Standing pretty old

Chapter 803 Veteran Driver Racing and Getting Lost in the NBA

Chapter 803 Veteran Driver Racing and Getting Lost in the NBA
When it comes to the finals, it is natural to talk about the NBA East and West finals that ended not long ago.

The first is the Eastern Conference finals. The Miami Heat finally defeated the defending champion with a total score of 4:3, and the Eagles dynasty finally collapsed.

The better performer in G1 of the Eastern Conference Finals was the Atlanta Hawks.

Jon Jonson made 22 of 10 shots, including 7 of 3 three-pointers and 6 of 5 free throws. He scored 28 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists in a single game.

But Blake Griffin performed poorly. He made only 14 of 4 shots and hit the basket several times, but only got 4 free throws and only hit 1 goal.

But Griffin, who successfully undercovered on the offensive end, is not completely without advantages. At least he did a good job protecting the frame in this game. He got 14 rebounds in the game.

The Heat's loss was mainly on their own offensive end. D. Wade made 17 of 7 shots from the field, and James was even more invisible, only 15 of 5 shots from the field.

It should be said that Barnes, Jon Jonsen, Hinrich and others on the outside of the Hawks, as well as Pachulia, Griffin, and Anderson on the inside, did a good job in zone defense, and they were very good at the defensive end in G1. Lived the performance of the Heat's Big Three.

Among the Big Three of the Heat, only Chris Bosh, who made 17 of 12 shots and 6 of 6 free throws, performed brilliantly. He scored the highest score of the night with 30 points and 9 rebounds. The Heat player who was suppressed by the Hawks.

The Miami people who lost their first home game woke up like a dream.

That's right, their opponents do lack the active No.1 Ruan Erniu, but after all, the Hawks have been the rulers of the past three seasons, and the Big Three of the Heat have no right to despise their opponents yet.

After the start of G2, the Heat immediately increased their defense against Jon Jonson. D. Wade and James even resorted to the tactics of switching defenses in turn to consume Jon Jonson.

In this battle, Jiongsen finally exposed his own disadvantages.

His shooting ability can indeed squeeze into the first line of the league, but his physical fitness is indeed too average in front of the top players in the NBA.

When the opponent's defensive pressure is all on him, Jon Jonson's scoring methods seem to rely too much on skills.

Under the defense of Dian Wei (D. Wade read faster) and LeBron (LeBron read faster), the current leader of the Hawks can either step back and shoot a jumper, or can only use the rhythm to get to the basket , Throwing shots, the efficiency will inevitably drop sharply.

Or it should be said that when dealing with most players in this league, even if Jon Jonson can't be unsolvable, he can almost maintain a stable output in the game.But when encountering a player with the top physical talent and defensive attitude, the contemporary word of contemporary Jordan immediately became a mockery.

Without Ruan Erniu to share the pressure for Jon Jonson, Jon Jonson can only prove that he is a contemporary Pippen, not the real Jordan.

Lebron dominated the game that night. He made 21 of 12 shots, including 6 of 2 three-pointers and 6 of 2 free throws. He scored 29 points, 10 rebounds, and 5 assists. In fact, his efficiency is not counted. High, but after all, Zhan Huang made a bloody way under the defense of the Eagles.

Griffin lost himself again, and after the Griffin arrived in the playoffs, he barely recovered to his most brave state in the regular season.

On the one hand, this is a problem with the Hawks' player allocation, and on the other hand, this does prove that Griffin is still a rookie after all.

In G1 and G2, Mike Bibby, who signed with the Heat as a free agent, is a player who has received a lot of attention from the media, but the Heat starter has been undercover for two consecutive games.

He made 1 of 4 shots in G1, and 2 of 6 shots in G1. Although the Eagles lost to him, the White Devil is indeed old, and he can no longer contribute to the existing Heat system.

Even if the Heat won the ball in G2, Spoelstra's behavior of forcing Bibby into the starting lineup is also questionable.

G3 returned to Atlanta, the Heat made another victory, and the winning method was basically the same as G2.

The difference is that both Lebron and the doctor went berserk, and Dian Wei took care of Jijisen on the defensive end alone. In the struggle between 193 Jordan and contemporary Jordan, the former gradually occupied the upper peak.

The defending champions, who fell behind 2:1, once again lost their home court advantage, and they had no way out in G4.

