer funny, he said in a serious tone, word by word: "The Spurs will always have only one kind of pop culture, and that is - victory!"

Only then did Er Niu understand that Deng Daida didn't just talk about it casually. These old guys are also unwilling to withdraw from the stage of history when they see the Heat forming the Big Three. Don't look at the seemingly random recruitment of major basic skills, but he is probably serious .

In the next few days, calls to recruit Erniu became more and more, and three of the teams directly expressed their hope in the media that Ruan Erniu would join their team next season.

The first to speak out was James Dolan of the Knicks: "Whether it is a maximum salary contract or a sign-and-trade program with the Atlanta Hawks, except for Stoudemire, I will do whatever it takes to get Kraft* Nguyen back to New York."

Such a high-profile statement made many media who were pessimistic about Erniu feel strange. Didn't Ruan Erniu tear his meniscus?Why is Dolan still so confident in the Celestials?
This group of media only got the team's strength account right, but they didn't get Dolan's economic account right.

For James Dolan, it doesn't matter if Ruan Erniu can't return to the top.

There are too many bad contracts offered by the Big Apple City, but it is not so easy to open up the Chinese market and develop more commercial interests.

Kraft Nguyen is the founder of the Eagles Dynasty even if his status declines. For the Knicks, the commercial value of such a superstar comes first.

After James Dolan, the Mavericks' Mark Cuban made a similar statement.

In his words: "Kafu Nguyen's skills are very comprehensive. Even if he can't play a center, he can also be a swingman or even a guard with his Chinese skills. I will get him at any cost."

There must be a premise for Cuban's words, that is, Dirk Nowitzki is excluded, after all, these two goods are true love.

This craze evolved to the end, and even the owner of the Lakers Jerry Buss also stood up and said that he would join the competition for Ruan Erniu-if he couldn't beat you, he would recruit you.

Kobe was a little embarrassed. He was killed by the Eagles in the Finals twice in three years. If Kraft Ruan Zhen came to the Lakers, who would be the leader of the Zijin Army?

The media suddenly became a little confused, there is no reason!
Shouldn't the Celestials have nowhere to go now, fighting with the Hawks management?
Why all of a sudden there are so many receivers, all of them with the expression of love you forever?
This is not scientific!
In fact, there is nothing unscientific. Erniu's physical fitness is explosive, and his skills are comprehensive. He is not a player who always relies on rushing to maintain competitiveness.

In addition, there are many types of meniscus tears. An injury like Erniu's level, coupled with timely and effective treatment, even if his athletic state declines, he will still be better than most NBA players. Not to mention the commercial interests represented behind Erniu.

In this way, the Hawks management, who tried to use a short contract to get Er Niu, suddenly sat on the wax.

Overwhelmed water is hard to undo, once some things are done, it will be too difficult to recover!
Regardless of the fact that the Eagles still have restricted player options, once the team really chooses to send out a "poison contract", will they take the risk to match, or simply give up Ruan Erniu's priority signing rights?
Once there is a mismatch, other teams will get Ruan Erniu at no extra cost.

But if they choose to match, God knows if Ruan Erniu can regain his status, this is a guarantee that no doctor dares to fight.

"What do you mean? You are the general manager of the Hawks. Why are you asking me this question?" Tony Ressler lost his temper for the first time after he took over the Hawks, and Billy Nye was the one who was scolded. special.

Knight tentatively said: "Judging from the current situation, there are many teams that have ideas for Ruan Erniu. As long as there is salary space, these people may send out a 'poison contract' that we can't think of at any time."

Tony Ressler suppressed his anger and gradually calmed down.

After a while, the owner of the Hawks said: "Apart from renewing Kraft Nguyen's contract in advance, or matching his contract in the future, do we have more proactive ways to avoid losses?"

Billy Knight cursed secretly in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it. There is no good way for him now.

Suddenly, Tony Ressler seemed to have thought of something good, jumped up from the office chair, walked up to Knight and said, "Billy, what if we trade Kraft Nguyen now?"

Could there be a more insane attention than Billy Knight looking at Tony Ressler in disbelief?Don't forget, Ruan Erniu is still in his rookie period.

Even if he is seriously injured, the two-time MVP on the rookie contract is too cheap. Once the Chinese people put it on the shelves, judging from the current situation, there will probably be countless people snapping it up, right?
Just as Billy Knight tried to stop Tony Ressler, the Eagles owner shouted like a magic wand: "I'm a fucking genius!
Change, must change!
How about we don't change any max-salary players, but just change those super rookies who are also in their rookie period?Then let the opponent post the future draft pick!
Isn't Kraft Nguyen a good market?We can definitely make another fortune.

If the opponent's rookie contract has not yet expired, we can retain the Hawks' existing championship lineup to the greatest extent without paying the luxury tax! "

Only then did Billy Knight know that the guy in front of him was indeed not crazy!
But is it really that simple?

In other words, would someone like this come out to bet that Ruan Erniu could return to the top?

Not long after, just before the trade deadline of the 10-11 season, Billy Knight finally confirmed one thing. It turns out that Tony Ressler is indeed not the only lunatic in this world.

 Thanks to the book friend book friend 160426010248017 for the reward!
  Thank you book friend Baiye 74110 for your reward!
  Thank you Master Sheng for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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