Chapter 802
"What did you find me?"

"Don't you know that there is a thing called the Internet in this world?
For a famous person like you, as long as you type in Google and hit enter, there will always be a lot of information popping up. I just need to find the nearest itinerary. "Ruan Erniu smiled and went forward to shake hands with the white-haired senior, well, there was a bit of flattery in his honest smile.

Inside and outside the league, there are really few people who can make Ruan Erniu bow his head, but the old man in front of him is definitely one of them, because his name is Jerry West.

Needless to say, the influence of the LOGO man, you can tell what kind of character he is just by looking at his nickname. As the only player in history who lost the finals and still won the FMVP, Jerry West is simply a living legend.

Of course, Ruan Erniu values ​​West, but there is another important reason, that is his unique vision in the draft.

The Lakers SHOWTIME lineup was created by him. At the end of the 20th century, he traded Divac for Kobe and won O'Neal from the free market, which brought the Lakers back to the top.

In fact, it is precisely because West is so good that the outstanding Lakers owner Jerry Buss eventually parted ways with this old guy.

In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, the four words "Gao Gao Zhen Zhu" are not casually talked about.

Of course, West, who has devoted almost all of his career to the Lakers, still has not forgotten his old club, otherwise he would not turn around and promote Pau Gasol to join the Lakers later.

Can this be regarded as West's eating inside and outside?
Certainly not, because as early as the summer of 07, West left the Grizzlies and became a free agent. Since he did not continue to work for the Grizzlies, it is naturally not a lack of professional ethics.

In fact, the deal for the Grizzlies may not be considered a loss. Judging from this season's playoffs, the signing rights of Marc Gasol traded from the Lakers played a vital role. After all, the Grizzlies have become Grizzlies. The foundation of the bear's rise.

In contrast, the behavior of the Timberwolves general manager McHale was somewhat selfish.

Don't look at him trading Garnett for half the team, but from a long-term perspective, this will not help the Timberwolves' rise at all.

As far as the Celtics are concerned, this deal gives them the ultimate capital to launch the championship.

It can be said with certainty that the refrigerator is true love for Lvkai!

"Tell me specifically, what is the purpose of looking for me?" Jerry West chatted casually with Ruan Erniu beside him while enjoying the golf game.

Er Niu didn't beat around the bush, and said directly: "I want to ask you to be the basketball consultant of the Los Angeles Clippers. I have already asked for Mr. Sterling's consent on this issue."

The LOGO man paused, instead of refusing on the spot, he changed the subject and said, "Kraft, why did you renew your contract with the Clippers? This is not a team with the strength to hit the championship."

Ruan Erniu nodded and said: "It is precisely because of this that it is challenging. In the first four years of my career, I won honors that most players would never get in their lifetime. I am very lucky, but I know very well that true greatness must It’s going to take setbacks and failures, and I’m ready for that.”

Er Niu was reading Yi Xitian's "Three Kingdoms" recently. Due to the lectures of hundreds of schools in the imperial court a few years ago, Cao Cao, who had always been regarded as a treacherous villain by the general public, instantly became a positive figure.

However, Erniu felt that while Cao Cao was popular, Liu Bei, who was turned into a mother in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", was more admirable.

Not to mention, Liu Bei took the initiative to whip the postmaster in his early years, and Zhang Fei probably couldn't whip him either. Some historians estimate that Zhang Fei was only 13 years old when Liu Bei whipped the postmaster.

The later Shu Han ancestors even voted for Gongsun, Tao Qian, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Liu Biao. They failed and defected all the way.

Changing his master five times and losing his wife four times, these are just eight words in the history books, but the setbacks and tribulations involved, for a man, I am afraid that it is definitely not clear in one or two sentences.

It is too legendary for such a man to be able to be one-third of the world in the end.

Among the founders of the tripartite trio, Liu Bei's background is the worst, and the identity of the emperor's uncle was later confirmed. He was originally just a straw sandal seller.

In comparison, Cao Cao was born in a family of officials and eunuchs, and Sun Quan's father and brother had already laid down the country.

But it was such a downcast man who, in the last 20 years of his life, was still complaining to Liu Biao about the resurrection of his flesh and blood, but finally seized the opportunity and became the founding emperor of Shu Han.

