Standing pretty old

Chapter 838 List of Eastern and Western Finals

Chapter 838 List of Eastern and Western Finals

The Grizzlies have lost two away games in a row, and both fans and experts have no hope for their future.

The crux of the problem is that they didn't lose to the Clippers at the moment of life and death, but they lost twice in a row due to lack of follow-up, and were overtaken by their opponents in the second half of the game.

In the just-concluded G1 and G2, the Clippers were also leading at halftime, but were finally reversed in the second half. This undoubtedly proves that the Clippers overwhelmed the Grizzlies in terms of overall strength.

Er Niu said at the press conference after the game: "We will continue to stay focused in the next game. As long as we don't make mistakes, the Clippers must be the one who can advance to the Western Conference Finals."

Treat yourself as invincible, and treat the enemy as victorious.

The strong need stability, and only a relatively weak team like the Grizzlies will think about winning the victory in a desperate way.

The overdraft-style explosion can indeed give them a half-time lead, but there are always 48 minutes in a game.

Before leading the team to Memphis, Ruan Erniu said to Dr. Han who was raising the children at home: "I think if we hurry up, we can resolve the battle directly in Memphis."

Han Meimei said, "Then who do you think your opponent in the Western Conference Finals will be, the Spurs or the Thunder?"

"RUSS (Russell's abbreviation)! Of course I hope he advances, and to be honest, I don't think San Antonio's old arms and legs will be able to stop OKC." Ruan Erniu expressed his attitude straightforwardly.

At present, the Thunder and the Spurs have played 1:1 in the second round, which is undoubtedly more beneficial to the Thunder, because they have gained home court advantage in the first two away games.

If the old friends of UCLA can meet in the Western Conference Finals, this must be something to look forward to.

On May 5, U.S. time, the Clippers arrived in Memphis, where they will compete against the Grizzlies for G19 at the FedEx Arena.

The starting lineups of both sides have not changed, and both sides follow the style of "don't talk, just do it".

The defense like a meat grinder interrupted the progress of the game in various ways, and the sound of whistles and iron strikes filled the arena.

That's right, not only will the Grizzlies not change course, but they will continue to put all their eggs in one basket, betting all their treasures on the defensive end, trying to use the most tragic physical confrontation to block the Clippers' offensive pace.

It was in this confrontation that Er Niu and San Pao once again showed their superstar demeanor.

Due to Jordan’s foul troubles and leaving the field early, Er Niu took this opportunity to score 51 points and 30 rebounds, including 14 offensive rebounds. Countless second-attack opportunities caused the Grizzlies to collapse.
And Sanpao also scored 25 points and 13 assists, especially in the third quarter, scoring 11 points in a row, helping the team successfully harvest the game.

At 119:72, the Los Angeles Clippers in the away game got the match point, and they were only one game away from advancing to the second round.

In all second-round games, the Clippers and Grizzlies are the fastest teams to decide the winner.

Interestingly, the Grizzlies, which should have been hit by various blows, have received a lot of encouragement.

Because of being able to face the impact of the Clippers directly, leading the Clippers three times in the half, this team has already gained the expectations of the fans.

It is another Los Angeles team-the Lakers who are responsible for laying the gun.

The words of Jaylen Rose, who is both black and black, are undoubtedly representative: "Although I don't want to admit it, Kraft Nguyen has indeed left Kobe Bryant far behind. Bynum, Gasol Must it be worse than Chris Paul? The Lakers have at least three All-Star players, while the Clippers have two.

As for the Grizzlies, I think they are undoubtedly underestimated. I think that if they are also in a healthy state, Gasol and Griffin can both make the All-Stars, and Randolph can also make it. "

Kobe, who was once again compared with the bull, did not stand up and say a few bold words.

On the one hand, he continued to urge the Lakers management to find better helpers to help him win the championship in the summer; on the other hand, he was also trying his best to win the heart of his wife Vanessa.

In fact, the drama of the Kobe couple's separation and reunion began in December 2011. It is said that the cause was that Kobe was caught by Vanessa when he was having an affair. As a result, Vanessa, who couldn't bear it, filed for divorce.

Since the two parties did not sign a pre-nuptial property agreement, according to relevant laws, it is entirely possible for Vanessa to share half of Kobe's property and obtain the custody rights of her two daughters.