In the end Dragic stood up and scored 33 points in a single game, and the claw machine who scored 22 points in the half took over the game smoothly in the second half.

The Heat are not without flaws, at least in the first position, neither Mike Bibby nor Mario Chalmers can handle the claw machine in the state.

G5 returned to Miami, but it was the Atlanta Hawks who won Tianwangshan. The claw machine continued the excellent performance of the previous game, and the game did not decide the winner until the last quarter.

First, Jon Jonson scored consecutive three-pointers under tremendous defensive pressure, and then Matt Barnes, who was busy restricting D. Wade throughout the game, scored a lore from beyond the three-point line.

86:83, the Hawks won Game 6, but no one was happy, because in this game, Eclipse injured his ankle in the fourth quarter and left the game early.

After the diagnosis, the Eagles announced on their official website that the eclipse will be on a truce for at least half a month, which means that he will almost certainly miss the next Eastern Conference finals.

This undoubtedly made the Atlanta Hawks who had just won the match point feel desperate. The performance of the eclipse on the offensive end was mediocre, and it failed to completely handle Lebon on the defensive end. force.

In G6, the Heat returned to Atlanta for a life-and-death battle. After a harsh defensive battle, the Miamis finally had the last laugh. They stubbornly tied the big score to 3:3 and brought the game back to Miami.

Neither side of G7 had any retreat, but the Atlanta Hawks without the eclipse could no longer stop the Heat's crazy offensive.

At 93:103, the Heat won the tiebreaker at home. In the first year when the Big Three gathered, they led the team to the finals.

The Atlanta fans who have been used to winning in the past few seasons obviously couldn't accept this fact. Some radical fans even played the slogan "Tony Ressler get out", and the other player who was shot while lying down was naturally Blake* Griffin, who blamed him for being the man who only changed Ruan Erniu?
Billy Knight was finally forced to stand up and take responsibility. The general manager of the Eagles who worked honestly and obediently was fired. Everyone understood that he was just a scapegoat.

Ruan Erniu wrote on Twitter: "I wish the Eagles a comeback next season, ex-Hawks player - Kraft Nguyen."

As Er Niu's tweets were retweeted one after another, Atlanta fans once again directed their anger at Tony Ressler. This time it was not as simple as writing slogans, all kinds of satirical caricatures and burning heads were used.

Tony Ressler can't even be on the streets of Atlanta these days for fear of being attacked by crazy Eagles fans.

In fact, Ressler's decision was not necessarily wrong at the time.

Griffin is younger and has more potential, but Ruan Erniu suffered a serious injury such as a torn meniscus. Given the attributes of most Chinese people, who would dare to put all their treasures on the heads of Chinese people? .

But if you lose, you lose. From the moment the defending champion was eliminated, all doubts emerged.

The angry Atlanta fans wishful thinking that even if Ruan Erniu, who came back early in the playoffs with an injury, will definitely perform better than the seemingly fierce Griffin.

Active No.1 has such a charm that fans ignore the most basic objective laws.

After the prosperity and decline, the Atlanta Hawks have once again reached the downhill stage. It is not easy for them to keep the Eclipse and the claw machine at the same time in the new season.

In fact, since the trading of Ruan Erniu, this dynastic team has already entered the countdown to collapse.

The Eastern Conference finals were thrilling, but the Western Conference finals were decided within a relatively short period of time.

The Dallas Mavericks beat the Thunder with a total score of 4:1 and advanced to the finals with their heads held high.

Throughout the entire series, the performance of the old German driver is simply superb. He averaged 40.6 minutes per game, 17.6 shots, 9.8 hits, and a shooting percentage of 55.7%. The shooting rate reached 2.2%, averaged 0.8 free throws per game, hit 36.4 times, and hit 12.2%. The silver horn king's average data per game in the Western Conference Finals was 11.8 points, 96.7 rebounds, and 32.2 assists.

Even Ruan Erniu, who watched the video, had to admit that Nowitzki in this state cannot be guarded, and he solved all problems by himself.

With 17.6 shots, he can efficiently score 32.2 points. With such a scoring efficiency, the old driver is indeed the best inside player in the NBA besides the peak Brute.

Objectively speaking, Duncan and Garnett are not as good as Nowitzki in terms of single-point scoring.