The more experience a person has, the more he knows how precious the spirit of perseverance is.

It is admirable for Cao Cao to be in the place of the Four Wars, and the protagonist mode is admirable. It is also admirable to be reincarnated like Sun Quan and stick to the country. But like Liu Bei, who has experienced failures and setbacks, he can succeed. The existence of counterattack is really too inspirational.

In the history of the Celestial Dynasty, there has never been a lack of heroes who dared to risk their lives to make contributions. In the duel with Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao was unflappable in the face of danger and shouted: "A man would rather rush forward to die and hide behind the wall. Can you survive!" (Original text: A real man is fighting to the death, but he is running away from the evil between the walls?)

Such a character can really be summed up in the eight words "external lenient and internal taboo, resourceful but less decisive"?
It can only be said that some people's brain circuits can't escape the vicious circle of "winner and loser".

You know, if Yuan Shao, who lost the battle of Guandu, hadn't died of illness so quickly, it would not be so easy for Cao Cao to calm down Hebei in seven or eight years.

There are many people like Yuan Shao. For example, Xiang Yu, who refused to cross Jiangdong, really returned to Jiangdong to recuperate. It is unknown when he will make a comeback!
There is also Emperor Sui Yang, the first emperor who established prefectures and counties in the Western Regions. If he could take a break after losing the first war with Goguryeo and let the country take a breather, who dares to say that the Sui Dynasty will definitely succeed in the second generation? Death.

In fact, Li Shimin, who was later touted as the emperor of the ages, did this. If he can't win, he won't fight. In the hands of his son, Emperor Li Zhi, Xue Rengui's 2 mobile troops completely wiped out Goguryeo .

Well, also, Goguryeo has nothing to do with Bangziguo, they are not the same nation at all.

Is failure terrible?


Many undefeated strong men may fall down in a certain failure, but the real strong man, like Liu Bei, will grow up amidst the hardships again and again, and reach the pinnacle of his life.

Er Niu was reflecting on himself while recuperating from his injury, and he was also constantly learning. He admired Liu Bei more and more. A real master should not be afraid of failure and challenges.

Of course, Jerry West couldn't think of Erniu's recent changes in thinking. For the LOGO man, he is also weighing.

If he was really afraid of failure, he would have retired directly after leaving the Lakers. Why go to the Grizzlies to strive for a new breakthrough in his career?
After all, the LOGO man dares to try!
However, West still did not agree to Ruan Erniu's request in the end: "Unfortunately, Kraft, you are late! I have already agreed to Joe Lacob's invitation, and I will go to the Golden State Warriors next season as the team leader. consultant."

Er Niu said resolutely: "But Oakland is not your home after all. I think, if you stay in Los Angeles, you can be closer to home."

Jerry West laughed: "But I'm also a little closer to Donald Sterling, the madman."

Ruan Erniu was speechless for a moment. He didn't expect the LOGO man to look down on Sterling so much. With such a boss, it would be too difficult for the employees to carry out their work. This is simply a hell mode.

It's no wonder that for a manager like West who has worked with such an excellent boss like Jerry Buss for many years, it would be strange if he didn't have basic requirements for the team boss.

However, Jerry West did not completely disappoint Er Niu, he continued: "Choosing Sterling and the Clippers is equivalent to choosing the most difficult path.

Kraft, I admire your courage, so I decided to give you an assist.

Do you know what you need most right now?

Not a team consultant, but a great team of assistant coaches, and I think one of them should be a good fit for your current needs. "

"Who?" Ruan Erniu asked hastily.

"Steve Kerr, a guy who just voluntarily resigned from the position of general manager of the Suns." Jerry West said, "If you need, I can call him immediately. I am still very interested in the offer of an assistant coach."

"Thank you so much!" Ruan Erniu shook hands with West again. In any case, this was a pleasant surprise.

Although he didn't get his favorite Jerry West, a guy with championship experience like Steve Kerr is also a talent that Er Niu urgently needs.

In fact, Er Niu has long paid attention to Cole. This guy is also a standard strongman who dares to use today's self to defeat yesterday's self.