In this regard, Kobe himself must be unacceptable. In other words, he still wants to save this marriage. After all, he even broke up with his parents in order to marry Vanessa.

It should be said that in terms of personal life, Kobe's problems have never been small, and the Eagle County incident has a high probability of being tainted, so the divorce incident completely tore up his label of a good man.

The woman who stood up to defend her husband at the beginning couldn't stand the man's infidelity, which shows that they really encountered a big crisis.

However, Jennifer Lawrence said sharply to Er Niu on the phone: "Look, even if Vanessa divorces Kobe, she will definitely seek reunion."

Er Niu asked puzzledly, "Why?"

The little fat girl smiled and said: "Don't you know that there are women who are born for the camera lens? Vanessa is more concerned about the identity of Mrs. Bryant. With this identity, she can shine in front of the camera .”

"That means she is always in control of Kobe?" Er Niu asked rhetorically.

"Probably so, but I don't think Mrs. Bryant is very attractive. The most sought-after throne is now called Mrs. Ruan." The little fat girl said with some generality, "Unfortunately, this position is getting farther and farther away from me. !"

Ruan Erniu: "..."

NBA stars are also human beings, and human beings have emotions and desires, but in the final analysis, fans are most concerned about their performance on the court.

Looking back at Memphis, the Grizzlies, who have no way out, need to fight for their dignity in G4. The 0:3 lag has made them lose the possibility of advancing again, so win a face-saving game at home, It is their best curtain call of the season.

The battle between the two teams in G4 was the game with the smallest score difference in the entire series.

The score between the two sides was very tight from the beginning of the game. Often when one side played a small climax, the other side would immediately give another wave of aggressive offensive. At the end of halftime, the Clippers only led their opponents by 3 points.

In the critical third quarter, the two sides still failed to find an opportunity to quickly expand the score advantage in the fierce confrontation.

It wasn't until the last quarter of the game that Erniu succeeded in consecutive low-post singles against Randolph at the last minute, and used the most efficient turnaround low-post jumper to help the team take the game away.

At 97:101, the Clippers did not give the Memphis people any chance. They advanced to the Western Conference Finals with a total score of 4:0. They swept their opponents with a total score of 4:0 in two consecutive rounds and advanced smoothly.

The Clippers game is over, but the other series in the second round of the East and West are still in full swing.

It was the lower half of the Eastern Conference that ended the series the fastest. The Heat eliminated the Pacers with a total score of 4:2 and became the first team in the Eastern Conference to advance to the conference finals.

LeBron James' performance exploded, averaging 30 points, 10 rebounds, and 6.8 assists per game in the series. He is a well-deserved core leader of the Heat.

After last year's failure, the Big Three also understood that a super team must have a core leader to lead the team. The usual humility cannot solve the problem. At critical moments, a leader must stand up and carry the audience.

There is no doubt that with D. Wade gradually showing signs of decline due to injury, James has become the only choice for the Heat.

It should be said that the Heat's win was a bit thrilling. Although they greatly outperformed their opponents in two-point shooting percentage, they lost a lot to their opponents in three-point shooting percentage. This is also an important reason why the Heat will lose to their opponents in the series reason.

In the comparison of rebounds, the Pacers also averaged 41.7 rebounds per game better than the Heat who averaged 40.5 times per game.

If it weren't for the fact that James, who appeared more in the low post, was too efficient, and Paul George and Bledsoe hadn't grown up, maybe the Heat might really capsize.

Danny Granger, as the leader of the team, should undoubtedly stand up and take some responsibility.

He averaged only 13.3 points per game in the series, and his shooting percentage was suppressed to 37.7%. Although he made 36.4% of his three-pointers, this data is still unqualified for a leader.

Sister Lan played badly, but Bosh had no chance to fight!

If you have to vote for an MVP for this series, maybe Chris Bosh is a fantastic option to consider.

Let's take a look at Bosh's stats:
Averaged 13 points, 5 rebounds, 0 assists?

16 minutes per game?

That's right, because Bosh was injured in G1 and did not appear in the game after this round of the series, which also explains why James is so determined to appear in the low post.

It is said that the Heat sacrificed Bosh to fulfill James, but in fact, the stories that some people swear by, there are always some accidental stories that are unknown, or that were not clear at the time.

It should be said that from the beginning of this round of the series, both James and the Heat have firmly established Bosh's idea of ​​pulling the ball inside and James playing the fourth position.