Durant's average field goal percentage in this round of the series is only 42.9%. Facts have proved that it is not only Westbrook who can guard Durant, but also Sean Marion.

And Thunder's biggest undercover agent is Russell Westbrook, Er Niu's friend.

Westbrook, who averaged only 36.0% shooting per game, lost himself under the defense of the old Kidd and Deshaun Stevenson.

The Thunder ultimately lost out on their youth, even though they had done a good enough job on the way to eliminate the Nuggets and Grizzlies.

In this way, the champions of the East and West were born one after another. The Miami Heat and the Dallas Mavericks met again on the stage of the Finals, which reminds people of the 06 Finals.

The Mavericks led by Nowitzki once led the Heat with a total score of 2:0, but in the end D. Wade transformed into 193 Jordan and directly took over the following games. With the help of O'Neal, he tasted the total score for the first time in his career. The taste of a champion.

Five years have passed, and the two teams met again in the finals. However, the lineups of the two teams have long been different.

Before the start of the finals, experts from all walks of life were almost overwhelmingly optimistic about the Heat with the Big Three.

At least from the scene, the Dallas Mavericks really lack the championship appearance, the three-core Heat VS single-core Mavericks, will there be any suspense in such a game?
Ruan Erniu rarely said on Twitter and Weibo: "I have a good relationship with James and D. Wade, but to be honest, I think Dallas is underestimated. The Mavericks are definitely not a team that can be slaughtered." team."

Finals G1 kicked off in Miami, and the two sides fought very anxiously in the first battle. It was almost at the end of the last quarter that the Heat succeeded in gaining a score advantage enough to establish a victory.

G2 continued to start in Miami, and it was also the last quarter. This time it was Dirk Nowitzki who stood up and sealed his throat with a sword.

James' biggest weakness is exposed here, his post-back ability is too poor.

Facing the Mavericks' zone defense, the Heat's breakthroughs were largely restrained, so someone must stand up and carve out a sky in the high and low positions, or directly shoot a gap from outside the three-point line.

The latter is very difficult, but the former is even more desperate.

The incident that made veteran NBA fans burst out laughing just happened. A man named JJ* Barea stood firmly behind James, put one hand on the waist of the Chosen One, and then...

There is no more, James has been blocked one after another, and Barea can't be touched at all. James is so anxious that he even directly fouls Barea in frustration.

Since G2, the balance of the game has tilted.

When G3 came to Dallas, D. Wade dreamed back to 06. He turned on the killing mode alone and led the team to fight against the Mavericks again. James then entered a stealth state, and his presence was weak throughout the game.

But it needs to be pointed out that in the end Bosh made the final shot, which was an assist from LeBon.

However, that's about it.

The Miami people who won G3 and led 2:1 have nothing to be excited about, because they have to admit that the victory of this game, in the final analysis, is that the Mavericks themselves performed too badly on the offensive end.

Sure enough, after the game came to G4, the Mavericks will usher in a collective explosion. As for the Heat, even if D. Wade scored 32 points, it would be difficult to stop the team from swallowing the bitter fruit of the defeat.

In this game, James' data was 8 points, 9 rebounds, and 7 assists.

2:2, the two teams tied with a big score, but fans who paid a little attention to the game found that the Heat have shown signs of decline.

In other words, as long as James can't find his form, they will lose sooner or later.

G5 confirmed the views of these football-savvy fans. James, who scored 17 points, 10 rebounds, and 10 assists, seemed to be back in form, but his 42% shooting rate and 19 shots in the game were still desperate. Impossible James.

Under the overall defense of the Mavericks and the top defense of Marion, Kidd, Barea and others, James has completely lost himself.

In the coming small ball era, the post-up technique is increasingly ignored, and players always prefer to use the face basket to solve the battle.

But when it comes time to fight to the death, who dares to say that the back-up technique is useless, anyway, James has been taught to be a man in the finals.

Winning G5 means that the Mavericks got the match point on their home court.


James finally recovered, but it was too late. Jason Terry took over the game with his precise shooting. The Jets made 16 of 11 shots, including 7 of 3 three-pointers and 4 of 2 free throws. That night, he scored a game-high 27 points.

4:2, the Dallas Mavericks finally reached the finals!
 Thanks to the book friend Halseisen for the reward!Thank you Immortal Immortal Eternal Immortal reward!
  Push a new book "Basketball God".

(End of this chapter)

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