Seeing that the Suns couldn't play a positional battle, they immediately admitted their mistakes, changed course, gave up O'Neal, recruited Gentry, and brought Phoenix back to the Western Conference Finals stage.

Steve Kerr made a quick decision after receiving West's call. He called Er Niu and expressed his willingness to accept the position of assistant coach of the Clippers.

Ruan Erniu was overjoyed, and immediately brought Neil O'Sher to Cole's house.

But after meeting, Er Niu said regretfully: "Steve, let me tell you first, I can't give you the position of the first assistant coach at present, because this position has just been reserved."

"Who?" Cole said angrily.

Ruan Erniu spread his hands and said, "Just before I received your call, I received a call from another person..."

Time went back to a few days ago, just after the Celtics were eliminated by the Heat 4:1, Ruan Erniu made a phone call to his old teammate in the rookie season - Tyronn Lue, who is now serving as the Celtics. assistant coach duties.

"Tayron, come to Los Angeles to help me. I'm building my own team of assistant coaches. Let's pursue the championship together in Los Angeles!" Facing his old teammates, Ruan Erniu spoke directly of himself demands.

Tyronn Lue thought for a few seconds, then readily agreed: "No problem, in fact, I really don't have a chance at the Celtics, and the management may be ready to rebuild."

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "It's a matter of course. The Big Three are not young. They didn't win the Eagles in their peak years, let alone win the Heat now. This series has already declared the death penalty for the Green Army."

"By the way, you still have a shortage of first assistants. I want to recommend someone." Tyronn Lu said.

"You mean yourself?" Ruan Erniu laughed again.

"NO!" Tyronn Lue immediately gave a negative, and said the final answer, "I'm talking about Tom Thibodeau. Green Kai decided not to renew his contract. Now he is a free man."

Ruan Erniu nodded and said: "Thibodeau's defense is really good. Let him call me. If he is willing to condescend to come to the Clippers as an assistant coach, I think he is undoubtedly qualified for this position."

Erniu's defense against Green Kai is still fresh in my memory. Objectively speaking, Green Kai's zone defense is suffocating. Whether it is Woodson of the Eagles or Larry Drew who went to the Bulls, they have absorbed it to varying degrees. The essence of the Green Army's defense.

It should be said that even if it is an enemy, Thibodeau, who is in charge of the defense of the Green Army, is a respectable opponent.

Sure enough, Thibodeau called Erniu. Although his first head coaching trip was not successful, it did not prevent this basketball lunatic, who was not even married, from continuing to devote himself to his next job.


"Kraft, I want to ask you, why did you choose me, a failed general manager, to be the team's assistant coach?" Niu is very interested in the coaching philosophy of the newly promoted player and head coach.

Ruan Erniu asked back: "Steve, do you think I am better at playing traditional positional warfare or playing small ball?"

Cole immediately opened his mouth and said, "Of course..."

He stopped, because this is indeed not an easy question to answer, and the 2-consecutive MVP is indeed not an easy player to be positioned.

He seems to be better at playing small balls that emphasize offensive and defensive transitions, but in positional battles, Ruan Erniu's low-post skills and ability to protect the basket should not be underestimated.

Ruan Erniu nodded and said, "If I had to find a reason, it would be that you have experienced both.

Steve, the future trend of the league must be small ball. This fact cannot be changed by anyone, but this does not mean that the offense and defense of the position are not important.

If you want me to find a reason to hire you, then I can only say that your experience in the Suns makes me believe that you have enough experience and thoughts on the future trend of basketball. "

Cole smiled again, this time the creases at the corners of his eyes were more pronounced, white people always look old easily, even Cole was handsome when he was young.

In this way, Ruan Erniu got another assistant coach member, plus the original Natalie Nakase of the Clippers, he now has Tom Thibodeau, Steve Kerr, Tyronn Lue, etc. Four assistant coaches.

The Celestials are still not satisfied, and he still hopes to get more helpers, but before that, the Eastern and Western finals have already decided the winner.

While Ruan Erniu was searching for an assistant coach, he also allocated some energy to the upcoming 10-11 season finals.

(End of this chapter)

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