Just as the two bulls are to the Eagles, the Heat also have an insight into the key to offensive and defensive transitions in real games.

A low-post player with the ability to pass the ball is a big killer in the transition between offense and defense. Whether it is a breakthrough with the ball on its own, or a pass after receiving a rebound, it is a tactical starting point that can directly launch a surprise attack on the other half.

With the antecedents, let's talk about the consequences.

In addition to James and D. Wade both broke out and helped the team defeat the Pacers and advance to the next round with the attitude of double MVP, Chris Bosh is also rushing forward on the road to "wave one board".

Therefore, even superstars cannot be injured in key games, because often when you come back, things have already changed.

Lost Bosh, but also played 6 games with the Pacers and finally advanced. The strength of the Heat makes people look forward to the next Eastern Conference Finals.

On the other hand, the thrilling performance of the Celtics and the 76ers playing 7 games before finally advancing to the Eastern Conference Finals caught most fans by surprise.

People said that Lvkai's old problem was repeated.

Erniu thinks that this is not Lukai's old problem again, but that this team that has been hyped up since 07 has always been overestimated on the offensive end.

Facing the defense of the 76ers, the Celtics averaged only 89.1 points per game. If it weren't for the 76ers' lack of scoring points, they could only score 85.4 points per game. It's really hard to say which team will advance it is good.

There are always Green Kai fans who like to defend the Big Three, saying that the Green Army is just slow, and they will definitely win the game in key games.

Putting aside the likes and dislikes of the Big Three themselves, just look at Pierce, Ray Allen, Garnett, and the peak regular season scoring averages of the three, respectively: 26.8 points, 26.2 points, and 24.2 points.

You know, these three guys are all guys with unlimited shooting rights in their respective teams, so they couldn't make a 30+, or even 28+. If you have to say that the Big Three of the Green Army are also top-notch on the offensive end, it is true. Enough nonsense.

Objectively speaking, as long as one of the Big Three has a stronger desire to score, maybe Er Niu will not be able to lead the Hawks to defeat these old guys in his rookie season.

The Heat and the Celtics will play the Eastern Conference Finals, which can be regarded as the well-deserved Eastern Conference Finals.

In Er Niu's view, the Heat's winning percentage is still a little higher.

After all, Bosh is very likely to come back in the Eastern Conference Finals, and the Heat's Big Three are stronger than their opponents in terms of age and offensive talent.

If the Clippers can reach the Finals, they will most likely face the more mature Miami Heat.

People without thought, he must worry about!
But the near worry is the near worry. After talking about the second round of confrontation in the Eastern Conference, let's talk about the Clippers' opponent in the Western Conference Finals-the Oklahoma City Thunder.

The young OKC finally defeated the older SAS with a big score of 4:2.

The Spurs undoubtedly played more holistically. As for the Thunder, they were hammering from start to finish.

Yes, Du Shao rounded off Westbrook, Westbrook finished Ha Shao round, Ha Shao rounded Du Shao and another round, and then the Spurs were rounded to death!
Fans who have watched the series have a feeling that talented basketball is awesome, what basketball is five players is pure nonsense, and the game belongs to superstars.

Durant, in particular, played MVP-level performance in this series, averaging 18.2 shots per game, shooting 53.2% from the field, 35.7% from the three-point range, 9.3 free throws per game, and 91.1% from the field. The performance of scoring + rebounds + assists per game is: 29.5+7.5+5.3.

This is clearly Dirk Nowitzki from last year.

Could it be that the young Thunder is really going to reach the top?
It's a pity that they have to cross the Clippers first.

No matter how strong Durant's average data is, it is still a bit behind the Bulls.

Bulls averaged 24.1 shots per game, shooting 64.8% from the field, including 41.7% from three-pointers, 9.7 free throws per game, 90.1% from free throws, 45.1 points per game, 21.5 rebounds per game, and 4.9 rebounds per game. Assists [-] times.

In addition to the assist data, Erniu's overall data is better than the regular season.

The terrifying Celestial Demon King is in his prime.

The Clippers are a dual-core team?
Come on, it's clearly Kraft Nguyen's one-man team!
Er Niu is quite looking forward to the arrival of the division finals, but before that, he has other gains, because the NBA's various individual awards and various best teams have finally come to the time to be fully announced.

(End of this chapter)

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